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Software Tech

Practical C Programming Test

1. Write a program that prints Hello (your name) on the console.
2. Write a program that creates a variable and initializes it, then prints its value on
the screen.
3. Write a program that prints the date on the screen.
4. Write a program that prints tomorrows date will be ___
5. Write a program that creates a variable and initializes it, multiplies it by two then
prints its value on the screen.
6. Write a program that creates and initializes two variables then adds them
together and prints the result.
7. Write a program that prints a joke, wait a moment, then explains it (we will help
with the wait)
8. Write a program that prints hello world on the screen.
9. Write a program that prints the 12 times tables up to 1000 x 12
10. Write a program that print hi on the screen forever

11. EXTRA POINTS: Write a program that given two numbers at the top will divide,
multiply, add and subtract those numbers and print the results.

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