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How were music videos first

established ?

In 1940 , Walt Disney created fantasia. This was an

animated film base around a famous piece of music
The nutcracker suite by Philadelphia orchrestia in this
animated film they synced the animated characters to
the beat of music playing throughout the whole of the
This was the start in how music was played and viewed
a the same time on the screen.


How were music videos first

established ?
tony Bennett starred in the first music video when he was
filmed walking along the Serpentine in Hyde Park London
in 1956 the resulting clip being set to his recording of the
song "Stranger in Paradise. This was then sent to UK and
US television stations and was aired on many shows.

Disk jockey singer the big blooper

Richardson was the first to coin the phrase
music video in 1950


How were music videos first

established ?

The first ever music video that was aired on a popular music
channel known as MTV. This music channel broadcasted
the first ever music video on the 1st august 1891. This song
was called Video killed a radio star by the bugles.

HBO also had a 30-minute program of music videos,

called Video Jukebox, that first aired around the
time of MTV's launch and would last until late 1986.
around this time, HBO, as well as other premium
channels such as Cinemax, Showtime and The Movie
Channel, would occasionally play one or a few
music videos between movies.


Michael Jackson's released Thriller is which an

American 13-minute music video for the song of the
same name released on December 2, 1983. It was
directed by John Landis, who also co-wrote the
screenplay with Michael Jackson.

The video cost 500,000 dollars at the time, it was the

most expensive video ever made. But CBS Records
wouldn't pay for a third video from Thriller, and MTV
had a policy of never paying for clips. Jackson and
Landis funded their budget by getting MTV and
Showtime to pay 250,000 each for the rights to show
the 45-minute The Making of "Thriller."


By the early 90s, MTV was playing a combination of

pop friendly hard rock acts , such as nirvana , gun N
roses, pop singer such as Michael Jackson, Madonna
and new kids on block

To accompany the new sounds , a new form of

music videos cam about , being more creative ,
funny , artistic than those in the 1980s

How have music videos

changed over time ?

music videos have changed also due to the link with the genre
of the video. Over time, music genres have changed and
progressed to different styles and mixed with different genres.
For example, rock music started out in the 1960s which has
roots in the 1940s and 1950s rock and roll. This was influenced
by rhythm and blues and country music. The first rock video
was by jan & dean in 1963 called surf city . This song became
number 1 in charts and remained in that position for 2 weeks.

How have music videos

changed over time ?

Music videos are completely different to how they use to be. Todays music
video consist on female artists using their bodies to sell their music to across the
whole world .
I also believe the music videos look a lot more realistic due to green screen.
This is also another way in how technology has helped to enhance how they
have changed over time.
The definition of music videos are very high due to the improvement of
technology year by year .Another thing that has improved over the years is
the props that they use. music videos today also seem to relate more to
the meaning of the song than they did in 1980s
However there is no swearing in video, but in many music videos today there
is a lot of bad language. But mainly swear words either get muted on most
channels or radio station because of younger viewers and public complains

How have they music videos

changed over time ?

Madonna was a prominent culture symbol in the

1980s. Her music and image were shown in a new,
sexualized way, and with the development of
music videos and other types of media due to the
electronic era, her image was one that was highly
shown, and her music rang out especially in the
hearts and ears of teenage girls, who often idolized
this fresh-faced bad girl . In her music video like a
that became
in the charts straight away

Why are music videos important ?

Music videos represent an important part towards the music industry. This because Some
artists owe their careers to their music videos because to builds them up a reputation. Many
people begin to like a new artist due to the fact of seeing their music video and instantly
liking it. Music videos give artists the chance to impress the public not just with their vocals
but also with their looks or talents such as dancing.
Music videos have become more important over the years as technology has improved,
the public having over 2 TVs in their households now unlike in the 1980s when music videos
first started to come out not many people owned a TV.
It is also proved that music videos are important as people can relate to the song once
they see the music video. As the music video gives the audience a visual to what the song

The purpose of music videos

Raise awareness
It makes the public more aware of the artists music and makes them popular which
increases their income which is why promotion is so important.
Raise perception

Entertain and show off the artist

this is how artists get their fans. For example an Artists today now show off their bodies
to help them sell their songs as well as show them off.
To sell the song just like miley Cyrus did from a sweet innocent disney star , to a star
that gets media talking about her sexual action in her music video

the help of making the promotional video helps the artists get a source of income as
well as improve their public image.
To provoke a reaction so that the audience remember the song

some artists make their music videos so that people can remember them for in the
years to come. A popular artist who did this was Madonna who burned the cross in
her music video

A type of style or change towards a new artist can affect the success of the artist. This may
be influenced by the style of music the artist is going for.

Producers encouraged lady gaga to change her look from this dull boring girl to have an
good look model hair with a unique style of fashion as well as being sexual this includes her
having plastic surgery on

Her producers gave her this look when she first became an artist because it was different
and the public had never seen something like this before. It helped her reflect her looks to
her music style
Because her style is so unique, it encourages the public to like her because of this new and
never seen before look, which helps her get income. You see her weird sense of style in her
music videos as well as her being overly sexual throughout them.

Music outlet.

the different types of outlets you can see the artists music videos on
is Youtube and on TV such as MTV, Chartshow, Channel AKA, Starz.
Etc The public can also listen to their favorite artists on other
websites/ apps such as sound cloud.

Youtube is a good way to see how many views the artist has, this lets
the producer and the artist know how popular their music is how
much response they have gotten from the public. On youtube you
can either rate the music video/ song with a thumbs up or down, this
also lets the artist know what the public think.

The most watched music video on youtube is Gangnam style

PSY with a hit over o2,254,034,442 views! It was uploaded on

The purpose of music income

Some artists are still remember years down the line due to their
music video which is another source of income as they rewatch the music video.
The use of music videos also helps the artist become more
popular which increase their income after they release a
single or album. They normally make a music video to some of
their songs to get more attention from the public.
Artists also advertise their music on adverts before youtube
videos. This is another way artists become popular and get an


A Synergy is when two forms of media come together so for example

this could be a band and Universal Studios to create a song for a film.
An example of this is men and black 2
The music video
i a
form of synergy because it
has scenes from the movie (Men in Black 2)
along with scenes of the artist singing the song
who is dressed in the same outfit as he was in
the movie and has special effects added to fit
along with the scenes from the movie. This
promotes the movie through the music video.
The music video fits in with the genre of the
movie as a Sci-Fi comedy. It features Will Smith
performing onstage in a Men in Black 2
environment featuring characters and footage
from the movie.

The track is found

on the amazon
website, this
promotes the track
because it makes it
easier for the
audience to access
and buy the track.
The combination of
the movie in the
front of the CD
cover promotes
the movie for the
audience that like
the track and the
track for the
audience that like
the movie. This
also promotes the
artist (Will Smith)
as both a singer
and actor.

Producers major label strategy

Major Label producers normally work with mainstream
artists. These artists normally have their songs in the
charts a lot and sell lots of records, which results to
touring and merchandise. These producers normally
have large budgets as well to use for promoting the
artist with music videos and tours. Most of these
producers work with Pop and R&B style artists, mainly
because they are more popular then other styles

different image in an artist can change an lot to the success of an artist. It
depends on the style of music and sometimes it can be because of the target
audience. At times in an artist's music career, they can get tired of the style of
music they are used to and want to change. Fans, however are so used to the
image they started in, it can take a lot to change their look and have people view
them in a completely different way. One example is American singer Miley Cyrus.
She started out in the Disney sitcom, 'Hannah Montana' which was targeted at
young children from around 8 - 15. It lasted from 2006-2011
. After the series ended, Cyrus wanted to change her image. She brought out a
new album, but all she changed was her style of music. So to change even more,
she got rid of her sweet innocent role and completely changed her look. She
went for a more explicit genre of music and a more provocative style of clothing.
Since she made this change, she has had a lot of controversy towards her new
choice, but she has become richer, because she has had the word of mouth
around about her new image.

major labels
A smaller, independent music label

Smaller budget

Different genres of music that arent popular

House and Indie

An example of an independent record label would

be Boy Better Know known
as BBK which include JME, Skepta, Wiley, Jammer
and more.

BBK where established by Jamie Adenuga

Producer strategy
Some artists decide to make their music videos

Often most unsigned artists do this as it is a good way

to promote themselves to gain fans and to be signed.

This is due to budget limitations

Justin bieber and ed sheerean did this and this is the

way he became so popular and got signed

Style in animation

A lot of artists use animation in their music videos this is because it

entertaining for the audience and gives a different visual than to s
the same type of music videos of the artist dancing or selling their

A popular band who used animation in all their music videos was
. They didnt just make their music videos all in
animation, they were known by making themselves animated

Their music videos consisted of a short cartoon than an animated

video to go with the song.

Style narrative
This is when the music video tells a story from star middle and end
Half Light
The lyrics are about how it is their time, and how they feel during
the nigh
The music video links with the lyrics because its about how a boy
meets a girl at a club and how they get to know each other and
spend the night together

The lyrics also mention how dawn rises and world wakens
In the music video the couple wake up in a forest and its dawn,
and they depart each other because they have work which links
to how the world wakens as they have somewhere to be.

Style in concert
Concerts make artists more popular due to people seeing videos of
crowds at previous concerts were the artist gets involved with the
many different artists all over the world go on tours around the world
to see their fans and preform for them. You have to buy these tickets
to see them in different venues such as the 02 or Earls Court. These
ticket prices vary between 20-50 you can buy up to 8 at once
However some artist have been banned from preforming in certain
countries due to behaviour.

Snoop Dogg and wiz khliafa were recently not allowed to play in
the UK due to the many arrests they has had due to smoking weed
Style In concert

Style impressionist
impressionist music videos are made to make the audience
feel a certain way. These music videos will also use random
shots to express the themes of the video the shots will also
often relate to the lyrics of the song. These shots include
people, scenes or everyday objects. There is normally a type
of synergy that will link these shots together.

Style parody
A music video that mimics or is to make fun of the original of
something. Such as a movie or music video.
Another name for parody is spoof which is also a popular term
An example of a parody would be The Midnight Beasts who did a
parody of KeshaTick Tock
The Midnight Beast changed the lyrics to the song, but kept the tune
and way the song is sung.
The Midnight Beast are known to make parodies of songs
Style Parody

Style interpretive
interpretative music video is when the music video does
not match the lyrics of the song. This is were the
audience have to make up their minds about what the
music video is about.
An example of this would be
Elastic Hearts which is about finding love after a
However the music video doesnt link with the actual
lyrics. The music video consists
of a man and a young girl dancing/ fighting in a bird
cage. This means the audience have to think what the
music video is trying to tell
But the music video however has got bad views as the
public thought the intimacy between the both man
and girl was provoking paedophil.

Style homage
is similar to parody, but instead of the music video making fun of
the song, it is showing respect or paying tribute.

An example of homage is the X-Factor finalists music video for

Heroes. This is a charity single that pays respect to soldiers fighting in
recent wars. Throughout the music video is pictures and videos of
the soldiers and the finalists meeting them. This music video fits the
lyrics as its about the soldiers, this also helps the audience
understand what the song is about with the use of image .
However another type of homage seen is when a music video uses
similar locations, themes and iconography from a classic film.

Style influenced by commercials

This is linked to synergy because the artist has to broadcast their

music on TV this could be them promoting themselves or having
their music on the TV advert
An example of this would be the John Lewis advert
I chose this example because Lily Allen wrote a song for John
Lewis to play in their advert
This song instantly became popular due to the advert being
played frequently on TV to advertise John Lewis as it was during
the Christmas period.

Technique effects
here are many different effects that artists and producers can do to music

These include auto tuning the singers voice slightly to give the artist an effect
to their voice such as a robotic effect to fit into the song

Another type of effect they can use is using the green screen to give special
effects to the music video this makes the music video more interesting for the
audience and gives them a better visual of the music video. This also helps
the audience understand the lyrics of the song more.
In this music videos they use special effects such as putting KayneWest in
spaceship. Including making an alien turn into Katy Perry. They also include
Katy Perry flying in space which in realistically impossible

Camera techniques

you see many different types of camera movements throughout

different genres of music
These include up to long shot, close ups, panning, low angle
A long shot is where the camera is zoomed out, and its got everything
in the shot. A long shot is similar to an establishing shot, which is used to
set the scene
A close up could be a close up image of the artists face, these are
often used to capture the emotion can be seen in
you can also see long shots in this music video
Panning is where the camera stays still and follows the action
While a low angle will be used to show the power someone has in a
music video often seen in hip hop such acan also see 2 shots in this
music video

Technique lighting
dfferent genres of music use 2 different types of lighting
One of these are known as high key lighting this is where the music
video will have bright lights with no shadows. This generally makes
the music videos seem more positive
in Pixie Lotts music video Lay Me Down
you can see the bright colours and how it portrays a positive feel to
the video. The colours used are bold and vibrate.
While other music videos will have low key lighting which is were
the music video will have no bright lights reflecting the artist, this is
usually a sign for something negative..



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