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UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, PLATTEVILLE STUDENT TEACHING FINAL EVALUATION OF COMPETENCIES Student Teacher: Jacob Bauscher Semester: Spring Year: 2015 ‘Subject(s) Taught: Health & PE Grade(s) Taught: _7" and 8" Please check each of the following competencies in the space that best represents your judgment of the student teacher's performance. Ditingushed Proiciont B sete U LUnecistectory NO Not Observed DOMAIN 4: PLANNING AND PREPARATION Demonstrates Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrates Knowledge of Students Selects Instructional Goals Demonstrates Knowledge of Resources Designs Coherent Instruction Assesses Student Leatning DOMAIN 2: THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Creates an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishes a Culture for Learning Manages Classroom Procedures Manages Student Behavior Organizes Physical Space DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION Communicates Clearly and Accurately Uses Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engages Students in Learning Provides Feedback to Students Demonstrates Flexibility and Responsiveness DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSI Reflects on Teaching Maintains Accurate Records ‘Communicates with Families Contributes to the School and District ‘Grows and Develops Professionally Shows Professionalism OVERALL COMPETENCE: (Circle one) () 8 Incomplete Te] Student Teacher Initials FINAL EVALUATION OF COMPETENCIES Student Teacher aw Rauscher EXPLANATIONS AND COMMENTS: Please typo: This form will be reproduced as itis submitted! (Please use space below for additional observations of performance or to clarify the competency ratings. Limit comments lo space provided) Jacob Bauscher taught 7” grade health (3 sections) and 8” grade PE class (1 section) for the spring semester of 2015. Jacob learned, enhanced, and developed his teaching skills as the semester progressed. Jacob greatly improved his ability to smoothly run health and PE classes. Transitions became much smoother and time was used more efficiently. Jacob became very comfortable around his students. He built rapport and created a fun and positive classroom environment. Jacob would address misbehavior and off task behavior in effective and appropriate ways. Jacob could confidently handle all of the tasks of managing a classroom. Jacob was always on time, dressed professionally, and prepared to teach. We discussed lessons informally prior to each lesson or unit. Mr. Bauscher would ask questions when needed, but was very much independent in his ability to create his own lessons. Mr. Bauscher impressed me in his ability to lead discussions in the health room. He improved on asking key questions and engaging students in conversation. Jacob was very good at assessing his lessons and knowing what needed to be changed or improved upon. Many lessons he told me what he needed to do differently before I would offer my input. This skill allowed him to continually create stronger lessons as the semester progressed Mr. Bauscher is a team player; he was always flexible and understanding when a situation or schedule change arose. He got along well with fellow teachers, and took part in parent teacher conferences. Mr. Bauscher also contributed to the school by being an assistant high school track coach. J: operating Teacher Signature University Supervisor Signature: Lancaster Commuwity Schoals Moy 6, 2016 ‘School District t Date’ Student Teachers: Please sign below to indicate that you have read the evaluation, not that you agree with it (3B (Student as tead evaluation) ‘Student Teacher Signat Revised 72014 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PLATTEVILLE STUDENT TEACHING FINAL EVALUATION OF COMPETENCIES Student Teacher: Jacob Bauscher. Semester: __ Spring, Subject(s) Taught: __Physical Education Grade(s) Taught 9-10 Year: _ 2016, Please check each of the following competencies in the space that best represents your judgment of the student teacher's performance. D Dictinguised P B NO Not Observed DOMAIN 1: PLANNING AND PREPARATION Demonstrates Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrates Knowledge of Students Selects Instructional Goals: Demonstrates Knowledge of Resources Designs Coherent Instruction Assesses Student Learning x |) | > | x |< | DOMAIN 2: THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Greates an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishes a Culture for Learning Manages Classroom Procedures Manages Student Behavior Organizes Physical Space DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION Communicates Clearly and Accurately Uses Quostioning and Discussion Techniques Engages Students in Learning Provides Feedback to Students Demonstrates Flexibility and Responsiveness DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Reflects on Teaching Maintains Accurate Records Communicates with Families Contributes to the Schoo! and District Grows and Develops Professionally Shows Professionalism x OVERALL COMPETENCE: (Circle one) A Incomplete Student Teacher Initials FINAL EVALUATION OF COMPETENCIES Student TeacherWeb Bau sener EXPLANATIONS AND COMMENTS: Please type: This form will be reproduced as it is submitted! _(Piease use space below for additional observations of porformanco or to clarify the compoteney ratings. Limit comments to space provided) Jacob Bauscher completed his semester long student teaching experience with the Lancaster Middle/High School. He taught physical education classes that were a mixture of 9" and 10” grade students. He took over classes in the high school around the 3° week of his experience and did a great Job learning and teaching at the high schoo! level. Jacob grew a lot throughout the semester as a teacher. He earned mostly Proficient ratings in the categories provided. He did a good job in planning units for the students and creating new relevant assessments for those units. Jacob moved around the olassroom and provided the students with instant feedback concerning the activity they were engaged in. Jacob was not given a fot of material by me to create unit and lesson plans. | talked generally about the scope and sequence of our classes and let Jacob plan from there. He did a good job planning out a semesters worth of units andl lessons. He also added some new fitness into the curriculum and taught age appropriate lessons to the students. He continually improved in his ability to manage the classroom. The students listened to and followed directions given by Jacob. He had some tough classes that had trouble fully participating. By the end of the semester Jacob had these classes paying attention and participating at a higher level Jacob was at school at appropriate times and was ready to teach on a daily basis. He was always properly dressed and looking professional. He seemed to get along with everyone at the high schoo! and helped out wherever he was needed. He also helped coach the varsity track team as an assistant coach. He altended practices and meets and helped with throwers and jumpers techniques. Cooperating Teachor Signature University Supervisor Signature J Aois Lencaster Community Schools May 6) 30 School District Date Student Teachers: Please sign below to indicate that you have read the evaluation, not that you agree with it {Student Nas read evaluation) Sludent Teacher Signature Rees 72014

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