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Clearview School Division #71 TEACHER EVALUATION REPORT Holding Interim Professional Certification TEACHER: Ms. Santana Scarf SCHOOL: Wm. E. Hay Composite High School TEACHER'S ASSIGNMENT: Soc. 9, Soc. 20-1, PRINCIPAL: Mr. N. Baharally Soc. 20-2, LAS CURRENT CONTRACT STATUS: _X Probationary To Tnterim = Temporary = Continuous PURPOSE OF EVALUATION (as per Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation Policy 2.1.5): — Written request of teacher. “K Gathering information related to a specific employment decision. — “Assessing the growth of the teacher in specific areas of practice. — On basis of information received through supervision, the principal has reason to believe that the teaching of the Teacher may not meet the teaching quality standard. Page EVALUATION PROCEDURE SUMMARY. Meeting #1: Initial Meeting | [Meeting #2 Introduce evaluation process; review TQS; outine expectations, | | Evaluation Plan established, presented & signed. issue notification of evaluation letter. Date: November 7", 2012 Date: November 12", 2012 Classroom Observation #1: December 5", 2012 Classroom Observation #2: December 6", 2012, | Pre-Conference Date: November 12", 2012 Pre-Conference Date: November 12", 2012 Observation Date: December 5”, 2012 Observation Date: December 6", 2012 Post Conference Date: December 11”, 2012 Post Conference Date: December 11", 2012 Classroom Observ n #3 & #4; April 12", 2013 Final Evaluation Report Meeting Discussion. A signed copy is sent fo Superintendent. Pre-Conference Date: April 6", 2013 : Date: April 30", 2013, ‘Observation Date: April 12", 2013, Post Conference Date: Teaching Quality Standard Quality teaching occurs when the teacher's ongoing analysis of the context, and the teacher's decisions about which pedagogical knowledge and abilities to apply result in optimum leaming by students. Teaching practices will vary because each teaching situation is different and in constant change. Reasoned judgment must be used to determine whether the Teaching Quality Standard Is being met in a given context, Teachers who hold an interim Professional Certificate must possess the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes Related to Interim Certification (Interim KSAs), and apply them appropriately toward student learning. During their first two years of teaching, teachers should use the Interim KSAs to guide their teaching, reflect on their practice, and direct their professional development in collaboration with their supervisors and evaluators. As situations warrant, teachers who hold an Interim Professional Certificate are expected to demonstrate consistently that, they understand: | a. Contextual variables affect teaching and learning. -X_MEETS — __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff understands the multitude of variables that affect the daily practice of a teacher. She is able to | | Slpto any chourtances at ase ond onan et ere manna pion erg b. The structure of the Alberta education system. X.MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff certainly understands the role of a teacher and the responsibilities of a teacher within the structure Page? [of the Alberta Education System. As a teacher in the High School Flexibility Enhancement Pilot Project, Ms. Scarff has taken advantage of the opportunities to examine the structure of the current education system and make changes to enhance the learning of each individual student. ©. The purposes of the Guide to Education and programs of study germane to the specialization or subject disciplines they are prepared to teach. -X_MEETS — __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff clearly comprehends the subject disciplines that she was assigned to teach. She has had a diverse teaching assignment but has risen to the challenge. d. The subject disciplines they teach. _X_ MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff has a passion for English and Social Studies and her enthusiasm for the subject disciplines is Portrayed to her students on a daily basis. Ms. Scarff uses her own enthusiasm to engage her students in the subject matter that she has been assigned to teach, All students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. _X_MEETS —__DOESNOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff has taken on a role of Restorative Coach in our school. As such, she has made it evident that she understands the unique leaming needs of each individual student in our school. She has created individualized learning plans for each of her restorative students, building them to meet the needs and learning styles of the students she is working one-on-one with. This practice also transfers into her classrooms where she is able to adapt her lessons and assessments to meet the needs of her students. f. The purposes of short, medium and long term range planning, _X_MEETS __ DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scartf is a very organized teacher with clearly outlined lesson plans and unit plans. Ms. Scarff, at the same time, understands the importance of flexibility within the lessons to adapt to any circumstances that happen to arise during a lesson. In addition, she uses formative assessment to understand where her students are at and is able to add learning time to a lesson to ensure that students have mastered the material before she moves on. g. Students’ needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security. _X_MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff treats her students with respect at all times. She has built a classroom environment where students understand the expectations and respect each other in the room. Ms. Scarff models respectful behaviour to her students at all times ensuring that her classroom Is a place where students are able to focus on leaming, h. The importance of respecting students’ human digni -X_MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff, as an individual, is respectful of the dignity of all people and this is certainly evident in her classroom. Students are always addressed with the utmost respect and care. ‘There are many approaches to teaching and learning. -X_MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Pages Evidence: Ns. Scarff employs a variety of teaching styles in her classroom on a daily basis. She clearly believes in a student-centered approach to learning, but also ensures that this is balanced with teacher support and direction. In addition, Ms. Scarff understands that each learner has a different learning style and she incorporates these styles into her lessons. }- The functions of traditional and electronic teaching/learning technologies. _X_MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff effectively uses technology every day in her lessons, whether it be Smart Board, Mac-books, students using computers for research, Ms. Scarff has a solid technological base to her teaching. k. The purposes of student assessment. -X_MEETS —__DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff has worked with her colleagues through a full-scale assessment change at Wm. E. Hay. Currently, Ms. Scarf is teaching her classes using competency-based assessment. She understands the importance of formative assessment as a means for students to grow in their learning while summative assessments are used to assess the end point of a leaming period. In addition, Ms. Scarff uses many different assessment methods throughout the year to accurately assess student learning. [The importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning. -X_MEETS __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarffis a Teacher Advisor with seventeen students. She effectively communicates with the parents of the students in her Teacher Advisor class including through Student Learning Conferences. ‘m, Student learning is enhanced through the use of home and community resources. -X_MEETS — __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff has participated in many Case Conferences organized by the Student Resource Team working closely with our School Attendance Officer, our Family School Wellness Worker, Student Service Coordinators and any other community resources that may be involved in the conference to improve experiences for students. Ms. Scarft understands the importance of utlizing home and community resources to improve learning for students, 1. The importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school. -X_MEETS —__DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Already in Ms. Scarff's time at Wm. E. Hay she has been actively involved in a variety of activities in our schoo! from coaching athletics, to assisting with the Fall Drama Productions, being a Teaching Supervisor on the School Reach and the Wildcat Writers club. She has also organized our Honours Breakfast. Ms. Scarffis involved in any activity that she is asked to and volunteers on a regular basis. She has solid relationships with her colleagues and treats all individuals in the schoo! with respect. ‘0. The importance of career-long learning. _X_MEETS ___DOES NOT MEET Evidence: Ms. Scarff has demonstrated that she is eager to learn and understands that the teaching profession is ‘continually changing. She has attended many PD opportunities and has worked very closely with her English and Social Departments during our process of high school redesign. P. The importance of guiding their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacl x, ETS. DOES NOT MEET aged | Evidence: Ms. Scarff carries herself with dignity and always upholds the standards of a teaching professional. She | maintains her teaching integrity at all mes. @. They are expected to achieve the Teaching Quality Standard. _X_MEETS — __DOES NOT MEET Evidence: While stil early in her career, Ms. Scarff has demonstrated innovation and excellence in her teaching at Wm. E, Hay. She has certainly achieved all aspects of the Teaching Quality Standard PRINCIPAL'S COMMENTS Ms. Scarff has continued to demonstrate her natural abilities as a teacher. She has seamlessly adapted to the continual changes at our school and focuses on constant | improvement. Her assessment practices are a reflection of Clearview School Division's Commendations Assessment Framework. She has an ability to form relationship with her students and her colleagues which are based on respect and is willing to do whatever it takes to | improve the educational experience for all of our students at Wm. E. Hay. Ms. Scarff | | truly does have all of the makings of a master teacher. | Areas for Growth L y Pincpats Sgnanre: “Le wl! vn Hey ALA 23, ‘TEACHER'S COMMENTS (optional) / Ihave received this evaluation of my work as a teacher. | understand the contents of this document and acknowledge that a copy will be placed in my Personnel fil. Teacher's Signature: Stet Pa Date: May 2 /20\% Pages

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