Mid Point Evaluation - 2011

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Clearview School Division #71 TEACHER EVALUATION REPORT TEACHER: Ms. Santana Scarff SCHOOL: Wm. E. Hay Composite High School TEACHER'S ASSIGNMENT: Social, English PRINCIPAL: N. Baharally CURRENT CONTRACT STATUS: 0 _X_Probationary Interim Teme = Continuous cher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation Policy 2.1.5): feacher in specific areas of practice. received through supervision, the principal has reason to believe that the teaching of the Pagel EVALUATION PROCEDURE SUMMARY, Meeting #1: Initial Meeting Introduce evaluation process; review TQS; outine expectations, {ssue notification of evaluation letter. Date: September 1°, 2011 Meeting #2 Evaluation Plan established, presented & signed. Date: November 23%, 2011 Classroom Observation #1: Pre-Conference Date: December 5", 2011 Observation Date: December 7”, 2011 Post Conference Date: December 12", 2014 Classroom Observation #2: Pre-Conference Date: December 5", 2011 Observation Date: December 8", 2011 Post Conference Date: December 12”, 2011 Classroom Observation #3: Pre-Conference Date: Observation Date: Post Conference Date: Final Evaluation Report Meeting Discussion. A signed copy is sent to Superintendent. HW Date: Teaching Quality Standard Quality teaching occurs when the teacher Pedagogical knowledge and abilities to ap Teaching practices will v must be used fo determine: \' to guide their teaching, reflect on their practice, and direct their ith their supervisors and evaluators. ption is different and in constant change. Reasoned judgment Standard is being met in a given context, ct teaching and learning. -X_MEETS Evidence: DOES NOT MEET b. The structure of the Alberta education system. _X_MEETS Evidence: DOES NOT MEET Page? ©. The purposes of the Guide to Education and programs of study germane to the specialization or subject disciplines they ate prepared to teach. X_MEETS — __DOES NOT MEET Evidenc . The subject disciplines they teach. _X_MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidenc ¢. All students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. X.MEETS DOESNOT WEET Evidenc *. The purposes of short, medium and long term range planning. -X.MEETS — __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: 9g. Students’ needs for physical, social, cultural ang curity _X_MEETS _DOE Evidence: fh. The importance of respecting stud _X_MEETS: Evidence: e iches tByteachl Evidence: iT nic teaching/learning technologies. MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: kk. The purposes jent assessment. -X_MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: |. The importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learni MEETS —___DOES NOT MEET Pages Evidence: ‘m, Student learning is enhanced through the use of home and community resources. __MEETS —__DOES NOT MEET Evidence: 'n. The importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school. _X_MEETS __ DOES NOT MEET Evidence: ©. The importance of career-long learning. _X.MEETS __poesnoTmeer @ Evidence: pp. The Importance of guiding their actions with a personal, overall visi ching. Evidence: ry rposelbtt _X_MEETS _DOES NOT MEET @. They are expected to achieve the Teaching Quali _X_MEETS — __DOE: EET Evidence: PRINCIPAL'S COMMENTS: December 7/2011 IAL STUDIES 20-1 E-Block ‘students lents present - (1 LATE - Sherry) jents started arriving) ‘out all of the assignments that she had completed. at the door greeting the students as they were coming in. fe video "KEEP TRACK OF EVENTS’. was taken while students walked quietly (1:05 p.m). - Journal question (good). Journals kept at the back of the room. - One student left @ 1:07 p.m. (Cody) ~ 1:15 retumed, - Good questioning techniques to extract information regarding the “V for Vendetta’ film. - Propaganda ~ cartoons (Shayla L.) - What does a dictator need? Pages ~ Good use of technology (Smart Board) Intemet. - 1:15 p.m. student arrived late (girl) walked in quietly and took her seat. Pretty seamless (Amy). Control, conformity, censorship — Dani (came up on her own). Interactive map depicting the takeover of countries during WW II-(You tube). Tum around your chair — so that | can see your face, Very good activity (recommendations for the Treaty of Versailles. Nice displays in room (walls etc.) Very appropriate. ~ Student projects on the wall (Amazing Race) - Students worked well together in their groups and seemed to be activel exercise. Having fun; laughing. - Journals looked good. How often do you take them in to (ad? Arg assessed on these? - Very good ideas and debriefing of the activity. - Second time doing this activity? What did you learn fro - Attendance in order and up to date. - Cause and effect of the Treaty of Versaill December 8/2011 SANTANA SCARFF G-Block 1:25 p.m. logy skills galore! - Stu \gaged (attentive). - Coloretitongue depressors by class for randomly getting students to answer questions if they are not papticipating. (Good idea). Pages Ms. Scarff is very well versed in the use of technology and does an excellent job of Commendations infusing technology into the classes that she teaches. ‘One area of growth that I would like to see Ms. Scarff work on is her self-advocacy skills. She needs to learn and be able to believe in and promote her own skills and Areas for Growth Berea 2B Principal's Signature: AV elit? Dalits Date: ‘TEACHER'S COMMENTS (optional) | have received this evaluation of my work as a teacher. | understand the con Mo ‘a copy will be placed in my Personnel file. Pages

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