Hackley Reflection 2015

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Avonworth School District

Reflection of Goals

Employee Name:

Dana C. Hackley

Job Title:

Director Communications & PR


Thomas Ralston


June 3, 2015


Review Period:


12/14 to 06/15

Due to the employee's absence following a car accident, the employee had 6 months to work toward
achieving the following goals:
Goal 1: Consistency, Accuracy, Error Free Content
Every effort was made to provide stakeholders with communications free of error. Communications included
press releases, website postings, print materials, and social media posts. Regarding one of the larger
projects, few revisions outside of personnel changes were needed for this year's district calendar.
Goal 2: Safety and Crisis Communication Quick Guide
A Safety and Crisis Communication Quick Guide for administrators has been created; however, due to more
timely projects it has not been completed at this time. The project could be quickly finished over the
Goal 3: HNN Sports Website
Content, links, and photo galleries have been added to the site and the site was made "live." VNN text alerts
are sent when games are canceled and news articles are published frequently. The calendar is not syncing as
quickly as promised, thus the Athletic Director is in talks with the website company to rectify the
Goal 4: Alumni Channel Tracker
This goal was omitted by the Superintendent due to other district priorities.
Overall, the employee has worked diligently to improve their performance. There have been numerous
projects, as demonstrated in the online portfolio, throughout the year that the employee has taken on in
order to positively promote the district. The employee has been recognized by the PenSPRA organization for
some of these communications. In addition, after several initial steps, the employee has been approved by
local and national public relations practitioners to sit for the Accreditation in Public Relations exam this
summer. This process included presenting samples of work from the past year to a panel of local public
relations practitioners, who asked challenging questions, and subsequently voted to allow the employee to
move forward in the accreditation process.
The employee looks forward to a productive summer and new school year. The district is taking on exciting
projects and affiliations that make promoting it enjoyable.

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