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Lesson Plan Template


Funda Eda Tonga

Betl Ylmaz

Science(Art integrated science activity)
Unit Title
Pollution-water pollution
Grade Level
40 min
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Children will group at least tree fish according to their color.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media
and Materials)]
Materials; fishing rod, papers, scissor, boxes, fish puppet, wastes
Concep map;
Concepts: red,blue,yellow
Words: air pollution, fishing rod
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Games, scaffolding, problem solving
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and
Require Learner Participation)]
For the activity, teacher puts a fish puppet on the board that has a sad face, but teacher
never says something about the fish until children realize it. If children do not realize the
fish, she can say that children I will start the activity but I missed something what can it
be, I cannot find it, look around the class and help me. Thus, children realize the puppet
and they show to the teacher. Teacher takes the puppet from the board and says that
thank you children, you helped me to find it, today, I bring this puppet to meet you, but
it does not seem like happy. And teacher asks questions like how does the fish feel?
Why does the fish feel like this? therefore, teacher make children to make comments
about the fish, and say that children this puppet is living in a lake, and at past, there
were many friends of him in the lake, however, they moved out to other places, and he
is alone now. Thus, this makes him so sad. , and the teacher asks that why might be
the reason for fishs friends moving out, and teacher takes childrens ideas about it but
she does not say anything about water pollution, and if the children say something water
pollution, teacher does not say yes or no just say yes maybe this can be reason. Thus,
teacher says that children make this fish happy, why do not we make some fishes, so
the fish can be so happy. And teacher gives children construction paper that have fishes
on them, so teacher says children that lets cut them paint them, I am sure that the fish
will be so happy when it has new friends.(teacher makes pairs for the child with poor
fine motor development) Therefore, children start making their fishes, and when children
finish it, teacher put paper clip on the fishes that say the children that lets put the
fishes on the lake, and teacher shows the box that looks like a lake(teacher can make it
with blue construction paper). Thus, when all children puts their fishes, teacher says that
lets clean our class. And while children are cleaning the class, teacher puts some
wastes and some for fishes for making the game longer on the lake. When children finish
cleaning, teacher takes childrens attention to the lake, and make them realize the
wastes on the lake, and waits until children makes comments about how it happened.
Thus, when all children give their attention to the lake, teacher says that children, can
be it the reason for fishs moving out?, and teacher talk about the water solution and its

reasons by asking questions (because their children talked about it previous day, they
have already have information about it, so teacher just make them remember it.)while
asking questions teacher shows the concept maps to children about the reasons for
water pollution and they can talk about it more ad estimate more reasons.(
Therefore, when teacher takes all the ideas from the children, says that lets puts the
fishes to the other lakes and then we can clean the lake. And teacher shows other
boxes to the children there are three different boxes with different colors (red, blue,
yellow), and says children that lets puts the fishes to the boxes that they have the
same color, but to do this, I will open a song and when I stop the song, you will take the
fish with fishing rod, and bring it to the related lake, so when I again open the music, the
game will continue like this. There are magnets in the fishing rod, so children will easily
take them thanks to the paper clip on the fishes, and there should be at least 3 fishes for
each child. (Teacher makes pairs for the child with poor fine motor development) Also,
while dancing teacher can give some instructions like dance like a dog, dance like a frog,
so the game will be more enjoyable for them. When all fishes are done, they all together,
take the wastes on the lake and put them on the recycle bin. Thus, teacher ends the
activity with assessment questions. Also, she can make come counting activities with
the fishes and asks questions like how many fishes do we have? Which lake has the
more fish?, and if the teacher puts those boxes in the class, children can spend time
with them and play with them during their free time play.
Individual Learning Activities
Children create the fishes individually, and
teacher can show fish pictures if it is
Group Learning Activities

Children will collect the fishes as a group.

Children are expected to estimate the reasons and solutions about pollution while
playing the physical and mathematic game.
Measurement & Evaluation
Four types of questions are asked and teacher observes children.
Measurement & Assessment
Activities for Individual
Measurement & Assessment
Activities for Group Performance

Homework (optional)

Teacher observes each children, and support

them if it is needed.
Descriptive questions:
What color did we have on the lakes?
What did we use to take the fishes, and how
could we take them? (magnets)
Effective questions:
How did you feel when you see the sad fish?
How did you feel while helping the fishes?
Goal oriented questions:
What can we do to prevent water pollution?
What are the reasons of water pollution?
Daily life experiences questions:
Do you have fish in your home?
Have you ever seen pollution when you go to
the sea for holiday?
Parent Involvement:
Collaborating with the community:
Before the activity, teacher sends an
informative email about the water pollutions
and the precautions about this to the parents
to inform them, and give information about the
activity that they will do in the class. Also for
the activity teacher gets in contact with

Orman ve Su leri Bakanl, and she asks

about the possible activities that they can
provide children. Also, for this, teacher can get
help from the parents, so with the help of
them, and the teacher can get support from
Orman ve Su leri Bakanl, to provide
more effective activities to the children.
Email to the foundation;
Good day, I am the teacher at Nesibe Aydn
Kindergarten. For this week, we are planning
activities to make our children gain
environmental consciousness and learn about
water pollution. Therefore, about this subject,
we would love to benefit from your
foundations activities, so we would be
pleasure if you inform us about your activities
and the documents about this subject.
Thanks for your
kind help
Early Childhood

Email to the parents:

Dear parents,
Today, we have talked about the soil pollution
and the precautions about soil pollution. Also, I
will also get contact with Orman ve Su leri
Bakanl, to get more information about it
and provide children more activities about it
thanks to the help of Orman ve Su leri
Bakanl, so to apply this activities, I would
love to invite you to join the activities.
Also, from the links that I am sending, you can
have more information about water pollution,
and by this way, you can support childrens
learning by using those information.
Related Links:
Thanks for
your kind help
Childhood Teacher
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
Poor fine motor development:
For this child, this can be hard to cut the fishes and to take and put the fishes on the
lakes, thus, teacher can make pairs, so the child with poor motor development will be
more active in the activity, and does not feel like he/she is isolated from the activity.

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