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foreign workers

announcing the Message of Gods good news to one and all ~ Mark 16:15

As a member church in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), BP Church partners

with the denomination in ventures involving some 130 foreign worker families serving in more
than 40 countries. From time to time, we also organize short-term mission trips designed to
support and encourage our workers serving overseas. BP Church supports the following
foreign workers and organizations through financial contributions and/or intercessory prayer.


PAOC | John & Ruth Kerr
Former pastors of BP Church, John & Ruth have been working in Zambia since 1997. They graduate
more than 30 students annually for church-planting and evangelism, reaching unreached people groups,
community leaders across Zambia and beyond at Trans Africa Theological College. They also oversee
programs for sustainable agriculture, community schools, prison work, HIV / AIDS work, skills-training
and much more.

RAN | G & R
In partnership with believers world-wide, RAN seeks to glorify God by planting reproducing churches
among unreached Muslim peoples.

RAN | J & S and Family

J&S are living and ministering amongst a group of people in North Africa that has merely a handful of
believers. Recently a number of these Christ-followers made the commitment to meet regularly for
worship and have formed the first-ever church in their region. Please pray for this body of believers as
they continue to form and grow.

RAN | B & C and Family

B & C manage a branch of a consultation company that allows them to form meaningful relationships in
a restricted access country. They facilitate a cultural exchange program that trains workers for long
term work in the restricted access world. Their work opens doors for relational mentoring. It gives them
the opportunity to form deep relationships and speak truth into the lives of those they work with.

Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada | Doug & Barbara Lockhart

A missionary journalist serving at Wycliffe's Canadian headquarters in Calgary, Doug regularly travels on
overseas assignments to interview Canadians and others involved in translating the Scriptures for
minority language groups. His stories frequently appear in Word Alive magazine, which is distributed to
more than 16,000 households across Canada and the U.S. Additionally, he helps produce a variety of
other publicity materials aimed at engaging Canadian believers in the work of Bible translation.

U & E are field workers with an international organization in Asia since 1970. They have worked with a
single tribal group to learn their language and develop an alphabet and script. They produced a variety
of literacy materials and managed a large literacy program over a number of years. Translation of Gods
word is ongoing; the NT was published in 2011; OT translation is in progress; computerization and
editing of the dictionary is continuing, all with the assistance of mother-tongue speakers of the language.

foreign workers
announcing the Message of Gods good news to one and all ~ Mark 16:15

Bridge to Malawi | Jordan Dowbush

Bridge2Malawi is a non-traditional approach to orphan care. Children are not removed from their homes
and villages to stay in a residential orphanage where they are just another child on campus. Instead,
B2M works with the extended family to help care for the child. Children remain living with their guardians
at home and come daily to the Kids' World Outreach Society campus for food, clothing and medical

Teach Beyond | Mic & Tayuka Ng and Family

God has presented Mic & Tayuka with a special opportunity in one of the poorest areas of SE Asia so
that they might show their faith by their works (James 2:18) to a people who need to see Jesus love in
a concrete manner. Together with Teach Beyond, they will partner to promote Transformational
Education, believing that through education, a learner can undergo redemptive, holistic transformation
making them increasingly like Christ in the world.


PAOC MISSIONS | Brian & Val Rutten
Brian directs PAOC's work in Ethiopia, which includes leadership training, discipleship, evangelism,
church planting and working with the Church from Ethiopia into the surrounding Muslim nations.
Val operates the ChildCARE Plus program that assists 1,500 underprivileged children and families.

SIL International | Beat & Robyn Kunz

Beat and Robyn have worked with SIL in Central Africa since 2000 to provide leadership for Bible
translation and literacy programs. They have three children: Tabea, Simeon and Nadja. Since August
2010, the Kunz family is living in Chad where Beat serves as Director of Language Development. SIL
Chad is an NGO and works in collaboration with the Ministries of National and Higher Education, the
Department of Linguistics at the University of N'Djamna, as well as with other NGOs. Its objectives
are linguistic research in Chadian languages, literacy, and translation of the Bible If you would like to
receive Robyn & Beat's news, please visit:

ERDO | Emergency Relief & Development Overseas

Since 1983 ERDO has served as the humanitarian agency of the PAOC. Responding to the needs
with kindness, compassion and grace, ERDO provides short-term relief in times of severe emergency,
innovative assistance to families & communities experiencing extreme poverty, and partnership with
communities to develop their God-given resources.

BAM/B4T Open Network | Christophe & Sakura Ng and Family

Christophe & Sakura have headed to Vietnam to start a business which they believe will give them a
great opportunity to circumvent issues of showing the love of Christ in closed countries. They expect to
balance the needs for cultural and language learning, and business setup for the first year or two and
then focus on business growth and
providing employment.

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