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Chapter 1

Mayumi visited the 1st high school. She was a formal student president. But the school decided
to treat her as a daughter of Saegusa family. She only appointed one person to meet, and that
person is Tatsuya. She apologized for visiting school even though she thinks it is the best place
to meet, but the school was getting noisy because of her visit. Tatsuya told her not to worry. He
could say it to her because it is much better for her to visit him at the school than at Tatsuyas
home. At the home, he has many things that he does not wish to show other members of 10MC.
With Mayumis eye, there is a risk of exposing them to Mayumi.
And, Mayumi could search Tatsuyas address and visit him, but by meeting Tatsuya at the
school Mayumi may also become a part of gossip, so Tatsuya understand, visiting him at the
school was her way of being thoughtful of Tatsuya. Mayumi asked Tatsuya how things are
going. Tatsuya said, he will be responsible for thesis competitions security, and he said, he may
be a help based on Mayumis objective of this meeting.
Mayumi asked Tatsuya about Nakura and asked him whether he knew anything. Tatsuya said,
he read the newspaper. Mayumi said, Nakura was murdered, but she does not know the killer,
but she states, her father, Koichi, knows the killer. She said, she knew Nakura was sent to
Kyoto with a secret mission, and Tatsuya knows the meaning of secret mission, a job of
underworld; he assumed it was an illegal or something close to illegal job.
Tatsuya asks what Mayumi wants to do. Mayumi said she wants to know the truth. She said,
she was never close with Nakura. It was a strict business relationship, and she only considered
him as a bodyguard and a watcher. Tatsuya questioned Mayumi whether it is wise to risk herself
for finding the killer. Mayumi replied Tastuyas provocation by gazing him with anger. Mayumi
said, she realized her bodyguard was killed under the order of Saegusa family. The family may
not ask him to die for the mission, but Nakura died, so Mayumi thinks, it is her responsibility as a
member of Saegusa family to learn the truth. Tatsuya praised her. And, Mayumi says, it may be
her self-satisfaction, but if she does not know the truth, she cannot live proudly as the eldest
Her statement made Tatsuya to have both admiration and repulsion from her. Unlike her, Miyuki
cannot say anything about her background. He does not believe, the name, Yotsuba, carries

both honor and pride, but he thinks, hiding oneself is sad thing. Tatsuya thought, Mayumi as
someone to envy because she wants to be proud of her own lineage by comparing to Miyuki.
It was not due to his emotion, but Tatsuya refuses to help her because he really does not know
how to help her at this point. She stops Tatsuya and said the killer may be related to Yokohama.
According to Mayumi, she thinks, Nakura was searching Chinese street at Yokohama. She said,
Nakura always comes back with gifts when he left her side for other missions. Recently, Nakura
gave her a lot of gifts from the Chinese street. Sometimes, Mayumi thought, Nakura is treating
her as a little kid, but lately she thinks, Nakura gave gifts as a form of sign.
From this conversation, Tatsuya found very important fact about Saegusa Koichi. Even if
Saegusa is an employer, Mayumi is the target to be protected. For Nakura, She is not an
employer. Better yet, she is the third person. Nakuras action proved, Koichis trusted
subordinate left hints to others about his activities. Tatsuya learned, Koichi failed to control his
own man. Or, in some way Saegusa family does not have loyal followers. This can bring a big
meaning in the future.
At this point, Tatsuya thought, it is good to use Mayumi for helping him with mission because
physically she is weak, but her battle capability was confirmed in Yokohama, and she is a
college student, so her time is more flexible than Miyuki and Minami. Tatsuya decided to make
Mayumi to ask for cooperation to Tatsuya. So, Tatsuya started by saying, Mayumis assumption
may be wrong because Nakuras visit to Yokohama may not be related to Yokohama Incident.
Tatsuya made Mayumi desperate, and Mayumi finally requested the help to Tatsuya. And, he
Mayumi and Tatsuya decided to visit Kyoto. Mayumi wants to see the place where Nakura died.
Tastuya replied by asking whether Mayumi will be satisfied with just looking at the location or
not. Tatsuyas intention was to hang out with her as much as the situation allows, but the
question was something that Tatsuya should not ask. Mayumi says, she knows, she is only a
daughter of Saegusa, and her talent as a magician is also limited at the individual level. She
realizes, she does not have any power in society or power to influence police force and catch
the killer on behalf of the police. Everything Mayumi said, was true, so he could not say
anything. He knows he was able to deal with No Head Dragon and fight against invasion forces
because of the help from 101 battalion. And, he could interfere with P-doll testing because of
the help from Yakumo and the battle suit from the 101 battalion. He always knows the

individuals limitation, so he could not say any words to make her feeling better. So, he stopped
Mayumi from talking any further and accepted her request.
Tatsuya asked about Nakuras remain. Nakuras remain was already cremated. Tatsuya
requested his cloth or his belongings if any. Mayumi said, she will contact cops through her
family. Before her departure, she said, she was surprised with Tatsuya. She never expected
Tatsuya to discuss kindly.
In this short instance, Tatsuya thought, it is highly possible that Nakura was killed by Zhou. The
theory about Koichi using Nakura to search for Zhou was also possible. If the possibility is not
zero, the head of Saegusa may have been colluding with Zhou.

Chapter 2
Tatsuya sent off Mayumi from the school and meet with Miyuki, Izumi, Hanzo, Shizuka, Honoka,
and Mikihiko. Miyuki greeted him and showed the sign to sit. Izumi started asking a question
regarding Mayumis visit. Tatsuya apologizes for making her worry, and Izumi replied by saying,
she did not worry about Tatsuya. And, Izumis face turned red and become quiet. After Izumi,
Miyuki started asking a question regarding Mayumis visit. Even though Miyuki did not show any
sign, she was the most worried person because Mayumi and Tatsuya met together alone.
Tatsuya said, Mayumi has other business in Kyoto and she wants to join the 1st high groupa at
the Kyoto. Instantly, Izumi realized why Mayumi visited the school. And, Tatsuya continued his
talk and said, he rejected her request.
Hanzo sighed after he listened Tatsuya answer. It was definite, Hanzo also had similar worries.
But, in order to hide himself, he rigorously asked Tatsuya why he refused her request. He
stated, it should not be bothersome for her to join. After hearing from Hanzo, Tatsuya thought,
Hanzo is the one who wants to join Mayumi, and he thought Hanzo is too rigid. Right after
Hanzo, Honoka jumped in and agreed with Hanzo. Honoka said, she thinks Mayumi visited
Tatsuya because Mayumi must rely on Tatsuya even though she has Ichihara Suzune and
Jumonji Katsuto at the university. Tatsuya could not reply right away because he did not
understand Honokas motif. But, he concluded, Honoka sympathizes Mayumi. After Honoka,
Mikihiko jumped in and said, maybe it is good to spare some time for her. Tatsuya couldnt
refuse Mikihikos request because it may create distrust from him when Mikihiko will be playing
a critical role in this mission. And, it will provide a good excuse for Tatsuya to stay with Mayumi.
Tatsuya personally think, he does not really trust what Mayumi can do in this mission, but he
needs as many helps as possible due to the lack of manpower. He thinks, the most important
part of his mission is after he caught Zhou. But, Mayas request only says, Yotsuba wants
cooperation for catching Zhou. If he cannot find Zhou, there is nothing to talk about. So, Tatsuya
has to look like at least he is searching for Zhou. Tatsuya looked at Izumi and asked whether it
would be okay to contact Mayumi because Mayumi is Izumis sister. Izumi replied that Tatsuya
can do whatever he wants and turned around adorably.
Yotsubas HQ located in old Yamanasi district and nearby old Nagoya district. It is a small basin
surrounded by mountains. It is a small town, which is not shown on the map. Yotsubas HQ is
located in the middle of its town. Unlike other places, Yotsuba only has one large one-story

house. The master of House, Yotsuba Maya, is listening the report from Hayama. Hayama is
reporting about the military intelligences activity and about intelligence division that interfered
with their mission. Maya said, it is okay to let it go because the military has to save its own face
even though the military interfered without knowing their place. Hayama did not question on
Mayas comment that undervalued the military.
Maya stopped discussing about the military and changed its original topic regarding Tatsuya.
Hayama reported, Tatsuya is not showing any sign of insubordination and also added, Tatsuya
did not hide his new magic. Maya is putting a lot of time in magic research as well, so it was
natural for her to be interested. Maya thought, his magic is a form of Particle Beam. But,
Hayama analyzed and stated, Tatsuyas new magic must be a form of Neutron Canon based on
the name of magic. But, Maya stated, Neutron Barrier is already developed and assumed
Tatsuya already knows about it. Then, she questioned why he chose the Lance for the name
besides gun, canon, or launcher. Even Hayama cannot answer that question and advised Maya
to see the magic during the family gathering event. But, Maya questioned Hayama why he did
not ask the question. She thought, it is a good material to check Tatsuyas obedience. Hayama
apologized and said, he worried about jeopardizing Mayas true objective behind the mission to
Tatsuya. Maya said, there is nothing grand about her objective. And, it is not because Tatsuya
is her nephew, but Maya simply felt, it is not beneficial for the family to exclude him. Hayama
said, he thinks, it is okay to use his position as Mayas nephew for the excuse. Maya scolded
Hayama, and Hayama apologized. He ended with only a simple apology, and it is also related to
Mayas face turned slightly red.
After the discussion with Maya, Hayama was visited by Mitsugu. Mitsugu visit was regarding
Tatsuya. Hayama said, Mitsugu should know, the guardian of Miyuki is being tested with the
mission of catching Zhou. The narrator said, Mitsugu thanks Tatsuya for saving his arm, but it
does not mean, his pride is not damaged. Hayama continued saying, Miyuki is the most
possible candidate for heir, and it is important to determine the possibility of betrayal for the
sake of Yotsuba. He also apologized Mitsugu for using this mission as a test subject. Mitsugu
replied by saying, there is no way that man holds any loyalty towards Yotsuba. Hayama
questioned about Mitsugus judgement on Tatsuyas loyalty. After the silence between them,
Hayama said, Tatsuya dono does not know the fact that he nearly got killed by the clan right
after the birth. Are you being suspicious on everything by considering that fact? Mitsugu yelled
at Hayama. This is secret that everyone in Hayamas generation did not talk about. Only Shiiba,
Masiba, Sibata, Kuroba, Mugura, Tsukuba, and Shizuka know about it including Hayama. Even

ones with Yotsuba blood does not know about this if they are under 20 years old. Hayamas
words were ambush that Mitsugu did not prepare.
Hayama smiled and said, even he knows Tatsuya has no loyalty and will not have loyalty
towards Yotsuba. Regardless of his loyalty, Maya asked Tatsuya to protect Miyuki. Hayama
said, Kuroba sama, loyalty is not needed. The most important thing is action. Even if he only
acts as being obedient, as long as he does not betray expectation and outcome, it is much
better than loyal ones who cannot produce any desired outcome. Tools do not require loyalty,
and weapons do not require heart.
Mitsugu got angry and questioned Hayama for calling a magician as a weapon. Hayama replied
by saying, he is also a magician even though he is insignificant compared to members of
Yotsuba. Hayamas last words towards Mitsugu was, Weapon does not fear. Weapon does not
carry concern. There is always fear of possibility that one can fear or carry concern. Do you
think, humans heart with intention to kill innocent person is better than a weapon without heart?
Hayamas words speared through Mitsugus heart and Hayama walked away from Mitsugu.

Chapter 3
October 19th Friday, Tatsuya and his friends were safe for ten days due to efforts from Kokonoe
Yakumos pupils and mercenaries that were prepared by the butler, Hanabishi who was ordered
by Hayama. Hanabishi is the number two in rank among employees. His responsibility is to
prepare courageous jobs and other things including preparing people when Yotsuba family
Yotsuba family does not really have many magicians in number. Even if it includes non-blood
related magicians, the number of magicians that can be used, is much smaller than other 10MC.
Of course, the number is smaller than Saegusa, and it is also smaller than Ichijou and Itsuwa.
Yotsubas magicians are ones who have the ability to cover its disadvantage of having small
number, but there are situations that quantity is more important than quality. For those
situations, Yotsuba prepared and organized collaborators from the outside. Yotsuba normally
get a job from the government; the job is to take care of a magician who commit substantial
treason or tried to commit treason. Or, magicians who did not directly show aggressive activities
towards the country but try to export magic that can be used for military. So, extermination of
magicians who performed treasons, is often handed over to Yotsuba. These jobs are important
income for Yotsuba. And, Yotsuba also gains extra battle magicians through this mission.
They catch and brainwash magicians who betrayed the country. They are not making
regenerator, a magician without its own will similar to No Head Dragon because Yotsuba
knows will and emotions are strongly linked to power of magic. Yotsuba uses traditional type of
brainwashing. Its brainwashing technique simply imprint fear towards Yotsuba. It technically
forces them to believe, if they betray Yotsuba, they will die. However, Yotsuba does not accept
zealots, ones without fear. They only offer the job to ones who can fear. Yotsuba normally say,
based on how you work, we will let you live freely.
Yotsuba is operating many missions with this type of mercenary army who works hard in order
to get their life as the payment. For this escort mission, it requires a large number of magicians
because they have to catch any suspicious magicians, so Yotsuba family used reserved
brainwashed magicians. As a result, not only Tatsuyas friends, but 1st highschool did not
experience any disturbance.

The scene changes to 1st highs student council. Izumi was leaving the room and said goodbye
to Miyuki. She was unhappy because she cannot follow Miyuki to Kyoto. Miyuki realized it and
told Izumi that Miyuki is relying on Izumi for tomorrow and the day after. Izumi suddenly became
so happy and said, it is honor, and I may not be enough, but I will work hard. Izumi left the
school with a good mood. Honoka saw this and said, Miyuki has gotten used to deal with Izumi.
Shizuku also added and said, Miyuki has a talent to become a wicked woman. Miyuki replied by
saying, between women, there is neither wicked woman nor celestial maiden. Shizuku replied
by calling Miyuki too cold, but Miyuki only smiled when Shizuku sighed seriously.
Shizuku and Honoka have been going home together. The bodyguard has been protecting them
outside of their sight, but within Commuter or Cabinet in train, they are alone together. They talk
about the guard who is responsible for protecting Azusa. Azusa said, her guard, Chikura
Tomoko is enough to protect her. Chikuras ability is revealed in this chapter. Her specialty is
vector reverse. As long as she knows, she is being attacked, she should be able to handle the
situation. But, if she gets ambushed, she cannot block just like most magicians. But, for an
example, if somebody aims the gun right in front of her, she is very powerful. And, she can
handle not only weapons but people who run into her with great momentum. She can handle the
mass equivalent to a small vehicle with the speed under 200 km per hour.
After the dinner, Shizuku and Honoka are having a bath together. After shampooing, Shizuku
offer helps with rinsing to Honoka. Initially, Honoka refused because Shizuku tends to put a lot
effort in it. But, Shizuku took the bottle of rinse and started rinsing. Shizuku praised Honokas
hair, but Honoka said, it is nothing compared to Miyukis. Shizuku replied by saying, there is no
point comparing herself with Miyuki. And, Shizuku said, she likes Honokas bright color hair
more than Miyukis because Miyukis hair is too heavy for Shizukus taste. Honoka says,
Shizuku is siding with Honoka over Miyuki because Honoka and Shizuku are friends. Shizuku
suddenly stalled, but she said, It is okay for choosing you because we are friends.
Shizuka continues asking question. She asked to Honoka whether it is okay not to follow
Tatsuya to Kyoto. Honoka suddenly stopped, and Honokas face gave chill to Shizuku. Shizuku
apologized, but Honoka said, it is okay to ask if it is Shizuku because Shizuku has been
cheering for Honoka. Shizuku and Honoka look at each others face and continue talking.
Honoka admitted, she wants to follow Tatsuya to Kyoto. She cannot expect luxury of traveling to
Kyoto only with Tatsuya. Honoka is fine even if Miyuki is traveling with them as long as Honoka
can stay with Tatsuya. Shizuka asked why Honoka did not follow them, and Honoka said, she

does not wish to be an obstacle to Tatsuya. Honoka realized, Tatsuya did not ask her to stay at
Shizukus house because of thesis competition. She said to Shizuku, Tatsuya really worries
about them and believes, the enemy is not a simple thief who is trying to still some data from
thesis competition. Honoka was certain, there is a dangerous enemy just like the last year.
Honoka and Shizuku thought, Tastuya is on the mission from the military and assumed, the size
of enemy is big enough to kidnap Honoka and Shizuku. Honoka reasoned, if Honoka and
Shizuku are staying together, the bodyguard of Shizuku could cover both of them, and, Mikihiko
is at the level of professional magician, so he can protect Mizuki.
Honoka continued talking about her theory on this Kyoto trip. By considering members
capabilities, the field research for security is one of minor objectives. She thinks, there is
another true objective behind the trip. Honoka also assumed, things can get rough based on the
progress of hidden objective because members of the team are specialized on the field work
including Minami because of her shield magic. Shizuku told Honoka, Honoka can also provide
the help, but Honoka rejected the idea and said, she can only support from the long distance,
and she is afraid she may drag down Tatsuya. The narrator explained, Honokas battle
capability is not low compared to average magicians. At least, she is the top class between high
school students. But, by comparing Miyuki who is already super top class and Tatsuya who is
considered to be above top class at the military, Honokas battle capability is at least one or two
ranks below Miyuki or Tatsuya. So, Shizuku cannot say any words to comfort Honoka. Honoka
said, he is okay and hug Shizukas head. But, the mood between them changed when Shizuku
could not breathe because of Honokas chest. Honoka released Shizuku because when Shizuku
tried to get away from Honokas chest, it tickled Honoka. After Shizuku was released, Shizuku
looked at Honoka with bitter feeling. Honoka apologized and hided her chest. They both
apologized to each other. They both laughed, and Honoka continued talking. She said, she
wants to follow Tatsuya to Kyoto, but it is also true, she does not want to be an obstacle to
Tatsuya. Thus, she will stay at Tokyo quietly. If Tatsuya does not want Honoka to notice,
Honoka made a decision to act like she did not notice anything. Honoka wants to act as being
fooled just like Tatsuya wants Honoka to be. After hearing Honokas words, Shizuku said,
Honoka is good woman. Honoka suddenly lost her posture.

Honoka: What are you talking about?

Shizuku: If I am a man, I wouldnt leave Honoka alone.
Honoka: Excuse me. Shizuku San? Your eye is getting scary.
Shizuku: Your style is okay. Your look is friendly and cute Shizukus thin finger is touching
Honokas chin.
Honoka: You are like Eimi
Shizuku: My chest is bigger than Eimis
Honoka: That is not the problem.
Shizuku: Do you want to say there isnt much difference compared to yours?
Honoka: I did not talk about that.
Shizuka: lets see
Honoka: screams
Shizuka: I knew this, but this is absurd.
Honoka: Wait Shizuku Please stop.
The narrator states, it is hard to specifically describe what is happening and do not wish to write
in detail. But, the narrator concluded it by saying, lets say, on that day, both of their heads
really have gotten hot in the bath

Chapter 4
On October 20th, Saturday morning, Tatsuya is heading to Kyoto with Minami and Miyuki. While
they are traveling to Kyoto, they encountered Erika. It was a simple coincidence that three of
them met Erika. Minami, Miyuki, Tatsuya, and Erika have a casual conversation. Erika enjoyed
the large space where she can stretch her leg because sometimes she has to train by sitting at
one place for several hours. Erika does not enjoy this training, but her father insists her by
saying, it is a part of swordsmanship training. Miyuki asked Erika whether the training is her
sword skills. Erika said, it is Chado, Japanese Tea Ceremony. Tatsuya thinks, it is a traditional
custom for combining Chado and Martial Arts together by many ancestors. Erika still did not like
the idea of doing Chado because she thinks the heir of the family should learn Chado not her.
But, Miyuki disagreed with Erika because mainly females learn Chado not males, so her
brothers may feel awkward about it. Erika still feel discomfort about doing Chado, but Tatsuya
thinks, Chado and its environment may suit Erika based on his past experiences where Miyuki
invited Tatsuya to two of Miyuki's Chado lessons.
Finally, they arrived at Kyoto Station and met with Mikihiko and Leo. Six of them are moving to
hotel. At the public transportation location, Minoru was waiting for Tatsuya, Minami, and Miyuki.
Erika was shocked by Minoru. She said, Minoru is a male version of Miyuki. Tatsuya introduce
Minoru to Mikihiko, Leo, and Erika as a son of Kudou family, but Minoru reintroduce himself as
the freshman of 2nd high school, Kudou Minoru because Minoru does not want others to treat
him as a member of 10MC but as a fellow high school student. Mikihiko, Leo, and Erika also
introduce themselves, and Minoru raised his eyebrows little bit when he realized one of them is
a swordsman from Chiba family, and another one is a magician from Yoshida family. Unlike his
magic, Minoru is not excelled in hiding his emotion.
After their encounter, they visited a place for the thesis competition, New International
Convention Center. The government did not allow large scale commercial buildings to build
around the convention center, so every building surrounding the convention center is only two
stories high. So, it is hard for terrorists to use as hideouts nearby the convention center. On the
other hand, it is a good location for small number of people to hide. They assume, magicians
from traditional faction may divide into two or three men group and hide in residential areas by
using magic to either hypnotize or make residents of houses not to notice their presences. So,
Mikihiko used his probing magic and requested Leo and Erika for protection. Mikihiko also

asked Tatsuya to investigate the downtown area as Tatsuya and Mikihiko discussed. Minoru
jumped and volunteered as a guide, and Tatsuya lies to Erika, Mikihiko, and Leo about Minorus
relationship with Kyouko. And, he logically explains why Minoru volunteers to help them. But,
three of them instantly sense unknown things between Minoru and Tatsuya, but they let it go by
understanding that they should not ask about the true relationship between Tatsuya and Minoru.
Mikihiko nearly loses his composure about this, but he managed to sustain his self-control. And,
the group divides into two groups for searching magicians from the traditional faction.

Chapter 5
Tatsuyas group heads to Kyotos Northern Eastern part, Oohara, which is also famous for its
temple, Sanzenin because it is the last location where Zhou was seen. From the downtown, this
is the same direction as the new international convention center, but Tatsuya did not expect the
distance between Oohara and the convention center to be far away because he always thought
Kyoto to be small. According to Hayamas intelligence, Zhou had a battle against Kurobas men
nearby the grave of the emperor Kotoba and the emperor Juntoku. But, both parties did not
enter grave sites, which are forbidden to enter. Zhou managed to run by following a small river
that runs through Sanzenin. Interestingly, Zhou ran towards the location, which also has some
residential areas, so the location also has both tourists and local residents. Tatsuya also thinks
about the possibility of running towards upper stream of river, which leads to Otonashi waterfall,
but he ignored this possibility because of Zhous magic, Ghost Walker. Based on the
information until now, this is a form of illusion magic that misdirect the magicians location. This
magic is very powerful if it is used in the middle of crowd. Even if Ghost Walker is casted in the
location without crowd, the castor can be found through detecting a trace of the castor. But, if
Ghost Walker is casted in the middle of crowd, the castor can only be detected through eyes
because detecting a trace in the middle of crowd is impossible because there are too many
people nearby.
Minoru suggested Tatsuya to visit the mountain Kurama, which is close to the direction that
Zhou ran. It is occupied by the traditional faction. But, Tatsuya made a decision to turn back to
the downtown. Minoru did not know, but Miyuki realized the reason behind Tatsuyas decision.
Tatsuya thinks, he is hiding among people. Minoru suggested the new locations, Tenryuji, the
road nearby Kiyomizudera, and Kinkakuji because these locations have large population and
are under the influence of the traditional faction. Tatsuya was surprised because he thought
there are more potential locations for Zhou to hide. According to Minoru, the traditional faction is
spread through Nara and Kyoto, but Tatsuya also heard, Kyoto is the headquarter of the
traditional faction from Mikihiko. So, Tatsuya thought, Kyoto would be crawling with traditional
Minoru stated, Kyoto has a true traditional faction and its faction is stronger than Nara. So, any
new faction with only the name is pushed to nearby the mountain region. Tatsuya asked to
Minoru, Are they labeling themselves as traditional faction because they feel complex

inferiority towards the true traditional faction? After listening Tatsuyas harsh comment, Minami
shows disgusted face ,dumfounded in a good way. Of course, Minami hides her face from
Miyuki. Minami thinks her master wouldnt get angry from making such face, but Minami wanted
to avoid meaningless conflict with Miyuki. But, in truth both Miyuki and Tatsuya realize it. But,
Minoru takes Tatsuyas comment seriously and tries to answer his question. According to
Minoru, the traditional faction is founded by traditional magicians who participate in 9th
laboratory. Their objectives are revenging 9th lab and Nine families.
Narrator continues explaining the situation. Vengeance that the traditional faction has, is not a
right thing because those traditional magicians misunderstood everything from the very
beginning. They thought, 9th lab would provide the new magic as the compensation for
providing their magic. The 9th labs slogan was the fusion between modern magic and
traditional ancient magic, but it simply meant, the development of modern magic by absorbing
traditional magic. And, this was not a secret because it was written at mission statement on the
instruction manual of 9th lab, which 9th lab provided to the traditional magicians when they
request cooperation. The compensation was in the form of money, facilities, or social status on
the manual. It never stated, the compensation was in the form of new magic. Traditional
magicians thought, when one side provides a magic, the other side should provide a magic, too.
It was a common sense in their narrow view.
Minoru did not know why the traditional faction spreads throughout the Kyoto besides Nara
where everything was started, but Tatsuya explained to Minoru why they are spreading
throughout Kyoto. According to Tatsuyas analysis, the traditional faction lacks unity. It also
means the faction is divided in groups. The group, who strongly hate 9th lab, stays in Nara and
has been looking for opportunities to strike back at 9th lab for more than 30 years. Miyuki
criticized them for wasting their passion and assumed, they could have been contributing in
scholarly works or the country if they chose different paths. Tatsuya stopped Miyuki and said,
There are not many people who can stay positive anytime and anywhere at least, based on our
surroundings. Tatsuya was thinking about his father and his current wife.
Tatsuya continues his analysis and assumed, the traditional factions in Nara are not very active,
but they can always change and become active. Unlike them, the traditional faction in Kyoto
was only acting as an enemy of Nine families because Tatsuya thought, the traditional faction
was scared of Nine families. Minoru was a little surprised because Kudou, Kuki, and Kuzumi did
not threaten or attack any traditional magicians that cooperated with 9th lab. Tatsuya also

agrees because magicians from 9th lab were also experimented just like traditionalists who
participated in 9th lab. So, both parties should not feel hostile feelings towards each other, but
traditionalists aim their angers towards Nine families because the 9th lab was run by the
government. If they felt being used, they should challenge the government, but the traditional
factions could not challenge the government. It was unknown whether they did not wish to label
themselves as traitors or did not have guts to stand against the government. Either way, they
should understand their hatred against Nine families was irrational, so they may also worry Nine
families to make an irrational decision and attack the traditional faction. Due to their experiences
at 9th lab, they knew the ability of magicians that were created from 9th lab. So, they knew if
they attack Nine families, they could not win and only end up beaten down by magic that was
created from their cooperation to 9th lab. Tatsuya made an ill-tempered smile and continues his
talking. He thought, it is also possible that leaders of factions that participated 9th lab built the
traditional faction to reduce the discontent from young magicians. But, they cannot simply
change their mission, so if groups had a strong stance against 9th lab, they had to stay at Nara,
the location of 9th lab. And, if the groups did not have a strong stance against 9th lab, they
moved to Kyoto. The location difference may be only ostentation, and based on their stance,
they may even change their cover, too. Minoru agrees and says, he heard, there are the
traditional factions magicians that are associated themselves with multiple different factions.
Miyuki said, she did not understand why they continue to distress others for several decades.
Tatsuya answered her question by saying, the traditional faction has been surviving several
decades because they have been only distressing Nine families. If they made a decisive move
against Nine families, they would have been wiped out.
Minami interfered Tatsuya and asked the question by saying Tatsuya Oni sama. Minami agreed
with Tatsuyas theory, but she did not understand why they accepted the foreign magician that
brought many disasters to Japan. Tatsuya answers the question by providing his speculation.
He thinks, the traditional faction may want to kick Zhou out, but the traditional faction has been
entangled with Zhou too much, so they may not have a choice. Tatsuya thinks, the traditional
faction has been relying on Zhou to gain the supply of foreign magicians to strengthen its power.
It may look like, Zhou is being protected, but in truth Zhou was the one who has been
cooperating with the traditional faction and its expansion. As a result, Tatsuya assumes, a
reasonable size of group is composed of foreign magicians from the continent. And, he
assumes, the foreign magician group is big enough to endanger the traditional faction if the
group decides to revolt or betray.

Tatsuya finalizes the discussion and wants to search the traditional bases within urban district:
Kiyomizdera, Kinkakuji, and Tennouji. Tatsuya created the map inside of his head without using
information utility device. He learned Kinkakuji and Tennouji are located in the same direction,
and Kiyomizdera is located in different location. Miyuki suggested the meeting with Mikihikos
team after looking into information utility device because it does not matter where they decide to
travel first. Either way, they will have to travel nearby the new international convention center.
However, Tatsuya disagrees because it may waste time because there is a possibility that
Tatsuyas prediction may be wrong, and Zhou may be hiding some other place. So, Tatsuya
decides the team to travel to Kiyomizudera and Kinkakuji & Tennouji.

Chapter 6
After the team was separated, Mikihiko was using his probe magic in order to create commotion
from the traditionalist faction. Erika and Leo are talking while following Mikihiko from behind as
his guards. They finally managed to lure magicians from the traditional faction. Nine traditionalist
magicians are hiding behind trees in the forest and watch Mikihiko, Leo, and Erika. They are
discussing about three of them and thought three of them have some kind of love triangle
relationship because Erika and Leo have been acting as a normal boy and a normal girl from
the downtown. Some of traditionalists think, it may be too much to kill students who are in a love
fight while risking themselves. But, some of them are not lowering their guards because they
know who Mikihiko is. According them, they know, Mikihiko has regained his formal strength,
which is considered to be stronger than the eldest son of Yoshida family.
Eight traditionalists took out a small scroll, and one old sorcerer with white hair watched other
seven traditionalists. Soon, the fight starts. Waves of fire ball appear. In order to counter them,
Erika takes out her new CAD, which Tatsuya ordered FLTs 3rd division to produce. Tatsuya
lend it to Erika for this trip. This new CAD looks like a long and thin silver rod, and she has been
disguising it as an umbrella. This CAD imbued with magic that is focusing more on speed than
weight. This CAD accelerates not only the body, but it also accelerates a weapons speed. If a
magician put too much strength, he/she cannot keep up with the speed of the silver rod. And, if
a magician put less strength, he/she can injure his/her tendon. It is a dangerous weapon, but
Erika is using perfectly without any troubles.

After waves of fire ball ended, the blades of wind attacks Mikihiko, Erika, and Leo. This time,
Mikihiko jumps in with a fan made of paper charms Mikihiko also chooses the blade of winds to
counter enemys magic. Even though the spell is casted after the enemys spell, Mikihikos spell
manages to repel every blade of winds that were created by traditionalists. After Mikhikos
magic, both Mikihiko and Erika were anticipating the enemys next attack. The black shadow
stood up behind the group. This time, Leo punched the shadowy figure while shouting. Leo
asks, Are they ninjas? The black figure is wearing pants and sweater in dark green color. Even
though he/she was not wearing the traditional ninja custom, he/she was a ninja. This person
also has a kunai on one hand and a small scroll on another. Leo laughs and enjoys the fight.
Leo does not look for a stronger opponent, but he tends to get excited if the opponent is
stronger. This may be due to the gene that he inherited from his grandfather who was
genetically altered to be a weapon. Even Leo thinks, his tendency to get excited in the battle,
may be due to his genetic traits from his grandfather, but Leo does not care about it because
being excite is much better than thinking about losing the battle even before the battle begins.
While ninjas are distancing from Leo, Leo heard the scream from the side, one guy tried to block
Erikas silver rod with his arm and got his arm broken. Erika tells Leo to keep his heart hot and
keep his head cool because he is fighting alone. Soon, Leo realizes, he nearly gets ambushed
from the side. Leo apologizes to Erika and Miki for his mistakes. And, Leo took out his
knuckleduster as a weapon and wear them at the both hands. They are made of silicon
polymer, so they can be disguised as a toy. Leo's CAD is a new CAD from Rozen-Mccraft
Company. It is a special CAD that can be controlled through thinking. Leo has gotten this CAD
in the form of apology, and it is only recently that he is starting to use this CAD perfectly. This
latest CAD with controlling function through thinking covers time gap and provides enough
process speed. When Leo initiates his CAD, which is located at his left wrist, the knuckledusters
gained the solidity equivalent to super light alloy. The magic is being continually casted. Leos
long sleeve shirts and pants also turned into top class bullet and sword proof armor.
Leos physical strength and Erikas swordsmanship were strong enough to handle traditionalists,
and Mikihiko dealt and countered magic from traditionalists by sending fire magic back to its
original caster and destroying a clone, which is created by a ninja At the end, Mikihikos lighting
magic takes away eight magicians consciousness. Miki, Leo, and Erika are thinking everything
is over. Leo is still shocked from encountering ninja. Mikihiko explains, Kyoto is close to Iga and
Koga , which ninjas are originated from.

Mikihiko, Leo, and Erika decide to contact police, but they were attacked by four small
monsters, which are created from water at nearby pond. Mikihiko explains, it is like a shikigami,
another form of golem. These monsters show the features from mythical beasts from the
continent. One monster has a cow with the skin pattern similar to tiger. One monster has a face
of human and a body of boar. One monster is a long-armed monkey with four arms. The last
monster is a dear with four horns. All of these monsters are known to create flood. Erika takes
an initiative; she attacks with her silver rod, and her non-systemic magic ripped the monster into
pieces. These monsters are in the size of pet, but the number is increasing. Erika witnesses
shocking thing when she suggests Mikihiko and Leo to retreat. Little monsters are gathering
around unconscious traditionalist magicians, and they are starting to eat them alive. Erika,
Mikihiko, and Leo decide to destroy little monsters and save unconscious traditionalist
magicians. Many of them have bitten by little monsters.
Erika notices weird thing. After little monsters were destroyed and turned into water, those
waters are not absorbing into earth. Even Mikihiko does not understand. Water combined with
blood is moving towards the pond that little monsters were created. Soon, water from the pond
creates a massive whirlpool and creates a big snake with nine human faces. The monster is
firing acidic water that can dissolve the target. While Mikihiko, Erika, and Leo are evading the
attack, unconscious traditionalist magicians could not evade it. The acidic water is not only
dissolving the spot that is hit by the water, but it also spread and dissolves the target. Mikihiko is
thinking about the retreat, but he cannot find an opening. Finally, Mikihiko is thinking about
using the magic that can be casted through accessing dragon god, which is the highest entity in
the water category. But, he doubts himself because this magic was the reason why he fell into
Before Mikihiko made this decision, the snake monster was destroyed by Ichijou Masaki. After
the victory, others try to find ninth traditionalist magician, but Mikihiko tells others to stop
because he assumes the magician would not survive. Just like Mikihiko says, the magician died
because of the impact of his beast being destroyed by Masaki. Masaki surprises about
traditional magic because modern magic allows magicians to cut the tie with magic sequence in
order to avoid information flowing backward. According to Mikihiko, traditional puppet magic
requires a magician to sustain its connection with the puppet. After the discussion, they decide
to report to the police, and Masaki decides to join them and visit the police station. Masaki
worries about Erika because she is a girl, but Erika tells Masaki, it is okay because she is used
to situations like this. Masaki shocks a little bit because of Erikas blunt response. He never

experienced any female who responded to him in this way except his sister. Masaki is feeling
quiet unwell because of Erikas response, but he introduces himself and changes the topic. Leo
also introduces himself, and Leo, Erika, Mikihiko, and Masaki head to the police.

Chapter 7
When Mikihikos group and Masaki end their battle against the traditionalist faction, Tatsuyas
group arrives at Kiyomizudera. There is a large crowd of visitors in the place. While Tatsuya and
Minoru are discussing about the size of crowd, female visitors collide on each other while they
were looking at Minoru. Women, who lose their focus because of Minoru, are not only young
female visitors, but they are also including older women. In this ruckus, Tatsuya are sensing
somebody is watching them. But, he cannot identify the person, yet. At the same time, Tatsuya
realizes that Miyuki wants to look around the place.
Tatsuya has been checking people around them. He senses a lot of lustful eyes on Miyuki from
men and on Minoru from women. Due to this, the amount of information that needs to process
has been extremely increased. Even in this situation, Tatsuya can catch ill intention if it is aimed
at Tatsuya himself, but he cannot catch it if it is aimed at Minoru who may be targeted by the
traditional faction. Minoru also understands this situation because he tends to get extra
attention. Tatsuya says, their visit to Kiyomizudera may not be useful because he cannot gather,
process, and get the information that can lead to Zhou. Minoru apologizes to Tatsuya, and
Tatsuya says, he is thankful to Minorus support and is not criticizing Minoru. He simply cannot
get hints that can lead to Zhou. After listening to Tatsuya, Minoru smiles. Miyuki stands right
next to Minoru and told Tatsuya not to torment Minoru. Even though Miyuki does not intend this
scene, it looks like the situation where an unequally beautiful girl is protecting an unequally
beautiful boy. Every man and woman suddenly stops after witnessing this. Every woman and
some men look at Minoru, and Every man and some females look at Miyuki. But, some women,
who look at Miyuki, carry more lust than some exception men who look at Minoru. Tatsuya may
not feel much about taking lives of others, but he holds a normal stance on homosexuality. In
addition, he may accept platonic love, but he does not physical lust.
Tatsuya makes his decision to leave the place, but he suddenly senses one person. Tatsuya
does not feel lust, friendliness, or praise. The persons face expresses the sign of being
ridiculed for watching this kind of a kid. Tatsuya told Minoru, Miyuki, and Minami to start moving.
Miyuki suddenly catches Tatsuyas intention and start moving. Minami initially shows hesitation
but starts following Miyuki. Minoru comes next to Tatsuya and asks about Tatsuyas intention.
Tatsuya takes out the device and uses the device to write a message for Minoru. The message
on the display says I have found the follower. I will try to lure him out, and you should act as you

do not know we are being followed. Tatsuya realizes he fails to notice the follower until now
because the follower is not a magician. Tatsuya thinks, the traditional faction must have hired
the private detective to tail Minoru because they may assume Tatsuyas group would only looks
for magicians.
On the other hand, Minoru fails to catch the last part of Tatsuyas message. Minoru
misunderstands and thinks Tatsuya wants to say, Tatsuya has sensed something, but Tatsuya
cannot identify the follower. So, Minoru starts acting weird by looking into multiple directions
without focus. After observing Minoru, Tatsuya thinks that Minoru may not gain any other
training besides magic at one glance. The follower also notices changes in Minorus behavior
and must be realized that he has been detected. But, the follower continues to keep his distance
from Minoru and keeps following Minoru and the group.
Tatsuya manages to corner the follower while the follower is disguising himself as a tourist by
taking pictures. Tatsuya approaches to the follower and accuses him of taking illegal photos of
his friends. By using this opportunity, he manages to turn other tourists to his side and catch the
follower. Besides contacting cops, Tatsuya asks him about his employer. After giving out few
empty threats, the follower gives up his employer. He leads Tatsuya and his group to Tofu store,
and Tatsuya let him go after scaring him a little more.
Tatsuya and the group enter to Tofu shop. Tatsuya senses Eidos of the guy that Tatsuya is
looking for. The guy does not hide himself from being detected. Tatsuya asks others to have a
lunch, but Minoru shows reluctant to have a meal. Tatsuya assures Minoru, he can detect any
form of poison, and Tatsuya cannot detect any sign of retreat from the guy that they are after.
Minoru is impressed with Tatsuya and thinks Tatsuya can do anything. But, Tatsuya says, there
are many things that he cannot do. Minoru cannot believe, what Tatsuya just said. Miyuki laughs
at Minoru because nobody around Tatsuya reacts like a normal boy just like Minoru. While they
are laughing, their foods have arrived. Tatsuya and Minoru get Tofu, and Miyuki and Minami get
After one hour later since their arrival, Tatsuya calls up the waiter and tells him, he comes to this
shop because of the recommendation by Ikomas Kudou. The waiter asks them to wait and
finally invites them to the meeting room. The owner of Tofu shop enters the room and greets
Tatsuya and his group. They start discussing, and the owner of Tofu shop expresses his neutral
stance towards Nine families. He introduces himself as a factional leader of the traditionalist,

and he calls himself as a shaman. According to him, he was not enough to become a trainee for
neither Onmyoji nor Monk. He continues talking about his story. In the beginning, he hated 9th
lab and wanted to revenge. His anger and hatred were stronger than others around him, so he
became the leader of his group. But, his anger was due to the 9th lab that took advantages of
him. He had no intention of betraying the country. He has decided to change his stance
because of foreign traditional magicians that come into Japan. He thinks, traditionalists in Nara
are inviting those foreign magicians to their group even though foreign magicians would cause a
domestic trouble in the future. Just like traditional magicians in Japan, he thinks, foreign
magicians only hold loyalty to their own country, so he thinks inviting them to traditional faction
was wrong.
Finally, Tatsuya asks about Zhou and his location. According to him, Zhou is no longer staying
in the downtown of Kyoto. He thinks, Zhou moved to South, but he thinks, Zhou did not move to
South of Uji because Zhou did not cross the Uji River. According to him, he and some other
traditional magicians have been using the river as a barrier. It is an ancient barrier that has been
protecting the city for a long time, so he is sure that Zhou did not cross the Uji River and headed
to North. At the end, he finalizes his talking by giving warning to Tatsuya and his group about
Kurama and Arashiyama. According to him, traditionalists in those locations are already taken
over by foreign magicians from the continent.
After the meeting, Tatsuya decides to go to Kinkakuji, and Minoru suggests Tatsuya about
contacting Kyouko to check out Uji area, and Tatsuya agrees on Minorus suggestion.

Chapter 8
After getting questioned by police, Mikihiko, Erika, Leo, and Masaki are released. Mikihiko,
Erika, and Leo make a decision to head back to the hotel. They also ask about the place that
Masaki is staying. They learn Masaki is staying at KK Hotel, which is nearby CR hotel that
Tatsuyas group is staying. Mikihiko asks whereabouts of Kichijouji Shinkurou. Shinkurou is still
staying at the 3rd High school because of the thesis competition preparation. Mikihiko, Erika,
and Leo do not discuss about Shinkurou any further and ask about Masakis plan from the
police station. Suddenly, Masaki starts thinking about his future plan because he does not have
any additional manpower just like Tatsuya because he is alone. He knows Kyoto well because
Masaki lives in Kyoto, so he tends to visit Kyoto often. But, even though he knows the area, he
does not know key areas that he should watch out when he guards the thesis competition. So,
Masaki was planning to go around the outskirt of the convention center. For now, Masaki makes
a decision to head back to hotel.
After listening to Masakis intention of returning to the hotel, Mikihiko invites Masaki to join them.
Erika suddenly stops teasing Leo and jumps into the discussion. She asks Masaki to join them.
Masaki feels confusion from Erikas behavior. Masaki thinks Erika is a capricious person and
answers Mikihiko that he has a bike. Erika is interested in Masaki and his bike. Masaki is
surprised with this because he also knows many girls have a fantasy about riding a bike with
another person. But, Erikas interest is a little different. Erika explains to Masaki about Tatsuya
and informs Masaki that Tatsuya also has a bike.
After hearing about Tatsuya and his bike, Masaki starts daydreaming about a guy and a girl
riding a bike together. A girl is Miyuki, and a guy is Tatsuya. And, the image of Tatsuya
vanishes, and it is replaced with Masaki himself. And, he can feel Miyukis soft body on his
back. But, his delusion gets interrupted by Erika. Erika asks Masaki what he is thinking. Masaki
gains back his senses whiling ignoring the feeling that Erika is looking at him. Masaki tells
Mikihiko that he will follow the commuter that Mikihiko, Erika, and Leo are riding.

Chapter 9
Tatsuya and his group come back to the hotel. Even Minoru is staying with them at the hotel.
Due to his condition, he did not have an opportunity to travel with his friends, and Minoru also
does not have any close friends, so even though Tatsuya is not in Kyoto for the tour, Minorus
family thinks, this is a good opportunity for Minoru.
After Tatsuya checks in at the front desk, Tatsuyas group encounters Mikihikos group with
Masaki. Tatsuya calls Masakis name, Ichijou, but Masaki only responds to Miyuki by calling
her, Shiba San. Tatsuya and Miyuki look at each other, and Tatsuya shows his bitter smile.
After witnessing Tatsuyas response, Miyuki greets Masaki with respect. Masaki always turns
into an innocent boy in front of Miyuki.
Mikihiko, Erika, and Leo explain how they met Masaki and how he helped them. All of them
head to their room, and discussion starts. Initially, Leo, Erika, and Mikihiko worry about how to
avoid disclosing Tatsuyas military rank and his relationship with army. However, Tatsuya
suddenly discloses his rank and his affiliation to the 101 battalion. Tatsuya says he is on the
search mission to catch a person who was working as a guide for Yokohama invasion force.
Even Masaki is an heir of Ichijou family, Tatsuyas affiliation with the army shocks him, but he
instantly feels what Tatsuya is saying, is true. Tatsuya reminds Masaki that everything must be
remained as a secret.
Erika is blindsighted from Tatsuyas method. She suddenly understands how Tatsuya is
dragging others into his own affairs.
Tatsuya says he is going after this person because there is a possibility that he can also plot
something else in this years thesis competition. Tatsuya also provides the targets name and
his physical appearance to Masaki. After listening to the targets name, Masaki becomes angry
because he met the target, Zhou at Yokohamas Chinatown. Masaki explains how he met Zhou
and explains everything that happened in Yokohama to Tatsuya and others.
Masaki asks about Zhous magic, Ghost walker. Tatsuya and others discuss about his magic
and its lineage. Minoru also provides his knowledge about the magic because 9th institution
also researches about the ancient magic from the continent. The name, Zhuge Liang, also pops
up when they talk about the magic. Zhuge Liang was known to be the first one to use Ghost

Walker in the form of strategy. After listening to others and how Miyuki handled the magician
from GAA during the Yokohama invasion, Masaki understands how the magic works.
Tatsuya changes the topic about the traditionalist faction. Tatsuya stresses the fact that the
traditionalist faction tried to eliminate Mikihiko because they thought Mikihikos Shikigami was
used to detect them. Mikihiko adds his opinion to Tatsuyas comment. Mikihiko says, his group
was attacked by deserted ninjas from Kuramayama, but the leader was a foreign magician.
Mikihiko states, it may be possible that Zhou was being protected by the traditionalist faction,
but now, Zhou may manage to take over the traditionalist faction. Tatsuya corrects Mikihiko by
saying, Zhou manages to take over a part of the traditional faction. And, Tatsuya explains and
shares his findings with Mikihiko, Leo, and Erika. Tatsuya thinks, Zhou is hiding in Arashiyama,
and Tatsuya decides to search Arashiyama with todays group and asks Mikihikos group to
search around the convention center to find any other magicians from the traditional faction.
Mikihiko agrees on Tatsuyas suggestion and informs Tatsuya that, Yoshida family is probably
making a formal complaint to Kuramayama. The message is also sent to other families that are
close to Yoshida family in Kyoto. According to Mikihiko, it does not matter even if Kuramayama
or only a faction within Kuramayama is responsible for todays attack, the complaint from
Yoshida family should be able to restrain them.
Tatsuya also asks Mikihiko about the todays event at Mikihikos side. Mikihiko explains about
water type golem that his group faced during the day. After hearing Mikihikos story about
making a golem with their own blood, Tatsuya thinks magicians from the traditionalist faction
may have been manipulated by the foreign magician. Minoru also agrees and says, blood
carries important meaning to traditional magicians, so a simple manipulation wouldnt be
enough to make them to use their own blood to create golems. Masaki also enters the
discussion and suggests the possibility of providing evidences that proves that they are being
manipulated to avoid future battles. Tatsuya finalizes the discussion by stating that they must
end this without causing the commotion. If something like last year at Yokohama starts in Kyoto,
it means Tatsuyas group has lost. The goal is to end everything before anything is being
Minoru states, Nine families cannot assist them because if Nine families enters in Kyoto, it may
cause a trouble with the entire traditional magician families in Kyoto, so Minoru is only one who
can aid Tatsuyas group. Tatsuya says, Yoshida family would be enough to restrain the
traditional faction, and if there are ones who are determined to act, they will act either way.

Masaki asks what he should do tomorrow to Tatsuya, but Tatsuya cannot simply order around
Masaki, so Tatsuya cannot answer right away. In addition, Masaki has been looking Miyuki from
the side, so his intention is clear. Before Tatsuya says anything, Miyuki asks Masaki to join
them. And, the plan for tomorrow trips has been decided.

Chapter 10
Tatsuya, Miyuki, Minoru, Minami, and Masaki were scheduled to travel to Arashiyama, and
Mikihiko, Erika, and Leo were scheduled to travel to Takaraga Pond, which is located to nearby
the location where the thesis competition will happen. Both groups were planning to leave early.
But, unexpected situation occurred.
Minoru apologizes to Tatsuya in the bed. Tatsuya tells Minoru, it is okay, and his condition is not
his fault, but Minoru is feeling pathetic about himself. Tatsuya also tells Minoru that Tatsuya
already knew about Minorus condition before everything was scheduled, so Tatsuya assures
Minoru everything is okay. In addition, Tatsuya encourages Minoru that Minoru has been helpful
and reminds Minoru that Tatsuya would not be able to contact one of factional leaders of
traditionalist faction at Tofu shop. Tatsuyas words only carry sincerity. Tatsuya assures Minoru
to take a rest and tells him that Tatsuya will need Minorus help again, and Tatsuyas group
cannot get to Zhou today, so Tatsuya tells Minoru to take a rest.
Even though Tatsuya explains to Minoru, Minoru is still depressed. Tatsuya tells Minoru that
Tatsuya will leave Minami with Minoru today because Minami is a housekeeping specialist, and
Minami also enjoys others relying on her just like Minoru. After hearing Tatsuyas words,
Minorus face turns red. Minoru feels embarrassed after he realizes Tatsuya discovered about
Minoru who also likes to get relied on by others. Tatsuya asks Minoru to look after their
belongings, and Minoru accepts Tatsuyas request with happiness. Minoru realizes Tatsuyas
kindness and smiles.

At the hallway, Tatsuya meets with Minami and asks her to look after Minoru. And, he
apologizes Minami for forcing her to look after Minoru. Minami enters the room and asks Minoru
not to worry her presence in the room because if he starts worrying her in the room, there is no
point watching over Minoru at the first place. Minoru accepts Minamis suggestion and goes
back to bed. About thirty minutes, Minami has been sitting right next to Minoru and watching
him. Finally, Minoru opens his eyes and tells Minami that if he is being watched in the long
period, even he gets embarrassed. Minami suddenly moves one meter from Minoru whiling
sitting and apologizes to Minoru. Minami starts asking herself why she has been watching his
face continuously and suddenly her face turned red. Minoru realizes Minamis face has turned
red. Minoru asks Minami whether she is okay or not and starts to get himself out of the bed.
Minami yells Minoru, everything is okay and asks him to stay in the bed. And, she runs out of
the room. For a short while, Minoru is frozen whiling raising his arm towards the door that
Minami ran out.

Chapter 11
Due to the absence of Minoru, the number has been declined. So, Masaki also joins Tatsuya
and Miyuki in the same commuter. Tatsuya set a course for the group. Masaki realizes Tatsuya
did not set the course to Arashiyama and asks where they are going. Without answering his
question, Tatsuya asks Masaki to avoid talking about Zhou because Tatsuya does not wish to
involve that person [Mayumi].
After Tatsuyas group arrives at the meeting location, Mayumi shows up and apologizes for
being late. Mayumi recognizes and surprises about Miyukis presence. Miyuki formally greets
Mayumi. Mayumi only expected Tatsuya, but she cannot show discontent easily because of
other person in the group. Mayumi recognizes Masaki and formally greets Masaki by wearing a
mask of Saegusas daughter besides showing a relaxed behavior when she is with Tatsuya.
Masaki also formally greets Mayumi. This is the second opportunity for Masaki and Mayumi to
meet since the last meeting four years ago. Even though they are famous figures in the magic
world, they did not have any opportunity to know each other.
Mayumi apologizes to Masaki and asks Tatsuya to come with her. Tatsuya and Mayumi moves
about 2m away from Masaki and Miyuki in order to cross-examine Tatsuya. Mayumi asks why
Tatsuya comes here with Miyuki. Tatsuya shows an unnatural shocked face and asks her
whether she would believe Tatsuya to leave Miyuki and come here alone. Without doing any
rebuttal, Mayumi gave up due to Miyuki. Mayumi accepts and says, Of course, Miyuki San
would never send Tatsuya Kun alone. Mayumi shakes her head but suddenly stops it. Mayumi
shows serious face and asks Tatsuya why Masaki is here with Tatsuya. Tatsuya tells Mayumi
that it was coincidence to meet him because Masaki also arrives at Kyoto for safeguarding the
thesis competition just like Mikihikos group. So, Tatsuya simply says, he drags in Masaki with
him because Masaki is also traveling around Kyoto. Mayumi asks whether Masaki knows why
Mayumi is in Kyoto. Tatsuya says, he would never say anything to Masaki without Mayumis
permission. Even after listening to Tatsuyas word, Mayumis eye carries concerns. Even though
he notices Mayumi is watching him, he asks her whether it is possible to explain him about the
situation because Tatsuya thinks they may rely on Masaki. Mayumi sighs and asks Tatsuya
whether it is okay to order around the heir of Ichijou clan. Tatsuya says, they will not order him
around because he is not pushover After hearing Tatsuyas answer, Mayumi giggles and says, if
I can get a help, it would be great.

Mayumi, Miyuki, Masaki, and Tatsuya arrive at the police station and are being escorted to the
evidence room. Masaki showed a positive response after he heard about Mayumis reason
behind visiting Kyoto. He was impressed with Mayumis intention to search the truth about her
bodyguards death. And, Masaki was especially impressed Mayumi because he thought Mayumi
is the type of person who does not consider a subordinate as a tool for a person from the main
house of 10MC.
Tatsuya has been assuming the killer of Nakura is Zhou. While Tatsuya is thinking, the detective
comes up with Nakuras belongings, but Tatsuya cannot see his CAD because the CAD has
been sent to Saegusa family. It is normal for the magicians family to take CAD because CAD
tends to hold every magic and magic technology that one does not open to others. So, Mayumi
is feeling a sense of guilt about her father taking Nakuras CAD. In addition, by studying CAD
one can analyze what kind of magic Nakura used before he died, so it can help police to deduct
the situation before Nakuras death. In some way, Koichis decision to take Nakuras CAD is
also not cooperative with police force.
Tatsuya notices the blood and asks about the blood. Detective tells Tatsuya, the blood belonged
to Nakura. Based on the examination, Nakura was pierced through his abdominal from the
behind, and his heart was exploded from inside. And, other skins from the chest and muscles
also exploded from inside to outside. Tatsuya instantly says, it is similar to Rupture. Masaki
panics and says, Ichijou family is not involved in this murder. Tatsuya says, it is not easy to
manipulate the liquid inside of magicians, and magicians who controls other magicians bodily
liquid at the level to explode, would be rare. Then, Tatsuya asks Masaki about the difficulty of
Rupture, and Masaki says, Of course, it is not easy. Tatsuya tells Masaki to relax because
Tatsuya never says it is Rupture. Tatsuya only says it is like Rupture. Masakis face turns red
because he realizes he has been panicking. Tatsuya thinks, Masaki may be a type of person
who is weak when he / she faces an unexpected event.
Tatsuya continues analyzes the situation. Tatsuya thinks, it may be hard to manipulate others
bodily liquid, but the difficult declines significantly if a magician is using a liquid within his / her
body. Tatsuya thinks, Nakura may commit a suicide as the last attempt. Mayumi remembers
Nakura uses needle made of water. The group assumes, Nakura used his magic as the last
attempt in his last battle. Tatsuya uses his elemental sight to remember information from
Nakuras blood. At this moment, Masaki asks Tatsuya what he is doing. Tatsuya lies and tells
him that he is trying to get any magical traces in his cloth. Not only Masaki, Mayumi also gets

fooled by Tatsuya and starts to look for magical traces on Nakuras cloths. Mayumi cannot find
anything. Masaki asks Tatsuya whether he found anything. Tatsuya says, he also could not find
anything, but he says the wound that pierced through Nakuras back may be done by a magical
Tatsuya explains about magical beasts and its magical properties. According to Tatsuya,
magical beasts fall into mental interference magic. It only shows itself to the target that it intends
to show itself. Due to this, magical beasts cannot harm its target if the target does not recognize
the existence of magical beasts. In order to strengthen the magic, the magician has to make its
target to recognize magical beasts. The location does not matter as long as the target believes
the presence of magical beasts. But, at the same time the target must not recognize the
existence of magical beasts too much because supposedly magical beasts does not exist, and
the target may learn magical beasts are beings that do not exist in the world. In order for
magical beasts to work, the magician must create fear and uncertainty within the target and
make the target to believe there is something else out there. Simply, worrying about magical
beasts can make this magic stronger. Even Tatsuya explains to Mayumi, Mayumi was still lost.
Masaki, Miyuki, Mayumi, and Tatsuya get into the commuter and travel to Arashiyama. Masaki
continues the discussion about magical beasts in the commuter. Masaki asks about the
difference between golem magic and magical beasts. Tatsuya explains about Golem magic.
Golem is a magical robot that resembles animals / living organisms or a legendary monster. It is
inserted with an independent information entity with specific behavior patterns through magic.
For an example, if a magician makes a giant golem soldier with stones, a golem may look like a
solid stone is moving like human beings. But, in truth joint parts of golem are not connected.
Through magic, stones are only fixated at specific location. So, it can be even said, stones are
simply piled on each other. For a golem, it has a physical entity. Sometimes, an entity is
composed of organic materials such as woods. Sometimes, an entity is composed of inorganic
materials such as stones. Sometimes, an entity is made of liquid materials such as water and
has an indeterminate form. But, having a physical form is a major difference between a golem
and a magical beast that only acts as it has a physical form.
Tatsuyas explanation on a golem continues. In order to operate a golem, a magician has to put
an independent information entity inside of golem. And, a magician needs to continuously use
magic to operate a golem. Otherwise, a golem will no longer be a golem. And, if a golem uses
liquid materials such as water, it breaks down instantly. So, a magician uses engraving magic

when a magician fixates the magic sequences if materials are wood and stones. If a golem has
an indeterminate form with liquid substances, a magician sometimes uses blood. Before the
formation of modern magic, blood holds an important meaning to magicians. For a traditional
magic, blood is considered to be an effective offering, so there are many traditional magic that
uses blood.
After listening to Tatsuyas explanation, Mayumi and Masaki thinks, the biggest difference
between regular Golem magic and magical beasts is having physical entity or not. Golem can
have physical entity, but magical beasts do not have it. Tatsuya crosses his head and says,
magical beast is inefficient magic because it gave unnecessary features of animal. If the
magical beast does not use core, it can be destroyed by field interference. If the magic
strengthen its entity, it can be eliminated through destroying its core. As Tatsuya explains the
magic, the commuter gets close to its destination.

Chapter 12
Minami is reading a book quietly right next to Minoru who is sleeping. Minorus condition has
been stabilized besides having high fever. At the hotel, Minami does not have to do much
housekeeping jobs or needs to compete against other for preparing meals or teas. Minami is
having a relaxed mood. Minami suddenly questions herself why she is being comfortable even
though she is with a young boy who is at the same age as her. Not only that, the boy has an
unequal beauty, and his personality is also great. Even when Minami met Minoru for the first
time at Nara, and she was nearby Minoru yesterday, she was feeling her heart pounding. She
has been realizing she is being nervous, and she is reacting this way because Minoru is a boy.
Unlike Tatsuya, Minoru is a boy. His magic capability is more than great; it is horrifying. He may
be equal to Yotsubas greatest masterpiece, Miyuki. But, Minami is feeling familiarity with him.
For some reasons, she is feeling similarity with him. So, she is attracted to him. And, she is
feeling nervous because she realizes herself being conscious towards Minoru.
Minami presses her cheeks that have become hot. She is embarrassed about herself for turning
her face red while daydreaming. She stands up in order to cool her face by washing her face.
But, she sits down right away because Minorus breathing has changed. His cheeks were hot,
and his respiration is thin and short. Minami stands up and heads to the front desk in order to
call a doctor, but she stops because she remembers Minoru is from Kudou family, and she does
not know whether she can show Minoru who holds a bloodline of the old 9th Laboratorys
product. She cannot make any decision, but she suddenly remembers the solution. She realizes
she can ask Tatsuya about Minoru. Minami takes out and turns on her communication device.

Chapter 13
Tatsuya gets a phone call from Minami right after his group gets off from the commuter. Tatsuya
tells Minami that her decision on not contacting the hotels front desk was good. Tatsuya tells
Minami to look after Minoru and informs Minami that he will contact Kyouko. Miyuki sees
Tatsuya with worrisome eyes, but Tatsuya stops Miyuki by looking at her and calls Kyouko.
After Tatsuya informs Kyouko about Minorus condition and location, he hangs up the phone.
Masaki also asks about Minoru and shows sincerely concern about Minorus condition. Mayumi
asks Tatsuya who they are talking about. Tatsuya tells Mayumi about Minoru. Just what Tatsuya
can expect from the daughter of Saegusa, which is famous for having a good sociability.
Mayumi also knows about Minoru, but she does not know about Minorus condition, and she
only knows that he has a weak body. Because of the false information about Minoru, Mayumi
thought Minoru also has a weak body similar to Itsuwa Mio. Because Mayumi is close to Mio, so
it is natural for Mayumi to envision Minoru similar to Mio. Tatsuya informs Mayumi that Minoru is
sick but does not have a weak body, and Tatsuya says, Minorus magic power is too powerful
for his body and causes an overload. Mayumi is surprised but nods her heads. Miyuki changes
the topic and asks Tatsuya to move forward if Kyouko will take care of Minoru. Masaki does not
ask any thing about Kyouko even though he does not know about Kyouko.
Nakuras body was found nearby Arashiyama Park. Everything has been cleaned up including
blood stains. Tatsuya may be able to find something with his elemental sight, but Tatsuya
thinks, it is meaningless and decides not to use the elemental sight. After observing the site and
flow of the river, Miyuki says, the body cannot come from the upper stream of the river. Tatsuya
thinks, Miyuki does not have any talent for being a detective. Tatsuya replies by agreeing with
Miyuki, but he does not say Nakuras body cannot come from the upper stream because there
were blood stains everywhere. Simply, Nakura did not die at another location, and his body did
not travel through the river. Nakura died at the site that Tatsuyas group is searching.
Masaki is trying to understand the victim, Nakuras situation and asks Tatsuya to share his
opinion. Tatsuya simply says, he does not know because he has no idea whether Nakura made
an appointment with the killer or ambushed by the killer. Masaki agrees with Tatsuya. Miyuki
asks about the future plan to Tatsuya, and Tatsuya asks Mayumi to search nearby locations if
Mayumi is okay. Mayumi is surprised by Tatsuyas question and agrees to follow Tatsuya
because she is the one who asks Tatsuya a favor.

Tatsuya is heading to the location where the traditional magicians from Tofu restaurant told him
about, but he did not inform this information to Mayumi. She also did not show any discontent
and follow Tatsuya. Due to the location, they are doing a little hiking. However, the group is
slowing down because of Mayumi. Unlike Miyuki who is wearing pants and regular shoes,
Mayumi is wearing a long skirt and loafer with heel. Tatsuya continues moving forward to the
direction where a sign, Bamboo Forest, is displayed. Mayumi feels a slight sense of
incongruity from Tatsuya. Mayumi calls Tatsuya, and Tatsuya asks her whether he is moving
too fast. After listening to Tatsuya, Mayumi realizes she is out of breath, but she is feeling
irrationality towards Miyuki because Miyuki is not running out of breath like Mayumi, but she
cannot show a behavior to make herself weak. Mayumi tends to be stubborn in time like this.
Mayumi changes the topic and asks Tatsuya about the destination that the group is heading
because she realizes Tatsuya is not searching but seems to have a specific location on his
mind. Tatsuya falls into dilemma after Mayumis question because he hesitates about dragging
Mayumi into this. Even though Minoru and Masaki are from the direct lines of 10MC, Minoru has
been involved from the beginning, and Masaki does not have any connection with Tatsuya, so
dragging Masaki into the situation will not create any unexpected consequence. But, Mayumi is
not really close to Tatsuya, and at the same time she is not foreign to Tatsuya. If Mayumi gets
involved and gets injured, it may create unexpected consequences that can be trouble to
Tatsuya. Most likely, it will not happen, but if Tatsuya asks to be responsible, Tatsuya may
become in debt to somebody that he does not wish to rely on. Most of all, Tatsuya does not
wish to break the relationship where Tatsuya is helping Mayumi. While Tatsuya is brainstorming
how to fool Mayumi, Miyuki calls Tatsuya.
Suddenly, Tatsuyas group is attacked by Onibi, Will-o'-the-wisp, and blades of wind, but all of
them stopped by Miyukis zone interference. Tatsuya and Masaki form the formation where
Tatsuya to stand front, and Masaki to stand back of the group, and Mayumi and Miyuki are
standing between them. Five strings with blue, red, white, black, and yellow colors were sent
from the bamboo forest. Tatsuya catches them before they hit Tatsuya, and he feels noise
similar to his magic, Casts-jamming from strings. Unlike cast-jamming which is sending out
Psions noise to interrupt magic, these strings are meant to entangle the target and send Psions
noise directly to the target. So, this is an efficient technique to stop magic initiation. Tatsuya
does not destroy strings and only decomposes noise. And, Tatsuya uses his two hands to pull
strings. Tatsuya may not have strength to drag two people, but opponents are surprised
because their magic was destroyed by the way that they never imagine. Traditional magicians

are dragged out, but Tatsuyas group also underestimates the opponents, too. Tatsuya realizes
one traditional magician has been vanished. Tatsuya assumes, opponents initiated the barrier to
protect themselves from Tatsuyas group. But, the barrier magic is built to stop bystanders to
enter to the site that they are fighting against Tatsuyas group. In some way, it is also good for
Tatsuyas group, too because they do not have to worry about bystanders and their eyes.
Other strings are extending towards Masaki and Mayumi, but they are repelled by the wind that
Masaki creates. Wind itself is the product of magic, and magic sequence does not get affected
by strings. Bamboo forest is shaking because of Mayumis magic, Dry-Blizzard. Six men come
out from bamboo forest without any serious injuries mainly because they used magic to protect
themselves. Two magicians that dragged out by Tatsuya, become frozen. Miyuki does not
freeze the body, but she lowers the bodys inner and external temperature. Two men falls into
hibernation. Miyuki has resistance towards killing people, so Tatsuya put a lot of effort to edit
power of magic sequence.
Tatsuya uses his hand as a blade horizontally while using decomposition magic. This time, he
did not bring Silver Horn. But, he brought write type special CADs. By adding multiple aim
supporting antennas to the wrist, it can cover and provide similar aim supporting capability as
Silver Horn. The magic initiation is entered through thinking process CAD, which is location at
the chest. This CAD provides a new fighting style for Tatsuya. He is still trying to learn to use
magic without using both hands in the combat. But, Tatsuya does not need any supports from
CAD to use decomposition magic at the close range.
Tatsuya purposely aims at bamboo trees besides directly aiming at traditionalist magicians.
Four traditionalist magicians come out of the forest because they realize they were not only
attacked by unknown magic, but they know Tatsuya used his magic as a warning shot. Tatsuya
know attackers composed of 12 magicians. He instantly knows, one person is missing. Tatsuya
calls out Ichijou, and Ichijou decides to handle six magicians, and Tatsuya decides to handle
four magicians in front of him.
Six magicians in front of Masaki forms a hand seal. Masaki is not surprised by it because he
already knows they are from Buddhist monks faction. Masaki senses the initiation of magic
sequences behind him. Mayumi is preparing magic. Even though Masaki knows about Mayumi
and her power, Masaki has no intention to let Mayumi fight. Masaki analyzes that, Mayumis

Dry-Blizzard is much weaker than its original form. Her magic may be able to drag enemies to
the open field, but her magic failed to disable magicians.
Masaki thinks, traditionalist magicians are incompetent because they should not come out of the
forest. He believes, the traditional magician cannot stand against modern magicians because of
the magic initiation speed. Masaki also knows about the Buddhist Monks technique, Ichijishuu
that can provide speed equivalent to the modern magic, but it is still impossible to produce the
speed equivalent to modern magic because modern magic is the combination of psychic power
and magic, and it is the fastest version of magic. This is what Masaki is thinking. However, all
the traditionalist magicians yells, Khan. Their magic initiation was faster than Masakis magic.
And, their right hands are on fire. It is not an illusion. Masaki and Mayumi can smell from
traditionalist magicians hand being burned. Mayumi closes her mouth after nearly throwing up.
Even Masaki is shocked from this scene until he can witness the sword composed of fire from
their burning hands. If Mikihiko is here with Masaki, he probably recognizes the sword and
would call it, Kurikara Sword.
Two men are charging towards Masaki and Mayumi. Masaki throws his red color gun special
CAD in the air and uses his wrist type CAD on his right hand by using his left hand. By using
wrist type CAD, he created a vector direction reverse barrier, but a traditionalist magician uses
his flame sword and rips the barrier. Kurikara is anti-demon blade. Masaki says impossible
when he witness his barrier gets destroyed. They are continuing to charge towards Masaki but
two magicians are hit by winds from the side. Mayumi tells Masaki, magic can be cut. Masaki
realizes what Mayumi is warning about. Wind is natural phenomenon caused by magic. It is not
magic itself, and it is a result of magic. So, the effect of flame sword cannot reach it. Masaki
grabs his red CAD on his right hand and pulls the trigger. Right hands of six magicians have
become much thinner than before because they have been burning by the flame. All of their
faces show pains. Masaki realizes they are not using magic with their own intention. It is a
puppet magic that controls a persons consciousness. Masakis red CAD aims at six meat
puppets. Masaki aims and cast rupture at their feet. Their magic stops and shows right hands
which have turned into ashes. And, their feets blood vessels have been ruptured. Muscles and
skins are ripped into pieces and shows white bones. Mayumi closes her mouth and restrains
herself from throwing up after witnessing this. Masakis face does not show any anger or

Tatsuya is also witnessing similar things. Four magicians right hands are on fire. The difference
from Tatsuyas side is what comes after this. Right hands of traditionalist magicians are covered
by cold air. Flame tries to resist cold air, but Miyukis magic overpowers flames that burn magic.
Without further explanation, Miyukis magic that can freeze mind itself, has no problem with
freezing forced magic. [Kurigara sword is being forced to use by somebody else, so it cannot
resist Miyuki power.] Tatsuya points at their legs, and their blood fly out of their thighs. Their
pains create noise and shake the string that controls them. Tatsuya realizes the magician who is
hiding in the bamboo forest. If this is Psion wave, it cannot get away from Tatsuyas eye. His
finger from the right hand aims at the forest, and he removes spider that drops on top of his
head with left hand. As spider without any physical form vanishes, there is a scream coming
from the forest.
Tatsuya says, this still gives uneasy feelings. This is about his new special wrist type CAD,
Silver Trace. This is a prototype CAD combined with thinking process CAD. Unlike Tatsuyas
comment, Miyuki thinks Tatsuya uses this prototype CAD naturally. Both of them do not show
any concern about six magicians lying in front of them or a magician that screamed in the forest
because Tatsuya would not forget about the existence of a magician in the forest, and Miyuki
does not believe, Tatsuya would lose a prey that he caught. The magician from the forest is
dragged out of the forest by Tatsuya. He seems to be older than 60 years old. The old
traditional magician regains consciousness because Tatsuya dragged him out violently. He pulls
out a long needle and pierces it to his thing in order to stop pains, but the old traditionalist
magician does not show any resistance towards Tatsuya. He knows if he tries to use magic, he
may experiences more pains.
Mayumi asks Tatsuya and Masaki what to do from now. They do not think, the old magician
would say anything, and the barrier that they created should be gone now. So, they make a
decision to hand them to police because it may get too complicated if they interrogate them,
Tatsuyas group may get into more trouble. Even Mayumi is uneasy about this, but they decide
to contact police, and Miyuki calls cops.

Chapter 14
Searching Arashiyama area ends with getting questioned by polices because traditionalist
magicians were injured too much. Even with the name of Saegusa and Ichijou, police cannot let
them go. In addition, a detective who was questioning Tatsuya and his group, was not fond of
10MC. Even though detectives who are in charge of magic related crimes, are magicians, but all
of them are not modern magicians. In the region like Tokyo where modern magician faction is
strong, majority of police forces are composed of modern magicians. But, regions like Kyoto
where traditional magician holds a certain size of faction, is composed of both traditional
magicians and modern magicians. Or, some of these places have more traditional magicians. A
detective, who was questioning Tatsuyas group, is a traditional magician under the Onmyd
faction. At least, it was good that a detective was not under the Buddhist faction. Even though a
detective was not falling into Buddhist faction, his antipathy towards 10MC affected negatively
on the investigation. He continued doubting Tatsuyas group for overprotection. Mayumi and
Masaki were not immature to get angry over this, but if they were short-tempered, something
terrible could happen. For Tatsuya, a detective also tried to accuse him of overprotection.
Tatsuya did his best to stop Miyuki from getting exploded with anger. Finally, Tatsuyas group
gets freed from the police. Masaki returns to Kanazawa by using train. He travels to the station
with his bike. Masaki is using the train that can transport a bike. Mayumi already reserved the
one single room, so she is staying at the hotel. When Tatsuya returns to the hotel, Kyouko is
waiting for Tatsuya. Kyouko notices Tatsuya and Miyuki are tired by looking at their face after
greeting them. Tatsuya briefly informs Kyouko about their situation with cop without much detail
and asks about Minorus condition. Kyouko sits in front of Tatsuya, and Miyuki sits right next to
Tatsuya and looks at Kyouko. Kyouko tells them that Minoru has been in pain, but he is sleeping
due to the effect of medicine. Based on Kyoukos facial expression, Minorus condition is not
simply a bad condition.
Kyouko wants to ask Tatsuya a favor, and Tatsuya asks her what it is. Kyouko cannot answer
right away and avoids looking at Tatsuya for nearly one minute. Kyouko explains about Minorus
condition. According to Kyouko, Minoru is healthy in the medical perspective. He has no
problems in both immune system and nerve system. Even a doctor cannot determine why he is
often getting sick. Kyouko and another researcher from Fujibayashi family think, Minorus
condition may be due to his Psion body. Psion body is information of ones physical body. It is
one of many names of Eidos, and it exists by overlapping with the physical body. In the past, it

was discussed and believed to be the identity of Soul, but this topic is still ongoing discussion. If
a person is trained to control Psion body, one can command the body faster than simply using
the body through the nerve system. In addition, if this is possible, one can edit and strengthen
internal organ functions by controlling information on internal organs and other information that
has relations to internal organs. For a magician like Tatsuya, facing unexpected body condition
due to the Psion bodys bad condition cannot happen.
Tatsuya asks Kyouko what she wants him to do. The idea of Psion body affecting physical body
is popular belief, and many researchers are studying this subject. Tatsuya assumes Fujibayashi
familys researcher would be one of those who are studying this theory. But, Tatsuya does not
understand why Kyouko would approach Tatsuya for help. Finally, Kyouko tells what she wants
from Tatsuya. She asks Tatsuya to use the elemental sight to look into Psion body of Minoru.
Tatsuya and Miyuki are surprised and open their eyes widely. Kyouko continues and says, she
does not know anyone who can analyze Psion body as much as Tatsuya. And, she cannot
request him to fix Minoru, but at least she wants Tatsuya to find a reason behind Minorus
condition. But, Tatsuya warns Kyouko about allowing him to look into Minoru. Tatsuyas eye
reads information on what a person is the basis of. He can read what and how a person is made
of. He can read the cause and the effect. His eye reads the structural information as well as a
causal relationship. By looking into a person called Kudou Minoru with his eye, it is the same as
showing a persons root.
Kyouko says, she will be responsible for everything. Even though Tatsuya hears her answer, he
also knows nobody can be responsible for such decision, but he still nods at Kyouko. Kyouko
also knows that she cannot handle this responsibility, but she still promises to be responsible for
consequences. Tatsuya cannot know why she is so urgent. As long as he does not look into
past and look into the present condition, he does not have any demerit. And, Tatsuya has been
relying in several occasions on Kyouko. So, if Kyouko really wishes this, he decides to fulfill her
wish. Tatsuya looks into Minoru with his eye. Because of the medication, Minoru cannot notice
and resist Tatsuyas eye. Miyuki says, Onisama. It is less than one second. But, when Tatsuya
comes back to the present time, he is sweating. Tatsuya tells Miyuki not to worry and smiles at
Miyuki. Miyuki shows a comfortable look and heads to the bathroom. When Miyuki comes back,
she has a wet towel on her hand. Miyuki cleans Tatsuyas sweats on his face even though
Tatsuya tells her that he will do it by himself. Kyouko asks Tatsuya about Minorus condition
after looking into him. In an instance, Tatsuya has a lot to say not only to Kyouko but also to
Kudou family. He has looked into the root of Minoru and learned about the birth secret of

Minoru. But, Tatsuya silences himself and only answers Kyouko about things that she has
requested to Tatsuya. Tatsuya says, he thought Minorus body is not simply handling a strong
Psion pressure. According to Tatsuya, Psion body is a vessel that holds Psion that a person
has. Just like physical air pressure, Psions pressure is depending on how actively Psions size
and Psion are moving around. For the case of Minoru, Psion is moving around much stronger
than any other magicians. Kyouko asks whether Psion pressure is damaging Psion body.
Tatsuya says, Psion body is like unaccountably many thin pipes are gathered together and
bending around to form information that looks like an actual physical body. For Minoru, Psion
pressure inside of pipes is breaking pipes, and its damages are being reflected to physical body
as feedback. Kyouko nearly screams, but before that happens, Tatsuya continues talking.
Tatsuya says, as long as Psion is actively moving around, it also means Psion body is being
recovered because broken pipes and Psion that broke the pipes are also made of the same
material. But, for Minoru the damage on Psion body and recovery on Psion body are happening
in a short cycle. And, Tatsuya believes, it may be the reason behind Minorus condition. And, he
points out, Minorus recovery speed on Psion body is much faster than average magicians.
Kyouko feels safe, but suddenly she starts worrying about the solution. According to Tatsuya,
one solution for saving Minoru is suppressing Minorus Psion activity. But, it also means putting
a shackle on Minorus ability as a magician, so it may not be the solution for his family and
Minoru himself. Then, the best solution would be strengthening the intensity of Minorus Psion
body. But, Tatsuya cannot provide a method for strengthening the intensity of Psion body. After
Tatsuyas answer, Kyouko put her face down to hide herself. If one puts Minorus health as the
top priority, limiting magic power is the most definite solution, but magic is the pillar that holds
Minoru, and being an excellent magician is his identity. Even Tatsuya believes, Minoru cannot
be happy by limiting magic power in order to gain the healthy body. At the same time, staying at
sickbed for a quarter of one year is also very painful not only for Minoru but also for his family.
Kyouko says, she will ask about this with other experts. Minoru wakes up about thirty minutes
after the discussion. Kyouko is also recovered from the shock. Or, she may not wish to show
unsightly face to Minoru. Tatsuya asks Minoru about his condition, and Minoru apologizes for
making others to worry about him. Minoru is about to put his head down. But, it is stopped by
Tatsuya. Tatsuya says, there is no reason for Minoru to put his down because it is not Minorus
fault for getting sick and stresses that it is due to his condition. And, Tatsuya says, he cannot
agree on putting head down if it is not Minorus fault. Tatsuyas voice is very austere. It is close
to rebuking than comforting Minoru. But, it is Tatsuyas way of encouraging Minoru from feeling

guilty. Minoru shows gratitude to Tatsuya and nods to Tatsuya. Tatsuya does not speak any
more of this.
Kyouko changes the topic and is about to ask Tatsuya to share the story regarding police.
Before she starts the sentence, Erika interrupts. Erika notices Kyouko and remembers her rank.
Erika, Leo, and Mikihiko also remember Kyouko. All of them are surprised about Kyoukos
presence. Kyouko tells them not to call her, Second Lieutenant because she is not on official
business. She counters their surprise by showing Smile of Adult. Erika does not show any
special response because she is also a woman, but Leo also does not respond to Kyoukos
smile. Only, Mikihiko shows a response that can be seen from a normal teenager. Maybe, it is
good that Mizuki is not here.
Erika sits opposite from where Minoru is lying. Unlike Miyukis elegant atmosphere, Erika sits
straight. It may be different, but both Miyuki and Erika produce a good picture. Erika asks about
Minorus condition, and Minoru replies by apologizing to Erika for making her worry. Erika is
definitely a pretty girl, but Minorus face is more decent. However, Minoru gets agitated from
Erikas smile. In some way, it is suitable for a boy at his age, but in a negative way, it also
means Minoru does not have any girl at his age around him. Maybe, Erika considers time,
place, and occasion and does not show any response or tries to make a joke towards Minorus
innocence reaction.
Tatsuya sits towards the center of the room, and Miyuki also sits right next him. Kyouko moves
next to Minoru, and Minami moves right next to Miyuki. Erika moves in front Tatsuya along with
Leo and Mikihiko. Everyone is circling around each other. Tatsuya asks everyone to share their
information, and Mikihiko starts sharing. According to Mikihiko, Mikihikos group did not find any
locations that traditionalist magicians can hide, and no one was responding to his Shikigami. In
addition, many magicians under the police have been patrolling the area. Mikihiko thinks, even if
foreign agencies are trying to pull something similar to the last year, it will be hard in this years
event. Tatsuya says, the safety for the thesis competition has been achieved due to the
Mikihikos effort. Mikihiko shows a troubled face but agrees that his effort may be helpful. As
always, Erika makes a fun of Leo and says, it is Leos job to suffer from the work. And, Leo
says, Stop joking.
Mikihiko concludes, field research for the thesis competition has some successes, but his group
did not gain much regarding the search for foreign agents. Tatsuya says, everything is fine

because the police should gain an access to the hideout of traditionalist magicians. Now, they
can leave it to the local government because searching for a foreign agent is also a job for the
police. But, Miyuki objects Tastuyas opinion because of the attack that Tatsuyas group
experienced at Arashiyama Park nearby Okura Mountain. He informs others that attackers are
composed of 12 traditional magicians from the Buddhist faction and one foreign sorcerer. Erika
is not surprised and assumes that Tatsuya, Miyuki, and the heir of Ichijou family handled them
easily. Tatsuya says, they were not easy opponents. Then, he remembers something and asks
Mikihiko about what they saw during the fight. Tatsuya asks about the magic that creates flame
sword with a snake or a dragon decoration. About ten seconds later, Mikihiko says, it is
Kurikara Sword. Tatsuya asks whether the blade belongs to Fud-my. Mikihiko says, it is a
magic that imitates Fud-mys anti-demon sword. Its power represents cutting down magic. In
the modern magic perspective, this sword contacts on the target that magic is being initiated
and destroys magic sequence that is being written on Eidos. It is a form of anti-magic. Erika is
surprised with the existence of such magic among traditional magic. Even though it is a simple
comment by Erika, Mikihiko shows discomfort because her words sound like modern magicians
are making mockery out of traditional magic. But, Mikihiko knows Erika always talk insensitively
without any ill-intention, so he has no intention to start fighting because of her words.
Mikihiko is impressed with a magician who has a capability to use this kind of advanced magic.
Due to the nature of Kurikara Sword, it can also cause defeasance on a magicians own magic,
so sustaining this magic is very hard. After hearing Mikihikos words, Tatsuya asks what
happens if a magician tries to use this magic forcefully. Mikihiko says, it is impossible because
the point of magic initiation is a magicians hand. The magic of Kurikara Sword invalidates any
magic that flame touches, so it is not simply about avoiding the contact with the sword. In order
to sustain the magic, a magician needs to keep the distance between his hand and the
represented flame sword. If a magician cannot handle this condition, a magician cannot sustain
the magic. But, Mikihiko also adds, it is a little different if another magician forces other
magicians to initiate the magic. In this case, he points out that the hand will be burned. Erika
screams and flips backward, and Miyuki shrinks her shoulder. Mikihiko says, even though it is
magic, and Kurikara Swords flame is in represented form, it is still flame. If a magician grabs
this sword, it is natural to get burned. According to the rumor, there are evil magic that forces
others to use this magic while burning their arms in order to create Kurikara Sword. Mikihiko
finalizes his comment by saying, if this magic is used in this way, it is no longer an anti-demon
blade but an evil blade.

Without getting noticed by others, Tatsuya and Miyuki share eye contacts and decide not to talk
any detailed information. Mikihiko praises Tatsuyas group for such a victory, but he says merits
should go to Miyuki and Masaki. Now, Tatsuya is starting to discuss about future plans. Erika
asks Tatsuya whether the plan has been changed. According to the plan, they are scheduled to
return to Tokyo today. Tatsuya asks everyone to return to Tokyo, and he says, he will remain in
Kyoto for one more day and visit police in order to ask around traditionalist magicians that they
caught today. Miyuki wishes to stay with Tatsuya, but Tatsuya objects her request because she
is a student president, and it is not good to miss the school for two straight days. For Miyuki,
Tatsuya is more important than the school, but if she is ordered by Tatsuya with strong tone,
she cannot object him. Erika asks, she would like to stay with Tatsuya because she can pull
string with cops. But, the request is rejected because she is obviously using this as an excuse to
take a break. Mikihiko is also asked to go back. Mikihiko and Leo know about Tatsuyas
circumstance, and Erika knows more about Tatsuya than others.
After sending others to the station, Tatsuya comes back to the hotel. It was not easy to put
Miyuki on the train, but he manages to send her to Tokyo. When Miyuki holds Tatsuyas right
hand with her both hands with teary eyes and asks him to be careful, Tatsuya was even
planning to change the plan. And, Minoru also wants to follow Tatsuya, but Kyouko objects and
scolds Minoru for skipping the school because Minoru already missed a lot of classes.
Fortunately, the hotel has a lot of empty rooms. He moves to the single room and is meeting
Mayumi at the lounge. Mayumi asks whether it is okay to skip the school, but Tatsuya tells her
he has an additional business. Mayumi assumes, the business is related to the military. Tatsuya
says, yes and ask her not to concern. Tatsuya changes the topic and requests Mayumi to wait
at the hotel. Mayumi gets agitated from Tatsuyas request. Mayumi thinks, Tatsuya is
considering her as an obstacle because she was not as helpful as Masaki and Miyuki. Tatsuya
smiles and objects her self-criticism. Tatsuya says he thinks highly of Mayumis ability whiling
looking into her eyes. Mayumis cheeks turn red and avoids Tatsuyas gaze. Then, Mayumi asks
Tatsuya why he is leaving her at the hotel, and his reply is unexpected by Mayumi. Tatsuya
says, it is not because tomorrows trip is dangerous. Mayumi thought, Tatsuya would say,
tomorrows trip is dangerous. Mayumi looks back at Tatsuya. Tatsuya continues talking. He
thinks he cannot progress if he uses the same method as today, and he is planning to use
rough methods. And, Tatsuya thinks, it is not a kind of things that he wishes to show to a lady
especially a lady like Mayumi. Again, Mayumi moves her gaze from Tatsuya. Mayumi says, she
is okay, and she is used to rough things. It is true that she experienced the battle field at

Yokohama and fought against man-eating tiger, Lu. Rough things would be okay, but their
discussion is turning into strange direction. [the author seems doing wordplay again. It may
translate in another way, but I feel like the author is trying to joke and make rough things not
as fighting dangerous enemies but as doing rough things on the bed or something sexual.]
Tatsuya strongly states, he simply does not wish Mayumi to see how he handles things. While
turning her gaze away from Tatsuya, Mayumi is rubbing both of her index fingers together.
Mayumi finally accepts Tatsuyas request. Right after she accepts Tatsuyas request, her body
trembles and realizes something. She says, she is in danger, and moves her gaze back at
Tatsuya. She says, she nearly gets trapped by his methods. Tatsuya put both of his arms and
says he has no intention to fool her, and he really does not wish for a woman to witness what he
is planning to do. Mayumi says, Onesan will not be deceived. Tatsuya does not remember
fooling Mayumi or putting her into the trap, but Mayumi seems to have weird memories. But,
Tatsuya was sincere when he says, he does not wish to show it to a woman. Tatsuya gives up
and asks her not to faint when she follows him around. Even if Tatsuya threatens her, Mayumi
laughs happily and says, it is okay because she is an adult. Tatsuya cannot believe what she
just said, but he cannot say it to her.
Miyuki contacts Tatsuya and informs him that she arrives at home. Miyuki says, she worried
because Tatsuya is not nearby her. Tatsuya assures Miyuki that there is no reason for him to
remove his eye away from her. Miyuki apologizes to Tatsuya, and Tatsuya tells her not to
apologize. He regrets about staying away from Miyuki and asks her to lock the door before
going to sleep. Miyuki thinks, Tatsuya is considering her as a young child. Tatsuya says,
regardless of her age, she is his sister. Miyuki says, what Tatsuya just said, is something that
parents should tell to their daughter. Tatsuya says, But, you do not wish to hear from them.
Miyuki agrees and says goodnight to Tatsuya.
Right after the phone call with Miyuki ends, somebody is knocking the door. After checking the
monitor that shows the outside of his hotel room, he can see dressed up Mayumi. Tatsuya asks
her why she is visiting him in this hour. It is only around 8 p.m., but Tatsuya thinks, it is not time
for a young woman to visit another mans room when a man is not her lover. Unlike Tatsuya,
Mayumi does not seem to think this way. Mayumi asks Tatsuya to have a dinner with her.
Mayumi already reserved a spot at the French restaurant through the hotel front desk. Despite
of Tatsuyas intention, Mayumi seems to decide Tatsuya to escort her. Tatsuya controls himself

from not making an unpleasant face. Tatsuya asks her to wait at the lobby while he changes his
dress. He makes a bitter smile while closing the door.

Tatsuya and Mayumi meet at the lobby. Mayumi says, Tatsuya looks great, and Tatsuya says, it
is nothing compared to Mayumi. Tatsuya goes to Mayumis side and pull out the chair. Mayumi
smiles while sitting on the chair. Tatsuya waits for Mayumi to look into the menu, and he starts
looking at the menu. Both of them order the course menu. Due to the location, they cannot talk
about their trips to Kyoto. Tatsuya also warns Mayumi from using anti-noise field. During last
two days, Tatsuya have learned one thing; people of Kyoto are not friendly with magicians.
Tatsuya thought Kyoto to be in good terms with magicians because HQ of magic association is
located here. And, at worst, he thought the city to be neutral. But, his expectation was not right.
He hides his wrist type CAD under the sleeve, and he tries to avoid looking like a magician.
Mayumi also does not wear CAD. It is hard to know whether Mayumi is not wearing CAD
because she does not wish to alert other people or simply because of fashion. After having
desert and coffee, Mayumi asks Tatsuya to join her at the bar. Tatsuya says, he is a high school
student. Mayumi says, Tatsuya does not look like a high school student even if he wears a
school uniform. Mayumis comment is not ill-intended, but because of this Tatsuya is more
shocked. Maybe, the shock is too strong. Tatsuya is dragged to the bar. Before entering into the
bar, Mayumi tells Tatsuya not to call her Senpai and ask him to call her as Mayumi. And, she
says, she will call him as Tatsuya San in order to avoid people from considering them as
students. Mayumi grabs Tatsuyas arm and drag him to the bar. Mayumi orders Alexander, and
Tatsuya orders Summer Delight. Bartender looks at Tatsuya and nods without saying anything.
Based on the bartenders physical look and his movements, the bartender seems to be trained
in professional combat. Tatsuya is wondering the identity of the bartender. While Tatsuya is
wondering about the bartender, Mayumi asks Tatsuya why he chose nonalcoholic beverage.
Suddenly, Tatsuya apologizes to Mayumi and behaves like a bodyguard. Mayumi was expecting
to play a lover role-play with Tatsuya. But, Tatsuya does not like to be controlled by others.
The bartender finishes making the drink and places it in front of Mayumi and initiates
communication with Tatsuya. The bartender thinks, Tatsuya looks strong for a young age.
Tatsuya says, he is only apprentice bodyguard, but the bartender says, Tatsuya is being
modest. The bartender finishes making Tatsuyas drink and places it in front of Tatsuya. Then,
the bartender asks whether Tatsuya is a magician or not. Tatsuya assumes the bartender to be
a magician, but the bartender says, he was a magician, but he lost his power as a magician
during the training exercise. Tatsuya apologizes, but the bartender says it is okay because it
happened a long time ago, and he is the one who started conversation. While they are talking,
Mayumi suddenly gets angry and requests additional drinks. Tatsuya warns Mayumi for drinking

too fast. Mayumi replies, It is okay. Tatsuya san should not interfere with drinking when you
cannot drink. Mayumi gets mad at Tatsuya for only talking with the bartender, or maybe
Mayumi dislike doing a role-play of a lady and a bodyguard. The bartender realizes the situation
and apologizes, but Tatsuya has no intention to stop conversation.
Tatsuya wishes to ask few more questions. By gazing at Tatsuya, The bartender asks whether it
is okay to leave Mayumi as it is. But, Tatsuya does not feel need for satisfying Mayumis mood.
Tatsuya starts asking questions about residents of Kyoto and the magic association. The
bartender is wondering why Tatsuya is asking such questions. Tatsuya feels that people of
Kyoto does not seem to have good impression towards magicians. The bartender says, there
has not been a big trouble between magicians and residents of Kyoto. According to him, small
matters have been piling up. If small matters were done by normal people, it could have been
ignored, but they were done by magicians. So, residents of Kyoto overreacted. After hearing
from the bartender, Tatsuya does not understand. The bartender continues talking. He thinks,
having Magic Association HQ at the city is not a good thing for residents of Kyoto. Residents
may feel, magicians have taken over the city. Tatsuya says, even magicians are residents of
Kyoto. But, the bartender shares his opinion of losing his power as a magician. After he lost his
power, he starts realizing how horrifying magician is to normal people. If a person cannot use
magic, he or she cannot do any things against magicians. Sometimes, they may not know what
happen to them. Sometimes, they may get injured or lose something precious. In the worst
circumstance, they may get killed. Magic may not be much different from a gun, but magicians
are carrying an invisible gun on the eye of normal residents of Kyoto. He finalizes his comment
by saying that Kyoto is not special. This can happen in any other cities.
After coming outside of the bar, Mayumi is having hard time walking. Tatsuya even told Mayumi
that three drinks are too much. He escorts Mayumi to her room. Mayumi looks like she is ready
to sleep right away. She thanks Tatsuya for escorting her to her room. But, she sits in front of
her room, but he cannot just leave her there. Tatsuya asks Mayumi whereabouts of the room
key. She shows her room key while shaking it. Suddenly, she tries to put the room key into her
cleavage, but Tatsuya catches it before it happens. Tatsuya is wondering what Mayumi is trying
to make Tatsuya to do. Tatsuya asks Mayumi to sleep on the bed if she is going to sleep.
Tatsuya learns a new thing about Mayumi. When Mayumi gets drunk, she regressed herself like
child. He feels like, many people around him are like this. He thinks, it is better than people who
asks others to drink or starts crying, but he thinks, it still requires extra handy works.

Tatsuya brings Mayumi right next to the bed. He recommends Mayumi to undress in order to
avoid making wrinkles on her dress. Mayumi raises her both arms in front of Tatsuya. Tatsuya
asks her what she wants. Mayumi tells Tatsuya to take off her dress. By listening to the answer
that he is expecting based on her posture, he is experiencing a headache.

Chapter 15
It is October 22th. Tatsuya come back to Arashiyama where his group was ambushed by
traditional magicians. Mayumi is staying at the hotel. She is not feeling well from drinking
alcohol and sleeping at the hotel. Among many incidents from yesterday, Tatsuya thinks, it is
working in his favor.
Tatsuya cannot see any security guards around the area. At least, nobody is investigating. The
detective, who hated 10MC, does not seem to have any intention for investigating the area.
Tatsuya wonders whether there are some other incidents or not, but either way, it is also
working in his favor because he does not have worry about dealing with security guards.
Tatsuya stands at the location and tries to remember information that he read yesterday. He is
remembering data from a traditional magician who was the least injured and was under the
hibernation by Miyukis magic. By not experiencing heavy injury, this traditional magicians Eidos
did not experience any loss, and Psion wave that can interfere with reading its mind, was
suppressed. So, this traditional magician could provide the data that Tatsuya needs. The data
that shows where the man came from. The coordinate of a hideout that this traditional
magicians group has been staying, is found.
Tatsuya takes out the information device and open a map. He compares the map with data from
his memory while moving to the destination. Tatsuya locates the destination. It is a large normal
house. But, if the house is this big, it cannot be normal. In some way, it also looks like a meeting
place for a village. Tatsuya scans the building with his elemental sight without getting noticed
from outside of the house. Tatsuya does not find any traps that can prevent intruders. Tatsuya
enters the building through the door without any concern. Within the house and nearby areas,
Tatsuya cannot sense any magic, but he confirms that the house is not empty. Door is doublelocked with electric key and physical key, but he does not have any magic to open this door, so
he decides to open the door with magic that he has. The doors lock breaks down. Tatsuya
enters the door without any concern and enters the interior of the house. But, he was attacked
by a weapon with the shape of circular wheel. It is a weapon called, Dharma Wheel This seems
to be used as a throwing weapon. As Tatsuya evades Dharma Wheel, it changes its track and
flies to the opposite direction. Tatsuya realizes, these weapons are being connected with the
Psion string. Tatsuya thinks, these weapons are showing the movement, which is similar to
yoyo. As Tatsuya continues evading Dharma Wheel, the number of Dharma Wheel has

increased to four, but Tatsuya use his decomposition magic to decompose Psion string. And,
Dharma Wheel breaks the door and flies outside of the house. Tatsuya notices a commotion
from the wall. After Tatsuya decompose four strings, he shortens the distance between himself
and magicians that are hiding through optical medium. Tatsuya can notice a glimpse of invisible
person who is making stance with dual bladed dagger, Vajra. It is a training tool for Buddhist.
This is also remodeled as a weapon just like yoyo type Dharma Wheel. Tatsuya can see, Vajra
is projected with magic sequence that fires lighting. It is projected, but it is not overwritten on
Eidos, yet. Tatsuya ignores the magic that is not being initiated and uses vibration magic with
flash cast and strike at the chest of Puppet. By using vibration wave, which is also used in
Active Air Mine Magic, body parts that palm contacts, is vibrating rapidly. Vibration is spreading
across the upper body by going through bodily liquids within the target. The mans body is
collapsed, and optical magic is also cancelled. The man wears similar cloth as ambushers from
yesterday. Another invisible man approaches Tatsuya from behind, but Tatsuya kicks this
invisible mans leg. As the second invisible man stumbles from Tatsuyas attack, Tatsuya can
see his back. Tatsuya attacks the second invisible man with vibration magic. The second
invisible man collapses. Then, Tatsuya makes a provocation by saying that invisibility is useless
towards him, and it may be wise to show themselves. By responding to Tatsuyas provocation,
ten men show up. All of them are from different age groups, but there isnt any woman among
them. Tatsuya may not go easy on a woman, but he still feels uncomfortable about fighting a
One traditional magician questions Tatsuya why their Marci ,it is Buddhist god of war, magic
does not work. Tatsuya does not say, they are simply inexperienced. If Yakumo uses the
exactly same magic, even Tatsuya cannot specify the location of a magician. One man orders
others to bind Tatsuya. He may not seem the oldest, but he seems to be strongest in magic
power. Tatsuya sets the man as the main target. Tatsuya comes to the middle of floor that looks
like a kendo dojo where does not have any obstacles such as furniture. Tatsuya is being
surrounded by ten magicians. Each five magician group has formed the formation similar to the
shape of pentagram. So, two groups set two separate pentagram formations. It looks like, ten
magicians have formed the formation with the shape of decagon, but two pentagram formations
are tilted from each other by 35 degrees. Five traditional magicians throw strings at Tatsuya.
But, strings are not thrown towards Tatsuya. They are throwing strings at their comrades across
from them. If one magician throws a string, another magician catches the end of string. Five
color strings are forming the pentagram formation. But, Tatsuya is watching this from the top.

Tatsuya assumes, this pentagram is built to put pressure and cause pain at the target that is
standing in the middle. But, Tatsuya has no reason to wait for them to finish the pentagram
formation with strings. The moment, they throw strings, Tatsuya jumps on top. Before hitting the
ceiling, he kicks the midair and aims at one of magicians that are forming Pentagram formation.
Tatsuya kicks the target, and the pentagram formation gets broken.
Even though pentagram formation is not only magic that they have, Tatsuya continues attacking
each magician one by one. By using flash cast, he builds a foothold in the midair before hitting
the floor and jumps at another magician. This magic battle technic is only possible because of
his flash cast that allows Tatsuya to build a foothold in the midair instantly. These traditional
magicians are from Buddhist faction, and they are not physically weak. They are supposed to be
the top class martial artists, but this is only the case if they fight normally. They cannot react to
Tatsuyas acrobatic movement.
When traditional magicians have gotten used to Tatsuyas attack, there are only five magicians
left. Two magicians that are located behind and in front of Tatsuya fire lighting magic towards
him. Modern magic can create an electric current at the target directly. But, traditional magics
lighting magic tends to fire the magic from a magician or a specific location to the target. For
lighting magic, it normally does not matter because lighting moves at the speed of 100,000km
per second. Once a person notices the attack, it is impossible for a person to evade the lighting.
For Tatsuya, he jumps to side right before the magic gets initiated. Two magicians lose Tatsuya,
but they cannot stop casting magic. After two lightings crash each other, traditional magicians
have become reluctant to use magic. In this instance, Tatsuya finds an opening that buys him
enough time. By using the flash cast, Tatsuya continues building footholds and jumping in
midair, and Tatsuya knocks down every traditional magician.
Targeted man who behaved as a leader gains conscious after experiencing a piercing pain. Due
to the pain, his thought is not functioning well. He is simply forced into the condition where he
cannot lose consciousness. Tatsuya weakens the level of pain in order to communicate with
him. The man tries to form a hand seal and initiates the magic, but the pain strikes him again.
Tatsuya tells him, he will only need to answer questions and weakens the pain again. Tatsuya
asks the man about whereabouts of Zhou. The man cannot think about lying to Tatsuya and
nods at him. The man informs Tatsuya about the location of Zhou. Zhou told other traditionalist
magicians that he was heading to Ujiro, Futagozuka grave because Zhou has a good hideout in

that location. The man tells Tatsuya that this is only thing that he knows, and he cannot confirm
whether Zhou lied to others or not.
Tatsuya informs the man that a foreign magician has been controlling your subordinates and
asks him whether the man allowed it or not. The man says, he is not a master. Not only that, the
man is not at the place where he can simply order others. Tatsuya asks the man whether he is a
leader or not, but the man says, there is no leader among them, and everyone is equal. So,
nobody is listening to any orders. Tatsuya appreciates his help, and the man loses his
consciousness because of the sudden pain. Tatsuya sends a mail to Kyouko and informs her
about the hideout of traditionalist and magicians who lost consciousness by Tatsuya. Tatsuya is
measuring the authenticity of information that he gains at this location. He cannot believe, the
organization does not have any form of chain of command because if they do not have any
commanding structure, they could not perform conjoint group battle such as pentagram
formation. But, the information regarding the hideout of Zhou is the same as what he earned
from a traditional magician at Kiyomizudera. Tatsuya decides to report to Hayama about Zhou
and his potential hideout at Futagozuka grave once Tatsuya goes back to the home at Tokyo.
When Tatsuya is done with his job and comes back to the hotel, Mayumi who is feeling angry
and shameful, is waiting for him. Mayumi is saying such as cold-hearted, this is different from
what you promised while making her cheeks red and avoiding Tatsuyas gaze. Tatsuya can
assume why she is acting the way she is now. Yesterday, Tatsuya was asked to take off the
cloth of young woman. It was irrational request, so Tatsuya took off Mayumis dress instantly
and threw Mayumi with only underwear into the bed. And, Tatsuya ran out of the bed without
looking back. Tatsuya thinks, his action was violent when he threw Mayumi into the bed. But,
Tatsuya has something to say. He cannot say it, but he wants to say, Mayumi should be thanks
Tatsuya for not raping her even though he cannot say such words. Mayumi starts stammering
and asks Tatsuya why she was sleeping with only underwear. Even though Mayumi and
Tatsuya are alone in the hotel room, she is looking everywhere while asking this question.
Tatsuya wants to say, Mayumi asks him to undress her, but he cannot say it. And, Tatsuya
says, Senpai, didnt you take them off by yourself? Even though you were drunk, werent you
having enough judgment not to get into the bed with the dress? Mayumi asks whether a
drunken person has a capability to think that much, but Tatsuya says, it is Mayumis business,
and this is something that he does not know. Then, Mayumi finally says that she may not be
strong with alcohol, but she is a type of people who would remember everything. Tatsuya wants
to get away from this room. However, he understands that this is not a circumstance where a

man can simply run away from. Mayumi says, I think, you should not have to do it violently.
Definitely, Tatsuya threw Mayumi into the bed violently. But, Tatsuya is questioning himself
whether this is a topic that he should get criticized for. However, if Tatsuya says, You are
talking about this besides the fact that I saw you with only underwear, it will be like touching a
king cobra. Mayumi is acting more shameful while looking at Tatsuya. In this uncomfortable
atmosphere, Tatsuya still has one last mission of escorting Mayumi to the close station from the

Chapter 16
The moment when Tatsuya touches the door of his house, the front door opens up. Just like
always, Miyuki welcomes Tatsuya. Tatsuya apologizes to Miyuki because Miyukis face carries
both concern and relief at the same time. In Miyukis head, she knows, there is no one who can
injure Tatsuya, but feeling concern for Tatsuya is a separate issue, so Tatsuyas apology is
made because of making her worry over him. Miyuki shakes her head and says Miyuki is
pleased as long as Onisama comes back without any injury. Tatsuya shakes his head when
Miyuki apologizes to Tatsuya for making him to make an apology.
When Tatsuya enters the house, he is forced to take a rest at the living room. Minami takes
Tatsuyas travel luggage, and Miyuki takes Tatsuya to the sofa. In this circumstance, Tatsuya
cannot resist them. This is not really getting served by them. It is close to being forced to accept
getting served by them. Tatsuya let his sisters to do whatever they want. Miyuki sits right next to
Tatsuya and watches Tatsuya who is drinking coffee with happiness. But, when Tatsuya put his
cup at the table, Miyuki loses her composure. Miyuki is moving her face towards Tatsuya and
turns away from him continuously. Tatsuya assures Miyuki that the assignment by Maya is
going smoothly and informs Miyuki that Tatsuya has fulfilled more than enough work to show
some faith to Maya.
Tatsuya thought, Miyuki wants to hear about the result of todays work, so Tatsuya informs her
everything is going great. But, Miyukis concern is not related to the assignment. Miyuki says,
No, that is something that Onisama is doing. Miyuki wants to ask another thing. Tatsuya asks
what she wants to hear. Miyuki hesitates to ask even more, but at the last she throws away her
hesitation and asks Tatsuya about Minoru and his condition.
Tatsuya is not prepared for this question. But, Tatsuya starts talking, but he is telling exactly
same thing as what he told to Kyouko. Miyukis face starts showing more concerns. Miyuki asks
Tatsuya about the cause of Minorus condition. Tatsuya asks Miyuki why she is interested in
Minorus condition. Miyuki says, she sensed something very alarming from Tatsuya when he
used his elemental sight on Minoru. Tatsuya cannot say anything, but it is the same as proving
that Miyuki is right. Miyuki begs Tatsuya and say, Onisama, I beg you. Please tell me your
worry. Please share your burden with me. Miyuki is looking up to Tatsuya with very earnest

Tatsuya says, it may be better for Miyuki not to know. Even though Tatsuya does not worry
about invading either Kudou familys privacies or Minorus personal privacies, Tatsuya is
reluctant to share the secret that he has found. Miyuki says, Please. Onisama should not be
burdened alone. But, when Miyuki starts showing teary eyes and begging Tatsuya, he cannot
hide any longer. When Tatsuya realizes that Miyuki is ready, he starts talking. Tatsuya says,
Minoru and Kyouko are siblings with different fathers. Miyuki does not show any reactions for
some time. Once Miyuki understands what Tatsuya just said, she closes her mouth with both
hands. Miyuki says, What! But, Kyoukos mother is a younger sister of Minorus father.
Tatsuya continues saying, Minoru is a genetically engineered being. Maybe, he was born from
the artificial insemination. So, it may not be incest, but it does not change the fact that Minoru
was born between brother and sister. Miyukis face is petrified by the shock. It takes her for
some time to talk again. Miyuki finally asks, Then, is Minorus condition due to a negative effect
from the incest? Tatsuya shakes his head from left to right, but it does not mean he is objecting
the possibility. Tatsuya says, I cannot make any definite answer. The main problem is due to
the imbalance in his Psion body. His body is healthy, but there could be a problem in the
process of genetic adjustment. Tatsuya stops talking and sighs. Then, he starts talking again.
Tatsuya says, But, it cannot ignore the possibility that close genes could have been a cause.
Even the magic development research institutions avoid using genes between parents and
children & between siblings because nothing has been discovered about genes effect on Psion
body and minds. Miyukis face becomes pale. She gets shocked just like it is her own problem.

Chapter 17
October 27th, Saturday Finally, this years thesis competition will start tomorrow. 1st Highs
supporter team including representatives and securities headed to Kyoto in the morning. 1st
Highs group is positioned as 6th presentation, which will start at 13:40, so 1st High supporter
team can travel to Kyoto tomorrow morning, but it has become the tradition to arrive and stay
one night if the thesis competition stages at Kyoto. 1st High is staying at CR Hotel. The hotel
can be too luxury for high school students, but 1st high has been using it for a long time, and it
is hard to change the hotel once the school starts using a specific hotel. Furthermore, no
students are requesting the school to choose a cheaper hotel. So, they have been choosing CR
Kanon screamed, We are at destination. Kanon comes out of the bus faster than anyone. She
has been enjoying the travel with Isori. During the last years 9SC, her dream of traveling with
Isori on the bus was crashed, so she has been expecting to travel with Isori for this years thesis
competition. She should have enjoyed the revenge for the last years 9SC during this years
9SC, but she may still continue thinking about the last years 9SC and still remembers about her
failed plan of traveling on the bus with Isori.
The last one, who gets out of the bus, is Izumi. Miyuki was planning to check everyone and their
belongings if anyone lost anything, but Izumi volunteered to take the job because she thought it
is a mediocre job for Miyuki. So, Miyuki checks into the hotel as a representative of 1st high.
Keys are distributed by Honoka and Tatsuya. Tatsuya and Mikihiko are using the same room. It
is not coincidence that Tatsuya and Mikihiko are sharing the room. It was intentionally planned
for them to use the same room. Tatsuya asks Mikihiko to look after other things. Mikihiko wants
to go and help Tatsuya, but Tatsuya tells Mikihiko, it is unfortunate but Mikihiko cannot follow
because Tatsuya cannot share any more information. And, when Tatsuya is about to say
something more, he stops. Mikihiko asks a question to Tatsuya, but Tatsuya only says, he
wants to leave 1st high students safety to Mikihiko and ask Mikihiko to stay on guard. Tatsuya
wants to say, Mikihiko should concentrate on keeping safety of 1st highs supporter group
because Mizuki is with the supporter team. In this years project, the painting club contributed a
lot, and Mizuki is chosen as a member for supporting team. But, words do not come out of
Tatsuya. Tatsuya is assuming, Mikihiko would worry about the safety of Mizuki. But, he did not

say anything because it is not something that he should interfere with. Tatsuya says, he may be
late, and if he believes, he cannot come back, he will contact Mikihiko..
Tatsuya wears his favorite hand gun type CAD, Silver Horn inside of his jacket and leaves the

Chapter 18
Tatsuya heads to the small hotel that is not as eye catching as CR hotel. This is the hotel that
Kuroba family uses for the mission. Fumiya and Ayako are waiting for Tatsuya at the lobby.
Tatsuya apologizes them for coming to the hotel, but Kuroba twins think, the responsibility of
catching Zhou has fallen on the shoulder of Tatsuya because of Kurobas failure. Ayako offers
Tatsuya to sit and leads Tatsuya to sofa. Ayako sits across of Tatsuya, and Fumiya come to
them with drinks. Tatsuya accepts the drink, and Ayako initiates the sound blocking field. Unlike
normal places, no alarm is ringing for using magic illegally because the hotel is not only being
used by Kuroba family, but it is renovated for usages of Kurobas and Yotsubas missions.
Ayako shows her findings that Tatsuya requested. Fumiya says, they have prepared the bike
that is the same model as the one that Tatsuya uses. They also prepare cloths with capabilities
of blade proof and bullet proof and prepare battle capable boots, gloves, and helmet.
Tatsuya nearly laughs because of their determination that is much bigger than Tatsuyas
expectation. Of course, Tatsuya does not laugh because he knows Fumiya and Ayako are
serious. Tatsuya shows gratitude and accepts equipment from them. After listening to Tatsuyas
acceptance, Fumiya and Ayako are happily smiled. Ayako stands up and leads Tatsuya to the
room where he can change. The cloths are well prepared and fit Tatsuya perfectly to the level
where Tatsuya feels uncomfortable. Tatsuya is wondering where they have gotten Tatsuyas
personal information. But, he also feels that it may be better not to ask this question. Tatsuya
asks Fumiya and Ayako about the location of Zhou and their progresses. Tatsuya already sent
information that he gained on Monday to Hayama. So, the information was sent to Kuroba
family. Since then, Kuroba family has been searching Zhou for last one week based on
evidences that Tatsuya sent. Ayako says, they nearly locate Zhou, but Ayako shows reluctant to
go any further. Ayako says, it may be unbelievable, but Zhou is hiding at JDSFs Uji second
support base. She even says, it can be said that they are hiding him. Tatsuya does not show
much surprise from this information because it would explains why Zhou could not get located.
Tatsuya moves to the communication console. Tatsuya says, Fumiya. Fumiya replies by
saying Yes. When Tatsuya calls Fumiyas name, his voice carries strictness that can makes a
person to feel a chill. This voice represents Tatsuya is at his emotional limit. Tatsuya cannot
have emotion more than specific point. Once his anger hits the spot, Tatsuya can only show
emotionless responses to outside.

The act of treason by the national defense army is way over the tolerance level that Tatsuya can
allows. Ever since Miyuki was shot by rebels at Okinawa, he does not forgive the betrayer even
more. After he hears this intelligence, Tatsuya has become like a well-polished Japanese blade;
a cold and shiny but also creeping feature. It represents Tatsuya who lost his emotion because
of anger.
Tatsuya asks them whether they can communicate with the outside. Fumiya asks Tatsuya to
wait and use keyboard to enter security codes. Tatsuya sits in front of console and enters
complicated codes. After about five seconds, female military officer shows up. It is Kyouko. The
code is an emergency code that the 101 battalion commissions to Kyouko for making
emergency contact. Tatsuya tells Kyouko about his current location, and Kyouko instantly
realizes why he contacting her. Kyouko sighs once Tatsuya asks about the location of Zhou.
Kyouko tells him that the army has found the location of Zhou. Tatsuyas information was not
only sent to Hayama, but it was also sent to Kyouko because for JSDF Zhou is the important
criminal what led the foreign army. Tatsuya knew they cannot simply sit and ignore Zhou even if
Tatsuya does not ask them a favor. And, Tatsuya wants to take an advantage from this.
Kyouko makes bitter face and asks Tatsuya to stand back because the military police will be
sent. Kyouko says, Special Lieutenant. Ooguro should not interfere. Tatsuya says, this does
not apply to regulations under the special service. Tatsuya says, Fujibayashi San. Where is
Zhou? Please answer me as a member of Kudou family that promised me for providing
cooperation. Kyouko says, he is hiding at JDSFs Uji second support base. And, Kyouko says,
Tatsuya Kun. Please leave this to the national defense army. It will not end well if people finds
out you entered the base illegally. Tastuya says, Understood. I will hang up now. Kyouko
says, Tatsuya Kun!? Tatsuya disconnects the communication without explaining what he is
about to do. Not only that, Tatsuya manipulates the console and locks the channel.
Tatsuya looks back Fumiya and Ayako who are surprised from the conversation between
Kyouko and Tatsuya. Tatsuya says, everything has been confirmed and asks Fumiya about his
plan. Fumiya says, they will start moving and intrude the base at the sunset. And, number of
people will enter the base through the main gate besides jumping over the fences. For the case
of failure, they will place people outside of the gate. After hearing Fumiyas plan, Tatsuya say,
they do not have enough manpower while standing up from his sit. Tatsuya promises to Fumiya
and Ayako that he will bring more men. Tatsuya also mentions, he may not have a chance to
join them at the field, but if time allows, he will enter the base as well. Fumiya tells Tatsuya that

their communication will not be connected. Ayako also asks Tatsuya to be careful. Tatsuya also
warns Fumiya and Ayako to stay on the guard.
Tatsuya heads to parking lot where the bike is prepared. Tatsuya contacts Masaki. Masaki did
not expect Tatsuya to contact him. Tatsuya informs Masaki whereabouts of Zhou. Tatsuya only
tells him that Zhous hiding location is nearby Kamigamo Shrine. Tatsuya tells Masaki that he
will be waiting Masaki at Southwest entrance of Uji Hutakozuka Park at 17:00. Masaki tells
Tatsuya that he will be there and finishes the commination. Tatsuya assumes, Masaki cuts the
connection right away because he is already on the move right after Tatsuya informs him about
Zhous location. Tatsuya likes a person who can understand things quickly like Masaki because
it is a type of person that Tatsuya can rely on. At the same time, Tatsuya also knows making
this kind of person as an enemy can be quiet troublesome. Tatsuya also decides to move

Chapter 19
Zhou is preparing to leave JSDFs Uji second supply base. An officer, who is barely over 30
years old, is asking Zhou whether he is leaving the base with a disappointing voice. Zhou says,
Captain Hatae. I also regrets about leaving. Unfortunately, this place has been noticed. Hatae
says, I see. This is unfortunate. As long as you stay in this base, I can stop any magicians from
putting a finger on you especially parvenu magicians who calls themselves as 10 Master Clan.
Captain Hatae is not only supporter of making reconciliation with GAA, but he is also fascinated
with ancient magicians from the continent. And, he is a conservative soldier who considers
modern magicians as upstarts with the history of only 100 years.
Hatae has only trusted the words of Zhou when Zhou said, he had nothing to do with Yokohama
incident. Or, perhaps He has been forced to trust. [the author provides a hint that Hatae may
have been brainwashed or is under the spell.] Since then, he considers Kurobas pursuit as a
personal vendetta from modern magicians, so he has been hiding Zhou as a way of showing
justice towards modern magicians. Zhou says, it cannot be helped if General Kudou is siding
with the pursuers while slightly smiling. His smile suits his graceful looks.
Hatae bites his own lips. As Zhou said, if the base commander gives an order for inspection,
Hatae cannot resist the order because he is only a captain. Furthermore, formal major general
Kudou Retsu has enough influence to overpower any form of resistance from a captain. Hatae
says, he wants to learn about Senjutsu. Zhou says, he is a novice sorcerer. Zhou also says, he
cannot see the path to ascension to heaven as well as the path of Shikai. So, he is no place to
teach others about Senjutsu to others. As always, Zhou is using an excuse to reject Hataes
Hatae changes the subject without showing his unsatisfying mood. Hatae asks him when he
would depart, and Zhou says, he will leave in the middle of night. Hatae thinks, it is a good plan,
because the base inspection will starts early morning. Zhou thanks Hatae for finding out the
information regarding unscheduled inspection. As Zhou vows his head down, Hatae makes a
very pitiful face and says the gate will be closed. But, Zhou says, he will at least take care of this
by himself. While looking at Zhous confident smiling face, Hatae remembers Zhous magic.
Hatae says, he will at least prepare for the car. The car belongs to Hatae, so Zhou should not
get pursued. Not only military vehicles, but regular cars also have tracking devices for the case
of possible theft. But, there is always a way to fool tracking devices, and using privately owned

cars would be the most safe option. Zhou thanks Hatae for looking after him. Zhou vows
towards Hatae and shows his gratitude.
[Personal Note: Okay. This is going to be a little long personal note. 1. Senjutsu from Mahouka
is nothing like Senjutsu from Naruto. Senjutsu and Sage are close to actual Senjutsu from
Taoism based on what terminologies that Zhou is using. 2. In the sentence, Zhou also says, he
cannot only see the path to ascension to heaven, but he cannot also see the path of Shikai.
Normally, Taoist considers yhu dngxin as the ultimate goal. Once Taoist reaches certain
level, one will become ascend to heaven and become immortal. It means, Taoist will throw away
his/her physical body and become a sage. Zhou says, he cannot see the path of Shikai. There
is something called, Shikaihu Literally, it means a method to untie death. This means, once a
living person separates his/her soul from the body and enters the state of death, after specific
amount of time based on rules of spiritual world, a person solves death and comes back to life.
When Taoist enters the world of spiritual world, it is like entering the world of Ying from the
world of Yang. The world of Ying is also being described as world of existing souls, and it
means Taoists soul is in the spiritual world. When the soul is existing the spiritual world, the
soul is not bound by time and space. As long as Taoist stays in the spiritual world, he/she can
do anything and make, his/her wishes come true. In other way to say, Taoist can connect with
everything in the spiritual world. But, based on purity of Taoist soul, there is a difference in
responding to the world. At the specific time, death gets solved, and one can come back to life.
Based on the rule of Ying and Yang, the soul will return from the world of Ying and comes back
into the world of Yang. In addition to previous information, there are known to be many types of
Shikaihu. Shikai is one of Taoist technique to become a sage. In a big picture, there are Gokai:
Iron, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. And, there are many Shikaihu such as and
. Once a person activates Shikaihu, one can move around heaven, earth the world of living,
Nether realm, and the world of water . After traveling such worlds, one can guide his/her soul
back into her/her body.]

Chapter 20
Tatsuya is waiting Masaki for 15 minutes. Tatsuya notices Masakis red bike, and Tatsuya
thinks, Masaki seems to like red color. Tatsuya thinks, it may be due to 3rd High schools color,
and he thinks, preferring red color may be due to his love for his school. At the same time,
Tatsuya also questions himself about the possibility where Masaki to prefer red color because of
his nickname.
Masaki apologizes to Tatsuya once he arrives at the location for making Tatsuya to wait for him.
Tatsuya says, they still have ten more minutes from the scheduled meeting time. Current time is
at 16:50. Sunset is scheduled to happen at 17:10. So, Tatsuya and Masaki still have some time.
Masaki asks how Tatsuya is planning to proceed. Tatsuya points the South direction and says,
Zhou may be hiding at that place. Tatsuya is pointing at the JSDF base. Masaki does not
understand what Tatsuya is pointing at. But, after few seconds, he finally understands where he
is pointing. Masaki is surprised and asks Tatsuya whether his intelligence is correct. Tatsuya
says, JSDFs Uzi second supply base is the most likely place where Zhou is hiding. Tatsuya
only says, it is a possibility, and they will have to enter and determine whether Zhou is hiding in
there or not. Masaki cannot believe what Tatsuya is suggesting.
Tatsuya already has experiences with entering blockaded military area and crashing with JSDF
forces. He has no reason to back out now. Tatsuya says, in order to catch Zhou, a certain
magician organization is secretly mobilized. Masaki asks whether they are different from the
military police. Tatsuya say, Yes. It means, it is not a regular mission. Masaki understands that
this is an illegal mission. Tatsuya continues explaining the plan. According to him, these certain
magician organization will enter the base from each gate. After hearing that they are entering
through gate, Masaki instantly realizes these guys are magicians who use outer-systemic type
magic, and he also knows there is only one organization that specializes in outer-systemic type
magic and has a capability to challenge JSDF. Before Masaki says anything, Tatsuya stops
Masaki from starting a question by saying he has no relation with them.
Tatsuya tells Masaki, he will jump over the fence and enter the base. Then, he asks Masaki
what he will do. Masaki cannot answer right away. Sneaking into the JSDF base is illegal
activity, and Masaki respects the law unlike Tatsuya who has reached to the level where he can
ignore the law whenever he feels necessary. Masakis parents probably tell Masaki to put
responsibilities of 10MC over moral ethics that the law-abiding citizens normally have. If

Masakis father is watching him right now, he would not only push Masakis back, but he would
kick his butt and asks him to move. But, he also has a position as a student of 3rd High school.
If he gets arrested by cops right before the thesis competition by committing a heavy crime such
as invading the military base, 3rd High school may have to withdraw from the competition, and
everyones effort would be lost especially his closest friends effort will be gone. But, he puts
himself as a member of 10MC. It only takes few seconds for Masaki to decide.
Masaki agrees to join Tatsuya because he thinks, if he was not fooled by Zhou last year, this
would not happen. Tatsuya looks at the information device and says, it is five minutes before the
operation begins. Tatsuya asks Masaki to start moving, and Masaki agrees. Both of them wear
masks and start moving with their bikes.

Chapter 21
Zhou feels something is not right. While he is driving his car towards the South, Zhou feels as
something is tying him up. He has not felt this kind of sensation before. In truth, he manages to
get away from the enemy by close inch. He accepts the tenacity of Kuroba and Yotsuba. It may
be different from a person to a person, but he is used being hunted. For the last 10 years, he
has been spending safe days at the Chinatown, but he was on the run for 30 years before his
days at the Chinatown. While remember his old days, he remembers and thinks, Oh currently
I am still 24 years old. At least, it is written as 24 years old on the identification card. When he
purchased the restaurant in Chinatown 4 years ago, the documentation that he submitted,
states his age as 20 years old. After remembering his old memories, he thinks, For people like
us, age is nothing but a label just like a name.
Maybe, Zhou has been thinking about his old days too much. Zhou does not notice a person
who is blocking his path in the middle of the highway until the cars anti-crash device activates.
Zhou realizes who is blocking the road. It is Kudou Minoru. Zhou remembers Minoru. Zhous
look may be beautiful, but Minorus beauty is completely in another level. Zhou considers
Minoru as one of magicians that he should be aware. When Zhou sent his men to attack Minoru
at Nara, Zhou painfully learned Minorus capability. Zhou disables the cars anti-crash device
and charges the car forcefully. Minoru raises his right hand and aims at the car. Flame starts
coming up inside of the car. Zhou jumps out of the car right before the car explodes.
Zhou feels a chill from his back. He never experienced this kind of sensation when he faced
Kuroba Mitsugu or Nakura Saburo. Minoru does not hesitate to blow up the car. Not only he has
no hesitation to kill the target with explosion, he also does not hesitate to drag in people who are
just walking nearby the location or cars that are driving on the other side. It is true that nobody is
walking on the road. It is also true that no other vehicles are driving. But, Minoru never
considered such thing as surroundings or environment from the beginning. Minorus
heartlessness goes well with unnatural beauty. It makes Minoru into an uncanny being than a
human being.
Zhou takes out his artifact and aims at Minoru. He summons a magical beast. Zhou instinctively
feels, he has to use his strongest magic in order to deal with Minoru. Black one horned beast
comes out of his artifact and runs towards Minoru at the speed that eye cannot follow. No man
can react to this speed. Minoru cannot dodge the charge, and the black one horned beast

pierces through Minoru. Zhou realizes, Minoru just used Parade. Zhou knows this magic is the
ultimate camouflage magic that can revise not only the actual position, but it also revises
positions information on Eidos. Zhou decides to run because he just learned that he cannot
break Parade by attacking Minoru from the first attack.

Minoru aims his right hand at Zhou. But, the lighting occurs at the right side of Zhou that is
about one meter away from Zhous current position and vanishes. Minoru shakes his head left
and right like a child. His action is like an angel that does not have humanity. Even though he is
smiling, it holds no mercy. His expression is really like an angel.
Lighting sparks at both right and left sides of Zhou. Minorus aim is not off. Zhous ghostwalker
is making Minorus aim to miss. But, it is Zhou who is feeling a shiver. Zhou was planning to
make Minorus direction tilted by 90 degrees. But, in reality Minorus eye continuously catches
Zhou and his position, so Minorus aim is only missing Zhou by 30 degrees. Zhou sends out
every magical beast in his artifact. At the same time, he pulls out a handkerchief and opens it in
front of his eyes. As all of magical beasts are simply passing through Minoru, the black
handkerchief drops down to the road. Minoru is making pure smile while looking at the lower
reaches of Uji River. Minorus eye that is looking at Eidos, does not lose Zhous shadow.
Zhou is running at the speed of 10km per hour. This is Taoist magic called Godspeed. This is
a famous Taoist magic from the story, Suikoden
In order to escape from Minoru, Zhou is actually heading back towards the base. On the way to
base, there is a bridge. He is planning to go across the opposite side of river by going below the
bridge. But, a girl shows up on the road. She did not jump from the side of the road. She
showed up from the midair. Zhou notices, it is Mock Transportation. Earlier, he acquired
parasites, and one of them used the similar magic. But, it is not as exceptional as this mock
transportation. This mock transportation allows a magician to appear without any form of
The girl with bob cut hair throws a punch with knuckleduster while flapping her skirts. The
distance between the girl and Zhou is too far away for a girls fist to reach Zhou. However, Zhou
suddenly feels an extreme pain enough to make him to fall down. Right away, Zhou takes out a
white handkerchief. The white handkerchief unfolds wide enough to hide himself. After that,
Zhou uses a needle and pierces it at the acupuncture point where he can shut down senses.
The pain continues to exist, but he reminds himself that it is a pain from an illusion and tries to
push the pain away from his consciousness.
Zhou takes out his final artifact that he has been keeping as a spare. When the white
handkerchief that blocks the view drops down, the girl with bob cut hair is gone. Besides the girl,
a brave looking boy with the red color gun type CAD is standing in front of Zhou. Zhou notices, it

is Ichijou Masaki. Masaki says, A long time no see, Zhou. You made a mockery out of me.
Zhou tries to jump into the Uji River, but the surface of water blows up and creates splashes.
Tatsuya says, Jumping into the water is the same as charging into the mountain of bombs in
front of Ichijou familys Rupture. Zhou looks towards where Tatsuyas voice came from. Zhou
notices and says, Shiba Tatsuya Zhou uses his ghostwalker at the full strength, and he tries
to pass Tastuya by going through the side of Tatsuya.
But, Zhou is facing Tatsuyas hand blade. Zhou knows, it has a sharpness equivalent to a steel
cutting demon blade, so he has to move backward with his foot that cannot feel any senses.
Again, Zhou is stuck between Tatsuya and Masaki. Zhou asks Tatsuya why his ghostwalker is
not working against him. Even in this situation, Zhou is still smiling. It is hard to know whether
Zhou still has confidence, or he is simply bluffing. Masaki does not understand the real intention
from Zhous smile. And, Tatsuya does not care what Zhous real intention is. Tatsuya says,
Ghostwalker. That is a magnificent magic. At the close range, it is known to lose its effect, but
your ghostwalker magic is definitely working even at the close range. I did not know when you
tried to run through my side. Zhou asks, I dont understand. Then, are you saying your attack
was a pure coincidence? Tatsuya smiles. It is not as beautiful as Zhous smile, but its essence
is the same. His smile does not contain any emotion. It is a smile with void. Tatsuya says, I did
not know where you were. But, I know the movement of Nakura Saburos blood in your body.
Zhous eyes open widely with a surprise. This is the first time when Masaki feels that he finally
sees the true face of Taoist with unknown age. Zhou remembers and says, Nakura Saburos
blood So, it happened at that time. Tatsuya asks, Did you get pierced by needles made of
blood? Normally, foreign substances in the body vanish approximately within two weeks. It must
contain a very strong Nen. Zhou says, Are you talking about Nen? I thought, the modern
magic theory discarded it. Tatsuya says, Regardless of any theories, if it exists, it exists. At the
same time, if it does not exist, it does not exist. Zhou argues, There are things that exist while
do not exist.
Tatsuya aims his Silver Horn at Zhou and says, You should explain it inside of the jail even
though we may not give you a long time. Zhou asks, So, are you going to kill me? Tatsuya
says, it is not him who will decide the fate of Zhou. Zhou realizes his situation and says, So, are
you saying begging for my life would be meaningless? Tatsuya is no longer answering to his
questions and says, as long as Nakura Saburos blood is inside of you, you cannot get away
from me. This is the last warning from Tatsuya. Zhou accepts his situation and says, So, this is
as far as I go.

Zhou sighs. And, he jumps towards Masaki. The magic, God Speed, is not a magic that
reinforces running. As long as a magician has legs, the magic can initiates even if legs do not
have any senses. Masaki did not expect this, but he reacts to Zhou by pulling the trigger of his
red CAD. Zhous both feet become swollen from the inside. Zhous magic, God Speed gets
broken, and Zhou falls on the road. Masaki asks Zhou to surrender while aiming with his CAD.
Zhou stands up. Maybe, it is Zhous pride that cannot allow Zhou to lie down on the ground.
Zhou says, Definitely, this is it. Even though Zhou cannot use from his knee to his feet, he
stands up slowly. It is like ghost. Zhou smirks and says, But, you guys cannot catch me. His
smiling face is like a mask. Zhou continues talking and says, I cannot die. Even if I die, I
continue existing. Tatsuya senses something, and asks Masaki to back off whiling moving
backward. As Tatsuya yells, Masaki also backs off. Right after that, blood comes out of Zhous
entire body. Soon, red blood turns into red flame while Zhou is laughing. Zhous laughing does
not stop until the flame dies. Once the flame is gone, they could not find even a single bone.
Masaki asks Tatsuya whether Zhou really died or not. Tatsuya says, Zhou did not run.
Definitely, Zhou is burned by flame, and he no longer exists. When Tatsuya answers to Masaki,
he is looking at Uji Rivers upper stream. Masaki also looks into the same direction and accept
Tatsuyas answer without asking any supporting evidences behind Tatsuyas claim.
Masaki asks Tatsuya whether everything related to Yokohama incident is finished or not.
Tatsuya says, Yes. Masaki suddenly says, It could be very dangerous. Tatsuya does not
understand Masakis comment. Masaki says, JSDF was being controlled. They even used
tanks. It could have been an insurrection." Tatsuya objects and says, They already used showy
magic in the urban area. So, they already were in the beginning phase of insurrection. After
listening to Tatsuyas answer, which is only pretending to be serious, Masaki laughs and says,
So, by taking care of things before it happens, can we call it as happy ending? Tatsuya
answer by saying, We can also say that. And, Tatsuya also starts laughing loudly. Both of their
smiles vanish by melting into lonely autumn wind.

Chapter 22
Tatsuya heads back to the hotel in order to return the bike. Fumiya and Ayako return to the
hotel earlier than Tatsuya and greet Tatsuya. Fumiya thanks Tatsuya for the hard work, and
Tatsuya also praises Fumiya and Ayako for their magnificent combination that slowed Zhou
down. After hearing Tatsuyas praise, both Fumiya and Ayako are being bashful and avoid
Tatsuyas gaze.
Ayako asks Tatsuya how he managed to track down Zhou because even Ayako and Fumiya
failed to track down Zhou with their car while avoiding looking into Tatsuyas eyes in order to
hide her bashfulness. Tatsuya answers by saying, One magicians tenacity beyond the death
pushed Zhou to corner. Ayako does not understand what Tatsuya just said, and even Fumiya is
also wondering the true meaning behind what Tatsuya just said. Tatsuya tells them that even he
does not fully understand how it really happened, but Tatsuya promises them, he will explain
everything once it is fully confirmed.
Tatsuya enters the room where his cloths are stored. He changes his cloth while the door is
open. Tatsuya tells Fumiya to inform Hayama that the mission is completed because Tatsuya
has to help with other things. Fumiya says, Okay. You can entrust me with a tedious job to me.
Tatsuya leaves the hotel after saying Take care.
Next day, October 28th. Sunday. Finally, this is the day of 2096s these competition. This year,
Tatsuya is only participating as a supporter from the 1st High school. He is not a part of Nine
School cooperative security force, so he can freely move around. During the lunch break,
Tatsuya is meeting Mayumi with Miyuki who is freed from being a judge for the thesis
Mayumi says, I see So, the killer, who killed Nakura San, committed suicide. Tatsuya
partially objects Mayumis comment by saying that Zhou killed himself after being cornered by
Tatsuya and others, so it is hard to call see as a simple suicide. Mayumi says, It is good either
way. Anyway, Tatsuya Kun settled Nakura Sans grudge. Mayumi finally shows the smile
without anxiousness.
Mayumi says, Thanks you, Tatsuya Kun. I will also forget about what happened at that night.
Tatsuya tries to explain to Mayumi, but before he says anything. Mayumi says, Farewell. Work

hard with a security job. Miyuki San, take care. Without listening to Tatsuyas answer, Mayumi
stands up and vanishes into the crowd.
After Mayumi left, there are only two people: Tatsuya with a bomb that is handed over by
Mayumi and Miyuki who is forcefully making a smile and looking at Tatsuya. Miyuki says,
Onisama What did she mean when she said, at that night? Can you please tell me if it does
not trouble you? Or, does it trouble you? Miyuki put her hands on top of Tatsuyas hand while
asking the question. Miyukis cold and soft hand is binding Tatsuya from leaving.

Chapter 23
Isori finishes his presentation. The audience gives applause to Isori. Isoris topic is on
engravement magic. During his presentation, Isori says, As you see, engravement magic does
not always need responsive compound metal plates in order to initiate the magic. Engraving is
only being used to guide Psions flow. As you just see, by projecting Psion to the pattern of
Engraving we have a similar effect. As a result, I can conclude, essence of engravement
magic does not relying on the Engraving itself.
After hearing the applauses from audiences, Miyuki says, This is the loudest applauses until
now. Tatsuya also praises Isori and says, The content of his presentation is also very
innovative. Both Miyuki and Tatsuya thinks, 1st High School can win this years thesis
competition. Before Miyuki leaves Tatsuya and heads to the judges table, Miyuki notices Minoru
who is coming up to the stage. Most of them are shocked with Minorus beauty. But, Tatsuya
and his party are surprised with another reason because Minoru was not the one who was
chosen as 2nd High Schools representative.
The next announcement is provided an explanation behind Minorus appearance. According to
the announcement, the original presenter from the 2nd High School suddenly got sick, and the
2nd High School has to change the presenter. After listening to the announcement, Tatsuya
asks Miyuki to return to the judges table. And, Miyuki heads back to the table after excusing
herself from Tatsuya. Normally, audiences leave their seats during the period between each
presentation. But, nobody is leaving from their seats. Within this weird atmosphere, the 2nd
High Schools presentation starts.
The topic of the 2nd High Schools topic is The Principle of Mental Interference Magic and the
Theory on Issues that should be written in Activation Sequence. The conference has become
rowdy. The principle of mental interference magic is not mostly proven. The thesis on this topic
is believed to be a very ambitious topic in Magic Studies.

Minoru starts his presentation: As you can see from this observation, when a person notices
something, Psion Information Entity also forms itself. And, the Information Entity breaks down
when it does not get recognize by a target. The most important thing is, if a Psion Information

Entity is formed from simply being recognized, this type of Psion Information Entity starts
breakdown even before a person who recognizes it, actively tries to destroy it.
The theory of Psion being a particle that makes an idea or a thought into a form is proven by
many observations that you have seen until now. It shows, humans passive cognition is not
making Psion Information Entity, but it is active mental process that is making Psion Information
I think, an idea has to turn into Psion Information Entity in order for a mind to create a reaction in
physical dimension. If we apply this theory, we can translate and categorize Mental Interference
Magic starting from Telepathy to Perception type psychic powers as a magic that uses Psion
Information Entity.
As you have seen until now, I believe, Psion Information Entity that forms through the mind, the
mental activity, has characteristics that I have explained until now. Of course, I cannot say, my
theory explains every characteristic, but if we can write elements that are shown in this
presentation into activation sequence, we can speed up the formularization of Mental
Interference Magic. At the same time, it will lead to magic that can counter Mental Interference
Magic by nullifying it. This will also become an opportunity to remove any mythical fear towards
Mental Interference Magic.
In this way, Mental Interference Type Magic is not essentially difference from Four Great
Systems and Eight Major Types. Even mentality forms Psion Information Entity within the
correlation with the reality. And, Psion Information Entity is formed from a mind. Thus, by
building activation sequences that can alter Psion Information Entity, we can at least reform
current consciousness. This magic can alter active consciousness through altering cognition of
a person.
If a persons mind is not divided into consciousness and sub consciousness, and one
consciousness has two parts within itself as present part and dormant part, I believe, every
Mental Interference Magic can be developed into actual magic skill through observing and
analyzing Psion Information Entity.
Minorus presentation concluded. Everyone becomes quiet. Soon, the convention is filled with
applause. 2096s Thesis High School Competition is won by the 2nd High School that had a

freshman presenter, Kudou Minoru. This is the moment for a new star to be born among nine
At the same time, Yotsuba Main Houses mansion is having a small but more serious
announcement than the thesis competition.
Hayama: As you heard, Shiba Tatsuya faithfully accomplished the mission without being forced
while producing a result that was requested by the client. He is a useful talent for Yotsuba
Family, and I think, his royalty to the mission does not show any problem.
While everyone is showing a face like they just chewed bugs, Maya slowly starts talking. Maya:
This mission is a test towards Tatsuya San. The outcome is the same as what Hayama San
reported to you. Everyone, dont you also agree?
The branch leader of Shiiba family opens his mouth, which has been closed. Shiiba: We dont
have any choice but acknowledging it.
The branch leader of Mashiba family also agrees and says; Mashiba: His capability is definitely
The branch leader of Shibata family does not hide his displeasure and says; Shibata: This time,
he passed. But, just this time.
The branch leader of Mugura gives a proposal; Mugura: Shouldnt we give up strange
The branch leader of Tsukuba agrees on Muguras proposal and says; Tsukuba: I agree. Didnt
we expect too much from the beginning? We may need to be objective.
The branch leader of Shizuka proposes to be prudent by saying; Shizuka: I think it may be too
early to make the final decision. Based on the objective valuation, it is also objectively true that
Shiba Tatsuya only has disproportionate talents.
Everyones gazes are looking at the branch leader of Kuroba, Kuroba Mitsugu who has been
quiet. Shibata presses Kuroba to express his opinion by saying; Shibata: Kuroba Sama, what is
your opinion? Kuroba: I failed this mission. Therefore, I think, I am in no position to talk related
to this.

The place is filled with heavy silence. A magnanimous voice that does not care this silence,
finalizes the discussion. Maya: Then, lets postpone the final decision until the New Year
meeting This is the statement that the final decision will be made during the New Years Day.
Branch leaders cannot object the head of Yotsuba Family.

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