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Morning routine on smartboard

8:35 8:40: Bellwork: Community Helpers pages
- Attendance
8:40: O Canada and Morning Announcements
- Go over visual schedule
- Calendar- Discuss the weather, days of the week, numbers, count the days of the
month, etc.
9:15 - 10:00: LITERACY
Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
-develop a sense of story through reading, listening and viewing experiences
Experiences various texts
-participates in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral,
print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such
as picture books, fairy tales, rhymes, stories, photographs, illustrations and video
Introduction of Daily 4 Centers
There will be 4 centers that the students will go to during the literacy period. The
4 centers will be Read to self, Listen to reading, word work, and working with
myself. For the introduction, the whole class will go to each section, we will discuss
the rules and what is expected for each section, and then we will practice it. When
it is applied, the groups will range in size from 3-4.
1. Read to self: In this center, students will quietly look at books and try to
recognize words that they have seen before, and try to create the story for
themselves based on the pictures. We will focus on how we can quietly show
our neighbor what we are looking at, but that it is a chance for us to look at
books ourselves.
a. Assessment will be once the students have gotten comfortable looking
at the books, to leave sheets of paper for them to start practicing
writing down sight words that they recognize to go over with a
teacher (myself or me EA) later that day.

2. Listen to reading: In this center, students will listen to a story being told
through a head set while looking at the book. One student will be in charge
of hitting play, and turning the pages when prompted by the tape. The
student who is in charge will rotate on a group/daily basis. Books will be prechosen according to age level and length of time. *For this introduction, the
teacher will hold the book up so all the students can see the pictures.
a. Assessment: More formative, keeping an eye on the students that
they are following along with the book, eyes on that and not wandering
around the room.
3. Word Work: This center is comprised of a booklet that I have put together
from a variety of sources to reinforce letter recognition, colour word
recognition, beginning sounds, precision in colouring and basic letter
formation in writing. Every student has their own booklet and will go at
their own speed on completing the work. My EA will be at located at this
center so any questions on what to do for a particular page can be addressed
by her. As a group, we will do one of the colouring word recognition pages
first so students know what to expect and what is expected of them.
a. Assessment will be to look at the completed sheets and see in what
areas a student may or may not be struggling.
b. This has the chance to be differentiated. Example, one student has
just started Kindergarten and still does not know her letters to
recognize them or to write them. Her book has sheets to help her
practice writing, broken up with the same colouring pages as the other
students to help give her brain breaks between the writing.
4. Work with Miss French: This center will be a chance for students to work in
a smaller group with myself. This will be where we focus on learning sight
words, more syllable recognition, and the beginning of reading different
letter sounds. Todays game will be I have, Who has? Which is a game that
allows students to recognize a letter card they have in their hand based on
what another student has called, and to be the student to call the next
letter in the game. It can be modified to also include recognition of letter
sounds. Later games will be Sight Word Smack, as well as the practicing of
writing as we address envelopes for Kindergarten Graduation. The whole
class will have a chance to play I have, Who has before it is time to break
for snack.
a. Assessment will be formative as I work one on one with the kids to
see where they are struggling with the different aspects we work on.

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