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May 18, 2015

Santana Scarff
Apt 302 5019 55 St
Stettler, AB
(780) 741-7388

Dear Sir or Madam:

I wish to express my interest in your advertized position. I am eager to continue my career, both in the
classroom and the school community.
I am a graduate of the University of Alberta, where I earned a Bachelor of Education, Secondary, with a
Social Studies major, English minor. Since graduation, I have worked four years at Wm. E. Hay Composite
High School in Stettler in a Social and English position. I gained wonderful experience, especially as a
staff member of a school participating in the High School Flexibility Enhancement Project. I am eager to
continue working in a cutting edge school. Additionally, I am anxious to contribute to the extracurricular
programs, as I have experience in drama, student council, basketball, and various student clubs.
In alignment with my teaching philosophy, I understand the value of a personable teacher-student
relationship. My goal as a teacher and mentor will be to develop these caring relationships, and strive to
inspire enthusiasm and a desire for life-long learning in my students. As well, I aim to grow personally
and professionally within a school environment and as a member of a community.
I look forward to receiving your reply. A portfolio and e-portfolio can be provided upon request. Thank
you for your time and consideration.

Santana Scarff

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