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Gizem AKTA-Nurcan HMOLU

Name of activity: Hello from Teeth
Type of activity: Play integrated drama activity/ Whole group activity
Age group: 48-60 months

Kazanm ve Gstergeler
Sosyal ve Duygusal Geliim

Costumes shaped like tooth, healthy and

unhealthy foods from felt, big skeleton mouth
and big toothbrush, a concept map from and a presentation from Powtoon
as a Web 2.0 tools.
Words &Concept

Kazanm 3. Kendini yaratc yollarla ifade


Skeleton, Toothbrush, Decayed tooth, Healthy

and Unhealthy food

Gstergeleri: Duygu, dnce ve hayallerini

zgn yollarla ifade eder.
z Bakm Becerileri

Family Participation
Collaborating with Community and

Kazanm 1. Bedeniyle ilgili temizlik

Teacher sends an e-mail to parents

kurallarn uygular.

We learned dental health and how to

take nourishment for our teeth. I arranged a
visit to community clinic in dental department
in next Tuesday. They will give children some
basic information and they will examine
childrens teeth. They will also tiny workshop
with children and with the brush and
toothpaste that they will give as a gift. I want
you to see in this fieldtrip. Please let me know
that you will come.

Gstergeleri: Diini fralar.

Kazanm 8. Sal ile ilgili nlemler alr.
Gstergeleri: Saln korumak iin yapmas
gerekenleri syler.

(Teachers Name)

Gizem AKTA-Nurcan HMOLU

Learning Process
Teacher prepares a presentation by using Powtoon. She designs presentation like a mini dialogue of
decayed tooth and healthy tooth. It begins with superheroes and their sentences. Then, teeth take a floor.
Decayed tooth talks about a cartoon character who eats so many unhealthy food that harm teeth. It
explains why it so sad as a result of this nutrition. It adds that it is not brushed. Healthy tooth mentions
why it is happy. This tooth says that it would be happier when children learn how to brush because it
does not want its friends to be decayed. In Powtoon, they see how to brush step by step. It also mentions
when teeth are brushed and how many times they should be brushed. Then, teacher gives children
costumes which are shaped like teeth. Each child makes a pair and they decide to which tooth they want
to be. Teacher gives them some foods which is made from felt and wants them to create a story. She
could involve their preparation process. Also, she should be careful about matching shy children with
outgoing children. If they do not want to present anything, teacher could ask questions to them. Maybe,
she could be participation of their mini drama or they could plan a drama all together. All could be tooth
in a mouth and teacher could lead drama.After each child present or they finish drama section, teacher
distributes all health and unhealthy foods on the floor. She opens a concept map which she prepares by
using the tool There is a classification of foods. It helps children to classify foods during the
play. Decayed tooth collects unhealthy food and stick on themselves (on their costumes). Health tooth
are required health foods. After playing section, teacher brings big tooth or mouth skeleton and big
brush. Big brush should be light so that children could grasp it easily. She opens steps from Powtoon
again and each child tries to brush this skeleton in order. At the end of the activity, she gathers children
and asks questions about topic.

Gizem AKTA-Nurcan HMOLU

Descriptive Questions:
What do you remember about presentation that
we watch?
Which foods are unhealthy?
Sensual Questions:
What did you feel when you saw sad tooth?
What did you feel when you act like decayed
tooth or health tooth?
Questions for gains;
Can you show me how to brush our teeth?
What should we do for our dental health?
Questions relating to live;
Have you ever seen your parents while brushing?
Do you brush your teeth? When?

If there is visually disabled child,
teacher makes little puppets which have
different felt. She introduces one of
them as a decayed tooth and the other
one as a health tooth. When decayed
tooth talk, she directs the child to touch
it. She does the same for the other tooth.
Costumes and felt foods are also
designed according to this child. Before
starting to drama or play, teacher should
introduce all materials to all children.
While she is introducing, the child
touches every material. In classifying
section, she plays with this child in

Assessment can be done in different ways.

order to prevent possible clash of

Teacher could use another Web 2.0 tools like

children. Teacher should design all the

Prezi or Goanimate. She could prepare a dental

material as a big and concretely with

map in order to attract childrens attention. She

regarding of his/her visual loss level.

could also prepare a story and a video in

Goanimate. Children could dramatize this video
with their costumes.

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