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Schaffner: This
is not a virus
that is easy to

Truth: While Ebola symptoms

can include bleeding from the
eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The
body's organs are not liquefied.
However, when people die from
Ebola, it's usually because the
virus causes multi-organ
failure and shock.

Myth: Ebola
liquefies your
organs, which
causes bleeding
from the orifices.

Truth: This is the largest

outbreak of Ebola in
history, but it isn't the
first. The virus was first
diagnosed in humans in
1976 in the Democratic
Republic of Congo.

Myth: This is
the first major
outbreak of

Truth: Ebola virus

spreads when the
bodily fluids of an
infected person comes
into contact with the
mucous membranes of
a non-infected person.
infect you.

Myth: Ebola virus

is airborne,
waterborne or
spreads through
casual contact.

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