Nivea Harris

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Nivea Harris


Number The star

Number the stars .there are two best friends Annemarie and Ellen , Ellen
is Jewish and Annemarie is German and they live in Germany . They live in
a little nieborhood where there are a lot of houses and things. one time
they found-out that there uncle-Henrike was lying to Annemarie and her
parents about there great- Ant birth had dead from a desies but
Annemarie ,parents believed uncle- Henrike but Annemarie said that
they dont have a great-ant-Birth she doesnt egiesiste .The next-day
Annemarie told her parents every-thing about what uncle-Henrik said and
Annemarie parents where sad because he lied to them and to Annemarie
no-body ever lied to Annemarie and after that day the soldiers went to
their house to see what are they doing. And the next day the soldiers
went to their house to see what they are doing and the two soldiers
unlocked on their Annemarie parents house door and they said hello how
are you doing and they just went in-side there house without asking and
uncle-henrike was like we are having a funeral and the soldiers wanted to
look in the casket to see the dead-body and nothing was in the casket.

One-day Annemarie and Ellen where walking home from school and they
were about to turn the corner and two big soldiers where standing there
with big guns and they were asking Annemarie and Ellen them questions
about why does she have black hair Ellen didnt answer than both of them
ran away and went home to tell Annemarie said that she is her sister and
Annemarie mother and father said what happened with the soldiers .The
next day the soldiers went to their house and tried to take Ellen away
and her family so Annemarie and her mother and Ellen and her family ran
as fast as they can and they ran into the woods they were so scarred.

The Rosens hug Annemarie good bye .Ellen and Annemarie hugged for a
long time .Ellen promise that she will be back. Annemarie sits alone in the
living room, crying .in her mind she walks the the path
them .Its is 2:30 in the morning. By Annemarie calculations. Her mother
should be back one hour later. She thinks of her father. He is alone in

In the story Annemarie is so sad and some times she doesnt know what
is going on in her life. And she is only 11 years old and her day the World
War 2 was going on even when she was a baby to. Will every thing was
heard on her because the German- soldiers tried to kill her best friend.
Her feelings she was very strong and she will never give up not even on
her family or her friends she was sad angry and some times mad.
Lowry, Lois Number the stars.Bantam Doubleday NewYork,

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