ACTPLA - North Watson Estate Development Plan Approved

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North Watson estate development plan approved

The ACT Planning and Land Authority has approved, subject to

conditions, an estate development plan for North Watson.

The ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA), Chief Planning

Executive, Neil Savery, said the approval of the new estate allowed for the
construction of up to 316 dwellings.

“The proposal included the consolidation of leases for part of Block 2 (now
known as Block 11) and Block 3 in Section 75 Watson, a lease variation to
permit a maximum of 316 dwellings and the subdivision of a consolidated
lease into 177 Crown Leases,” Mr Savery said.

“Off-site works were also approved (including an upgrade of Antill Street

and construction of Antill Street roundabout), works to provide for utility
services, roads, parkland and a storm water quality control pond, and
associated landscaping and paving.

“ACTPLA, as the statutory decision-maker under the Planning and

Development Act 2007, has placed conditions on the approval after
making a detailed assessment of the proposals against the Territory Plan
and submissions received.

“A number of matters, including environmental issues, were considered as

part of the assessment of the applications. Areas of consideration included
the Yellow Box -Red Gum Grassy Woodland. The matters considered did
not trigger any referral under the Commonwealth Environmental
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

“The application was referred to the Conservator of Flora and Fauna who
provided advice, which was considered during the assessment.

“The application has been approved because it is deemed to be consistent

with the objectives of the Territory Plan, in particular, the zone objectives
of the RZ1 – Suburban Zone.”

Under the conditions of the approval the applicant must provide

construction parking; traffic management and hazardous materials
management plans before construction begins.

Relevant environmental authorisations must also be obtained from the

Environment Protection Authority before work begins.

Mr Savery said the decision was subject to potential appeal.

Statement ends

More Information: Lorraine Belanger 6205 4061 or 0402 780 981

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