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2013 ASMB Boiler and Pressute VesselGode AN INTERNATIONAMP®CODE Code Cases Boilers and Pressure Vessels Emel 2013 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code 2013 Edition eine are} CODE CASES Boilers and Pressure Vessels Oe BCC EER Cae Two Park Avenue * New York, NY * 10016 USA Date of Issuance: July 1, 2013 ‘This international code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for Amer- ican National Standards and itis an American National Standard, The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an oppor- tunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that pro- vides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public- at-large. ASME does not “approve,” “rate” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or act ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are ex pressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely thelr own responsibility Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard, ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the estab- lished ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals, ‘The endnotes in this document {if any) are part of this American National Standard. WY Certification Marke ‘The above ASME symbol is reglstered In the US. Patent Office “ASME” ie the trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. "No partof his document may be reproduce in any form, in an electron retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Cad Number: 56-3934 Printed in the United States of America Adopted by the Council of The American Socety of Mechanical Engineers, 1914; latest edition 2013, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Two Park Avenue, Now York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2013 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Sections. Summary of Changes Cross-Referencing and Stylist Ghangesin the Boller and Pressure Vessel Code Notes to Numeric Index . Numeric Index .. Subject Index Index of Material Specifications Referred to in Cases LIST OF SECTIONS SECTIONS m vl vil vill XI xi Rules for Construction of Power Boilers Materials «+ Part A — Ferrous Material Specifications + Part B — Nonferrous Material Specifications + Part C — Specifications for Welding Rods, Flectrodes, and Filler Metals + Part D — Properties (Customary) «« Part D — Properties (Metric) Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components + Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 + Appendices + Division 1 = Subsection NB — Class 1 Components ~ Subsection NC — Class 2 Components ~ Subsection ND — Class 3 Components = Subsection NE — Class MC Components ~ Subsection NF — Supports ~ Subsection NG — Core Support Structures = Subsection NH — Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Service « Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containments + Division 3 — Containments for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Material and Waste + Division 5 — High Temperature Reactors Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers Nondestructive Examination Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Bollers Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels «= Division 1 ‘Division 2 — Alternative Rules * Division 3 — Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks INTERPRETATIONS ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of technical aspects of the Code. Interpretations ofthe Code are posted in January and July at http://estools, Any Interpre- tations issued during the previous two calendar years are included with the publication of the applicable Section of the Code. Interpretations of Section III, Divisions 1 and 2 and Section II! Appendices are included with Subsection NCA. CODE CASES ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code committees meet regularly to consider proposed additions and revisions to the Code and to formulate Cases to clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide, when the need is urgent, rulas for materials or constructions not covered by existing Code rules, Those Cases that have been adopted will appear in the appropriate 2013 Code Cases book: “Boilers and Pressure Vessels” or “Nuclear Components.” Supplements will be sent automatically to the purchasers of the Code Cases books up to the publication of the 2015 Code. SUMMARY OF CHANGES The 2013 dition of the Code Cases includes all Code Case actions published through Supplement 11 to the 2010 Baition, ‘The 2015 Edition of the Codes Cases will include Code Case actions published through Supplement 7 to the 2013 Baltion Changes given below are identified on the pages by a margin note, (13), placed next tothe affected area. Errata are iden: tified by a margin note, (), placed next to the affected area Page Location change w List of Sections Revised vil Cross-Referencing and Added Stylistic Changes in the Boller and Pressure Ves- sel Code cy Numeric Index Updated Ww Subject Index Updated xi Index of Material Specifi- Updated ‘cations Referred to in Cases 1 (2153-2) 2153-2 Revised 1 (2192-8) 2192-8 Revised 4 (2245.2) 2248-2 Incorporated, will be annulled 6 months after publication of the Eaition 1 (2344-8) 23484 Revised 1 (2382-5) 2382.6 Revised 1 (2410) 2410 Annulled 1 (2594-1) 25941 Revised 1 (2626) 2626 Annulled 1 (2642) 2642 Incorporated, will be annulled 6 ments after publication of the 1 (2651-1) 2651-4 Annulled 1 (2661-1) 2661-1 Rovised 1 (2662) 2662 Annulled 1 (2701-1) 2701-1 Revised 1 @710-1) 27104. Revised 1 @714-1) 21 Revised 1 (2736-1) 2736-1 Revised 1 (2737-4) 2737-1 Revised 1 (2748) 2748 Added 1 (2749) 2749 Added 12750) 2750 Added 1751) 2751 Added 1 (2752) 2752 Added 1 (2753) 2753 Added 1 (2754) 2754 Added Page Location change 1.2755) 2755, Added 1 (2756) 2756 Added 1@757) 2757 Added 12758) 2758 Added 102759) 2759 Added a) CROSS-REFERENCING AND STYLISTIC CHANGES IN THE BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE ‘There have been structural and stylistic changes to BPVC, starting with the 2011 Addenda, that should be noted to aid navigating the contents. The following is an overview of the changes: Subparagraph Breakdowns/Nested Lists Hierarchy First-level breakdowns are designated as (a), (b), (¢), etc, as in the past. Seconéslevel breakciowns are designated as (1), (2), (3), et, as in the past ‘Third-level breakdowns are now designated as (a), (b}, (}, et Fourth-evel breakdowns are now designated as (1), (2), (3), ete Fifth-evel breakdowns are now designated as (+a), (+b), (+0), ee, h-level breakdowns are now designated as (+1), (+2), ete. Footnotes With the exception of those included in the front matter (roman-numbered pages), all footnotes are treated as end notes. The endnotes are referenced in numeric order and appear at the end of each BPVC section/subsection. Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boller and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees has been moved to the front ‘matter. This information now appears in all Boiler Code Sections (except for Code Case books). Cross-References Itis our intention to establish crassreference link functionality in the current edition and moving forward. To factiate this cross-reference style has changed, Cross-referenees within a subsection or subartile will nt include the designator/ Identifier ofthat subsection/subarticle. Examples follow: + (Sub-)Paragraph Cross References. The cross-references to subparagraph breakdowns will follow te hierarchy ofthe designators under which the breskdown appears. ~ if subparagraph (-2) appears in X1(c)(1) and ls referenced in X.1(0)(1), It wil be referenced as (2). ~ If subparagraph (-a) appears in X.1(c)(1) but is referenced in X.1(c}(2], It will be referenced as (1)(-a). ~ if subparagraph (-2) appears in X-1(e){1) but is referenced in X1(e)). it wll he referenced as (61a), ~ If subparagraph (-a) appears in X.1(c)(1) but is referenced in X.2(c}(2), it will be referenced as X.1(c)(1}(-a). + Equation Cross References The cross references to equations will allow the same logic Tor example, f eq (1) ap* pears in X.1(a)(1) but is referenced in X.1(b), i will be referenced as e. a)(I)(1) lea. (1) appears in 4 (a)(1) hut is referenced ina different subsoction/subaticle paragraph, it wil be referenced as eq, XT(a)(1)) NOTES TO NUMERIC INDEX All Code Cases remain avallable for use until annulled by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Commit tees. Code Cases will be reviewed routinely for possible incorporation into the body of the ASME Boller and Pressure vessel Code. Supplement 11 is the last supplement published for the 2010 edition, Supplement 12 is incorporated into the 2013, edition. Cases may be used beginning with the date of approval shown on the Case, Annulled Cases will remain in the Numeric index until the next Edition, at which time they will be deleted Newly revised cases supersede previous versions. An “S" is placed in the Numeric Index next to the superseded code ‘The digit following a Case Number is used to indicate the number of times a Case has been revised. The Cases are arranged in numerical order, and each page of a Case is identified at the top with the appropriate Case Number. Legend of abbreviations Supp. = Supplement R= Relastated Superseded INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK a3) NUMERIC INDEX Annulled Date/ Annulled Date/ case Approval Date Errata ‘Superseded (9) case Approval Date Errata ‘Superseded (5) asia 62205 a pase teaS-tt wes 31.99 may 79.98 175023 98.10 mao B97 19273123006, : 254 3598 : west 808 . ase 1197 ress. 123006, : 270 $199 ~ 18764 9.2641 7 niet 217-00 1242123005 ny 38.98 19325 806 2086-4 11840 1ss¢ 525.83 53 REO wa54 92307 . m9 13099 19363 22002 e ms 11-3099 19194 22008 ye 92399 i964 12-290 7042 51201 sms 102999, 23051 12-14-09 1998 2.887 2309 S459 rier R8I286 ‘ zis 5499 - zoes 27.00 za 9:23.99 7 : 20552 5-499 aaa 2200 2 et mut sz arr 102399 m2 08 2093 69.00 asm2 9.1810 20962 24408 2110-27-05 : 2izod 10-29-99, am 710000 : 21273 91806 mes saga s 2304 84.06 mea se 224 92742 zal 24.08 aut 6595 2uo1 62002 2ias 1-25.82 zaso 2.2601 zis B29 zast_ 2.2601 asi 31097 23531 10-18-08 aise RE4OE s gasia 12.3006 ns32 123142 23502 6.23.05 ass 12-693 2x1 tan-01 zse1 94808 era 59.09 ~ am 8.98 . 2a oz - ame pea ~ am aran 21806 B10 27a 21903 aie) Tas s 23ers B91 s aa 4812 aaae 23142 a 2051 27.00 : 2ms1 54-08 = 21962 12.20.10 2395 5.9.03 7 nigra 27-00 z 2397 2403 2996 44.11 . 2400 203 20-1 59.09 7 2aor 24803 : 2005 55.95, pamer 9.2512 2175 «617.03 : Dae 2308 222 1078-99 sz 2ane1 11-29-08 223 61002 3 ar 243403 m2 gene 2b 6-409 1262-52103 20 21808 : Taoas 2302 102999 2a 62305 : masi0 a2La2 mis a3 - mies 1025.39 wir 12609 ~ rasa 1-20.00 my sara, ~ Case 2921 221 2426 27 panes 2430 24324 24a7-1 29 2440 248-2 26 aso raster 24583 24611 24631 2466-1 246941 ara 2475 2476 ar ame 2481 2485, 2486-2 2489 as 24941 2496-1 24973 2098 2500 25004 2502 25031 2507 2511 2512 zie 2516 25181 2520 2523 25241 2526 2527 2529 2530 ps24 2534 2527 28 2540 25a 2549 2442 2545-1 2546 2547 ‘Approval Date Errata sa rasat 127-05 52103 wen 1208 620-08 623-05 21403 220.04 625-10 179-08 5408 408 12.07 625-10 a0 oa-10 30-71-09 ano : n29.08 108-04 6-23-05, 31205 20s 9.10.06 77-06 425-06 zs e705 sae10 i001 102.08 2008 nam L 93009 | 91606 zoo e205 83.05 i yrs 7196 : 33.05, 83.05, aan 405 rons | 1408 13.06 42607 sors 1306 if wast 13.06 1027-05, 1-19-06 7240 4 119-06 2207 126009 5-20.08 vise arse care 2554 25562 ass7 2588 asso 2560 2561-1 2502 250 2548 256 2367 2560 2570 2am asm 2576, 2377 25703 ase 22-2 2503 2505-1 2506-1 2sa7 2508 25903 2591 2590-1 2524 2025 2027 220 ‘Approval Date Errata 1306 915.09 918.06 12.30.06 9-261 1230-06 2242 12.30.06 12:30-08 9-26-11 1230-06 32-20-06 1408 42.07 126-09 9.23.07 12-30-06 102.08 12610 426-07 728-10 1408 9.15.09 102.08 8607 1015-07 9-26-11 102.08 129.08 126-09 1120-07 wea 1-408 Annulled Date/ ‘Superseded (5) Annulled Date/ ‘Annulted Date Case Approval Date Krrata ‘Superseded (8) case Approval Date Frrata ‘superseded (5) 209 4is40 : 2606 926M 20 asda - 2695 aga re 12.1409 2960 asad 2210209 ry} saea 26321409, 2eve 9.268 : 26s 09 f 2699 96a 23s 12-21-09 : 27092641 ae 1130 amor 96a 5 26712-1409 zo 11043 - zea 12040 2m 8.261 - 269 12040 2703 9.2611 21 zd a 2m 926k 26112-1409 - 2705 Bl o 262 24030 2706 17a 264610 wr 7a 264 46-10 e ame Tat 2s S4odo = me rat 2a 625.0 - mo 2442 - 5 27240 omer 1938 : 2650 5 25:10 : prt a2asa : 2sstd 94810 rear png tzasat . pose 52840 7 zis Bat 26st 7-240 s : ams tate s 26st bet a - zea 11043 : 2s 9.810 fs - ans nasa = 2686 aaa Bie 22632 is 2657 72840 : z iT 324i 268 980 zie 32112 2659 9810 ane 4a _ 2660 9810 2 zo 4a | 26619840 s zat 42 a 7 aos 1ae-13 maa wae 262 Baoto raz wes cs maa 2m 4k nea RaTIO 2s satan 26S SAL par 5282 266612 ma 5282 7 2667 att ce mm 5812 7 woo Lana - 27302842 eI 2669 6-11 a prt Saiz a ven 6-11 zm S232 - 1 6abAtt ma gaat : wr) Bat wa gman wr 4611 z was 92542 2S 462 . 2736 92842 5 2616 1611 7 27361 141043 wr bat 2nT 952 5 pam 9.2611 : vara 14013 27 ett : ye 92512 7 v8 6t6tL : 39 92542 pen tL - v4 92542 z ve 743-41 : wa as . ve Taga va aan : 2601 582 aaa e042 : 265 Bat e ama e202 2686.17 2 ams 8042 2se7 19a ane 042 2608 eda yn 2509 BS : mo aaete | aso baat iy mas aet2 aot ean vse wnat? ae gaat vist ana 2ena 442 : ys. pana es case 2783, 2754 2755, 2756 Approval Date Errata ied aoe see 143 Annullea Datey ‘Superseded (5) case 287 2758 Approval Date Berata peat 11043 11043 Annulled Dato/ ‘Superseded (8) 3) SUBJECT INDEX sujet case Subject secri0N 1 SECTION 1 POWER BOILERS POWER BOILERS (Con) ‘Aternative Rules for Heat Treatment of oiler Exteel Piping 1938 SCr-1MotW.Cb Materia zen Application othe ASME Certeation Mark 2710 9r-2W, UNS K92460 Materiel 2079 ASTM 1116708 UNS NO6G96 Nike Chromuseron-Copper Alloy Plot Operated Presare Relief Valves for PO-67.26 Applications. 2486 Seamless Pipe and Tube 42652 Postponement of Mandatory Dat for Compllance 2640 ASTM B 407.09 UNS NO6O11, 42N-296r-28Fe Mo, Seamless Procipaton-tadening Nickel lly (UNSINO7716) Used a Bling Pipes ad Tubes 2518 Material 93 ASTI 446-04 UNS NO68S2, SONIZ1SGr-I7 Se 9MoN, Pressure let Valves That Exceed the Capability of Testing ‘Solution Annealed Seamless Pipes ar Tubes 2520 Laboratories 297 Austanlle A5N1-27Cr Alloy (UNS 835045), 2508 p99. PWHT Requirements fr P.No, 4 Material Welded vo [Austenitic Fe27Ni22Ce-7Me Ma Cu-N Aly (UNSS81277)...... 2458 Lower PXNumber Materia am ‘Nate Stainless Stee Seamless Tubes, SA-213/SA2I2N, UNS Requirement for Use ofan Alternative Test Method Under ‘40432, 18Cr-9NE-SCA-CDN 5 yaaa PGT3422. i zen Changeover Valves Installed Heteen Sty Vals r Safty Rei S487 Grade CABNM Cass A I aaa Valves and Boers 2250 Seamless L1SWH085C0-Mo-Ch Matera 2:53 coprsian Resistant Co Caron Sta Tube 2494 Seamless 12Cr.2W Matetat 7 2180 Design of Safty Valve Consections 1675 Seamless Ni25Cr-20Co Material 7 02 Drill Holes Rot PenewtingThroogh Vee Wal 1999 Section Vil, Divison 2 Components in Boers. 2:59 19¢r-9N1-25W-V-Ch Austenitic Seamless Tube Stes 2475 Section Vil, Dwiston 2 Unired Stam Boer in Section 1 System. 1€55 19€¢-10N/-36uT-Ch Seamless Austen Snes Stel Tuhe 2512 Single Feadwater Source for Solar Fired Bole sesceee 2; Exetiption Prom Mandatory Reqaremant for Fasible Pugin ‘team Drum in Heat Recovery Steam Generator Systert 2085 Hane-ired Balers BML 2251. 8WV-Cb Mawr 7 2199 Exemption From Poste Heat Treatment or SA-268 TP439 Po 25Gr-1MoV-BT Material 2540 + Tue to SA790 Alloy UNS S31803 P-Na 10H Header Welds., 2666 20Cr-25Hr-1.5Mo-Ch' Seamless Austenitic Stainless Stel Tube .. 2561 Exemption from Prehort an PWHT for Aatoganous Buttwelding of 22Cr-1SNLCON usteiteSanlss Stel Seamless Tubing ....-. 2596 ‘S-211/SA-2130 722 Seamless Tubing 2755 226 25N-3.5W-3Cu Austenitic Stalaes Stee) UNS 831035... 7053 umber Group oF N-Gr-Fe, Classification UNS WBO1S2 25¢r-14Nt MorLow C(UNS 530925) SoamlessAustaii Stel Tube 2629 Wilding Blerode 2143 UNS SH1G0S Pletes and Seamless and Welded Pipe and Tube and [57Ni22Cr-14W-2MorLa Alloy (UNS ND6230) ‘2665 Forgings and Pings an Bae 2488 S7NF-22C2 14-26 La Ally (UNSNOS230) Antogenously Welded Lnstayed! a Head Constraced From Forged Matera 207 Tube and Seamless Pipe and Tube 2156 se of S9N/-28Ce-16Mo Lew Carbon Alay (UNS NOES} 2355 -A243/A 219M-0$ UNS S3106D Austntc Stainless Stel Forgings of Nlkel-Ian-Chromum Alloys NOBEOD and NOBEIO ... 1949 Seamless Tang and A 240A 240M-0¢a"" UNS 31060 Gray Cast ron Castings as ‘stent Staples Stel Pate 7 2430 Heat Recovery Steams Generators With Multiple Design Conditions ASTM A06/A 1064-08 a5 S4-106/SA-1068 208 for Rebates and Supesheaters 2664 ASTM AGT2-O6 and A 691-98(R2002) Blectre Fusion. Welded Matera for Bodies, Bonet, Yokes, Housings, ane oles of Pipe. 2876 Pressure Re Devices 1750 B49 Seamless Red Bross Pipe (UNS'C23000] With Draw General Method for Basing Design Vales on Matra Properties Armed by Purpose Tempe (H58) or Threaded Piping for Construction of Material Maitre 2586 PMB and PEB Minintare Bete Roles an Modiied 9¢r-MoV Cast Materiel 2192 Capacitive Discharge Welding for Jlnng Now Load. Bearing Nickel. Chromirmiran (Alloy UNS NOSE00) 327 ‘Atachnets to PNo. LSE Group No.1 Matra 249 Nickel Chromium: Molyhdeniom-Colurbism Alloy (UNS NOBSZ5). - 1935 Carbon and Low Alloy Ses! Plate, AS 1588-2008 Grades NickelIron-Chromiar Alleys 800 and BOOK (UNS NOBBOO and ‘PTASON/SSONR, PTASON/PTA6ONR, and PTASON/ 'NOG840) and Neck Irom Chromium Molybeenuss- Copper Paso 205 iow-Carbon Alloy (UNS NOBO2B), 1325 Glass Bull's ye Water Lavel Indicators om Hletrie Salers «=... 2715, ‘Nkel-Ion-Chromim Molbdenum-Cepper Alay (UNS NOS325) Masgnaticaly Implied Ar Bat Welding (MIABW) 294 far Water Wetted Service 1936 Matera n'a Current Coe Ballon for Boller Consiructed wan Nickel Moybdenum-Chramiun Alloy (UNS N10276). su arr Code Eton 2395 Necro Alley (NS NO6O22) fr Code Construction for Meri Units. 2328 “Temperatures up t 1250°F 2226 Mofo (UNS K12039) Pipe 20 icc 144-2MosLa Alloy (INS NOSZID) 2065, \-240/SA-240M UNS $4105 Plates in the Construction of NL23GK-7¥%, UNS NO6674, Alloy Seales Pipe and Tue 2584 olers oo 286 Fee Ally NOBOD for Wazar Weted Service 2857 SAS0, Grade LF2, Cast 1 Ste! Forgings 2 06 ‘Mk 2S0r.95Pe-2.14 Alloy (UNS NO6O2S) 2259 A420, Graco WPL and Welded Stel Ftings 2507 Subject case. Subject cue secrioN 1 SECTION 1 POWER BOILERS (Comte) HEATING BOILERS (Con SA-500 Cas 1 Grades 2 and 3 Forays 2489 austenite Staines Ste! Material With Minimum Thickness of Ukrasonte Barination i Liew of Radiography 2s 1020 in. [5 mm for Hot Water Heating Bolles 2008 [UNS NOS525 Nike Alloy (6ON.22Cr-9lo-4SCb) Annealed Austenitic Staaless Stel on HLAY Water Hester for Pate Grade 1 in Welded Tube, Pst, Shet and Strip 2632 ‘ater Applications, 2650, SECTION 1 ast Aluminum N AC-AISi12 (Re) tn the F Temper Condition [MATERIALS PART A— FERROUS MeeangAll Reguteents of E/N 17061998 in the Nondestructive Stamination as an Alterstve to Hydrostatic Manuaccure of Het Watr Heating Bors 2667 Testing for SA76 2086 EN 100252 Gr. 5235)R Pat inthe Construction of Boers. 2720 SECTION 1 1088-2 Ge: N6CrSIMGTI17-12-2 Sheet, Pate and Strip nthe [MATERIALS PART B — NONFERROUS ‘constuction of Bolere a9 Use of 3052-32, 6061-76 and 6OS1:TESE Temper Alunnum EN 102171 Gr, P23STRA Tubes inthe Construction of Boilers . 2723 Alloys in Part HE o Secon Wor Construction of Heating Ballers 2432 ERO Fler Metals to Weld UNS S43035, Graces 439 and TP#I9 SECTION Material to Austenitic Grades 904, 3041, 316,3161, and 31611 [WELDING SPECIFICATIONS ~ PART ¢ for the Construction of Heating Bor ma No Cases 5052-1132 6061-76, and 6061-1051 Tesnper Akuminam Als in ‘secon Part HP of Section WV, for Const-uction of Heating Bors... 2492 [MATERIAL PROPERTIES — PART D Metric Units 2523 S70.226r-14W-2Mo-La Ally (UNS NO6230), Subp 3 Fig Nickel Alloy UNS NOO367 in Conscucton of Ballers. 2093 NEN-24 Up ro 1.800 (982°C) 2671 Pheumatic Testing on Individual Cast Aluminum Sections... 2608 ‘SECTION Polymer Materia for Bolted Box Headers mani [HEATING WoILERS Sand Cas luinur Alloy EN AC-ASIGOMg(a, Perper forthe _Alowance to Use Provisions of HG-425 as Alternative to Using Manufactars of Hot ter Heating Bolts Under Part HA.» 2302 ‘Stzam to Determine et Pressure for‘Presuite Only Safety Relist Sand Cast luminary Aloy A356, T Temper, or the Valves During Capacity Certestion Testing poe Manufacure of Hoc Water Heating Hoiers Under Pare WA... 2348 ‘Atermte Weid Sie for Avachmeat of Fat Heads Forming # Corner SA-240/SA-240M, Alloys 439 and UNSS43932 and SA-268, Ay Joint 2608 "TP439 Upto 210° (39°C) in Hotsg Boller Constastion,..» 2722 Akemative Rll Valve Sing 2588 SA240/SA-240M UNS $41003 Plat inthe Construction of Alormtive Lining Mater im HLW-200 Appication | zou Boters aor Appliation ofthe ASME Cartitation Mare Br10—_sA240/SA-240M UNSSHS03S (Grade 439) and UMS $4282 Lose ‘Ntaching Nozles and Pings wo Headers... 2690 ‘Tan (6 mm) n Thickness fr the Cnstraction of Water oper Alioys 2570 Boers Intonded for Working Pressures Up to 160 psi (1300 Daa Vale Horsentl Helical Col Watertbe Beller 2529 1a) Under Part HP - 28 1HG-701: Permloible Mounting Safety Rel Valves for Coil Type ‘84240, Graces 3041 and 316L tm Thickness Lass Man Yi. Balers 2560 nm) asn laser Welding of Hea! Teaser Fis 2656 84-240 Grade SOL (UNS Hows04) 2 ate Mounting Story ae Safety Ret Valves fr Col Type Hest ‘A240 (UNS 513832) in Thickness Less Tan Yn 2536 ollers 2555 SA-Z60 Grades UNS $43932 and UNS 43940 Conforming to Pheralle Lining Material in HLM 200 Application 2613 SA-268 in the Manufacture of Gol Type Heating Boers... 2668 Pneumatic Testing 2459 84.278 Material for Part HLA Constrcson of Lined Hesders 2329 Punching and Shaving of Te Holes 2644 8-148 C95500,As-Cast Temper, nthe Manufacture of Heating Revtied Manufacirers Data Reports 2604 Bors, Part HF and Potable Water Heaters, Parc HUW...» 2608 ‘Teerraometor RangoOthor Than That Speced ia HG-612 ...... 2746 $8210 alloys 3009-0 and 6061-6 and $B-241 Alloy 1100.0 Tubes Atached by Welding 2657 “Tubes for Construction of Heating Bots. 2548 UNS $31635 Musing 2687 $8-241/58-241N Grade 6068 TT (UNS A9603) Aun Aly UNS $31635 Tubing for Constiiction of Water Hestors ar Extruded (Integral) Fed and Coiled Tube in the [UNS $31803 Plate and Seamless and Welded Pipe snd Tube... 2582, Manafacare of Hot Water Heating oilers. 2928 UNS $3035 50-268 Grade TP139 Wade Tubing 2709 stuste (UNS €87500) Coppur Alloy Sand Caotings inthe Use of Manufacture of Nonstandard Pressure Pats for Hot Water Aluminum oy EN AC.ASI7Mg Sond Castings in F Temper Heating Hairs and Potable Water Heaters 2706 ‘Condon Meeting All Requirements of BS EN1706 1998 .... 2488 Semi-Permanent Mold Cast Akumnam Alloy A360 for the Atami Ally EN AW-6060 1 Exeed (Integral) Finned Manufacture of Heating Boilers Under Part HE 2138 “ube inthe Manufctre of Hot Water Heating Boilers ...... 2627 Shect or Plate With Revista Minimum Thickness for HLW Water Alarinum Aly 6063-0 Conforming to 58.221/S8-241M inthe eater and Storage Tank Conemiction sis anufacture of Hot Water Soers Under Par HF. 2501 Stalnlas Steet Tubes With Revised Minimum Thicke for Hot Aluminum Alo 6063-75 Inthe Manaactre of Hoe Water Water Supoly oilers ans eating Bllers Under Pare HE 2502 UNS S32003 Fer Austenitic Stans Sel Plt, Pipe, and Alurisure Ay 6063.76 Conforming o 8-221 inthe Tube 200s Manufacture of Beaty Boers Under Part HF 2573 UNSS3Z1DI FeenitiAustente Sane Stel Pat, Sheet. tip, ASTM 4106/4 1060-08 as S4-106/SA-106¥4 2668 Pip, and Toke 2608 ‘ASIN A576 Hoeaught Carbon Sto Bars fr Forming Patings ‘UNS $2211 Feritc/Austeiti Stalss Stal Plas Shee Strip, For HLW Conssnction 2500 Pie, and Tube in the Manufacture of ar HLM! Weter Heaters are Storage Tanks a0 wi ‘Subject secrion HEATING BOILERS (Cond) Valve Markings section V [NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION ‘Anernative Piping Calibration Blocks Akerntive Rules for Ultrasonlc Examination of Cladding and Base etal Cad Iertaces Dry Film Storage of Digital Radographi Images. Radiography Using Phosphor maging Flat. seo! Linear Phased Array E-San Ukravonic Examination Por Arle 4 Linea Phased ray S Sean Ulteasoni aariration Pe Atle Mana Phased Array Ean Utrasonlc Bamsnation Per Arie + 7 Manual Phased Ava SSean Ultrasonic Eexminstion Fer Atle & anual ase ray Ultrasone amination Mote Uns. 7 [Moti Unit Boller and Pressure Vessel Coce (For Case N74, ‘ste Nuceer Components Code Cases) ‘SECTION Vil, DIVISION 1 PRESSURE VESSELS 1.439 Type D2 Austente Duct fron ‘lowing Seton VI, Deion 2 Design Rules to Be Uso for Section ll Diviston 4 Pressre Vessel 7 [Alloy UNS N0G690 Up To 1200°F (649°) ‘Mterate Rs for Heat Treatment of Rep Welds to Castings Alorratie ‘tachment Det for Welded Stayed Corstrtion sing Dicspled or Embossed Pte ‘ange Jin Design for Nuclear Materia Fda Ba Reactors Merod of Vessel Markings Moshod of Pressure Reif Device Mang, Pressure Test Procedure to UG-99 and UC-LO0 for the ‘Construction of Muittream Aluminum Vacuum razed "ates Hear Butangers ~ Procedar for Caeultng Allowable Aa Compresive Suess ane Enteral Pressure in Cindi Shells Construct of Stainless Stel Moy 2530A (UNS S30815)2t Ternperatures Greater Than 1200°F (650°C) and Less Than or Equal 0 1650°F (300°C) Procedure for Caeuating Allowable Ava Compressie Stress Clini halls Constructo of 2/,-1Mo Stal at ‘TemperautesGreter Than 760°P and Lass Than or quel to 10007 euirents for Sea Welding of Threaded Connections, UF-22(0) Rule for Append 24 When Controle Boing Used ales for Braving, Qullfentione ules for Come Joint Fabrication Rules for Designing Shaped Bellows [Rules for Determining Allowable Exterral Pressure and Compressive Stents for Cinders, Gon Spheres, and Formed News| Res for illsodal or Torispheriel Heads Having integral Backing Strip Attache to Sol Rules for Elipsoidal or Torsphercl Heads Having incegral aching Strip ached to Shols ules for Hemispheric Head Attached t Cyliave Shal Having Iter Backing Ring Tats Prt of the Shel Roles for Pressure Testing Vessels Ung a Bolted Flat Bla ange a Rerovabe or Remote End Closures Rules for the Postel feat Treatment of Fined Tubes 2256 26908 2309) 2602 2a76 2500 2600 ass 2587 2544 2503 ne 2008 2698 2029 2205 pane 2310 2996 2408 zat 200 2616 ans 2050 nas 29 ser 2286 246 asst art 2389 200 sujet SECTION vi, DIVISION 1 PRESSURE VESSELS (Can) Stresses That May Be Use inthe Equation in UG-101(K) for ‘along the Maxima Allowable Working Pressure at Design Temperature Atereatives to Flange Rigi Requirements, Append 214 ‘Auminum Ally Ahiaun-6:3 Magnesium) for Code Construction [Apoliaton ofthe ASME Cerieaton Mark ASME SA-240 Type 316 Plate ASTM A240/A240N-09a UNS S30530 Solution Annealed Austenite ‘Staless Stel Piste and Sheet ASTMC ARK / A B4INC98 Plate [ASTM B167-00 UNS NOGG96 Nic! Chromium Ion-Copper Alley ‘Seamless Pipe and Tube _Atachient of Tubes to Fat Tussees Using Complete Penetration Welds Austenitic F-95Ni-27Cr Ally (UNS 535045}. “Auster F-27¥-22C0-TMo-Mn-Go Ally (UNS $8127) Austen NHCI-WoNb Aoy (UNS NOO62). ‘Austenitic States Stel Seamless Tubes an Pipe, Seamless ‘Wrought ising, Plat, an Shoe, 18Cr-LN-h-N, UNS 34751, a7 ‘ ‘cast AST 8752-06 Zcontune Alay Grades 7026 and 7050 ‘Cast Tani Alumnus Vanadium tron Alby, SB-367, Grade C38 (1144-25015) UNS R5A250, Celnese Sto! Matarial 345K Chrous Nickel Molybdenum Ntrogen Tengen Duplex Staines tee] UNS S39274 Pte olaseetching of Austenitic Staines Steel Pressure Veses. ‘Copper Bryn Alloy (UNS C17510) oF Code Construction, Ditfusion Boing 28SC-1SENeASNON Alay (UNS 531725), 20Cr-15Ni-sMo-SGHN, UNS $31727, Austenitic Staines Stel Here Resistance and Autogencus Welded Tubing Wh 1008 Longitudinal Wea joint Factor fr Use in Feedwater Heaters Exemption From Postwld Hest Treatuent for No. $0r Peo. 8A "Tube to Tubesheot Sel Welds Exemption From Posonld NDE Requirements of UG-23(0/8}C0) on Fig. UW-132(@) Construction Number Grouping for NiCr, Cacicatin UNS WH5152 Welding slactrode Hydeasatic ad Preumatic Testing of Mass Produced Pressure ‘Vessels With a letermedlate Wolaton Valve Between Indating Gage an Pressure Vossel Inspection Openings n Smal Pressure Vessels Large End Coneto-Clindr netion fr 30 a= 60 Degrees ‘Manuractre's Data Reports Marking of Rupr Disk Devices Fully Ereosed in «Rupture Disk ‘Material for Roates, Bonnets, Yokes, Housings and Holders of Procsure Relief Devices Metiod for Basing Desig Valse on Material Properties Aimed by Mateval Manufacturers [Minimum Thickness of Dinpled or Embossed Assemblies Pee Appendis 17 ‘Minin Thickness of Furnace Brazed Pate Heat Exchanger Heads Nickel Ion-Chromis Bolybdenim Capper Law Gabon Alley UNS 08926) for Code Construction Nice Baling Matera LIS NU6089, ASTI F463.06 [NL25Cr9$Fe-218l Aly (UNS NO6025) 1N1-2909 5Fe 24A15Nb Alloy (UNS NO6ES3) 90.2, UNS K92A6O Material “Omission of Ung Device Requlrement for Pressure Ree Vaes "on Nt, Water Over 40°F, o Steam Service Pout Test, case aoe 2547 2403 ana 201 2616 m0 2652 ae 204 2458 2216 2136 asia amr 2012 207 ams 208 peat 2197 207 zag 226 2034 280 za 2167 nse 2586 2507 2338 120 2588 289 na 2179 2202 2307 Subject case subject SECTION vil, DIVIStON 1 [SECTION vm, DIVISION 1 PRESSURE VESSELS (Cont) [PRESSURE VESSELS (Con) Pncamutle Testing of Pressure Wesel, UG-20, 2055 270-76NI-1Mo-23W.N UNS $32808 Solution Annealod Peamatie Testing of Fresure Vases U-1(}, UM Vessels 2527 Precpation Hardening Niket Allo (UNS NO7728) Used as Pressure Retaining Component Mater) 22 Precipitation Hardening NiCr Mo Ally (UNS NO7725) m7 Pressure Ralf Valves Tht Exceed the Capabity of Testing laboratories 297 Pressure Ysses With Overprssure Protection by System Design for Appllation to Gas Turbine Systems 2560 Radiographic Requirements for SA612 Stel Plate 277 ales for Difusion Bonde, lat Pate, Microchannel Hest achanger a7 ‘SAetha,SA-240 and SA-A79 21Ce SMe LSND (UNS 832103) ‘Austen Ferrite Dplox States Stel 2a SA-240/A-240M, UNS S43095 Plate... 2758 ‘84-459, Grade 660, Class C igh Temperature Boltng Materials ‘With Expansion Coefcents Comparable ta Austenite Stwls 2610 ‘SA.736/SA-726M Pes and ASTM ABS9/A BSOML9S Forgings «+. 1932 ‘4.995, UNS J92205 (CD3MN),Austene/ Ferric Duplex Stanley ‘Stel 2a Seamless 126-217 Material 2180 "7% Ni Tharmo-Mechantal Conto! Processed Set Pate for Cayngenie Appieations. 2736 Single Filet Lap jin for sat Exchanger Tbe Welds 2aaa Single Filet Lp Jit in the Shel of a Shella Tube Hest Exchanger Pevcnees BM {52N-22Mo-t5Cr Ally (UNS N10362}, 2688 Spherical Intermediato Head Without Straight Flange za Strength of Aluminum Brazed foints Up to $00°F 2350 Testing of Vessels Containing an Intermal Piston 2608 ‘hersuMectanleal Cont Processed 7% Ni Stee Pate 2750 'STNi-30Co-24Cr-2758 Alloy (UNS 1812160) 2285, $39NL33F625Cr Alloy (UNS NOBI20) Welded Construction Abowe 1680°F to 1000°F| zara 3 Chvomlum-t Molybdenum Vanadum-Columiiem: Calelam ‘Alloy ezel Plates and Forgings 2st ‘Tianiam Aluminum Allay, ASTM 967-086, Ti 3AL2.5V or T {A-25V-905d Castings 2681 ‘Deaniam Aluminum Vanadium ran Alloy, Grade 38 “48-25-15 UNS R54250 asa, ‘Tranium Nickel Molybdenum Ally (7! GENK0-3M), Grade C12 Castings 1 Bot ‘lean Nickel Molybdenum Rather Alloy, T-.0Ni O3M>OaR 226 ‘Tolerance for Formed Heads for External Pressure Design Conaitons 24 220-25N-3.5W3Cu Austontc Stns Stel UNS 544085 7752 2Sce 75N-35Mo NCW Alley, UNS S32760, Forgings, Plate, Sheet, trip Bar, Seamless and Welded Pipe and Tbe, and Paaings 2s 2I5Cr-ENHMO, UNS $2506, Austenitic Ferrite Duplex Saniss Stel 2548, 25¢r-22N1 2MoN, UNS $31050, Aste Staness Sc! Forgings 2038 2ACEITNPN-A.SHo-N, UNS S84565, usted Sales Stee Forngs, Bar, itings Welded and Seamless Pipa an Tube, lat, ‘Sheet and Sip 26 2450122Ni-7-5Mo 36m N stent Staines Stel (UNS S22654) 2195, 25Cr7SNi-4 SMoo-N Austenitic eric Stainless Stel UNS ‘si0707 at 2306 25cP20%1 Austen Sass Steel UNS S31002, 2501 29Ce6SNK2MON Austen Ferre Stiles Stel UNS $32906 , 2295 “Austonsic ori Duplex Stainless Stes Plate and Seamless ‘ing and Pipe 23Cr-35N-7SMON, UNS NOBSS, Austell. 23cr-25N'-5SMowN, UNS 822053, Austenitic Stainloe Stel 201475 Aluminum Hand Forging for Nonwelded Construction ‘Type 3D4LN (Alley UNS $30453} Aurtente Stainless Ste! \irasonic Examination af Welds Made bythe Electron Bean Process. ‘naloyed and Palladim + Rhenium Corrsion Enhanced ‘Titanium Grades Wish 58 kr Minimum UTS, UNS REO4CO, 52400, R52402, and RS2AOF Unfited steam Bolle in Section t Sytem UNS 93380 (cDsNWCuN) [UNS 532202, 220r.2N MN Austen erste Lean Duplex Staines Ses 1s 532205 Plats, Bs, Seamless and Welded Pipe and Tube, onpngs and Fitings. Useof ‘8213/4 2134.04 UNS S31060 Austen Stainless Steel Seamless Tubing an & 240/A 240¥-04a1 UNS 531060 Austenitic Stables Ste! Pate Acoustic Emision Bzamioaon in ie of Radiography ‘Appendix 23 for External Pressure Design of Copper and Copper ‘Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes With integral Fins at Blevated Temperatures ASTM AL06/A 106¥-00 as SA-105/SA-206M ASTM ABLA/A 415007, ‘Autoruated Ultrasound Leak Detscion System in Cla of Veal Inspections Requned by UC-200(a), Carbon and Low Alloy Stel Fate, AS 1548-2008 Graces PTASON/PTASONR, PTS6ON/PTAGONR. and PT490N/ Pra90NR Existing Nameplates in Inventary for Construction, 7 ‘49Fe-24N1-21Cr-6Me-CUN (UNS NOBI67) Blting Material for Prassare Vessels Fricion Str Welding (P51) for 5052 Aluminum Aly Rls Expansion Jorts for Prssire Vessels ‘Purnaoe Brazing for Lethal Service Metre Unis. [Nl Bronze 695820 Sand Castings for Pressure Vv Noncertiate Holders for Welding ana Bring. Noneode Pressure Rel Vales, Permanent Meld Cast Aluminum Ailoys UNS A13560 end 03570. ‘Rod and Bar for ead "Rod and Bar for Hollow Cyndsel Shaped Pars Large Tae NES SIYEN 10028-2, Grate 0MnMoNiA5, Quenched and Tempered Stee Plato . SAEN 10020-2, Grades P285GH and P265GH Steel Si-199/SA-193M Grade B16 Boling in Dimmers Larger'Than ? in. (073 mm) ‘A260 Feri Stalse Stes! Welded Tubing 12430 Te UNS 849086... SA-372 Grade E Cas 85, Grade | Class 58. and Grade, and Ht (Gass 85 and 65 Forgings, Queached and Tempered ‘58.708 Type 60 Forgings (UNS S17400) and SA-693 Type 630 Plato (UNS 817400) i 3041 Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures 161 Stainless Stee at Blevated Temperatures ‘iaruClad Carbon Stel Plate in he Ae-Rolled Condition 2496 250 2us 2616 aa 70 87 1855 2284 2669 wa? 2430 2006 28653 2619 at 2645 a2 2526 2593 219 2520 2230 2590 2595 29 2iss as6 ane 2498 254 2s 2300 2223 24 2877 2296 Subject case subject SECTION vin, DIVISION + SECTION Vi, DIVISION 2 PRESSURE VESSELS (Con) PRESSURE VESSELS (Cond) ‘razon Examination in Lew of Rady. 2225 27G¢-76N-1Mo-2.3W.N UNS $32808 Solution Annealed UNS Ss2008 Stainless Stel... 2508 UNS Sst Stiles Ste! to 800°" (27°C) 2450 UNS S82011 Staines Stel : ams ess (Production Impact Tests for Weldod Construction of “Austenitic Stainless Stel 2708 ‘Wold Joint Examination for Posumastcally Tested Pressure Vessels 1518 Welding of Alaminom Alloy Tubest-Tubeshee Jolt hy Ercion Stir Weng (FSW) Process «oo --ven- se 26 Welding of Tubes to Tubeskeets by Deformation Rosistance Welding (DR Paces... - 2a83 SECTION Vin, DIVISION 2 ‘PRESSURE: VESSELS Allowable Stresses and Design Stress Intensiis for Boing “Materials Listed in ath Tables and 4 oF Section Part D.=. 2780 Allowing Section VI, Divison 2 Design Rules to Be Use for Section Vl Division 1 Pressure Vessel 2698 Aemnative Dieter orThiknessRatlos toe Spherical and Formed Heads With Openings ovesenvvess 2739 Akarnative Method of Pressure Rll Devlee Marking 2408 ternative Minimusn Test Temperature for Hydrostatic Tsing 2728, Atareatve Rules for Para 417 When Controlled Boag Is Used 2659, Application of the ASME Certteation Mak ans ASTOLAGSY / A B4IM-98 Plate COT axa0) Elevated Temperature Desi of Boling. 268 Fatigue Bvaton for SA-182 F22, S836 FZ2V, SASH 22, ‘S542 Type D, Cats t and SAS? Grade 22V a Temperatures Greate Than 371° (700%) and Less Than or Equa to 454°C (e507) 2608 Mum Grouping for N-Ce-Fe,lasiaton UNS WH6152 Weisng Becrode : aus Inmplementingin Parts 4ané Ste Changes In ASGE/ SEI 7-10, Paras. "242 and 244 for Wind Load Factors evens 2679 Intertidal Transport Tanks (UN T50 Portable Tank}. 2624 Manufacurecs Data Reprs Cn ara arkng of Ruprure Disk Devices Fully Enclosed in a Rapoare Dk Holder o- Stam ast ett for Basing Design Values on Mater Propertos Armed by ‘Material Merufactrers 2556 Dnision of iting Device Reguremens fr Pressure Reif Vales ‘on Ar, Watee Over 40°, or Steam Service 2203 (hor Recognized Standards for Dofntion of Wind and Wartnquake aad it Lieu of ASCB/SEI 7 2680 Precio Hardening Nickel Alloy (UNS NO7748) Used as Presure Retaining Component Matera 2a Precintation-ardening M-Cr-M Alloy (UNS NO7725) 27 SA-483, Grade 660, Clas C, High Ternperatre Felting Materials Wit Gxpansion Coeilents Comparable t Austenitic Stes... 2610 SA-736/SA-T2GM Platas and ASTM AOS9/A 659M.95 Forgings. 1932, SA-705 Grade WY Forges ne 2¥ Ns Therm Mectansal Conte Processed Stel Pat for Cyogenic Appletions ast 2 Chroma Molybdenum, Vanadium Coluembium-Caleiu ‘Alo Steet Plates an Forging. oe SL “Tolerance for Exteraal Pressure Des Coons. rors ‘Transfer of Vese| Prt From One Location to Anat by ‘Marufactrers With Mulple Locations Without Prt ats Reports 250 2sceTNF4Mo-N (UNS 82750) Assent Fenrc Sunless Stel - 2740 25cr-Z2NI-aMo-N, UNS S31050, Asti Stailess Steel Forgings. 2038 29Cr-5SNLIMO-N Aust Fernie Stalls Stel UNS S32606 . 2295 te Austontic eri Duplex Salness Stel Pate and Seamless Tubing and Pipe - 22Cr-SNLIMON (UNS 31803) Use SOOT 3I6'C) Use of ‘AS 1548-2008 Grades PUABON/PTABONR, PTASON PTAGOHR, TUSON/PTADONK i ASTM ALD6/A 1060.08 as S4-106/SA-1068 5 10222-2:1998, Grade IBMMONISS, Stee! Forgings. Fatigue Analyris Screening, Method A For Vessels Mace of 1.25¢r-5MoSi and 225Cr-1Mo Stele 15Ce-SN-90s (UNS SIS5OD)-ssssesectsceeeesseeeen Metre Units [NFA 36-215 Grae PAGD NI, Fe Grain Normalized See Pats, Nkel-Coromium-Molytdenire-Calumbium Alloy UNS NO6E25 ‘ON, BN, and SN-YiMo Matera i Welded Condition for Construction « i 7 Noncerchieate Holders for Welding and Brazing. ‘IVAS EN 100283, Grade PA6ONEI, Fine Grain Normalized Stee Plates . SAVEN 10020. Grade TIGNES 500 Sel. SAYEN 1028-5, Grade P3SSN, Fine Gran Normalized Steel, ates. ‘SEN 1002853, Grade PAGONL, Fine Gain Normale Stel Pats. ‘8-195/6A 1990 Grade B16 Bling in Diameters Larger Than 7 ‘n, 75 mm) 9-705 Type 680 Forgings (UNS 517400) ani SA#95 Tyve 630 Pate (UNS S17400) 8-247, 6061.76 Aluminum Ay 0... ‘0-564 Nice! Ion Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alay UNS 09825 Forgings 7 arerantacu (UNS $17400, “Tmunium-Clad Carbon Sto Pate he Ae-Raled Condon Utrasonie Examination in Liew of Raeiography 7 ‘SECTION Vill, DIVISION 3 ‘PRESSURE VESSELS Aluminam Alloy, UNS AOSDS1 Tamper TS and UNS A9EO61 Temper TEED res cece Apleation ofthe ASME Certification Mare . ASTM ABAI/A B6IM-90" Pate Charpy pact Test Specimens for SH08 Grade 4N Classes 1 and Forgings 7 Composite Reinforoad Pressure Vessel for Gasnons 2 Service Fatigue Curves for Nonwelded Part Having UTS best Tha 90 Is (620 MPa). Inmpulsvely Loaded Pressure Vessels Manafacster's Data Reports Maximum Dynal Pressure During Vented Degration for Vase in Lvr Deny Polyethylene Service Method fr Basing Design Vales on Materia Properties AMrmed by aerial Manufatorers Permit Testing» Single Porn to Represen Saveral Thickness. Precipitation Haraening NC fo Alloy (UNS NO7725).. Recetifeaton of Materials for Construction Replacement Pats for Prossure Vessels ‘A705, Type XM, Contions O75, #1023, #825. and HOO Forging Materials». Sa-736/SH-730M Plotes and ASTON AAS9/A B59NL9S Forgings Stel Paes Produced by Teemomechanial Control Process, CTMEP) oes 7 206 amr am an 20 ans 2m 2362 2468 Pg 274 van 298 27s 2223 278 2128 27 2196 2035 2363 ama 230 2380) 279 2480 2564 238 201 2356 23997 aw 201 2578 2367 un 2081 Subject SECTION VIL DIVISION 3 PRESSURE VESSELS (Cent's) se of ‘ASTM ALO6/A 1066-08 as SA-206/SA-106M ASTM AS14-00e Plate Mater Al Grates Chromium Sicon Alloy tzl Wire ASTM ASOL/ A 4016 UNS 2540, i Chromium icon Alley Stel Wie ASTM AAC1/ A 401M 03 UNS 2540, - CcromlumSicon Alley Sel Wie for Pressure Vescel Winding HW 10025-22004 Stet Name S255)2 + N (Soa Number 1.0577 +N) 7 High Sength Low Alo Steel stings. : Matic Unis. r sess even eee 7 Power Actuated Pressure Rll System for High Preseare Vessels Instead of Pressure Nei! Valves or Ruptre Disks Power Actuated Prossre-Rlle System fr High Presire Vessels Instead of Pressure Rel Valves or Rupture Disks omer Actuated Pressure Reif Valve for High Pressure Vessels Tasted of Pressure Rel Vales or Rupe Disks SAAB? F22V,SA386FZWV, SAS 22V,SAS42 Typ D, Clas fe, and SA-032 22V to SOF (451°C). SSA‘ Grade 660 (UNS 866286) Upto 900° (482°) -. '5A.705/SA-PO5M, XM-12, Condition H1023 for Yoke Supported Ed Plugs. SAe23/SA-723M Forgings, SA-705/SA-705M Forgings, nd SAS64/S4-564M Bar for Boling Matera snd Note... ‘Welds That Are Not Ground or Machined Values of Tensile Siena for S564 and A705, Grade X42, ‘Condition #2100 Materials ‘SECTION Ex WELDING QUALIFICATIONS. “Akernative Welding Opertor Performance Weld Qualfeaton Test Ftumber Grouping fr ‘CrFEANMo-Cu, Clasietion UNS RZOD33 Filer Metal Niece, Clasifcatin UNS NOBOS? Wilding Eactrode. NbFe-e,Clasfcation UNS NOBD87 Welding Filler Metal NMGoFe Filer Metals : Ire, Clasifeatan ONS Wee152 Welding Electrode S7Ni-s0Cr-Fe BN Fler Meeal (UNS NO6O43), 9r.1Mo. FCAW Consumable case subject 2663, 2si6 2609 2461 2s 2698 2523 2520 2561 asia 2700 289 2661 2592 ast 2 ama zn 2 ais 26650 27 cue SECTION x (WELDING QUALIFICATIONS (Costs) {69NE-22Mo-t5cr Alloy (UNS N10362) Fler Merl 2653, Inserumented indentation Testing ar Alternative Harness ‘Test or (QW-280 Temper Heid Welding 2703 Parallel Plate Explosion Welding for Bot Joins Besween Disa Metals secseeveesenen cevceesnonnonvaninnesns 2493 Use of Mere Unis. 2528 Metric Units Balle and Prossure Vere Code (For Cave N74, See Nuclear Components Code Cats). ses.cnsen. Nas SECTION x FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PRESSURE VESSELS Appleation of the ASME Certification Mark 7710 ‘Composite Clas It Pressure Vessel Bath Cyle Testing aa Composit Clas It Pressure Vessel Lower Gjele Pressure Limit. 2742 Composite Pressure Vessel Amis te ams Composite Pressure Vessel Nazze Design Change am Composite Pressure Vessel Pressuriation Plate ams Composite Pressure Vescls for High Pressure Fuld, zs Pabrcation of Clas {Vessels With Metalic Moses Not Meeting Minimum Wal Thickness Requirements... zs Matera for Bodies, Bonnets, Yokes, Housings, and Welders of Pressure Relief Devices 5 1750 Special Regulzements fo Filament Winding Procedure Qualfiation (Class Vessels) « a or 2605 Use of ‘Method Aas the Only Design Basis for Clas Vessels 2683 Mati Units. SOI aaa SECTION xu ‘TRANSPORT TANKS Alerative Method to Ares Replacement Rules for Openings Under Internal Pressre asst -Apliation ofthe ASME Corfction Marke 20 Revised Data Report Forms. 270s ie of [ASTM A1O6/A 1060-08 as SA-106/SA-L066 2063 eee Us, asx “Uteasone Examination in Liew of Radiography. 235 3) Subject ASME specification s-20/SA-200 i sas sa-ta6/sA-t06M saer fa sate Sie162 Grade FLL. eos Si-182 Grade F22. $199/SA-1938, save : sa210 i SA213/SA-213M SRI os cesesseneeeee sai saz sh240 A200 Type/Grade 308. '5R240 Type/Grade 304 8-240 Type Grae 200N SK-240 Type Grae 94 Si-240 Type 316 SK2H0 Type 316L SA2H0 Type SI6LN o-oo SAzA0 Type 316N 7 saz40 sazee 7 ‘sa268 i A270 Clase 30 SA270 Grader 20, 2,30, and 38 'A-299/S8-2998 7 ‘saa0e : » INDEX OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS REFERRED TO IN CASES case subject case ASME Specification (Cord) 2451, 2042, 2674 shat 2127, 2146, 2195, 2195, 1224 1876, 2624, 2697 2004, 2495, 2850, 2458, 1876, 2624, 2669 2597, 2591, 2617, 2634, 1876, 2697 2656, 2686, 2753, 2098, 2127, 2146,2151,2179, A333 258 2100, 2195, 2196, 2109, A334 Grado 8, 2344, 2681 2224, 2245, 2308, 2327, SASS. 2179, 2100, 2199, 2327, 2353, 2418, 2445, 2458, 2408, 2440, 2630, 2514, 2543, 2577, 2608, $4335 Grades PAL and P22 1875 2617, 2680, 2656, 2668, A336 2451, 2227, 2514, 2577, 2605, 2097, 2727,2740, 2630 1976 SA-506 Grades F22 and F224, 1975 1876 SA-350 Grade LP2 2606, 2624 25,2758 SA51 Grade CKMCUN 1730 2s 4-362 Grade LCC 1750 1976 svase 25, 2617 1076, 2127, 2146, 2173, 2180, A369 INIINT aus, 2007 2196, 2309, 2224, 2508, S870 ‘| 2549, 2563, 2621 2827, 2328, 2353, 2450, SA-72 2016, 2300 2450, 2512, 2540, 2577, A376 2096, 2127, 2146 2581, 2591, 2598, 2630, SASB7 2576, 2630 2639, 2656, 2687, 2688, SAB 2155,2156 2723, 2704, 2781, 2758, SAMOS TIT, ana. 2195, 2196, 24,2308, ass 2515, 2445, 2480, 2577, 1076 2517, 7634 1876, 2192 sa409 7 U6, 2445, 2517 2327, 2630, 2697 Sh414/S0-414M 2a 2127, 2146, 2195, 2196, 2197, SAO CIT, aon, 2601 2224, 2245, 2295, 7304, | Shd23 ave 2345, 2418, 2427, 2435, SA26 i az 2450, 2458, 2468, 2496, S435 /SA-4S5 2ext 2503, 2534, 2543, 2545, SAS er 2577, 2502, 2603, 2617, SAAS 2610 2620, 2621, 2634, 2643, SAATO 2120, 2146, 2224, 245,228, 2656, 2669, 2608, 2696, 2304, 2418, 7445, 2450, 2107, 2708, 2722, 2724, 245, 2488, 2543, 257, 2129, 2785, 2740, 2758 2617, 2656, 2668, 2596 sata 2073 2575, 2596, Sh508 2151, 2488, 2630, 2596 ‘9509 Grade 4N, Cases Vand 2... 7200 2546 SAS16/SAS16M, 2286, 1570, 262 2401, 2596 sae 2154, 2514, 2605, 2690 2497, 2571, 2596 Sasa 2514, 2605, 2680 2336 Sh853 m6 2596 SA55? 213 2146, 2195, 2224, 2504, 2445, SASSA/SASOAM oo SI aa77, 2661, 2699 2450, 2458, 2577, 2617, SA578 ana, 2654, 2656, 26882724 SA.608/SA.609% 2698 1976 sKeiz :. HIT? 2624 2419, 2666, 2668, 2703,2722, S638 i 22 z100 274 SHS 7 2601 2329 ska m3 1049 58-693 Typo 630 2223, 2277 2576, 2624 SATO3 sees 2192, 2698 2578 5A.705/SA-705M Type 630 2229, 2277, 2661 Subject ASME Specification (Cont'd) ‘I-75 /84:708M Type XM12 SA-705/8A-705M Type X13 sh709 SA.723/sA-7056 SA736/SA.7560 sara A303 saan swant SKars SK SAOM SK905, Sk965 SK995 54995 Grade CO-4NCAN Saa017/sA-1017M SA/EN 10028-2 SA/EN 1028-3 sh SBa3 spaoe sean spasa spase sets) sBa6t space sB163 ‘SB-166 SB67 sU-68 sp209 seo seu sez se2i/se-2eim sE247 sea SE26 sb 308/88-306M S038 S348 S835 S366 sur seat sn.395 sor S408 sH409 case 2201, 2416, 2567, 2551, 2609, 2759 2661 2698 2661 1932 2245, 2295, 2468, 2496, 2503, ‘2543, 2562, 2585, 2603, 2620, 2643, 2669.2727, 25,2740, 2245, 2295, 2488, 2496, 2503, 2543, 2562, 2506, 2603, 2620, 2643, 2686, 2668, 27,2735, 2740 zis 2445, 2617 eas, 2617 2245, 2488, 2669, 2597 27151, 2514, 2605, 2451, 2736, 2737, 2750, 24s 127, 2224 2402 1750, 248 2100, 2198, 2327 2408, 2674, 2748 26a, 264 2s70 aire 2570 2153, 239 2s70 268 2570 m0 za 249 1325, tw2y, 2249, 2957, 2359 1927, 2359, 2481, 4027, 2359, 2481, 2620, 2664 1027, 2359, 2681 248, 2563, 2432, 25485, 2565 232 2482, 2502, 2563, 2573, 243, 2501, 2545, 2628 2478, 2016, vs0 2426, 2407, 2532, 2634, 2568 2426, 2497, 2532 24285, 2497, 2532 2406, 2490, 2532, 2634, 3904, 2068, 2120, 2226, 2249, 2276, 2359, 2385, 2401, 2648, 2665, 2672, 2695, 2697, 2702 1093, 2641, 2717, 2426, 2497, 2532 2570 1325, 2957, 2672 1325, 1672 1325, 2672 vel Subject [ASME Specification (Con's) SPARE voesesees Spaz sags 2) a S35 spans sais sB-446 e452 sesis sn5is. i 58515, 38517 : SESE 7 SBSH : swez seas, sBaa6 spar. sB6t9 : 5658 sit : SBBT3 sooo i so-674 : SB-575 2 SE-576 ser? se-638 a 0-690 8691 S608 : S705, 7 sa709 0751 : S61. 7 sine SB/EN 1706, sDs70 SFass. SASB... SPAS SPASI4 it srasas. 7 SPAS28.. SPAS29. : ASTM Specification 229 : ‘Ai06/a Losi ‘A108-88 Grades 1016, 1038, 1020, 1117, 1108, 137, 1141, 1215, nd 22134 case 1936 1936,2728 1936 2068, 2385, 2665, 2702 1935, 217, 2276, 2469, 2652 1995, 2217, 2468 1995, 7217, 2468 2120, 2481, 2358, 2648, 2603, 2697 2672 1325, 2672 2359, 2481 2359, 2481 2634 1949, 2060, 2217, 2226, 2389, 2395, 2468, 2401, 2648, 2605, 2672, 2693, 2702, za 2063, 2385, 2702 1924, 2226, 2638 1824, 2226, 2648 2706 13924, 2063, 226, 2385, 2648, 2665 1924, 2065, 226, 2385, 268, 2665, 2702, 2756 2120, 2505 1924, 2065, 226, 2305, 2648, 2665, 2786, 1993, 2222 2120, 2588 a5 2120, 2508 2120, 2508 2693 2313, 2698 2120, 2505 2699) 2093 2526, 2688, 1936, 2276, 2632 2276 1325 1936 246, 2497, 2532, 2638, 2426, 2487, 2532 2667 2613, 2614 2192, 2514 268 2127, 2666, 2724 2601, 2736, 2737, 2752, 2753 2501, 2653, 2660, 2736, 2731, 2752, 2758 107, 2514 2192, 2514 an 1750 2668 750 subject case subject case ASTM Speciation (Con's) [ASTM Specification (Cont'd) ‘12684 seecesceseeeees 1780) BSSH09 coe coceseeenees BAO ‘oo. eet dasrt 2007 ass7. 2568 AIR cotececcrees 2687 04-08 ae 1750 ant3/AaZi3M, 2430, 2639 BOMB. cee A240/A240M, 2480, 2686, 2687 607 eee 1314-87 Type 303, CII aso 08 (A336/8335M. cL 219 BIS2. I ges 4351 Grade CKGMCUN 1750 boson i 2 ars [ASDI/ABOIM. seen 2516, 2609, DAS-08. 22579 ‘As14/AgnaM.or 2619 i04s-95(2001) CIID a579) nats. OO a67 1652-97... ST 800) ‘4807a4@0M.. 7 2636 219699. feeds ase taey ‘M494.07a Grade CYA 3750 2290.00. : 2579 |A894-87a Grade C7-100 2150 2343.95.00 2579 A484.07a Grade B35 1750 23sa/ozs4amoved CI 2879) ASL4008 co 2815, pua7.99 2879 54295, i SOT ast D2583-95(2001Je1 vs seseeccecesees 2578 ATO ccsccsce 2500 2ses-94 . CII asa ‘AST6.87 Grades 1040, 1042, 1045, and DSTI. eee 3579 a7 eos 1750 3529.00.00 2579 A802 Types 408 and #16 coe ceeeesoes 750 past... 2519 3672.06. i 2516 4a18-99(2004) : 2573 A601.98 Jone 2516 Da349-53. cs aan ATAOM Grade A 1932 3 a o 262 ATA Grade CKSMOUN. 150 Es 7 . 2461 A751. fo 6t Bu 2430, 264 AIO8 cv scececccccneceene 2637 He Sc 2563, 2688 1h ennenenee 2637 a3 i 2 2s ANS. 2637 802 a 2563, Bel 98 on 2130 1002 2324 as9M95 coceeeeees 182 EMTS oosovcsce 246, 1999, arene 2096 BIRD sesso 2 2127, 2698 MOu7/AWOL I aire eio2t sitccees 2564 B68 1750 2546. ee 2703 218%) . 1750 F48605 : 2 2588) Bu6M-97 225 AWS Specification Be SINT aura 159 itd eo TB Bs-84 VUNIINNIT aso ASAD coe Pieces 2B, 2734 BMB93a 2230 ass feos BLAR, 2733 Bist... id 1750 25.29 - 2 oT i 2652 International Specification 517579. Potececee 1750 181548 oorssese = 2645, 2711 nant : 1750 BSENITO6. 2310, 2463, 247-028 0 2516 ns eNT002H- soar P240-03, pete BAO ASEKIZI60 1750 poie-01 fetececeees BAF BS ENI2I65, 1750 wra3-66 7 1730 ENSIS..ceece 2827 66-81 1024 EN TST srr 8367. 7 cies 268 EN 100021 7 I asa Bata ee 3750 BN 10025-2. CII a5a4, 2720 ase ee 750 EN 10028-32003 0... 2594, 2604 B30 1750 EN 10008-2. III ane BAOT cesses 2518 EN 10204 2508 pei-02 a 2408 ENOTES aan peat. : 2520 Bon. TI aaa mass LIT aso GETS 2 Bsa 46a Sicees 2120) Ni 9006-1 CIID asa — CUMULATIVE INDEX — INTERPRETATIONS VOLS. 12- Subject case ‘CHARTS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE igs 1/16 hare for Determining Shel “Triceness af Components Unde External PressureDevelopodforN-23¢r-7W, UNS Naser eovenee 260 igs 1/10 Chart for Determiring She Taicleess of Components Under External Pressure Developed for izalum Grate 3 2582 igs 1/16 Chart for Determining Shel ‘Thickoes of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Tita Grate 38,1 4AL25V-15Fe ant ig 1 Char for Determining Shell Thickness ‘of Components Under Exterral Pressure When Consiructed of Alloy C17510..... 2404 gs 1/1M Chart for Determining Shel “Thickness of Components Under Extras) Pressure When Constuctd of lly UNS 31060. 2430 Subject case ‘CHARTS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE (Contd) Figs 1/1N Chart for Determining Shell Thicknes of Components Under External Pressare When Contracted of Alay UNS ssi277 2488 Fg 1 Char for Dezermining She Thickness of ylndrcal and Spherical Vessels Under External Pressure When Constructed of Austonite Stainless Stel UNS SH456S .. 2146 gs 1/18 Bernal Pressure Chart 27 igs 1/18 ternal Pressure Chae for 2)4Cr-IMe Ste! Annealed at 1000°F/ sao 2676 igs 1/16 External Pressure Chat for ‘Staines Steel Ally UNS S50815 at 1650°F (900°). 2682 Figs 1/1M External Prossure Char Up To 1w00°F 982. 2a (CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1325-18 ‘Approval Date: June 23, 2005, ace Ces wl emai acai fr we unt onmaed by de apple Serdards Conte Case 1325-18 Nickel-tron-Chromium Alloys 800 and 800H (UNS 'NoB800 and NO8610) and Nickel-Iron-Chromium- Molybdenum-Copper Low-Carbon Alloy (UNS NOB028) Section | Inquiry: May Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloys 800 and BOOH (UNS NO8B00 and NO8B10) and nickel-iron- chromium-molybdenum-copper low-carbon alloy UNS N08028 conforming to the specifications listed in Table 1 be used for water wetted service in Section I construction? Reply: Itis the opinion of the Committee that nickel- iron-chromium and pickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum- copper low-carbon alloy forms as shown in Table 1 may be used for water wetted service in Section I construction provided the following requirements are met (a) The maximum allowable design stress shall not ex- ceed that shown in Table 1B of Section II, Part D. (2) Welded fabrication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section | (2) The procedure and performance qualifications shall be conducted as prescribed in Section IX, except that the tensile strength of the reduced section specimen shall not be less than the minimum tensile strength of the ma- terials specified in the Inquiry. (2) Welding on NOBBOO and NO8810 shall be done by any welding process or combination of processes capable ‘of meeting the requirements. Welding on NO8028 shall be by the gas tungsten are process only. {@) Welds that are exposed to corrosive action of the ‘contents of the vessel should have a resistance to corro- sion equal to that of the base metal. The use of filler metal that will deposit weld metal with practically the same ‘composition as the material joined is recommended. When the manufacturer is of the opinion that a physically better joint can be made by departure from these limits, Hiller me- tal of a different composition may be used provided the strength of the weld metal at the operating temperature is not appreciably less than that of the high-alloy material to be welded, and user is satistied that its resistance to corrosion is satisfactory for the intended service. (4) Where welding repair of a defect is required, it shall be followed by reexamination as require PW-11, Where a defect is removed and welding repair is not necessary, care shall be taken to contour the surface 50 as to eliminate any sharp notches ar corners. The con- toured surface shall then be reinspected by the sare ‘means originally used for locating the defect to be sure it has been completely removed (5) When these materials are cold formed, the rules of Section I, para. PG-19 shall apply for alloys NOBBO0 ard NO8B10. Other than these requirements, any other heat treatment after forming or fabrication is neither required nor prohibited, but If heat treatment is applied to alloy N09029, it shall be performed at 1975°F-2085°F (1080°C-1140%C) followed by rapid cooling ( This Case number shall be shown on the Data Report ‘CAUTION: Austenitic alloys are subject to stress corrosion crack ing, intergranular attack, pitting and crevice corrosion when used in boiler applications in aqueous environments. Factors that affect the susceptibility of these materials are applied or re- sidual stress, water chemistry and deposition of solids, and ma- terial condition. Susceptibility to attack is enhanced when the ‘material s used ina sensitized condition, or with residual cold ‘stork. Concentration of corrosive agents (ex. chlorides, caustic, ‘oF reduced sulfur species) can occur under deposits formed en the surface of these materials, and can resultin severe underde- post wastage or cracking. For successful operation in water vironments careful attention must be paid to continuous control of water chemistry. he ne This Code does oa tegustions orth leva docu “Te Gonmteesferton it exh ues fale rag ony promare egy governing We constructon olla presure vessels, anspor als nd maceaermponeots and inser aspen a freseur egy ef maces ongones sod ranepet ay, nd eo iterpret tee les en qUesC005 5 ther safety se eating he onatruson of bla presse vests, npr ae nd mace ‘mpm nde Lasrvce apeton of maar eamponens a Wanspor tans, The use ofthe Codeshare ther pertinent codes standard ae, 1 (1325-18) CASE (continued) 1325-18 ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Table 1 Product Specifications rm ‘specication ‘UNS NO3800 and NOBBLO ‘Seamless condenser and heat exchanger 8-163 thes Rod and bars se-t0a ‘Seamless pipe and tube spor Plate, set and tip 6-403 ‘Welded tes SB5iS UNS nowoze Seamless tubes 0.660 beet, and str _ 30.709 2 (1325-18) ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1518-5 ‘Approval Date: March 1, 1999 de Cases il remain aval fr tanned by the apple Sons Commsiten Case 1518-5 Weld Joint Examination for Pneumatically Tested Pressure Vessels Section Vill, Division 1 Inquiry: Under what circumstances may the weld joint ‘examination requirements of para. UW-50 of Section VIL, Division 1, be waived for welded pressure vessels that are pneumatically tested in accordance with para, UG-100? Reply: It isthe opinion of the Committee that the weld Joint examination requirements of para. UW-50 may be waived provided all of the following requirements are met (a) The maximum allowable working pressure of the ‘vessel is no greater than 500 psig (8) The governing thickness for UCS materials shall be as defined in UCS-66(a) (6) For UCS materials, the maximum governing thick ness for Fig. UCS-66 Curve A materials is no greater than ‘jin. and for Curves B,C, oF D materials is no greater than Vin {(@) For UHA materal, Austenitic Chromium nickel stain- less steels 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 321, and 347, the govera- ing thickness is no greater than 7 in (e) For UNE material, Aluminum or Aluminum Alloy 3000 Series, 5000 Series and 6064-76, the governing thickness is no greater than 1 in. ( All other requirements of the Code shall apply. (a) This Case number shall be shown on the Manufac- turer's Data Report. omitlons or oer retevit dace “Te Comanec anon nto tai ules ost lang onl to presats ne poveTang te constuction arbalea pesare verses Consort aie nd euler emmponents, an incase nepactin or pressure grt area compares ad trnsportanks, ano interpret hese rules when question heir intnt This Cafe does ot adres ther sft ssn elie te aneuton 9 bas pressure ves, enspert ane a6 acest ‘mponents, athe sec inspection mia components andtrnspor nk. The use ofthe Code shou fro ether pertinent ees standard 3 ¢asie-s) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL, CODE. CASE 1750-23 Approval Date: September 8, 2010, Code cases wa roman aval for use ot anna by the ape Standards Come. Case 1750-23 Materials for Bodies, Bonnets, Yokes, Housings, and Holders of Pressure Relief Devices Sections |; Vil, Division 1; and X Inquiry: Under what conditions and limitations may the following materials be utilized in the construction of the bodies, bonnets, and yokes of pressure relief valves, hous ing for breaking or buckling pin devices, and holders for rupture disks covered by the provisions of Section I; Sec tion Vill, Division 1; and Section X? SA-351 Grade CK3MCuN $A-252 Grade LCC SA-995 Gradle CD4MCUN ASTM A108 Grades 1016, 1018, 1020, 1117, 1118, 1137, 1141, 1215, and 12114 ASTM A126 ASTM A3L¢ Type 303 ASTM A494 Grades CY-40, CZ-100, and M35-1 ASTM A576 Grades 1040, 1042, 1045, and 1117 ASTM A582 Types 303 and 416 ASTM A744 Grade CK3MCuN ASTM B16 ASTM 821 Alloys 464, 462, and 405 ASTM B85 Alloy SCB4B ASTM B176 Alloy CB5800 ASIM B21 Alloy 2024 Temper T351* ASTM B283 Alloys (377, C464, and C485 ASTM B365 Alloys RO5200, ROS400, ROS255, and RO5252 ASTM B371 Alloy C6970 ASTM B392 Alloys R04200, RO4210, RO4251, and 04261 ASTM B393 Alloys RO4200, RO4210, RO4251, and 04261 ‘ASTM B453 Alloy C3450 ASTM B584 Alloys C87400 and C84400 ASTM B708 Alloys ROS200, ROS400, ROS2S5, and 05252 BS EN12164 number CW614N material conditions R400, R380, and R360 BS EN12165 number CW617N material condition HO8O Reply: Itis the opinion of the Committee that the mate- rials described in the Inquiry may be used in the construc- tion of the bodies, bonnets, and yokes of pressure relief valves, housings for breaking or buckling pin devices, and holders for rupture disks, covered by the provisions ‘of Section I; Section Vill, Division 1; and Section X, pro- vvided the following additional requirements and limita- tions are met: (a) The pressure, temperature, and size limitations of ‘Table 1 shall apply. (0) These materials shall not be welded, exceptas other wise permitted by this Code Case. (@) Arepresentative finished model of each product size and design having a bonnet, body, or yoke of pressure re- lief valves, housings for breaking or buckling pin devices, and holders for rupture disks constructed of ASTM B16; ASTM B21 Alloys 464, 482, and 485; ASTM B176 Alloy ‘¢B5800; ASTM B283 Alloys C377, C464, and C485; ASTM B371 Alloy C69700; ASTM B453 Alloy C34500; BS EN12164 number CW614N material conditions R400, R380, and R360; BS EN12165 number CW617N material condition H080; or ASTM BSB4 Alloy C84400 shall be tested to determine the presence of residual stresses that might result in failure of individual parts due to stress cor rosion cracking. Tests shall be conducted in accordanze with ASTM B154 or ASTM B 856M, (@) Material conforming to ASTM B 16, ASTM B 371 Ale loy €69700, and ASTM B 453 Alloy C34500 shall be tested to determine the presence of residual stresses that might result in failure of individual parts due to stress corrosion cracking. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM B 154 or ASTM B 858M. The test frequency shall bbe as specified in SB-249. {2} Material conforming to ASTM B 16 and ASTM B 21, Alloys 464, 482, and 485 shall be used only in the soft and halF-hard tempers. @ Material conforming to ASTM B 584 Alloy C8#400 or A108 Grades 1117, 1118, 1137, 1141, 1215, and 12Li4 shall be limited In bodies, bonnets, and yokes of pressure * Temper designation T351 designates rolled or cod finished cod or bar that has been solution heat wrested, then given minimum permanent set by stretching of 196 and maximum of 39% Th Comte Fanon it eva sh les sae elatng only to pessre ine governing the otro of bles pressure vessel anspor abs snd nutearcopaneat sb terse spect for pres ne fun arenes and spor tanks, an ty Inerpre hese es When esis tae regaing the inten. Tis Cole does address oer sey ues rig to the constuction of oles, pressure vessel taypor tanks and mace ‘enpoets, aelrvice apecton of acer components and tanoport tank: The nerf the Cade seul tert ter pret cade, standard a, egustions or ether eleva docemet 1 (4750-23) CASE (continued) 1750-23 relief valves, housings for breaking or buckling pin de- vices, and holders for rupture disks to use in zones subject only to secondary pressure.” (@) Material conforming to ASTM A 126 shall not be used for pressure relief valves, breaking or buckling pin devices, or rupture disks installed on vessels in lethal or flammable service. (2) Material conforming to ASTM B 85 Alloy SCB4B shall. bbe used only in alr service. () Material conforming to ASTM B 211 Alloy 2024 Temper T351° shall not be used in Section 1 service. () Material conforming to ASTM A 108 Grades 1016, 1018, 1020, and 121.14 shall meet the fine grain limita- tions of ASTM A 29, Each heat/lot of material shall be me- chanically tested and the results reported per Supplementary Requirement S6 of ASTM A 108, The re- sults shall be reported tothe purchaser (ie, the pressure relief device manufacturer) in accordance with para. 10 of ASTM A 108, (K) Material conforming to $A-351 Grade CK3MCUN, SA-352 Grade LCC (SA-995 Grace CDAMCuN), and A 744 Grade CK3MCUN may be repair welded in accordance with SA-354, SA-352, $A-995, A 351, and A 744 respectively. () Material conforming to ASTM A 494/A 494M Grades CY-40, (2-100, and M35-1, Class 1 may be repair welded Jn accordance with ASTMA 494/A 494M using welding procedures and welders qualified under Section IX ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE (m) To prevent rotation after final setting, the adjust- ment screw may be tack welded to a valve body con- structed of ASTM A 576 Grade 1117 material, provided the weld is located in the secondary pressure zone of the valve body and is limited to the last thread of engage- rent of the threaded interface between the adjustment screw and the valve body. {n) Material conforming to EN12164 number CW614N shall have the R400, R380, or R360 material condition de- noting mandatory tensile property requirements. lnspec- tion lot sampling for analysis and mechanical testing is mandatory. Certification is mandatory. (0) Material conforming to EN12165 number CW617N shall have the HO80 material condition denoting manda tory hardness requirements. Inspection lot sampling for analysis and mechanical testing is mandatory. Certiica- tion is mandatory, (0) EN12164 and EN12168 (and references) can be ob- tained from the British Standards Institution (BSI), 369 Chiswick High Road, London W4 AL, United Kingdom. (@) Ail other restrictions and limitations placed on the use of hese types of materials in Section I, Section VII Di- vision 1, or Section X shall be complied with. * Secondary pressure is that existing in the body or outlet af the device during operation ofthe device. 2 (1750-23) CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. CASE (continued) 1750-23 Table 1 Mimitations Maximum Pressure Permissible Design Material Desig Basis Temperature Maximum Size asian 375 No iit 06°F max [Not over NPS ‘Alley 669700, ASTM 584 No teie 406°F max. Not over NPS 3 ‘Alleys C87400 aul 84400 Asta B 16 Nome 067 max, Nor over NPS 3 ASTM B21 Nolimit 80678 man. Not eer NPS 3 ‘loys 464,482, and 405 AST #176 Alay COS000 No ume 406° max Not over NPS 3 agra nut No imi 406° max. Not over NPS 3 ‘Alloy 2024 Temper T351 stat 208 No imi 40678 max, Not aver NPS ‘Alloys C377, C464, and C485, ASTM B 453 Ally €24500 No tm 406° max Not over NPS ASTM fA Alloy SCH 300 pst 150° ma, Note AST A 126-08 250 ps 20° ta 450 Ni inst ASTM A 108 [Not ()} and (Note 2] =20%8 to S00"F Not over NPS 2 Grades 1217, 118, 1137, 1141, and 1215 ast A314 ote (3) -20°F 9 500°F Not over NPS2 Type 302 ASTIEASI6, [ote (1) an [Note (2))_~20°F to S00"F Nt over NFS2 Grade 1117 ASTM A 582, No iit -20°8 w So0'F Dot over NPS2 ‘Types 303 and 416 AST A 108 Nowe 1) 20° 0 400°F Not over NPS 2 Grades 1016, 018, ané 1020, astM A 108 {tote (0) -20°F t 250°F Not over NPS 2 Grade 22144 ASTM 8 393 alloys RO4200, RO4210, ROHZSI, and ROAZOL [Note 2] $00°F max, No init ASTM #392 Alloys RO#200, 08710, RO4251, and NO4ZSI [Nove 2] 00°F max No ei ASTA 1365 Alloys ROAZOD, RUAZ10,RO42S1, and E4751 [Note 2 00% may. No lint STN. B 700 Alloys RO4200, RD4210,ROA2S1, and RO4ZS1 [Note (2), 400° max No int SA-351 Grade CKMCUN [note (4) 700° max. No tint SA-352 Grade Lec [note “55°F w 650 No tint SA.995 Grace CDANCAN lote (4) 50°F max ot ASTM A494 ‘rade (2-100 vote ©) 750° mas No tine Grave cY-40 [vote (6) ‘00°F max No inst Grade 35-1 note (] 900rF max No tine ASTM ASTE [Note 2] 20°F t 650°F max Not Grades 1040, 1042, and 1045 ASTA.A 744 Grode KSMCLN, {Note 700° max. Noise {85 EN12164 number CWS14N material condtons R400, R360, No limit 406% mse, Not over NES 3 and R60 BS ENI2265 number CWGI7N matrial condition 4080 _No Mate 4067 mac, Not over NPS 3 ores: (0) ASME B165 — Class 600 Material Group 1 Ratings {@) Use of grades to which 8, Se, or Te have been added Is profited. (@) ASME B16 — Class 600 Material Group 2.1 Racing. (41) ASME Soction I, Part, Tablas 1A and 18 allowable stresses (6) ASME 165 — Class 600 Material Group 32 Ratings (6) ASME B165 — Class 600 Material Group 34 Ratings (7) ASME B165 — class 2500 Material Group 3.4 Ratings. (8) ASME Section I, Part D, Table 1A (Ref SA-381, Grade CKAMCUN allowable stresses). 3 (2750-23) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1827-3 Approval Date: December 30, 2005 ade Cass il oman asa for az tenn by te applicable Standards Commitee Case 1827-3 Nickel-Chromium-tron (Alloy NOG60O) for Water-Wetted Service Section | Inquiry: May nickel-chromium-iran (Alloy UNS NO6600) seamless condenser and heat exchanger tubes, seamless pipe and tubes, plate, sheet and strip, rod and bar, con- forming to the Specifications $B-163, $B-166, SB-167, and SB-168, be used for water-wetted service in Section | construction? Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that nickel- chromium-iron (Alloy UNS NO6600) conforming to the Specifications $B-163, SB-166, SB-167, and SB-168 may be used for water-wetted service in Code construction un der Section | provided: (a) They meet the chemical analysis and the minimum tensile requirements of the ASME specifications for the re- spective forms. (b) The maximum allowable stress values for the mate- rial shall be those given in Table 1B of Section 1, Part D. (@] Welded fabrication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section I (1) The procedure and performance qualifications shall be conducted as prescribed in Section IX, (2) Welding shall be done by any welding process or combination of processes capable of meeting the requirements {(@) The use of filler metal that will deposit weld metal with nominally matching composition as the material joined is recommended. When the Manufacturer is of the opinion that a physically better joint can be made by ée- parture from these limits, filler metal of a different compo- sition may be used provided the strength ofthe weld metal at the operating temperature is not appreciably less than ‘that of the high alloy material to be welded, and the user is satisfied that its resistance to corrosion Is satisfactory for the intended service. (#) Where welding repair of a defect is required, tis, shall be followed by reexamination as required in PW-L1. Where a defect is removed and welding repair is not ne- essary, care shall be taken to contour the surface so as to eliminate any sharp notches or corners. The contoured surface shall then be reinspected by the same means cri- ginally used for locating the defect to be sure it has been completely removed. (a) Heat treatment after forming or fabrication is neither required nor prohibited. {(@) This Case number will be shown on the Data Report. ‘CAUTION: Austenitic alloys ae subject to stress corrosion crack- ing, intergranular attack, pitting, and crevice corrosion when used in boiler applications in aqueous environments. Factors thataffectthe susceptibility of these materials are applied orre- sidual stress, water chemistry and deposition of sllds, and ma- terial condition. susceptibility to attack is enhanced when the material is used in a sensitized condition, or with residual cold ‘work. Concentration of corrosive agents (eg, chlorides, caustic, or reduced sulfur species) can occur under deposits formed on ‘the surface of these materials, and can result in severe underde- posit wastage or cracking, For successful operation In water #n- vironments careful attention mustbe paid te continuous control ‘of water chemistry. epulation or eherrsevant document "Fe Commit fanctonis oral ues fale eleng only o pease inti vein te consuls prsrure veils transport Bae snd nacesr components sed ineervce perro preaute integrity of sclenr camponent and trator tales a oirtarpe hae rls wenen ets ‘sie rgurding thelr tnt This Cd dove not rors other fey ves ri ‘omponens ane the series npecion of ule commented aarp ah io the cenrrcton of bales presse ves, anspor ak ed mt "The re of the Cade shold eet thar ertinentcadessanéay as 4 (1827-3) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1849-1 Approval Date: August 4, 2008 ode Case wi rein wei rue anne 2 the apple Standards Comte Case 1849-1 Gray Cast Iron Castings Section | Inquiry: May gray iron castings conforming to SA-278 Grades 20, 25, 30, and 35 be used in construction of econ: omizer tubing under Section | rules? Reply: I Is the opinion of the Committe that gray iron castings conforming to SA-278 Grades 20, 25, 30, andl 35 as shown in Table 1 may be used for construction of econ- omizer tubing under Section I rules under the following conditions, provided all other requirements of Section | are satisfied (a) Service Restrictions (4) Cast iron economizer tubing shall not be used ‘where subject to direct radiation from the furnace. (2) The design pressure for the economizer tubing shall not exceed 250 psi (1700 kPa) at temperatures not greater than 450°F (232°C). {G) Cast iron flanges and flanged fittings conforming t0 ANSI 16.1-75, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fit tings, Class 125 and 250, may be used for pressures not exceeding the American National Standard ratings for temperatures not exceeding 450°F (232°C), (4) Material shal be tested in accordance with the r=- quirements of Section I (5) Al castings shall be finished free from surface de- fects, porosity, blow holes, and warping (6) Mating surfaces shall be machined (7) All internal pressure surfaces shall be circular ‘n form. (2) When no rules are given and itis impractical to. calculate the strength of the economizer tubing with a re3- sonable degree of accuracy, the design pressure shall be determined in accordance with A-22 of Section I. A factor of 10 instead of 6.67 shall be used in the formula ‘A-, Where previous tests were conducted by the manufacturer in the presence of the authorized inspec tor, he may produce certified documentation of such tests. (9) Beonomizers constructed of cast iron tubing shall be hydrostatically tested by the method described in PG-99 except that the test pressure shall be two times the maximum allowable working pressure (20) This Case number shall be shown on the Man facturer's Data Report The Gormiiees uncon ist sash ules asf relating nl to presse vei goversog te conaucon eTboes prsare VesSe anspor aks nd nun eorpanents ad seer inspection for presse ne ef cear crmponents ad arsprt ans and to ierpret these rls wen cases ‘rie rearing er tent This Ce dos not acres eter safer issues resting tothe constr bors, presse veses, eNO. ks nl ‘orponens andthe nerve insertion af acer components and tarsput tans, Teer afte Cole sould ee to ther perUnent ces Standart, 1 1049-1) CASE (continued) 1849-1 CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL. CODE Table Maximum Allowable Stress Values for SA-278 Cast Iron | Allowable stress ht (MPa) for Metal Temp. Tenlle Strength, Not Exceeding SpecNo Glass __in, ksi (MPa) _ 450° (23 share 20 200 (140) 20 (13.8), saz7e 25 20070) 25072) saz7a 30 sno @0s) 3.0 07) sa278 eS 350 (240 35 (241) 2 (1849-1) ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL. CODE 1855-1 ‘Approval Date: December 30, 2006 Cade Cet wil emaln eae for as ont enn hy he aplabi Strands Commie Case 1855-1 Section Vill, Division 1, Unfired Steam Boiler in Section | System Section | Inquiry: Code rules permit unfired steam bollers as de- fined in the Preamble of Section | to be constructed under the provisions of Section lor Section VIL Division 1. Tit is Gesired to construct an unfired steam boiler under the provisions of Section VII, Division 1, under what condi- tons may it be installed in a Section I system? Reply: Iti the opinion of the Committee that an unfired steam boiler constructed in accordance with the rules of Section VIII, Division 1 [see UW-2(«)], may be installed in a Section | system when the requirements of PG-58, PG-59, PG-60, PG-61, and PG-67 through PG-73 of Section 1 applicable to piping and protective devices, are satisfied bby an appropriate Section I certificate holder, and when the following additional requirements are satisfied. (@) When any steam drum is not an integral part of the unfired boiler it shall be constructed in accordance with Section VIII, Division 1, including UW-2(¢) or in accor~ dance with Section I. (@) Materials () For thase vessels or chambers constructed to Sec tion VII, Division 1 rules, the materials shall be limited :0 those permitted by Section VILL, Division 1;* (2) For those portions constructed to Section I rules, the materials shall be limited to those permitted by Sece tion L (©) Stamping and Data Reports (2) Those vessets or chambers constructed to Section VI, Division 1 rules shall be stamped with the ASME Code “U" Symbol and additional marking required by UG-116, ‘and be documented with the ASME U-1 or U-1A Data Re: port. A nameplate per UG-119 shall be furnished and shall bbe marked “Case__" (2) All portions constructed to the rules of Sectior 1 shalt be stamped with the applicable Section | Symbol ‘and be documented with the applicable Section | data re~ port forms. This Case number shall be shown on the Sec- tion I master stamping. (3) This Case number shall be shown on the Section ‘VII Manufacturer's Data Report for the unfired steam boi- ler and the Section | Master Data Report. "Except that ny nonintepral steam drum, in water or steam service, shall be constructed of materials permitted by Section 1, PG2.1. pulstons on ober eleva deca “Te Gon incon ro rtahic rae of sft, rating only to pressure tery goversing he conaTucon ole pressure vessel anspor tans and nuclear components sb lsrsce inspection for presi integrity of ucear empenents and rasporanks a interpre ese eles When questions ‘se regug thelr tert Tic Code dose No arse thet sey ses relating tothe constriction ot bers, reste vessels taaspor tks and mcr Components pte inservc lapetnn of wee component sn rensporeanks Reuse ofthe Code shod eter tthorprinen ge, standart, lam, 1 (1855-1) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE, 1876-4 Approval Date: September 26, 2011 Coe Cass wll remain eval for are weaned by the plicable Standards Commie Case 1876-4 Design of Safety Valve Connections Section | Inquiry: For Section I construction, what design criteria may be used for boiler proper safety valve inlet ‘connections? Reply: Itis the opinion of the Committee that, for Section | construction, the following design criteria may be used. for safety valve inlet connections to the boiler proper: (a) For the condition with the safety valve closed, the wall thickness of the connection shall be no less than r= quired by the rules of PG-27 for the internal pressure using the maximum allowable stress from Table 1 of See: ton Il, Part D. () For the condition of safety valve operation (blowing ‘steam), the combined pressure stress and bending streis from internal pressure plus valve reaction forces may e« ceed the allowable stresses in Table 1A of Section Il, Part D, but shall not exceed the values shown in Tables 1 and iM, () This Case number shall be shown on the Manufac- turer's Data Report. egslatons rote ryan documents. "Tos Gates fnstin vo esac ale off lating ol to presi atopy goverangtheconsrachian of balla pressure yess transport tans nd nucer components sed isservce inspection for presat tgrgy of ude compenent and rspor ks nt terpet hae rules when guests ros reging hele Itt Tis Code oor net adres oer ley lanes ling to hs consrston of ler, premure vet anspor aks sn molest Components, and th inaevceinspecton of alee components and transport tank The ero he Cage hod fer to other orinant codes, standard ss, 1 (2976-4) CASE (continued) 1876-4 [CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Table 1 Maximum Allowable Combined Stress in Safety Valve Inlet Connection When Valve is Blowing Carbon Steel ksi [Note 174Cr-7,MO-S ksi 274CE-1Mo, kek 9Cr-AMO-Y, hs ‘Temperature,°F __(1)] and [Note [Nate ots (4) Note (5) ~20 10 400 za 26 22 392 ‘500 255 232 22 492 an 23 22s 22 433 60 228 219 242 486 700 27 za 22 ars 750 220 205 242 462 800 175 202 240 454 0 27 195 235 407 900 130 234 348 950 184 10 293 000 178 ua 243 1050 a 23 198 100, 94 158 ‘GENERAL NOTES: {a) The stress values in this able may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. (0). Thestres values inthis table donot exceed either 90% ofthe yield strength at temperature Or 67% of the average stess to produce rupture in 1000 ores: (2) Upon protonget exposure to temperatures above about 800", the carbide phase of carbon steet may be converted to graphite (2) Material shal contorm to ane ofthe following Specifications and Grades ‘Specification No. Grade or Cass ‘Sh108 sacs Be seat so.70 saz10 cat Se2is weawoawee S266, 1234 (3) Material shall conform to one ofthe following Specifications and Grades: Sate Id, Cass 2 sazi3 m1 se2i7 ce Saas, Pun (2) Material shat conform to one ofthe following Specifications and Grades ssp 22, Class 3 sa2i3. ™ sezi7 vice saa ren SA336 Fzz, P22 (5) Material shal conform to one of the following Specifications and Grades saan | PIL sazi3, rt Saas eat saa3e ro 2 (1876-4) CASE (continued) ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE 1876-4 Table 1M Maximum Allowable Combined Stress in Safety Valve Intet Connection When Valve Is Blowing Carbon Steel MPa Note 17sC#%.Mot MPa 2Cr= Mo, MPa 9Cr—1Mo-¥, MPa ‘Temperature,°C___(H)} and [Note (2 Note ( Note (4) Note ~30 t0 208 186 163 167 333) 250 178 161 187 8 300 164 157 167 339 225 159 154 167 338 350 157 150 167 334 375, 156 15 57 229 00 181 sa 187 a2 425 1s 19 166 a3 450 927 138 163 288 46 876 2a 8 12 161 250 500 18 a ais 52s 124 13 163 sso 108, 913 14 566 ass. 137 375 77 ar 503 627 109 (GENERAL NOTES: (@} The stress values in this able may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperataes (b) Thestressvaivesin tis table donot exceed either 908 othe yl strengthatsemperature or 6796 of the average stress to produce eupeuo in 1000 hr. NOTES: (@) Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above about 425°C, the carbide phase of carbon stee! may be converted to graphite. (2) Material shall conf: to one ofthe following Specifications and Grades ‘Specification No. Grade or Clase Sht05 sea0s Bc saat 6070 sa2i0 cat sate weaweawree sK266 1234 (8) Material shall conform to one ofthe following Specifications and Grades saab2, FLL, Css 2 SAzI3. ma saz? wos 8335, Pur (4) Material shal conform to one of te folowing Spectficatons and Grades: suse 22, Cass 3 sa213 me saz? wes S835, ra Sa536 rua, raza (6) Material chal conform to one of the following, Speiictions and Grades: suse Po sA213 To. saa35 Pot sias6 Po 3 (1876-4) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. CASE 1924-2 Approval Date: December 30, 2006 Cove Cass wl remain eve fr use on ane by eh applicable Sears Commit. Case 1924-2 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Altoy (UNS N10276) Section | Inquiry: May nickel-molybdenum-chromium alloy (UNS 110276) fittings, rod, plate, sheet and strip, welded pipe, seamless pipe and tube, and welded tube conforming to ‘SB-366, SB-574, SB-575, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626 be used for water-wetted service Section | construction? Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that nickel- ‘molybdenum-chromium alloy (UNS N10276) may be used for water-wetted service in Section | construction, pro- vided the following additional requirements are met: (a) The maximum allowable stress values for the mate rial shall be those listed in Section Il, Part D, Table 18 for 58-366, SB-574, SB-575, $B-619, SB-622, and $B-626, (b) Welded fabrication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section I (1) Welding procedure and performance qualifica tions shall be conducted in accordance with Section IX. (2) Welding shall be done by any welding process capable of meeting the requirements, (3) Welding electrodes and filler metal shall conform to the requirements of PW-5.4 (4) Where welding repair of a defect is required, it shall be followed by reexamination as required in PW-11. Where a defect is removed and welding repair is not necessary, care shall be taken to contour the surface so as to eliminate any sharp notches or comers. The con- toured surface shall then be reinspected by the same means originally used for locating the defect to be sure it has been completely removed. (¢) Heat treatment after forming or fabr neither required nor prohibited. (@ This Case number shall be identified in the Data Report. ation is CAUTION: Austenitic alloys are subject ta stress corrosion crad- fing, intergranular attack, pitting, and crevice corrosion when ‘used in boiler applications in aqueous environment. Factors that affect the susceptibility of these materials are applied or resl- “dual stress, water chemistry and deposition of solids, and mate- rial condition. Susceptibility to attack is enhanced when the material is used in a sensitized condition, or with residual cld ‘work Concentration of corrosive agents (eg, chlorides, caustic, fr reduced sulfur species) can occur under deposits formed on the surface of these materials, and can result In severe underce- posit wastage or cracking. For successfal operation in water en- ‘vironment, careful attention must be paid to continuous control ‘of water chemistry. Fepultons rather evant document. Ts Contes aveon eo tbh vleslsofny eating aly to esse neg, govern th stron als presse veel anspor ns rd nace components nservicenperfion fr posure tery of ores enmpones and anspor nk, ed tointerpret dese rules when questions [rec regardng iinet Tis Cde dws not adaroe ote ney sues resting he conswacton of bls rssre vessels, emponoms, td he nserie inspection fms onponerts a trnspart anes. Te Wer othe Cade should ee tober pent oes standards vs, ransrort ais i nla 1 (1924-2) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1932-5 ‘Approval Date: August 4, 2006 eco wil emain eval fru nt onl by th ppabe Sandor Commitee Case 1932-5 ‘SA-736/SA-T36M Plates and ASTM A 859/A 859M-95 Forgings Section Vil Divisions 1, 2, and 3 Inquiry: Under what conditions may low-carbon, age hardening nickel-copper-chromium-molybdenum- columbium alloy steel plates and forgings conforming to SA-736/SA-736M, Grade A, and ASTM specification A 1859/A 859M-98, be used in welded construction under the rules of Section Vill, Divisions 1, 2, and 3? Reply: itis the opinion of the Committee that the mate- rials described in the Inquiry may be used under the rules ‘of Section VIII, Divisions 1, 2, and 3, subject to the follow- ing additional requirements: (a) The following allowable stress values, the allowable stress intensity values, and yield strength values shall apply: (2) Division 1. The maximum allowable stress values shall be those shown in Table 1 (2) Division 2. The design stress intensity values, Sn, shall be those shown in Table 2. The yield strength values, 5,, for Division 2 shall be those shown in Table 3. (3) Division 3. The yield strength values, S,, for Divi- sion 3 shall be those shown in Table 3 of this Code Case. (@) For external pressure design, the following require- ‘ments shall apply: (2) Divisions 1 and 2. Use Fig, CS-2 of Section Il, Part D. @) Division 3, Use KD-222 of Section VIII, Division 3. (@) Separate welding procedure and performance qua- lifications shall be conducted for these materials in accor- dance with Section IX. (@) Proheat. Preheat is not required when the base me- tal temperature Is 50°F or warmer, for nominal thick nesses up to 1'/, in. inclusive. A preheat of 200°F is required for nominal thicknesses greater than 1 in. (e) Postweld Heat Treatment. Postweld heat treatment is prohibited @ Impact Test Requirement. The following require- ‘ments shall apply: (Q) Divisions 1 and 2, For material with thicknesses greater than 1'% in. up to and including 4 in, the lateral expansion at the lowest permissible temperature (MDM) specified shall be 25 mils. minimum, (2) Division 3. Transverse Charpy V-notch impact test specimens shall be used for Division 3 construction. The test specimens, the testing requirements, and the energy ‘values shall meet the requirements of Article KM-2 in Part KM. (@) The following requirements sball apply (1) Division 1 Construction: Part UCS, (2) Division 2 Construction: Article M-2. (2) Division 3 Construction: KM-101, Articles KM-2 and KE-2, (h) For Division 3 construction, the materials certfica- tion shall be in accordance with KM-101 of Section VIIi,Di- vision 3 {This Case number shall be shown on the Mamufac- turer's Data Report Form. Feputions or or ravont doce “Fe Conaafanaon int sable los ofa rating only presi eel, goveang th corso fale, pressure wes aspera nd mle componen’ a insrsie inspection fo peste inter) ees? componens and ranspor tanks and interpre these ues when quests saan ther nae Ths Ce dace not aldose ther sft sues eating se constuction of bolls presure vessel anspor aks ad nude Repeats spt ncervicespecton of mca ponents and apart tank, The ser the Cn should eet eter prient ede, standart. ws, 41 (1982-5) CASE (continued) 1932-5 CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Table 1 Maximum Allowable Stress Values, Division 1, ks ‘Specification, Grade, Class For Metal Temperatures Not “Thickness xceeding 650° [Note (3 ‘4736, Grade A ‘lass rsh 257 ase? bein 206 Zines din tas Cass 3 ers 243 Dine resin aus ness) ‘lass 1 es4in, 186 ‘lass 2 tea Nore: (2) The revised criterion of 3.5 on tensile strength was used in es ‘ablishing these values, Table 2 Desigh Stress Intensity Values, 5, Division 2, ksi Specification, Grade, ass Far Metal Temperatures Not ‘Thickness Exceeding 50°F ‘A736, Grade A Clase 1 tein 300 ass 2 cs2in 240 Piners4in zur ‘ass eatin 282 Binsesdin 280 A659 ‘lass 1 resin a ‘lass? es din, 250 2 (1932-5) CASE (continued) ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE: VESSEL CODE 1932-5 Table 3 Values of Yield Strength, Sy palanseraia en eld Strengh, ks, for Metal Temperature Not Exceeding, "F ‘Thickness. 300200300 400 S00 60050 18726, Grade A ‘dass 1 es075 so 53 TR oh GSA ‘lass? e100 sso 6d 56 sea 4982S aeesz 0 se3 SA 528 sor aoa aetss 530 58496 1465 DM dass te2 0 7686 6A wa aetss so Ll 586 cn A859 lass 1 pedin sso SB 496 ar 65 Oa class 2 essin, 650 sas seat saz sa 3 (1982-5) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE 1934 ‘Approval Date: May 25, 1963 ode Cases wil emain eae frat ne ane by the epiabeStondar Comite Case 1934 ‘Alternative Rules for Heat Treatment of Boiler External Piping Section | Inquiry: May a Certifeate Holder who asserables boiler external piping (PG-58.3) apply Section | preheat and PWHT requirements to boller external piping in liew of ANSI/ASME B31.1 requirements? Reply: Itis the opinion of the Committee that any holder of the ASME "S’ “A” or "PP* symbol stamp and Certificate of Authorization may apply the preheat and PWHT r2- quirements of Section | to boller external piping in lie of the corresponding requirements of B31.1. ‘This Case number shall be identified in the Mamufac- turer's Data Report Form. “Te Gone fncenis ers leroF sy reguione or ber rleart dosaments ugly pressor rep gpverane te cone melacierconporcnt std tere inepecor for pressure nepriy of ruler cmmponents and transpor tanks and ta nterre hes ules whe ests aaa sotto ints Th Cae cs nt olden ther sat rues ting tthe centro bolls, pressure vessel rarspor tanks and seer Nae crn a thinscniceleapeeton of mala components 2 transport asks There Secale sould reer to other prank codes, standards vs, lo afters prosure ves Warspor aks 1 cage) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1935-4 ‘Approval Date: September 23,2007 ole Coes wl remain ave Jor us unt ennie ty te applicable Standards Commas Case 1935-. Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy (UNS. 'No6625) Section | Inquiry: May solution annealed (Grade 2) nickel- chromium-molybdenum-columbium alloy (UNS NO6625) ‘conforming to the specifications listed in Table 1 be used for Section I welded construction in water wetted service? Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that solution annealed (Grade 2) nickel-chromium-molybdenum- ccolumbium alloy (UNS N06625) as described in the In- quiry may be used" in Section | construction in water ‘wetted service, provided the following additional require: ments are met. (a) The maximum allowable stress values shall be those listed in Section Il, Part D, Table 1B. The maximum metal temperature shall not exceed 1000°F (538°C). (b} Welded fabrication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section L (2) The procedure and performance qualifications shall be conducted as prescribed in Section IX. The mate- rial Is P-No. 43, (2) Welding shall be done by any welding process cr combination of processes capable of meeting the requirements (6) This Case number shall be identified in the Mamufac- turer's Data Report. ‘CAUTION: Austentic alloys are subject to stress corrosion crack: ing, intergranular attack, pitting, and crevice corrosion when ‘used in boller applications in aqueous environments. Factors that affect the susceptibility ofthese materials are applied orre- sldual stress, water chemistry and deposition of solids, and ma- ‘terial condition. Susceptibility to attack ts enhanced when the material is used in a sensitized condition, or with residual cold ‘work. Concentration of corrosive agents (eg, chlorides, caustic, ‘or reduced sulfur species) ean occur under deposits formed on ‘the surface ofthese materials, and can result in severe underde- ‘posit wastage or cracking, For successful operation in water en ‘ironments, careful attention must be paid to continuous control of water chemlstry. T Alloy 06625 is subject to severe lasso impact strength at room temperature after exposure in the range of 1000"F to 1100°F (540% to 5950), fegulone or ther een dctments “To UonnnibvesTancon vo sic es ef sale voting only Wo easier, pOverng he anrrtn of bole, pressure vessel anspor a snd nuear component sl inservice nepeton or press nega f putes compen Iie rgaring their tent This Cade dacs no address ther sey sues lating. eee nd the iservce spaton of poiear componente transport fank, The ase ofthe Code soul eer tocterpetcent codes, nandards lava fund transport any bd tointerpret hese rules when questions estrcton of ballet pes vstlytrapor tks and moar 4 (1935-4) CASE (continued) 1935-4 ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Table 1 Material Specifications Pate, sheet and strip se-443 Seamus pipe and tabs sos Rod and bar see 2 (1935-4) CCASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1936-3 ‘Approval Date: February 20, 2002, oe es wl ener eve for ise ntl analled by the appeal Standards Commie, case 1936-3 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy {UNS 'Noe@25) for Water Wetted Service Section | Inquiry: May nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum: copper alloy (UNS NOBBZ5) conforming to ASME speci tions $B-423, SB-424, $B-425, and SB-704 be used for water wetted service in Section I construction? Reply: Its the opinion of the Committee that the mate- rial described in the Inquiry may be used for water wetted service in Section I construction ata design temperature of 1000°F of less, provided the following additional require- ments are met: a) The maximum allowable stress values for welded construction shall be thase listed in Section Ii, Part D, ‘Table 1B for SB-423, SB-424, and SB-425, (2) For SB-704, the maximum allowable stresses shall be those given in Section Il, Part D, Table 16 for Section Vill. use. Or, provided the following additional require ments are met, the stress values given in Section Il, Part D, Table 1B for SB-423 may be used (2) The tubing shall be used for botler, waterwal, superheater, and economizer tubes that are enclosed ‘within the setting. 2) The maximum outside diameter shall be 34s in. {G) The weld seam of each tube shall be subjected to an angle beam ultrasonic inspection per SB-751. (4) A complete volumetric inspection of the entire length of each tube shall be performed in accordance with SB-751, (5) Materiel test reports shall be supplied. (6) Welded fabrication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section L (1) The procedure and performance qualifications. shall be conducted as prescribed in Section IX. (2) Welding shall be cone by any welding process or combination of processes capable of meeting the requirements. (@) For external pressure design (see Section Il, Part D), use Fig. NFN-7 up to and including 70°F. For tempera- tures above 700°F use Fig. NEN-8, (@) This Case number shall be identified in the Manufac- turer's Data Report. CAUTION: Austenitic alloys are subject to stress corrosion cradk- ing, intergranular attack, pitting, and crevice corrosion when used in boiler applications in aqueous environments. Facters that affect the susceptibility of these materials are applied orn sidual stress, water chemistry and deposition of solids, and m terial condition. Susceptibility to attack Is enhanced when the material is used in a sensitized condition, oF with residual cold ion of corrosive agents (eg chlorides, caustic, ir species) can occur under deposits formed on ‘he surface of these materials and can result in severe underde- posit wastage or cracking, For successful operation in water n= Vironments careful attention must be pald to continuous contol ‘of water chemistry. “Fas Connection vs sash aes fay lating onl presi egra, joveng he consrvcto bole presse vss anspor aks Zed oclear component a nsersice spect fo psee egy of ilar comporents ad anspor tanks ano nerpret thes es when questans Trac tapering tel invent Tes Code oes not address ther Stet se eat the construction of bars pressure vse rapt ks ad masa ‘hmponens, tee service specton of rea corponert and ranspert aks. The ser ofthe Code should eet ter print oes, andor, av, Fepwaton or ote raven cares 1 (1936-3) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 1949-4 ‘Approval Date: February 20, 2004 de Cases i ematn eval frase ane ty the apple Standards Comite. Case 1949-4 Forgings of Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloys NOB80O and Nos810 Inquiry: May forgings of nickel-iron-chromium alloys 1N0BBO0 and NOBB10 that conform to SB-564 be used for water wetted service in Code construction under Section Pp Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that nickel- tron-chromium alloys NOB80O and NO8810 as described in the Inquiry may be used in Section I construction, pro- vided the following additional requirements are met, (2) The maximum allowable stress values shall be those listed in Table 1B of Section U1, Part D. (b) Welded fabrication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section I (1) The procedure and performance qualification shall be conducted as prescribed in Section IX. (2) Welding shall be done by any welding process or combination of processes capable of meeting the requirements, (€) This Case number shall be shown on the Data Report, CAUTION: Austenitic alloys are subject to stress corrosion cracie ing, intergranular attack, pitting, and crevice corresion when used in boiler applications in aqueous environments. Factors that affect the susceptibility of these materials are applied or r= sidual stress, water chemistry and deposition of solids, and mi terial condition, Susceptibility to attack is enkanced when the ‘material is used in a sensitized condition, oF with residual cold ‘work, Concentration of corrosive agents (e,, chlorides, caustic, ‘or reduced sulfur species) can occur under deposits formed on ‘the surface ofthese materials, and can result in severe underde posit wastage or cracking. For suecessfl operation in water en- vironments, careful attention must be pad to continuous control of water chemistry. topeliton ore elevantdecuaets. “Th Connie's ancton ist esa ae aly lang nly tn presenta, pera he constacapa balls presse ese anspor aes nd nachareomparens and tserice inspection for nb falar eponsas eb transpor tans so nteree ene es when esters lis ceandng thle inte Tis Ce dene res other say issues rolang to he consactonofoler, pressure vests transport ars wd sew lomponets, nd te inser inspect of hla components and transporteanks. The wser ofthe Code sboud refer othe ertnen codes tad 1 (1949-4) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. CASE 1968-1 ‘Approval Date: December 2, 1990 de Cee il ean oval for ase et annie by te appcabie Stor Comme Case 1968-1 Use of Acoustic Emission Examination in Liew of Radiography Section Vil, Division 1 Inquiry: Under what conditions and limitations may an acoustic emission (AE) examination conducted during the hydrostatic test be used in liew of radiography (RT), when radiography in accordance with UW-S1 is required by UW-11 of Section VIII, Division 3, for the circumferen- tial closure weld In pressure vessels? Reply: tis the opinion of the Committee that the cirum- ferential closure weld in pressure vessels may be exam {ned using the acoustic emission (AE) method in leu of radiography (RT) provided that all of the following re- ‘quirements are met {) The materials of construction shall be P-No. 1 Group 4 or Group 2 and the weld thickness shall not exceed 2p {4) The vessel shall not exceed 2 ft inside diameter, 2 ft Inside length, or 7 f° capacity. (6) The acoustic emission examination shall be per formed in accordance with a written procedure thats cer~ tified by the manufacturer to be in accordance with Section V, Article 12, Acoustic Emission Examination of Metallic Vessels During Pressure Testing, The written pro cedure shall be demonstratod to the satisfaction of the Inspector. {d) The manutacturer shall certify that personnel per- forming and evaluating AF examinations have been qual fied and certified in accordance with their employer's ‘writen practice. SNT-TC-1A-1984 shall be used asa guide- line for employers to establish a written practice for qua lifying and certifying personnel. The qualification records of certified personnel shall be maintained by their employer. {e) The AB examination shall be conducted throughout the hydrostatic test that is required by UG-89. Two pres surization cycles from atmospheric pressure to the test pressure required by UG-99 shal be used {) Bvalvation and acceptance criteria shall be as follows. (2 During the first pressurization cycle, any rapid in- crease in AE events or any rapid increase in AE count rate shall require a pressure hold, [f ether of these conditions continues during the pressure hold, the pressure shall be immediately reduced to atmospheric pressure and the cause determined. (2) During the second pressurization cycle, the re: quirements of (1) above shall apply and, in addition, the following AE indications shall be unacceptable: Ga) any AE event during any pressure hold; (b) any single AE event that praduces more than 500 counts, or that produces a signal attribute equivalent to 00 counts; Gc} six or more AE events detected by any single {(4) three or more AE events from any circular area whose diameter Is equal io the weld thickness or Lin, whichever is greater; (2) two or more AB events from any circular arsa (having a diameter equal to the weld thickness or 1 fn, ‘whichever is greater) that emitted multiple AE events dur- ing the first pressurization, (@) Welds that produce questionable acoustic emission response signals (Le., AE signals that cannot be inter preted by the AE examiner) shall be evaluated by radio- graphy in accordance with UW-51. Ifthe construction of the pressure vessel dovs not permit interpretable radio- graphs to be taken, ultrasonic examination may be substi- tuted for radiography in accordance with UW-11(a)(7)- Final acceptance (or rejection) of such welds shall be based on the radiographic or ultrasonic results, as applicable. (8) The AE sensors shall be positioned so that the entire pressure vessel is monitored by the AE system and all AE response signals shall be recorded and used in the evalua tion, The same AE acceptance standards shall be applied to the rest of the vessel that are applied to the cireumferen- tial closure weld. ( The AE test results and records shall be retained in accordance with the Section VIII requirements for radio- graphic film. {) This Case number shall be shown on the Data Report Form, “is Conaiiesncon it rishi cafe, rating nyt pressurlnegly, governing the construction bole resure versal anspor tans a acer component selves inspton for peste ner of la omponset ae transport tanks and to merre hes es whan quostOnS ‘Sc rering heist This Ce does yo adres other =e rcs relting to he cnsruon ef ote, emir eee warspar ener a widest omporentsendtheinservies specs ol ska component ang tranaportarie. Tourer athe Cade shuld reer to other parent coces, standards regains ur lhe leant Sota 1 (1968-1)

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