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Saturday, June 20

8 am

9 am

10 am

11 am


1 pm

2 pm

3 pm

4 pm

5 pm

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm

Royal Pavilion

(Battle at the Grand Pavilion)

Tourney Field

Cut & Thrust (Calontir Steel)

Cut and Rug Tournament
100 Arrow Finals

Archery Range
Childrens Archery

Range Closed

Thrown Weapons

Range Closed
Parting Party, Gifts and Prizes

Youth Tent

Lunch Break

Grand Pavilion A

Kill the Commanders/Capture the Flag Battle

Grand Pavilion B

Stourbridge Fair

RUSH A/Brumbar



Stourbridge Fair (see page 19)

Rus Bling
Blank Borders

RUSH B/Chepe

Sweets for the

Sweet X

RUSH C/Ternon
The Broken Harp
Tailors Tent
Glassworkers Tent

Open Torch

Tent Teardown

Falconry Area

In 1420, after decisive English victories, the Treaty of Troyes was signed, making the English King, Henry V, King of France
once the French King Charles VI died. Henry married the French kings daughter, Catherine of Valois, and his heirs would
rule both countries. The original justification for the war English claims for the French throne seemed to be met.
But both Henry and Charles would die within two months of each other in 1422, leaving the infant Henry VI king of both
lands. The French disputed the claims of the Treaty of Troyes, and the war heated up once again.
Initially the English had great success. But the tide turned. Led by Joan of Arc, the French broke the siege of Orlans. The disinherited son of Charles VI, the Dauphin, was crowned King Charles VII in 1429. The French then had a succession of victories, ending with the Battle of Castillon in 1453. The English had lost all their French territories but Calais. The war was won
by the French in part because of their greater manpower, supplies and funding.


By the end of the Hundred Years War, both war and politics had changed. When the war began, feudalism was still strong and the siege weapon of
choice was the trebuchet. By the end of the war, centralized government and professional armies were the norm, and cannon were routinely used by
both those besieging a city and those inside it. Patriotic fervor grew. People saw themselves as members of a nation, not just a duchy, region or town.
It was the beginning of the modern concept of nationalism.

9 pm

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