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Cover Page

Miranda Natrop
Hour 1
Speech Pathologist

A speech-language pathologist (SLP) is a highly-trained

professional who evaluates and treats children and adults
who have difficulty with speech or language
Although people often think of speech and language as
the same thing, the terms actually have very different
Typically 8 hour shifts

Job Description

Sometimes called speech therapists

Assess, diagnose, treat and help to prevent disorders
related to


Job Description

1. Work with all ages

2. Use sign Language
3. Teach people how to properly use language and speech together to communicate with
4. Diagnose speech disorders
5. Assess speech and fluency of patients
6. Help people learn how to swallow and have accurate fluency if they loose it or never
knew how
7. Develop relationships with patients and see progress overtime
8. Teach them to communicate, even if they cannot talk
9. Often speak multiple languages
10. Work together with doctors and others in the medical team
11. Work with people who have other health issues that may be affecting their speech
12. Work in their chosen environment


Speech Pathologists have many different job

opportunities, which creates a large variety of work
They can work in Schools, Private Businesses, be hired
directly, Hospitals, and Nursing Homes/Clinics
Insurance often covers the cost of a Speech Pathologist
(for medical needs)
Travel is not necessary
The stress level of the job is low

Work Setting

1. Detailed
To be better at teaching patient how to do something
2. Empathy
To be understanding and nice to patients
3. Communication skills
To be able to be effective with patient and helpful
4. Patience
To effectively teach them and so you dont get frustrated
5. Intuition
To be stable and successful in this type of work
6. Emotional stability
So you can handle seeing disabled and sometimes sad people. Also so you dont get too attached
7. Dedication
To insure that you care and will try your best in your job
8. Organized
To not lose any records

9. Self-Motivated
Stay on task and get the task done

10.Hard Worker
So you wont give up

Personal Characteristics

There are five main personal values that are important to


Job security
Helping others

Personal Characteristics

Helpful high school classes

Sign language
And any class that requires communication skills, patience, and problem solving

To embark on a career as an ASHA certified audiologist or speech-language

pathologist, students must complete the necessary entry-level graduate
degree from a program accredited by the Council on Academic
Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA).
Total of four years of college
Clinical/Practice is done in school, and student's out of college go right to
their job. Very goo job outlook after graduation.

Education Needed

UW Oshkosh
UW Milwaukee


All four schools offer

the Speech Pathology
program after two
years of basic

For 2014

Wages and Benefits

Worker receives the following

Sick leave
No paid vacation
This occupation would provide plenty of income for my
future goals
The range in salary in terms of geographical varies and is
constantly changing. Different areas have different salaries,
depending on the work setting, the demand for speech
pathologists, and experience

Wages and Benefits

Very good!
With the increase of birth defects and disabilities, speech
pathologists will be in heavy demand in the near future
There is a higher want for them then there is of them.
Which means that if I choose this occupation, I am
almost guaranteed a job!

Employment Outlook

This occupation is perfect for what I want to do. It allows

me to reach two of my main goals. The first is to help
other people, and the second is to do something in the
medical field. This also allows me to help disabled
people, which is a good interest of mine because my
brother has autism. This job has a nice salary, a good
outlook, and I think its a good fit for the lifestyle I want
to live!

Personal Assesment

The speech skill is a wonder. To produce a phrase, about 100

muscles of the chest, neck, jaw, tongue and lips must
A simple "Hallo" can transmit a lot of things. The voice's tone
shows if the speaker is happy, pleased, bored, hurried, angry,
sad, scared, aggressive or dominant and the intensity of these
states; irony, affection, support or joke
Humans can emit about 14 seconds per second, while isolated
parts of the speech apparatus, like tongue, lips, jaws and
others cannot execute more than 2 movements per second

3 other facts

"Salary and Wage Data for Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists." Salary
and Wage Data for Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists. N.p., n.d. Web.
25 May 2015. <>.
"Speech-Language Pathologist." Job Overview. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.
"Speech-Language Pathologists." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.

Works Cited

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