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Patrick Seidel and Matt August

Present CER for the Following

The consequences of imperialism are
often very complex. Do the benefits of
imperialism outweigh the negative
Claim: The benefits of imperialism do not outweigh the
cons; an economic and technological society is not worth
the slave labor and death and destruction of culture that
imperialism caused.
Imperialism is a policy that extends a countrys
power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
When Europe discovered the Americas, they used
imperialism to migrate and mold the new world we know
today, but at what cost. Between the years 1492 and
1495 3 million Native Americans were killed, and by the
1600s 90 million were killed, and those who were not
were enslaved in Europe and America, leading to the
slave trade and one of the bloodiest wars in history.
With imperialism comes the nations view on religion.
Millions of natives had their religion taken from them and
were forced to practice Christianity, with religion also
comes tradition, Natives were forced to change their
lifestyle, treating them like animals and turning them into
servants, for example, Europeans did not walk, they were

carried by the natives. Some things in imperialism were

good, some culture changes were good, such as allowing
people to re-marry and education systems were set up,
however it is not worth all of the pain and suffering that
the native colonies had to go through.

Native American Population

Works Cited

"" Apecsecorg. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2015.

Bhambhri, C. P. "Imperialism in India." Social Scientist 13.2 (1985): 38. Web.
Rajeev, Loveleena. "Pros and Cons of Imperialsim." Pros and Cons of Imperialism. N.p., n.d. Web.

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