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STIKes Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa

Nursing Science Program

Relationship of Characteristics of Nurse to Hand Washing Compliance Level Before
And After Actions in Hospitalization Room at General Hospital of District Aceh
Tamiang 2014
(7 Chapters + 87 Pages + 2 Schemes + 11 Tables + 1 Picture + 13 attachments)
Compliance is defined as loyalty, obedience or loyalty. Compliance is meant here is
compliance in the implementation procedure of hand washing before and after
patient contact. Hand washing is a fundamental technique in the prevention and
control of nosocomial infections. This study aims to determine the relationship with
adherence characteristics of nurses to hands washing before and after the action in
the hospitalization room at General Hospital of District Aceh Tamiang Year 2014.
Compliance is influenced by individual factors, psychosocial factors, factors of
knowledge and organizational management factors. In this study there are two
variables: the independent variables (age, sex, education and length of
employment) and the dependent variable (compliance with hand washing). This
study is an analytical correlation with cross sectional. The population in this study
were all nurses who served in the hospitalization room at General Hospital of
District Aceh Tamiang 2014 as many as 144 people. Sampling technique using
Slovin formula as much as 59 respondents. The results of the 59 respondents were
surveyed in Aceh Tamiang Hospital showed that the majority of respondents were
nurses with the submissive category by 37 respondents (62.7%). The results of
bivariate analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between age of
nurses with hand washing compliance rate before and after the action, results of
Chi-Square test showed P = 0.420 (P> 0.05). There is a significant relationship
between nurse gender and compliance of hand washing before and after the
action, results of Chi-Square test showed P = 0.045 (P0,05). There is no significant
relationship between level of nurse education and compliance with hand washing
before and after the action, results of Chi-Square test showed P = 0.411 (P> 0.05).
There is a significant relationship between long working and compliance of hand
washing before and after the action, results of Chi-Square test showed P = 0.043
(P0,05). From the results of the study are expected to increase the awareness of
nurses to always work in accordance of the standards, especially standards in doing
hand washing procedures.

: Characteristic, Compliance, Hand Washing

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