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WSHA Executive Board Meeting

October 1st 2014

Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, Casper WY
1. Meeting called to order at 7:20 pm By Lindsay Curran
2. Roll call: Janelle Smith- present at meeting Ryan OConner, Justin Smith, Janelle Smith,
Lindsay, Christiane Dechert, Debbie Crist, Laura Nickerson, Chris Victor, Donna Shippen
3. Approval of Agenda proposed by Lindsay and passed by board
4. Minutes were proposed by Janelle, motion by Justin and 2 nd by Ryan- passed
5. Treasurer report presented motion by Janelle 2nd by Laura and passed
a. - Christiane reported her concern regarding missed finances for membership due to
the website- eg late fees. Justin and Christiane to discuss and follow up.
b. Justin reported WSHA paid the$850 (not $300 like previously thought) and
resubmitted the application to put WSHA in a non-profit category again.
c. The 990e postcard must be submitted every year. They did retroactive our nonprofit as if we had never lost it.
d. 8 new people paid Justin and registered on the first day alone- nice to see new
e. At this time we have made enough money to break even and are hoping to go
positive by end of conference and paying for services of conference.
6. Board representative reportsa. Sue Torney updated on conventioni. reported all in order for next day for speech, however audiology person was
unable to attend due to a family emergency.
ii. We will be getting $5 back from artisan alley for entertainment from each
person who previously paid.
iii. Silent auction contained already 12-13 donated items. Wyoming relay again
sponsored the luncheon at the cost of $2,000- should they be considered
friend of the association? to be voted on later date
iv. Hotel upgraded 4 rooms for free
v. Currently 110 people were signed up
vi. Helpers are needed to check people in before all sessions and at checkout
Friday evening
vii. The vendors were increased to 9 this year bringing in $3,900 to conference
b. Membership report: Christiane numbers to be presented after conference as many
individuals sign up for WSHA during the conference. 152 members before
c. CEU Administrator- Diana Seabeck- everything is ready for the conference
d. Honors/Awards- Debbie Crist- no awards to present this year as no one was
e. Public Awareness- Christiane summer spent up grading website with features such
as paypal. She will continue to add the job target. Will continue newsletter every 2
i. Christiane wanted to discuss with Laura looking into SLPAs making a task
force for the topic of their use in our state. Should we lobby legislature.
f. IMASH- Cathy Ross- MOU was signed by all states and approved. IMASH selected
Craven to manage the 2016 conference in Boise ID.
g. Professionals at Large- Donna Shippen/Chris Victor- there is an opening in the
SLP/AUD board. Project ECHO is in its 2nd year and this will be the first time it is
being used outside of the medical model for the use of AAC. Please see attached
sheet from Chris (#5g in handouts).

i. Project 1/WATR will be Oct 30th at Northwest College to have resources and
speak about communication and a resources for success fair.
h. Scholarship Chair- Lynda Coyle reports 3/4 recipients of years recipients are at the
i. Licensing board- not present no report
j. State Education Advocacy Leader (SEAL) Laura Nickerson- Please see the multiple
attached emails-forms from Laura regarding the numerous bills presented to
legislature. A lot depends on who is elected in.
i. Laura looking into which districts do salary supplements and if it could or
should be installed state wide.
ii. Laura will be contacting the districts to asses differences between and why.
Many districts school budgets are posed online.
iii. January 13th is the next general session.
iv. Laura will plan on going to 2015 SEAL Convention and ASHA
k. Star- Heidi Ferriman- SMAC added- Lindsay attempted to contact her, no response,
she did renew online with Chrisitiane, due to her lack of participating in board
meetings the position and STAR will be opened up to new members at the luncheon
open to all WSHA members.
l. Advisory Council- no report
m. Applicant for lifetime member- Justin reported he received a membership request
from: Mary Jo Watters applied and it will be assessed if she is eligible given the
criteria for this membership.
n. Late fees- Justin reported 19 people registered with one school district due to the
school district principle not approving the conference in time. The late fees will be
returned to those people.
7. Old business
a. WSHA 2015 update- have a one day connected with the Barbara Khan conference
(this years topic is autism) due to ASHA in Denver in 2015- people are getting lined
out for 2015
i. If we would like ASHA board of directors individual will come and speak at this
conference for free if they are given enough time. They can discuss advocacy.
Our contact is Janet Deppe
ii. At the WSHA/Barbara Khan- Wednesday night will be board meetingThursday WSHA one day conference and Friday Khan speaker
b. Funds for sending SEAL to ASHA- will no need none this year as Laura is expecting a
baby at that time
8. New Business
a. Eileen Crow ASHA- multiple handout attached and ASHA in action booklet and new
ideals on music therapy. Also make sure our organization asks for our free
convention attendance for one person when the conference is in our region. E.g.
2017 LA and 2020 San Diego- we must ask one year prior to receive
b. Proposal to change membership procedures and by laws- Christiane- please see
multiple attached handouts (#7a 7b in binder) with examples of others states types
of memberships and payment sign up due dates.
i. We will present these at the business luncheon at conference and vote on
changing the membership at that time. There will be different membership
categories with various costs.
c. Goal Setting- what can we do in 2015? Changes laws/ ASHA or IMASH goals- can
each board member come up with some for next meeting?
d. Nominations for new positions- these must be pre-elected: SMAC STAR- the info/job
description of these positions will be posted for members to read at the luncheon.

e. Justin and Janelle were both asked if staying for 2015 on board- both agreed to
another year of service
f. Next meeting will be wrap up meeting on last day of conference- Friday the 3rd
g. Year face to face meeting for 2015 to be set in Lander WY on either 24 th or 31st of
January 2015
h. Meeting was adjourned with a motion by Janelle and 2 nd by Ryan.
WSHA Business Luncheon
October 2nd 2014
Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, Casper WY

Meeting called to order at 12:06

Approval of agenda- Lindsay Curran- approved by Sue and 2 nd by Laura
Secretary report- Janelle Smith
Treasurer report- Justin SmithBoard of Representatives reports
a. Convention update- Sue reported 105 attendees, thanks the committee and for all
who donated to the raffles/silent auction and for attending.
b. Membership committee- Christiane- numbers of members are up this year to 152possibly more at end of conference
c. CEU Administrator- Dianea Seabeck- reviewed how to turn in the paperwork to
obtain CEUS from the conference when checking out
d. Honors and Awards- Debbie Crist- went of the ACE awards for the year
e. Public Awareness committee- continue newsletter every 2 months, please submit
topics to her to place in. discussed updates to website and that more will be addedeg PayPal
f. IMASH- Lindsay reported 2016 in Boise ID
g. Professional at Large- Donna Shippen/Chris Victor presented ECHO flyer and same
info from previous nights board meeting to the entire membership. See attached
h. Scholarship chair- Lynda- discussed who chooses the recipients and if you would like
to be involved let her know. Currently $3,000 dollars and divided as the committee
sees best fit for the candidates receiving.
i. SEAL- Laura Nickerson- asked for info from school SLPs as she is not in a school
setting and would like more info on how they use SLPAs and if they have a pay
scale for them, if they are used as Paras
i. Also legislature session to start in January and that will drive what she will be
looking into and working on in the future based on bills.
j. Advisory Council- Christiane spoke of the terms
6. Old Business- WSHA 2015 update- reported attached to Barbara Khan at UW in summer
and will only be one day. This is due to ASHA 2015 being in Denver
7. New Businessa. proposal to change the membership procedures and by-laws: Christiane presented
all attending WSHA members with documentation on the new types of membership
she is proposing and specific changes to the by-laws. See attached sheets from
previous nights board meeting. It was noted an agreement could not be made upon
by members so it will be discussed again at another time when more time is
b. Nominations for open positions- Lynda nominated Jessica Waldren from Lander for
president- the nomination time is open for one week for other individuals to be

c. Meetings for the year Jan 27th, April 15th April 22, October 1st
8. Meeting was motioned to be adjourned by Christiane and 2 nd by Janelle at 1pm.

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