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RE: Hammersmith Park Consultation

I am very pleased to see that the sale of Hammersmith Park has been called off
and that the park is now back in public ownership. The deal that had been done
under the Tory administration paid no attention to the needs of local residents,
and put at risk a valuable local asset.
Im very happy to see that the new proposals are less dense and that three of
the pitches will be free to use for local residents. I am glad that local residents
will pay subsidised rates and I think it is excellent that the new plans include a
council-managed MUGA and two tennis courts.
I think congratulations must be given to the local residents who campaigned
against the original plans, in particular Virginia Ironside, who has led the way in
saving this park and keeping it under public ownership. Praise must also be given
to the Council for re-negotiating the contract with Playfootball.
I am sorry to see that Playfootball are still engaged with this project, as they
have lost the trust of local residents, and I feel these plans would be better
without their involvement. I am also concerned to see that the plans still include
a bar & car park, as these caused particular concerns to those living close to the
Lastly, I think it is important that all the proposed costs for using the pitches and
courts are clearly laid out for people to analyse before any decision is made. This
true of the football pitches, which will mainly be used by young people from the
local area but also the tennis courts, as many residents have expressed concern
that these may not be affordable for residents on low incomes.
Andy Slaughter MP

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