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Lesson Plan Template


Duygu Karakaya
Nafia Kbra Karakaya

Science in early childhood education
Unit Title
Life cycle
Grade Level
60-72 months old children
40 minutes
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
1) 60-72 months old children will take role some different ages of human life.
2) 60-72 months old children will imitate at least one feature of human life cycle.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media
and Materials)]
Photographs of baby in mother womb, new born baby, little baby, child, teenager, adult
and old person, sheets of human life cycle
Web 2.0 tools,
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Cooperative learning- presentation - games
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and
Require Learner Participation)]
Teacher starts the activity by showing the animate from
utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=linkshare&utm_campaign=usercontent. In the
animate there are children in school and they learned life cycle from their teacher and
they talked about cycle. Then children go home and two of them talked with their
grandfathers. Grandfather told his life cycle and which period of cycle he is in. After
watching the animate, teacher asks question about their experiences to children.
Teacher ask question such a do you have any sibling, how old are them, have you seen
pregnant woman before, who the youngest and oldest person in your family, what do
you think about babies in the mothers womb, what happened to person after birth etc.
The discussion continues with participation of children. The teacher encourages each
child to express their ideas. When the teacher take each childs opinion about life cycle
and when they talk about cycle enough, they pass the drama activity. For that activity,
teacher shows some pictures to children. In the pictures, there are little baby in mother
womb, new born baby, little baby, child, teenager, adult and old person photographs.
Teacher shows the pictures and talk about them with children in a sequence. After
talking about pictures, teacher distribute the them to children. Then, children take role
which picture that they take. According to their interest, they orient the drama. If they
have problem, teacher come and tries to solve it together. When their play finishes, they
can change the roles by that way they can play with many roles. After drama session,
teacher distribute a sheet to each child to full it at home.(
h=29235f/55bbbd/26memI3A0ZyfY )Children prepare their life cycle with their
photographs. Also, they can prepare their siblings/parents life cycle, too. For that
assignment, teacher send note to parent to inform them.

Individual Learning Activities

Group Learning Activities

If a child has difficulty to playing role,

teacher give some clues.
Groups will be encouraged to play in drama

Children are expected to learn the life cycle of human. Activity type is drama and
teacher give opportunity to behave each part/time of life. We will use goanimate and web 2.0 tools to visualize the cycle for children. Also, we send a sheet to home
with children to work with their parents.
Measurement & Evaluation
Asking questions
Measurement & Assessment
List the measurement and assessment
Activities for Individual
methods for individual learning activities.
Teacher asks questions in order to evaluate
childrens knowledge.
Those questions are:
Descriptive questions:
Which role did you take in drama?
Sensitive questions:
What did you feel when you see a newborn
If you have a little brother/sibling, how you
feel when they born?
How do you feel when you be an old person?
Daily life questions:
Have you seen pregnant woman before?
Objective questions:
What are the features of human life cycle?
Measurement & Assessment
Activities for Group Performance

The life cycle of human will be talked in the

assessment part again. Teacher will be able to
see how children learn the topic.

Homework (optional)

Teacher prepared parent involvement activity

to do at home. Teacher distribute a sheet to
each child to full it with their parents. They
prepare their and their family members life
cycle by using photographs or paintings.
Teacher prepare the sheets from
h=29235f/55bbbd/26memI3A0ZyfY .

Write the points regarding to the measurement and evaluation which you want to
explain. (If any)
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
If thing do not go as planned, for example we cannot access the internet, teacher want
to children to draw picture of steps in life cycle and teacher orient the lecture by using
those picture.

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