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Lab 32:

What is in this Container?

Rachel Anders
Reagan Callaway

April 8, 2015


An Environmental Protection Agency inspector found a container with an unknown

substance. The inspector has given us three hours to identify the unknown chemical before he
issues the lab a fine. Using the skills, techniques, and concepts weve learned from the last two
semesters in lab, we can perform a series of experiments to identify the unknown chemical.

From the chemical inventory list for the stockroom, we know the unknown chemical must
be one of the following 12 chemicals:
sodium hydrogen carbonate(s)
barium chloride(s)
formic acid(aq)
sodium hydroxide(s)

hydrochloric acid(aq)
iron (III) chloride(aq)
potassium sulfate(s)

We also have the following chemicals and special equipment at our disposal:

Distilled Water
pH 4 and pH 7 buffer


0.1 M HCl solution

0.1 M NaOH solution
0.1 M AgNO3 solution
0.1 M BaCl2 solution
0.1 M Fe(NO3)3 solution
0.1 M NaCl solution
0.1 M KCl solution


cuvettes, nichrome wires

pH probe, drop
temperature probe
conductivity detector
Styrofoam cup

Crucible and lid
Ordinary lab


Our plan is to use the lab equipment and chemicals we have in a series of experiments
to narrow down our options for the unknown chemical. We have created a flowchart of true/false
data from our experiments to identify the unknown.
The following characteristics of a chemical can be used to determine its identity:

Solubility: the property of a solid, liquid, or gas to dissolve in a solvent and create a
homogenous solution.
The insoluble chemicals will immediately form a precipitate when added to a solution. The
soluble chemicals will vary based on how soluble they are.

Conductivity: the ability of an electrolyte solution to allow electricity to flow.

The chemicals that are strong electrolyte solutions (completely dissociated ions) will allow the
most electricity to flow, while nonelectrolyte solutions (usually covalent) will not allow any flow.

pH: the measure of the potential for hydrogen, or the acidity of a chemical solution. Basic
solutions (pH > 7) have a low H+ concentration, while acids (pH < 7) have a high H+

Absorbency: the measure of how strongly a chemical absorbs light of a given wavelength.
Chemicals absorb different wavelengths of light based on their molecular makeup. Some absorb
high wavelengths, others absorb low wavelengths.

Emission: the measure of how strongly a chemical emits light of a given wavelength.
Like absorbency, a chemicals emission spectrum is unique to each chemical and depends on
the molecular makeup.

Freezing Point Depression: Whenever you add something to pure water, the freezing point of
the new solution should be below 0 degrees Celsius. The new freezing point can be used to
identify the substance from a table of freezing point values.




experiment, we were given Unknown #15, which we

immediately identified as a solid. Just from this simple

observation, we were then able to eliminate half of the twelve options of chemicals.
sodium hydrogen carbonate(s)
barium chloride(s)
formic acid(aq)
sodium hydroxide(s)

hydrochloric acid(aq)
iron (III) chloride(aq)
potassium sulfate(s)

From there, we did the solubility and conductivity test. Our solid completely
dissolved in water and did not produce an LED light. These results eliminated the rest of
the options, so we could determine that our unknown was urea.
We performed a freezing point depression test to confirm the identity of urea.
First, we calibrated our thermograph by finding the regular freezing point of pure water.

From the calibration, we see that water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.

Next, we determined the freezing point of our solution of water and urea. We used
exactly 10 mL water and .5g urea, making a .8325 M solution.
(molarity = mol solute/ L solution = .008325 mol/ .01 L H2O)

T = Tpure solvent - Tsolution

Trial 1:

Trial 2:

T = 0 - (- 2.4)

T = 0 - (- 0.78)

T = 2.4

T = 0.78

Average T = 1.59
The other way to determine a freezing point depression is with this equation:

T = Kfm
(where Kf is the freezing point constant, found in a table of values, and m is the molality)

molality = mol solute/ kg solvent

molality = .008325/ .01 = .8325
Kf (urea) = 1.86

T = (1.86)(.8325)

When we plug these numbers into the equation above, T = 1.548

Our experimental freezing point depression was 1.59, close enough that we are able
to confirm that our unknown chemical is urea.

From our knowledge of the techniques, chemicals, and skills that weve learned in the
past two semesters of chem lab, we were able to correctly identify an unknown
substance and save the lab from being fined by the Environment inspector. Using the
process of elimination, we were able to narrow our options down to urea. Then, we used
a freezing point depression to further confirm the identity of our unknown substance.
Unknown #15 = urea(s)

Draft: Chem Proposal Flowchart. Gliffy. 4-04-14. Web. /5557399/
Stanton, B., Zhu, L., & Atwood, C. (2010). Experiments in General Chemistry (2nd ed.).

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