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Ana Ascencio

Mrs. Stoermer
English 8 Grade

Essay of Anne Frank

Anne Frank is a 13 year old girl with one older sister named, Margot and her
parents. The diary of Anne Frank is about how she went to hiding so the Nazis wont
take them away. So they were in a Secret Annex and they could not talk or even
whisper to somebody. They were hiding for two years and they started hiding in 1942.
Do you think the Nazis found them in the Secret Annex?
The theme is how Anne felt so alone in the Secret Annex. The reason why I think
she feels alone is because the only thing she speaks to s her diary. This theme is
important because if we didnt then we wouldnt know what the story would mostly talk
about a boring story. The theme is also romantic because Anne and Peter have a
serious relationship. There is also hatred with Anne and her mother. She doesnt like her
mom because she felt like her mother didnt understand her as much as she shouldve.
The character I picked is Anne, I feel like she doesnt have many friends. The
only friend she has is her diary. In page 2 she describes how people are and how paper
is different. Paper is more patient than man, she thinks that many people are not that
nice. She probably thinks that nobody would be reading her diary but ironically people

did read her diary but they had edited it so people could read it. Anne Frank is a very
important character in the story. Without her we wouldnt know how she felt during the
The conflict wasnt really resolved because she still felt lonely. Either way even
when she was with Peter she felt lonely. Maybe because she didnt have anybody to
talk about except her diary. Many of the things she would talk about with Peter are
grown up stuff. I think maybe they didnt know what would happen. This conflict was one
of the characters vs. characters. For example Anne and her mother dont get along so
The conflict didnt resolved because they still kept on arguing and fighting. Her
and her mother still didnt get along. Also how at the end of the story they got caught
and token away. Also I bet that she and Peter never got to have their special
relationship. Annes problems never got resolved because mostly all the problems
couldnt be solved. Annes family had huge problems especially family problems. Those
problems caused them to get caught by the Nazis.
The theme is used today still because how parents dont get along like Anne and
her mother. Some teenagers now feel alone and do things that hurt them. This book
made me sad because what happen at the end. The end was sad because the Nazis
found them and caught them. Now this book is one the most good books out of other

Work Cited

Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Doubleday, Geneva, Switzerland,

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