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Good Day Agent,

If you are reading this message, then you have been drafted to do secret
undercover work for the government. Your mission:

Access the CIA world fact book (available via google)

Select a country from the drop down menu
Investigate 6 countries of your choosing (at least one from every continent
{not Antarctica})
o What is their current government structure?
o What kind of economy do they use?
o How involved is the government in the economy?
Chart on the economic spectrum provided where the country would fall.
Remember which direction left and right mean. If you are completing this
online, you will have to create textboxes in order to chart the countries.

Use the information you have gathered to fill in the chart provided below. You will
then share this information via schoolzone with your contact, code-name Ms.
Good Luck Agent. The fate of your economic knowledge is in your hands.
CIA World Fact Book Chart
Name of Country



Level of

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