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A Short Course on Performance-Based Reservoir Characterization Well Test Analysi: This module provides basic and advanced technologies for well test analysis and interpretation. This module is expected to provide the parti pant with an overview of the analysis and interpretation techniques used in modern well test activities — but the focus of this module is on the use of well tests to characterize reservoirs. The topics covered in this module include: © Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests Estimation of formation permeability 1 Estimation of the skin factor i Estimation of average reservoir pressure @ Example: —Lee text (Ex. 2.2) © Type Curve Analysis of Well Test Data Including Boundary Effects Bounded Reservoir Case (Ansah, et al) Sealing Fault Case (Stewart, et al) Leaky” Fault Case (Cinco and Abbaszadeh) ™ Radial Composite Reservoir Case (Tang and Brigham, Raghavan) ™ Examples: —Lee text (Ex. 2.2): Closed Boundary Effects —Cinco and Samaniego: "Leaky" Fault (?) —GOM Field Case: Well near a salt plume © Analysis and Interpretation of Pressure Tests in Fractured Wells 1 Schematic Model/Flow Behavior for Vertically Fractured Wells —Finite-conductivity vertical fracture model —Fracture flux profiles (pressure behavior near the well) —Damaged fracture case (for comparison to finite conductivity case) No Wellbore Storage Case (Cinco and Samaniego) Wellbore Storage Case (Economides) 1m Example: —Mid-Continent (USA) Field Case: Fractured well in a low permeability gas reservoir Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests Tom Blasingame Department of Petroleum Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3116 (979) 845-2292 — Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 1 Executive Summary: @ Analysis of pressure buildup test data can be categorized as follows: m™ Log-log diagnostic plot (all data). m Early time (wellbore storage) Cartesian plot. m@ Middle time (radial flow) semilog plots. m™ Late time (boundary effects) Cartesian plots. @ The key to all pressure test analysis is to cor- relate all analysis using the log-log plot—each particular flow regime is represented on the log- log plot. @ Simple pressure buildup analysis can yield: = Wellbore storage parameters. = Formation permeability. = Near-well skin factor. m Initial/current average reservoir pressure. Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 2 Governing Equations: "Early Time Region" @ The generalized rate relation for wellbore sto- rage is: d dq (qer@)B = 24C, | Sut . “Ott dt dt @ The "wellbore storage domination" flow regime is characterized by the following pressure re- lation: (q=0, g,f~constant) qB = ‘At=0) + At Pws Pwr ) 24 Cs © Comment: m@No reservoir information is obtained from the “wellbore storage domination" flow regime, but it does provide a unique characteristic that can be used to orient log-log analysis. Can be used to obtain pyAt=0). Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 3 Governing Equations: "Middle Time Region" e Horner plotting approach: m@ Horner pressure buildup relation: qBu tptat Pws = Pi- 162.6 = - kh lo At ptat At = Solving for the formation permeability: t "Horner" plot is p ws plotted vs. log| k = 162.6 Be (m is always taken as positive) @ Solving for the skin factor: t, $= 1.1513 log} t Tat Pi aaa (Pws,rne = Pudist=0) | -log| Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 4 Governing Equations: "Middle Time Region" e@ MDH "\og shut-in time" plotting function: = The MDH pressure buildup relation: Pws= 162.6 27" qu log(at) k 7 | - 3.2275 + 0.8686s Cw + Py At=0) + 162.6 95H 0 log) = Solving for the formation permeability: k = 162.6 Te (m is always taken as positive) = Solving for the skin factor: a t=0) 6 = 1.1513 | Paste“ Poel =0)) | log ae + 3.2275 Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 5 Governing Equations: "Middle Time Region" e Agarwal "effective" time plotting function: m@ Agarwal convolution formulation: Pws= 162.6 974 aBu 7 log| At e| + Pye(At=0) + 162.6 97" oo log| vA - 3.2275 + 0.8686s cyr2, m= Where Me t At e= Feat @ Comment: = Agarwal "effective" shut-in time function, Ate, is used almost exclusively for log-log analy- sis—as a "superposition" plotting function. Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 6 Governing Equations: "Late Time Region" @ The most appropriate analysis plot for "late time" data is the "Modified Muskat" plot. The functions for this plot are: Pws Plotted versus iG [Pws| © The fundamental relation is the "Muskat" equa- tion, given in its general form as: Pws = B - aexp|- bAt| @ Comment: m™The "Modified Muskat" plot is typically accu- rate and consistent, but care must be taken in making the best data interpretation/analysis. Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 7 Example Analysis: Log-log Diagnostic Plot Log-log Plot - Simple Analysis (Lee Text Example 2.2) 40? 107 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° T 10° Legend: Lee Text Example 2.2 ° Symbol Derivative ee eos a 0x0 Cais z p=970 psi . é 10° 2 g§ 7 De oe [pone oaee 107 3 ’ 5 Wellbore Storage = Transition Etfects s ‘ ° s 3 10° 10° 8 . Horizontal Trend < t@ Indicates Radial Flow Wellbore Storage Domination: §=——°—78-# 8 Pressute Drop Functions Init Slope Behavior Boundary Ettecte® @8a 10! 4 L 40° 10? 107 10° 10 10? 10° Shut-In Time, at, hours (1,=13,630 hrs) @ Note the Wellbore Storage Domination, Wellbore Storage Transition, and Radial Flow regimes, as well as Boundary Effects—a complete wellbore/reservoir signature. Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 8 Example Analysis: "Early Time" Analysis “Early Time" Cartesian Plot - Lee Text Example 2.2 (Analysis of Wellbore Storage Dominated Data) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 4200 Perera ery T Trerrprererrerrprererrrry 4200 Regression Equations: |Legend: Lee Text Example 2.2} |Wellbore Storage Equation: © Pressure Date 4100F| pyelAf) = 3534 + 973.33 at} — { 4100 | | & 4000 4000 a é | g 3900 Data tor Lee Example 22:| 3900 s t Resevoir Properties: 3 | en? Oxt0" pee" | Fy=0.198 8 £ 3800 | 1 meet 3800 £ | #=0.039 (fraction) 3 | | =7.95 md 3 | | | onrrnet® & 3700 | | Bersaeresta |—4°70 Linear Portion Indicates | g=0.8 op Wellbore Storage Domination | icant aoe 4 3600 1513,690 hrs ood | ppkdt=0)=2594 pela 43500 ee agagtateLaceataseaLecssLisss Liss) hutlaaisuluad 3500 0.0 O14 0.2 03 0.4 05 0.6 07 08 09 1.0 Shut-In Time, at, hours (f,=13,630 hrs) @ We note that this particular case has a reasonably well- defined early linear trend (though only 2 points). Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 9 Example Analysis: "Middle Time" Analysis Horner Plot -- Lee Text Example 2.2 (Summary of Average Reservoir Pressure Methods) 10° 10° 10° 10° 107 10' 10° 4600 1 r 1 1 r 4600 Regression Equations: p‘(Horner Time=1) = 4577 psia 4550 F | RHM Equation: Regression Method y 4550 Pws = 4422.8 - 1225.3/(8.671 + Af) m=70 psi/cycle. 4500 F |muskat Equations: Regression Method 4500 Pwye = 4408.5 ~ 83.798 exp(-0.052809A0) @ 4450E-| Pie = 4408.9- 79.931 expt-0.050129a0} 4450 3 58.845 exp(0.28958a0) | Radial Flow ion § M00F a 4400 $ 4350F Muskat 1-term Equati "Late Time Data re oan 3 erento (Boundary Effects) |Resevar Properties. on 8 4300F- RHM Equation ai a 4300 £ = ve Musa term) og ftSaen s 1 Pov Mus rm) = 4408. 0.098 (fraction 3 4250 Muskat 2term © [Pew Musat (term) ia 8 wa 4250 é Meg) : & E PoelAtethn)= 4287.6 psia | Pew OU Properties: a Uige1VA1}213,631~fp-19,600 hry_ [Paver MBH (Lee text) = 4411.0 Bont 38 RavaTE on i-0.8 cp E Legend: Lee Text Example 2.2 eeetine Pavcromaere) ied Wellbore Storage ‘e.Pressure Data ProdueiemosteD [4 too s100 Effects | RAM Rearession ssn] (eiaSoonrs ny Muskat 24erm (Regresston)||_PwAAO)=9594 pele 4050 L + Hott 1 4 4050 10° 10° 10° 10° 107 10" 10° Horner Time, (tgtafyvat_ (t,=13,630 hrs) ty iF @ The "Horner" straight-line is fairly well defined, but the log- log plot should be used as a guide (horizontal Ap’). Simplified Analysis of Pressure Buildup Tests — Slide 10

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