World Studies Hybrid 5/15 Environmental Geography

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World Studies Hybrid 5/15

Environmental Geography
What is Sustainable Development?
Items to be sustained: Nature (Earth, Biodiversity, Ecosystems), Life Support (Ecosystem
Services, Resources, Environment), and Community (Cultures, Groups, Places)
Items to be developed: People (Child survival, Life expectancy, Education, Equity, Equal
opportunity), Economy (Wealth, Productive sectors, Consumption), Society (Institutions,
Social capital, States, Regions)
How long: 25, Now and in the future, Forever (in that order)
NGO: Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF)
The help provided with disaster relief greatly helps countries get back on their feet. Even
when the immediate crisis is over, the methodology, knowledge and material stay in
place, helping those in need for the long run, not just a quick fix. This is the best way to
lead to sustainable development. MSF also has established long-term programs to
eradicate measles, explore medical needs in remote areas, and re-generate hospitals. Over
the years MSF has also developed experienced watch units who remain constantly on
the alert. They are currently involved in over 20 countries.
To those who believe in Mdecins Sans Frontires,
It is to you that we owe all of our thanks. Our company would not be possible without
your support. Because of this I feel obliged to share with you some information; over
80% of our resources are received from private donations, making MSF extremely reliant
on supporters like you to remain active. In return, we guarantee to remain unaffiliated
with any political, religious, or military factions. And, like always, to our highest
capability we will continue to supply medical assistance and equipment especially to
those trouble-spots affected by armed conflict, natural disasters, epidemics, and hunger.
Your donations are being used wisely. We are currently involved in more than 20
countries, and are establishing more long-term relationships in order to aspire for more
sustainable development.
Another goal of ours is to continue to increase our level of professionalism for your
satisfaction. We also have been planning to release a report entitled Dans loeil des
autres to publicize our findings of three years of research by local staff, recipients and
local authorities to identify areas where there is need for improvement.
We love to hear your feedback and opinions; do not hesitate to write back.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mdecins Sans Frontires

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