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Angelina Duran

ED 123
Final Assessment Paper
Assessment Paper for ED 123

Assessment for Ernesto age 4: Ernesto is on his way to becoming a good reader. He shows
interest in books and models reading even though he can not read yet. He has a great concept of
print and know the cover, title, and direction of reading. He has a beginning understanding of
letters and several letters make a word. He is still working on identifying letters and their sounds.
Although he gets frustrated he will come back to work on letters after getting a break. He takes
pride in continuing to learn new letters. Since he is high energy I found taking breaks and doing a
fun related activity will help him to continue to work on his letters.
Assessment of Rosa grade 5: Rosa is a shy reader with high anxiety. I found she loves to
preform so the reading theater was a great activity to help with her reading fluency as well as
reading around other people. By talking to her about what books she did enjoy I was able to
encourage her to reread her favorite books and to also read to her younger siblings. This will help
with her fluency and hopefully help with her anxiety with reading in front of others. I found that
Rosa did not always understand what she was reading so lost interest or scored low on work
from school. We worked on SQ3R. She was working on some homework and together we went
over the handout. It was great to see become excited over the dreaded homework. On a different
occasion I saw that she had the handout out while working on homework. Her mother told me
that she put it on the refrigerator so she could use it again.

Assessments for Reading Strands

Name of assessment

Date of


Level of

1-Concept of print (add name of

test used for in-text citation here)


11 1/2

2-Alphabetic Fluency



3-Phonemic Awareness



Ernesto likes being read to and
can model reading but doesn't
grasp how to read himself yet,
which is expected at his age.
Although Ernesto would be
considered high risk in
kindergarten, he is at reading
level for his age. I expect his
score to go up as I assess him
later in the year.
Ernesto would only keep
repeating the practice words.
At this point he is not ready for

this rest.
Rosa reads carefully and self
corrects. She was nervous and
did not want anyone to see her
being tested. She did great, but
has a lot of anxiety when

4-Sight Vocabulary (San Diego)




Mid Term Assess. Reflection 4/4

5-Oral Reading Fluency


70 WRC


Rosa does not like to read. She

reads slowly, and apologizes
for being a slow reader. Her
word comprehension in good
she just second guesses herself
and stops often. She told e her
favorite book and I suggested
she reads over to help with her
fluency. She was also able to
read to dogs at her local library
which she enjoyed.

6-Running Record




8-Information Reading Inventory




Rosa can read the words, she

takes her time and self
corrects, but does not
understand what she has read.
Rosa reads the passage at a
slightly slower rate. She gets
confused with some of the
information either mistaking
the meaning of the word or not
knowing it.

Final Assessment Paper 8/8

Students strengths and weaknesses:
Ernesto loves book and loves to be read too. He wants to learn his letters but can get distracted
easily. Taking breaks and coming back to the work helps in teaching him. Making a game out of
learning helps to. Sitting too long ensures he will lose interest.
Rosa wants to read faster and that can get in her way. Encouragement and positive feed back
helps to keep her going. Trying different learning tactics help to keep her spirits up, but if she
doesn't understand a couple in a row she will want to give up. At this point I would go back to
something I knew she would have little trouble with to get her spirits back up. She can read sight
words at a high grade level and using the SQ3R method seemed to really help her.
I learned that when I see one method did not work to try something else. With Ernesto it was
taking into account his high energy and using that to work on activities. With Rosa I learned to

take her anxiety into account and find methods to encourage her to get her to keep trying.
Learning came easy to me so it was great to learn how to help a student that is struggling to
enjoy learning and keep learning. Giving the assessments was challenging especially with Rosa.
It took me several times to convince her to take them because she was scared of being tested and
thought she would fail. It was heartbreaking because she did not believe in herself, but after
doing the sightseeing assessment and learnig she could read 7th grade words she felt a lot better.
Seeing that was great and helped to do the other assessments.

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