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Oneida Area 2014 Annual Water Quality Report Oneide Water Department 109 N. Main Street, Oneida NY 13421 Visit us on the web at Oneidacty com troduction ‘To comply with Sate replations, the City of Oneida Water Deparueat wil be anual ising a repr describing the sual of our dang Water The pase of his repo ist ase your understanding of inking water abd avarens ofthe ned To poet ar ‘inking water sources. Last year, your p water metal Sate drinking water bealth sundarde “Weare pou to repo that oa yet {id not volt a maximum contaminant level or ay her water quality standard. This report provies an nverview of at years war ‘uli, Included are dul bout where our water comes om, wha consis, and how compares o Sse standard. City of Oneida Water Department Profile (Oneid's Florence Creek Water Sytem was constructed in 1926. In early 1980, the Cip'scurent water wetmen’ plant was completed to provide Sian othe City’s upland soppy, forthe Hist ime coring problems of taste, odor and ole “eda tne City of Oneida Water Departent serves more tan 21,000 people and provides an average dl water soply of 23 milion gallons @3 MGD).” The Water Deparmeat enploys 17 indiidsals who ret moar, mnain,cotint, anddiribte water ‘trough more tan 0.8 miles of main inthe vo outs, re ces, Five ‘owns, and fou villages. Ths watereuply has become ¢ repionl eset tough the cooperation of he municipal lenders end deicnted employes, Za Gomme Served by Oneida Water i Pate Water Seply enteton_Nember FORRATEN, Nagra) [craton ast Vie ore Oe wae ‘sa go Wii Se Mix “Tass ae sean ‘Sri erode ron 32 ‘ra et Rv iat ieee — Torna ecie wri ‘a I me Ta Wee Bere 8 “9 ToT Feige Seer Wr Br Twa a sias0m Senos pgs WO HVS Ea “eon oe Tan a Sa [= Tot tere Sle Taal Papa He sco = 5; ‘lew Water Flows faneeountedWatee| Parent = 16% T5000 [ince pris of i Tove a Kase i of Ros nd Town Vaca ‘Water Supply The City of Oneida stars with a high qulty surface wate source fm Glesmore Reservoir on Florence Cit, which toate venty niles noth ofthe City inthe Town of Amie, Oneida County. The dm pounds water from 138 square mile waterbed on the Edge ofthe Tug Hill Peas. The watered i malay oeslnds wis pproinatly hal being inte Reforestation, The 37800 ng and 45-fot hgh dam, constructed in 1926 in this rua locaton, provides we storage to Due easnsl water demands aswell a ry ‘weather supply. The reset old 29 milion gallos of water. The Clty owas the SOc ste on whch he eer and dams ae Toeated Las year, or system didnt experience ny eesticion of our wae source, Water Treatment ‘The City of Oneida reservoir and watershed receive regular inspections, Wl ao contamination bas teen observe, treatment ie required to ensue sfe water entering the distribution ste, Situated oneal le down steam fom the dam the City’s Water Treatment Pent, This convention! fccutionsedimentsion facility with a prodeton capacity of milion gallons = day (6 MGD) vas competed ia 1940. The plat inches w rapid mix bin, flocculation fetes, 2) contact basins (2) dua mea fers ana ler well tsk. Afr the proces of chemical addon, contct and fitrion-microorgtnims, inching some hat can cause disease (puiboges) may {al be found in Hired water. Chornaon equipment is uikard lo provide sulcient chlorine to ll any puboges that may be resent and to provide e chlrineresiual n ke water enering the distribution system. In order oii casino our dsributon pes we intoduce ine rthophespat ino he dtibton system. This compound provides «bs protective cous ou Pipes. Grade 1A sn IA oper operate the plat, 365 dys a year. An oaske lbortoy i tized by personnel for chemical testing for aly operation of plant. Distribution 'X20" eas ron main wrasponts the water fom be clearell nk into the Ciy.A pump sation at Lake Sweet increases the capacity of the 20.mile pipeline rom 2.8 MGD to 3.5 MOD with one punp operating. The wate i distributed through a network of 81.6 mies of ‘stron, asbetos cement and dct ron water ain houghout the Ci. Baker and Clark Tasks provide disrbution storage. These two domed concrete store tanks have a combined capacity of 15 milion rallos a are used to balance pressre inthe dstibuon system and to ensure an adequate Water supply fe fie protection. A Blorinton fly is lead a teste o further reat all water levig the ens Drinking Water Drinking wat, inluingbotled water, may ceasonably te expected to contain atlas small amounts of some costaminats. The presence of contminanis does aot necessary adit tat water poses a health cisk. More information sboutconuainers aad ote health ffs can be oblined by calling the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Holine (1-800-426-4751). ‘Who should take special precautions ‘Some people may be more vuleabe fo disease causing microogeisms or pathogens in drinking water thn the general popeltion [muno-compromised persons sch s persons wih cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons wh have undergone orga transla, people wit HIVIAIDS or other immune system doer, some eer, and inf can be pricy at ik fom infections. These people should sek advice fom their esltheare provider about ther drinking water EPAVCDC geidlineson appropiate means 10 [Eis ters oftalection ty pospandim, Giardia ang ner microbial pathogens re svaiabe rom the Sere Dann Wale Hotline (1-800-426-4791), ‘Source Water Assessment ‘The Nev Yark Sst Deparment of Heal (NYSDOH) has evaluned Gkamore Reservoirs susceptibility wo contamination under the Source Water Assessment Progam (SWAP), and ter Finds re sumrsarzed i the parapraph Below, Is important 1 ses that hese assessments wee eral Using avaiable iafomation and ony estimate the potential for source wale conamration. Elevated tecptbiity ratings do not mean ht source wer contamination hs or wil occur fr this pubic water system (PWS). This PWS ‘ovides etuent and regular monitoring o ens the water delivered o consumers meet ll pliable drinking water standart “The assesment ea forthe dinking water source contains no ditrete polenta contamina sources, and al he protzos led coves contaminate pevleace rng is restr han low This rangi aiuto te perenape of pasture i over sed i he as ‘without regard for he actual erenage of uch pasture lnd actively being sed fr apc veto. This ress inthis reseroi ‘eng esgned a hgh suscep te protaze, despite the relative abseaceof such land acaly being used for veto purposes ‘within the Wats, However, th high mobility of microbial contamina in all such reservoirs resale inthis drinking water nae Feng asgned medium ~ high suscepti rng for etercbacters and viruses, Furthermore, all pen recervoi are deemed highly susceptible o water quality problems caused by phosphors aditons, Le Federal Law requires water spies o ot their castomers about the sks of Lead. If preset, cette levels of lead can cause ‘erous health problems, especialy for pregaaot women and young cilden Lead in eaking walt primarily Bom material ad fomponens acrid with service lines and home plumbing. The City of Oneida espoasible or proving hgh quality eiaking tater, but caneot cont! the varity of materials used in plumbing components. When your water bas Ben siting fr several hou, {ou can minimize the potential led expose by fusing Your ap fr 30 secon o ? mlauesbelore wing water for drinking of ‘ooking, Ifyou ae concerned about Ted in your wale, you may wish have our water ested. Information oa ead ia diaking Walt, testing, methods and steps you can lake to mininize exposure is avalble Gom the Safe Desking Wate Holine oF wt lator pa gov seater Sources of drinking water ‘The sources of drinking Waler (oth up aor nd ote wate include rivers, lakes, sueams, pons, reserva, pigs and well. AS svar travels over te srfice of the lend or treugh the proud, dissolves natural occuring minerals and ia Some cases, adcatve ‘ater and can ick up subsiances resulting om the presence of animals o om human aries. Coalaminans tht my be preset {nour weer lode: microbial contaminants orgie conanats; pestis and herbicides; cans chemi cvtaminants, td 1 ere wo ensure that ap water is safe wo dea, the Ste and te EPA prescribe regulations wich lint the emeunt of erin covariant in water povided by public water syiens. The ute Heath Department's snd the FDA's regulaos establish ts for contaminants in botled vater which must provide the save protection fer public hel Losking tollets are the most common cause of high water bills. ‘Thee area number of signs ta soe! needs Some repas, bu many tls ek without otceabeiatcaons of wouble. Here are someof the obvious signs of leshivg toe: + Ifyou ave jiggle the handle to make tlt stop rumning. Any sous coming fom a toilet hat iso! being used are Sr sigs of ens ‘you can se water tickling down th sides of the tlle bow lng afer i's ben Muse ‘Ifa oder tas the water on for 15 seconds oF So without you toching the handle (cerwise koown a5 the phantom ashe) Leaky Tolle Tot ere isa test tose if you havea leaking ol: ‘fod eoorng to the toilet ak (othe tile bow) ‘not sh fr 30 mints. Ifthe wer in the ie bow changes cole, yu aves leking tie ‘Water Conservation & Money Saving Ideas Although our are is very frit o have access oa water supply which more than mses our demands, conservation efforts by both {he ety ad the conser are praden in Stern nresing come. A a constmer you can pricipalein thie ete conseration effort ‘The folowing are some sees, which cn be del splied to our nivel homes: 1 Use wate seving, ow ceteting shower head nd low lw fase (serto) 2 Repir dipping facets pd lets al sam Lo Mash by themselves, 3 Replace your wile with lw Nath modeler place brick ia your unk 0 reduce the volume used on each fa: ‘4 Water your garden and lawn only wheanecesary. Remember Gata lier of mulch in he flowerbeds and garden is not only aesthetically ples bat wil help ean moisture; ‘When washing you ear don't et the hose run connuously, When brashieg jour teeth, shaving 0 shapooing old rnsig he water unneceialy and (Check your tot for leas by puting fe op of fod coloring in he ak, watch fra ew minutes tse ifthe olor shows spinticbowt Water Quality througs Testing - How do you know i's safe? ‘The Cty of Oneida rotacly mono for oatunicnt in your drakag water according o Federal and State laws. These contaminants Include’ ft Coliform, bid, Inorganic compounds, alae, inte, lead and copper, vole orpanic compounds, lol Uibalomethanes, synete organic compounds, Cryptspordum, and Giedia. In ll, he Cty is required 1 test for over 125 ‘onuamioants The able freseted blow depts he compounds Ut were deere in your drisking ter for he pried of Janay Ist. {December 3152014. The Sse allows us totes for seme conaminans les than once per ear because the concentrations of hese ‘contaminants do ot change Fequenly. Some of ou dl, hough represelave, are more than one ye ol cof Driesied Contaminania comnme [etme] amee | Sie [aire | se, | acti es mi Soares Woe rom Gimore Reese regome | ne [maw | tes [me | se [7 eee ined Water rensocen’ [oe [HGP [em [mw [wa | trevor = rasan cent | me | ame | om | ou | wa | PoE = Teagie at ae [me [om | atts | no ve " | aask. a — cman [eee | omer | ge [ate | es, | tn tyne (eoaait eo ee Ss a vo | cat fora | Bt [wa wa ana cum | mm | am | om | mr | we wa — ee ee = wow [se [we | we | omtaenen —— cme | ome | om | 2, | we | tm a-we | ““giemigesmmnms tt | mw | oom | oh | om |e Acs | Sonera ince oe en Sos oe SS = [~ |e] [ow | om | wane — om a — aint xe | awne | oan | met | wn wa secre Tapes | ne | see | ot | ot | wa wa etn Deny pa eomtcrciaat| vo | Sm] iy | mt | Na wou eee, Te wl ove, you Ta may ms and Owens you mG BX Be Tir Wi To lp You BARS WRN HSS TN WOVE rove te losing detons ‘alge (AL)- Te sone conan wh senda hg sine herent, ihe Entry Poin (P)~A resentative sampling ction afer te as poi of want bu beth int consume conection Halas Aclds HAAS}: mon dwelt ai and moo and bromoece et ‘Masi Centanizat Level Gel (CLO): The evel of conaminantiadeaking wu low which ils known a expect a tobe 'ICLGs alow fra mario ey. “Maxina Comarint Level (MCL) Te ight vel of contain at alowed in inking wer, MCL ae set clon othe MCLG 8 “Masinu Reso! Dinan etl (MRD: Tepes eel deta allowed ia ating wae: Tee coving evidence hat sno inne recess fr contol of mobil onan ‘Maximum Rs Dinfeant evel Gel (MRDLG) The el of edioking water deen bow we re eno now of xp io hth MRDUG do eels te brea he we of enfant con mrbl namin, aig pe tier (my) ~coreponds en profi ven ation pans quid (prs pe ition - pp). Nephlomers Tur Und (NTU) -aepomeri ity nt amore the cry of ae Tuy nets ofS NTU isa abe (ebeateage pom. Non-Dees (ND) born ani inde thal he cnn nt pest Paper ion gb) oe Mer pee (pone part perbition caerponds toon pf iu in ne bil ‘Tot alan (TTHMS) ~cltoms, ronodcromehne, bonochconetune and ens ‘Tresment Tetign(TT)~ A reid pros tnd tree the elf cetainant in ding mi, 1c ine meurof he coun ofthe water. We mont ibs gpd inet of te tenes of ur Hiatn eaten. Oe phos singe tetidy mewurement fr he yer crue on 1/21, 12, 724, 913114 (00 NTU). Sate egltins rq ha iy ot ‘ike be below § NTU which wae met rng hey Te repli ree tht 5% ofthe iy ples colle ave meson {son 0 NTU. Although aly 204 a the moa wis he nes gui water ving te plon (0.07 NTU mony sep) sl aps ee ‘iin he susube rage lowe nd dd ex conte teste igh vlan "hist errr te emul verge advange of evs eed nape ak 3 ~The level peso repent te 90h pon ofthe 30 she fel "Aprere-a vale o ssle of 100 nda the poet of ‘chon teil © bw The Doh pren eat ar rat tn 9% of he copper vals eed at your water em, In chi ‘ae iy samples wee colt at your her ya andthe Oh sce Ye was teeny ctu igs vale (20 pM). Testo eve orcappr sar ot xan wan of ere "Te evel pseted reeset the spree he 30 sts exe. The aoe ee fre wast kes way the sa. '5—This lvl eres beans erage scl om he ere ote Cryptosporidiosis and Giardinsis [New York State law requites water supplies 0 notify their customers about the vsks of enplosporidioss end gira Cryploporitiosis and gira are insti illnesses caused by microscopic parsits. Cryptosporiions can be very serous for peopl with weak immune systems, sich as chematerapy, dialysis or eansplnt pallens, a people with Crob’s ease or HIV Infection, People with weakened imme systems should dicus withthe eal care providers te ced to tke extn prseuions such as boing water, wing certified botle wate ora Specially approved home Mitr. Iadividuals who think Uy may Have ‘ypiospordoss or gira shold contact thr health care provider edi. Fer additions information on cryplosporiosis and pains, please contact Madison County Heakh Department Giardia Garis i = microbial pathogen present in varying concentrations in many surface waters and groundwater under the iflence of ‘acfice water Gira removedinwetvated though a combination of filtation end disinfection or by disifeaon, During 208, ‘art of oar roan sping, 12 sample of Glenmore Reservoir soarce water were coleted and enalyzd fr Ciara cyst OF hose Samples, one was confirmed postive. Therefore, cur testing infctes the presence of Gari nour source Water. Cue test etods do not allow us to determine ifthe organisms are dead ori hey ar capable of casing csese. Ingestion of Garla may case saris on intestinal ines, People exposed o Giardia may experience mio severe dais, or in some instances no sympoms a Ail Fever i rarely prevent. Ocrasomly, some individual wil ave chonic Gee ove sera wecks ora month, wi sian ‘weight los. Grn nn be tested sth amps medication Individuals wih weakened inimne systems should cong wih Uhehealth care providers about what spe woud best rede thre of beroming infected wih Gardai. Individuals wo ik that hey my have been exposed fo Giardini shoud comic ther ealh are provides immediately. The Gira parasites passed a the fees oF an infected person or animal and may contaminate wate er fod. Person o perso wanssion may lo carn ay care ‘cee of oer stings where handwashing practices are pooe. 366-2526, City of Oneida, Village of Oneida Castle and Wampsville and Marble Hill Section ‘City of Onelds, Vilage of Oneide Caste & Vilage of Wampsvle— PWS ID# NY2602381 ‘Marble Hl Water Distret= PWS IDRS2S0058 109 N. Main Street Oncid, NY 13421 2014 Water Rates a Seo aa ee SOO a ‘Bio 5 ‘The mean household ia One vs on nee 1700 cut por uaner fr 575.25 or 5,00 gos pr yar $301.00 ea Rae Table ae Palette War Deparment Ofc Meter Reading & Billing ‘The City of Onids Water Deparment ives bls query to over 4,200 customer. The ills are based on mer eding blaine mt ‘each home ap busines. The mer sre rend eleevonclly ulsie ofthe Home bya special gn thal retrieve a reading fom the water ‘mec lod in the baemenk. These readags are downloaded wo the computer lo calculate consumption and tue bill. Meter ‘hrouphout the sytem ee pedal replaced fo ure ccaral readings. Major Modifications ‘The water distbuton system wat improved in 2014 with We consrction of 13760 fet of se rain. Projets included the replacement of ke water ttn on poton of Willams Stet sb he lacton of the rasmisson ma under Fish Cres the Tow ‘of Anasvle” The lead service line eplncement program was coanued i 2018 wih the replacement of? lea service ia the City of Oneida Projects plans fr 2014 include he conned insallation of wute si on Wiles Suet. ‘Are there contaminants in oar drinking water? [AS the State equations require, aud in adion to overall Onelde sale resus (ze resus in City of Oneida Repor) the City of (Oneida also oui texte your deakng aera loeal disses for tll ealiform fe ehorae, aad exbesto as seued. The able pesened below depicts which compounds were detected in Your dking wae. a TT aac of Detected Conta a ‘Level Detected ‘Unit “er comoainan | Vetaan | eet | pnt | Messen | MES! | Ut | ey SoueorCosniaton ene | Ze | mom | ie | cto Tiel Comin = Sagi Moly ows Del : | Onis) wet xe | aay wr | en | map + | Yt tc ‘baie | Turbidity No y nu NA = Soil RunofT {@isrbutiony™ oat Tw Disinfection By products = Sage ‘ets Sie re] wt | Na | menos ermutewnniny | NO sess By prode of doing water — Zt paren) ciaasreomin | | spain | _weare wa | cece |"etoneime ‘ieee Bee a w sha i iy a oA on al AEN al Re OT PE CTO coset oO imine 1 Tee peel eee sage nd rage of tele pero te enbiapelanping es, 21 Vue presented repens tbe Matin Resin Disinfect Level RDU) wich a evel fet dd fr wer mae ay ht be exceed the ost pet tac posse vse ah fet: MDL re carety oe euhue at in Fe theyll before n hese nner tL 5 Tui ema on daly arin he Gton nym All eared ring 201 were iin he aceplerng lows [SHAAS: mono, dan eilosceacd dione snd somone ed 6h eel repent te hphes LaaoalRaning Arm! Average LRAA) and rage of ll ample rel, Compnce with be MCL or Dinecsor Bypoiues ts bed pen te Lona! Resting Apmoal Average ofa sample clad dng fur coment Geis Indiv els may have excel the Ltt Crys LRAA ner exes Addins formation {Eyow evan uso abu is opr concoing yor wae iy, ple coma Arh Smoin Water Soperiniendent 363-490 (Ema Aaumlnki@osdntesan the Mafion Cony Boren of Heh 366256, We wat eu weed custener tobe nfooed sho et ‘tray you wet seam mo laze tan ny af ar eae shedsed Wat Boal mening Thay md on tern Tey of Sth nth ine Water Deparment Ofcela City Hal 103 New a Sree Oni 20 PM.

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