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Jack Palevich

Mr. Dziunycz
Grade 8 Science, Period 4
May 13, 2015
Pendulum Lab Conclusion
My hypothesis was the shorter length and the greater the mass, the quicker the time.
My hypothesis was correct according to my calculations. First, we taped the meter stick to
the table and had the ring stand at the 50 cm mark. Then, we tied the string to the o-ring and
attached the weight. Finally, we changed the release point according to directions.
In table one, the release point was 20 cm and the length was 60 cm. The average time
was 7.8 seconds. Then in table 2 the average time with a 30 cm release point was 7.67
seconds. Table 3 and 5 were the same as table 1. Table 4 was the same as table 1 except there
were 2 weights. The average time was 7.43 seconds. Table 6 had a 30 cm length and a 20 cm
release point and the average time was 5.60 seconds.
What did I hypothesize as being the variable that would change the time for the
wavelengths of the pendulum? I predicted that the shorter the length would decrease the
time. What was the actual variable that did change the wavelength? The short length made
the time decrease in average by about 2 seconds.

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