2bed224foundations of Education

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Philosophy of Education

My personal goal for my future classroom is to challenge students and watch

them grow to their full potential. I want to take students at different levels and
see them develop together for the betterment of each individual. Therefore, group
work is the key to having a successful class and is something I value, especially
with older students. The impact of group work, when students help fellow students,
changes each person and transforms the atmosphere of the class as a whole.
In my classroom, I want students to have freedom that allows for
expression and creativity. Students should be able to experiment with likes and
dislikes and to realize their strengths and weaknesses. After this base is
developed, the curriculum can be molded to tie in each students learning style.
I want to teach students in a way that has some straightforward instruction,
but that also gives students room to grow and expand on their own. At the
beginning of the year, it is understandable for the teacher to lead class
discussions, but towards the end of the year, students will pose their own
questions and try to answer them independently. I feel it is beneficial for students
to sometimes work for the answer rather than being told because it stretches
their knowledge and teaches them how to find information in a variety of ways. I
also feel a key to success is for the class to work on projects to help others. As an

educator, it is important not only to help the students that you are teaching, but
also give them direction to help others.
As a future educator, it is critical to remember to enjoy students and
everything they have to offer. Sometimes it can be a struggle, but if something
goes wrong, there is always a way to fix the problem. No matter what, there is
always the power to make change.
Through my experiences volunteering in the classroom, I have developed a
personal teaching philosophy that will be implemented into my future classrooms. I
am continually being prepared for an inclusive classroom, and either way, I will look
at the students needs and prepare lessons accordingly.
One of my goals is to use preventive and supportive behavior strategies more
than corrective. I hope to achieve this by engaging lessons and clear expectations.
Another goal I have for myself is to be objective to all the students. For example,
if there is a need to correct student behavior, after the punishment has been
fulfilled, I plan to give the student a fresh start and treat him/her as equally as
other students.
From my educational experiences, I know how valuable teacher
encouragement and motivation is for personal motivation. I intend to motivate
students while teaching them to be intrinsically motivated through challenging yet

supportive lessons and assignments. I desire to help the students understand and
continue to learn about their language, while developing an appreciation for
literature. Additionally, I aim to prepare my future students for college writing
and help them develop the skills they need for writing as an adult. I believe it is
also important to help the students develop their social and interaction skills, and
will do this with group work and activities.
As a prospective educator, I believe my philosophy and teaching styles may
change throughout my teaching career and I want to remain receptive to
suggestions and open for improvement. Teaching young minds is a task that cannot
be taken lightly. It is full of challenges, frustrations, and responsibilities.
However, it is a task that is also full of excitement, wonder, and joy. I
strongly believe that all children are capable of learning, if they have the proper
motivation and direction from their teachers. As a teacher I need to aware of
learning, motivation, behavior, and development theories in order to relate to my
students and push them to reach their full potential.
It is my duty to see that all my students are being motivated; this is only
fair to the students. They deserve my time and full attention in regards to their
education. I also want to create a classroom that is a safe learning environment for
all. If students do not feel safe in my classroom, whether it is emotionally,

physically, or socially, their defense systems will go up and learning will greatly
decrease, if not shut down all together. It is important to me that my students, as
well as their parents, other teachers, administrators, and people in the community,
see me as someone they can approach, who will be fair and nondiscriminatory.
Classroom organization is also a key concept to consider when teaching. If
students are in a classroom that is unorganized or set up in a way which hinders
learning, it is not a good situation for anyone. I need to find creative, new ways to
have the room set up and to help my students learn. I also believe in teaching
content that is meaningful, applicable, and inviting to students. If they do not see
the point of the subject matter then they will not be interested in it. I also believe
that high energy levels and a positive attitude from the teacher are key elements
to a successful learning environment.
I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring,
and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually,
physically, and socially. It is my desire as an educator to help students meet their
fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that is safe, supports
risk-taking, and invites a sharing of ideas. There are three elements that I believe
are conducive to establishing such an environment, (1) the teacher acting as a

guide, (2) allowing the child's natural curiosity to direct his/her learning, and (3)
promoting respect for all things and all people.
When the teacher's role is to guide, providing access to information rather
than acting as the primary source of information, the students' search for
knowledge is met as they learn to find answers to their questions. For students to
construct knowledge, they need the opportunity to discover for themselves and
practice skills in authentic situations. Providing students access to hands-on
activities and allowing adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the
lesson being studied creates an opportunity for individual discovery and
construction of knowledge to occur.
Equally important to self-discovery is having the opportunity to study things
that are meaningful and relevant to one's life and interests. Developing a
curriculum around student interests fosters intrinsic motivation and stimulates the
passion to learn. One way to take learning in a direction relevant to student
interest is to invite student dialogue about the lessons and units of study. Given
the opportunity for input, students generate ideas and set goals that make for
much richer activities than I could have created or imagined myself. When
students have ownership in the curriculum, they are motivated to work hard and
master the skills necessary to reach their goals.

Helping students to develop a deep love and respect for themselves, others,
and their environment occurs through an open sharing of ideas and a judicious
approach to discipline. When the voice of each student is heard, and environment
evolves where students feel free to express themselves. Class meetings are one
way to encourage such dialogue. I believe children have greater respect for their
teachers, their peers, and the lessons presented when they feel safe and sure of
what is expected of them. In setting fair and consistent rules initially and stating
the importance of every activity, students are shown respect for their presence
and time. In turn they learn to respect themselves, others, and their environment.
For myself, teaching provides an opportunity for continual learning and
growth. One of my hopes as an educator is to instill a love of learning in my
students, as I share my own passion for learning with them. I feel there is a need
for compassionate, strong, and dedicated individuals who are excited about working
with children. In our competitive society it is important for students to not only
receive a solid education, but to work with someone who is aware of and sensitive
to their individual needs. I am such a person and will always strive to be the best
educator that I can be.

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