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Chase Martin


8th Grade ELA

28 May 2015

The Diary Of Anne Frank/The Diary Of a Young Girl

In the diary I think that the only reason the got caught was because of the beans
spilling.Causing the guards outside to become even more suspicious.Anne Frank
was given a diary from her parents as a birthday present on June ,12 1942.Her
father has been planning the move away from the Netherlands to avoid the control
of the Nazis, but had a few conflicts in between.They ended up living in an annex in
his company for a few months before getting captured by the Nazis.

The theme is 1942.When Hitler was in control of the Nazis.Causing the mass
murdering of Jews .I decided it to be my theme because it corresponds with my
character Peter.1942 is important because it was a serious event during that
era.When Hitler suddenly grew a grudge against the Jews.

The character I chose is Peter.He contributes because he was a jew during that
era.He also was a major part of Anne frank's life.On page 134 when Anne was
thinking about what her life would be like if she forgotten him.He also was a big
helper in the annex.

Peters only conflict was when he was trying to get the bag of beans into the attic for
the winter. On page 194 Peter tries to get a bag of beans into the attic so it falls
under Character Vs Nature.when the bag of beans get torn a spills he knocks over

With the beans being spilled.On page 195 it says that the people that worked in the
office below them quickly ran up the stairs and told them to be quiet.After that him
and Anne quickly and quietly picked up all the beans.They put the beans in a pail
from the attic even though they were in all the cracks and crevices they still picked
up most of the beans.

My thesis is the beans gave away where they were hiding.Peter was a close friend
to Anne while they were in the annex He helped everybody with what the needed
and more.When he was pulling a bag of beans into the annex the bag busted and
spilled all over the floor knocking over Anne and making a lot of noise.Alerting the
guards and everyone downstairs in the office.

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