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Ted Vo

Ap Chemistry
2014 February 2
Colligative Lab Report

Results of trial 1:
When setting data into a colligative problem, you can find the molar mass of isopropyl

Percent Error of Trial 1:

Results of trial 2:

Percent Error of Trial 2

The Purpose of this lab was to find the molarity of isopropyl alcohol and incorporate the
colligative equation, shown in trials one and two. After going through trials, we had to find the
delta Tf, which helped find molality. After finding molality, you can further find Moles of I.A.
Next, you would have to find the grams of the I.A. Lastly, you can then find the experimental
molar mass by putting, your found grams over moles. Giving us 84.0 g/mol for part one with a
28.5% error. In trial 2, it gave us 67.2 g/mol and a 8.46% error. Sources of error came from not
using a stopper, so the alcohol evaporated and not insulating the experiment that we did. The lab
was fun over all, because we were able to use salt to lower the freezing point of water and
isopropyl alcohol. With my deficient previous knowledge with salt, we can make ice cream
easier using our current knowledge because shown in this lab, water will freeze at lower
temperatures with salt added and will make it colder, therefore it would help the icecream freeze

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