Biography of A Chine or Arab - Unit 8

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Biography of a Chine or Arab/Israeli Leader

Ayatollah (Ruhollah) Khomeini


Born September 24th 1902
Born in Khomeyn, Persia (Iran)
His father was murdered five months after he was born
Was raised by him mother and aunt
He started to read the Quran when he was 6
He continued his religious education throughout his childhood
In 1920 he moved to Arak where he commenced his studies
He then moved to the holy city of Qom where he studied at Dar al-Shafa
Where he decided to specify in Philosophy

Political beliefs and experiences

Believed in the Quran
Protesting against the intentions of the shah
He was then exiled to Najaf, Iraq
Moved to Paris after exiled
Policies Introduced
He developed a theory called Velayat-e faqeeh which was what a state
founded on Islamic principles and led by clergy would look like
Events taken place while in power
People took the streets to protest leaving shah to turn to the US for help, but
ultimately had to leave the country
Making Khomeini the new supreme leader of Iran
Iranian Revolution
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Died in office on June 3rd 1989

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