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20-18 38th St.

Astoria, NY 11105


Roger Williams University

Bristol, RI
Graduated: May 2010
Cumulative GPA: 3.68
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
Bachelor of Arts in Art
and Architectural History
Institute at Palazzo Rucellai
Florence, Italy
Study Abroad, Fall 2008
Concentration: Art and
Architectural History; Italian
Language and Culture;
Fresco Painting


Editorial Management;
Copywriting; Layout Design;
Feature Writing; Copy Editing;
News Reporting; Interviewing;
Magazine Publishing; B2B
Publishing; Newspaper Writing; Content Management;
Writing for the Web; Blogging;
Creative Writing


Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Front Page, and

Excel; Mac OSX; Adobe
Programs: Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign;
QuarkXPress; Final Cut Pro;
Sound Slides; GN4; Social
Networks: Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Blogs: Wordpress.
com,; Adaptable
to various CMS systems

NewBay Media
New York, NY
Managing Editor, Systems Contractor News
January 2015- Present
Manage workflow of monthly print magazine, including planning layout, assigning freelance assignments, editing and formatting all articles and
collaborating with the art department.
Write timely, daily news stories covering the AV industry for website, and
post stories and blogs to site.
Maintain a strong social media presence for the magazine.
Write original and timely features for print and online.
Assist head editor with editorial calendar, creating story topics on the latest
news, trends and technologies in the AV industry.
Maintain a strong relationship with sources within the AV industry and attend annual AV conventions.
Assist InfoComm, and AV industry organization with daily print newsletter
at annual convention and trade show.
Editor, Music Festival Business
April 2013- Present
Managed web content and created monthly online newsletter, writing articles to maintain online presence.
Planned and created original content for quarterly magazine to keep readers informed about the music festival industry.
Managed the editorial process for the magazine, assigning stories to freelancers and staff, collaborating with art team to create layout, and editing
Assistant Editor, Pro Sound News
July 2012- December 2014
Edited print magazine content for accuracy, grammar, spelling
Wrote original features for print, and daily news articles and blog entries for
magazines website.
Maintained relationship with sources within the pro audio industry through
constant communication, attending annual industry trade shows, and collaboration on articles.
GateHouse Media New England
Framingham, MA
Editor, The Westborough News
June 2010- July 2012
Planned and created content for weekly publication including news and
feature articles, producing five to eight articles a week.
Designed layout of weekly print edition, edited and formatted articles, and
proofed pages with pagination department before publication.
Managed web content for newspapers website, keeping information timely,
fresh, and updated as news breaks.
Managed all social network sites, including Facebook and Twitter.
Reporter, The MetroWest Daily News
June 2010-July 2012
Covered breaking news, police and fire news, and town government for
daily publication.
Pitched feature ideas for newspaper and produced a strong, well-researched final piece under a tight deadline.

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