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5 - Fully Meets ‘4 -Meets Standard | 3 - Approaches 0-2 - Not Yet Standard Standard Meeting Standard | Introduction Your introduction —_| Your introduction Your introduction letter justifies your attempts to justify _| lacks significant approach to the your approach but —_| detail, and/or engineering contains contains challenge youchose | misconceptions. You | substantial errors but it may not be introduce roller or fully explained. You | coaster specifications | misunderstandings. troduce roller but may be missing coaster specifications | one or two. __| Roller Drawing is clear, with | Drawing is clear, with | Drawing is missing, Coaster 3 points labeled 2 points labeled unclear, or Plan/Drawing correctly. correctly. unlabeled. | Roller All specifications are | Youmaybe missing | Multiple Coaster present, though ‘one specification or specifications are Specifications there may be minor | have multiple errors. | missing. errors. Top speed is copied from calculations later in report. a Your analysis is Your analysis may be | Your analysis does complete but may missing afew entries | not yet show that Coaster contain some errors. | or contain several you understand the | Analysis (x2) Your analysis errors. You may have | concepts relevant indicates that you | left out portions of |_| to the lab. have understood work. Your analysis most of the concepts | indicates that you relevant tothe lab | understood some the concepts relevant to _| the lab. Success of Either the large or |The marbleswere | The marbles were Roller the small marble close to making not yet close to | Coaster made it from start to | through the coaster making it through | finish, but the other | but never did. the roller coaster. did not. Design of Roller coaster is Roller coaster is well | Roller coaster Roller constructed to meet | designed but does not | design needs Coaster design challerge. _| seem in line with significant design challenge. improvement. GRADE:__35_/35 --> late 33/35

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