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I think the movie is BAD

Step 1: Opinion
terrible, sooooo bad, really bad, weak, awful,
the worst movie ever

Step 2: Reason


1. The Characters were

boring, unlikable, unbelievable

2. The Story was

dull, uninteresting, stupid

3. The Animation was

sloppy, poor, really bad

4. The Acting was

awful, unbelievable, bad

5. The Music was

silly, no good, goofy

Step 3: Conclusion
this movie was absolutely awful
this movie was pretty bad
I dont like this movie
I would not want to see this movie again
this movie was a waste of time

Step 1
Heres what I think about this movie: ______________________
Step 2
I think ________________(Step 2: Reason) _______ (Bad),
and ________________(Step 2: Reason) _______ (Bad),
and ________________(Step 2: Reason) _______ (Bad).

Step 3
Altogether, _________________(Bad)

I think the movie is GOOD

Step 1: Opinion
awesome, sooooo good, really good, intense,
fantastic, the best movie ever

Step 2: Reason


1. The Characters were

hilarious, fun, likable,

2. The Story was

exciting, fun, moving

3. The Animation was

realistic, really well done, top


4. The Acting was

believable, intense, great

5. The Music was

perfect, just right, beautiful

Step 3: Conclusion
this movie was absolutely great
this movie was fantastic
I love this movie
I would see this movie again
I want to have this movie on DVD

Step 1
Heres what I think about this movie: ______________________
Step 2
I think ________________(Step 2: Reason) _______ (Good),
and ________________(Step 2: Reason) _______ (Good),
and ________________(Step 2: Reason) _______ (Good).
Step 3
Altogether, _________________(Good)

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