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Running head: CURRENT ISSUES

Current Issues in Educational Technology

Alicia Ruiz
EDU 352: Foundations of Educational Technology
Judy Donovan
June 2, 2015

Running head: CURRENT ISSUES

Current Issues in Educational Technology
Digital divide is a serious issue affecting people all over the world (Roblyer & Doering, 2010) .
According to Mark D. Bowles (2010), the digital divide is the fact that some people have easy
access to computers and all the benefits that they provide, while many other people are cut off
from them because of poverty or living in underdeveloped countries or rural areas without
internet access. We live in a technology driven world and not having access to computers will
leave many people behind. Low income and lack of connectivity can contribute to the digital
divide. Students with low income who can afford purchase the equipment will more likely be of
low quality or outdated. Students who do not have the resources to purchase or access a
computer may be academically affected as compared as those students who do. Often teachers
assign work, like science projects or book reports, which require the use of a computer or other
technology devices to find information. With today's technology, it is a lot more easier to find
any information on the internet with the use of a computer. Allowing students to use a computer
at school can be very beneficial, but a computer at home can increase a student's chances of
getting better grades, the chances of graduating high school, which therefor increase the
possibility of attending college. Without any technology exposure, young Americans can be
condemned to low paying jobs (Warf, 2013). For this reason it is important for teachers to find
ways to help students overcome the gap. Some ways of helping students to overcome the digital
divide is by using technology appropriately during instruction (Koch, 2012), planning some time
in the computer lab (if one is available at school) and teaching them to use technology devices
accordingly. When properly taught, students will learn the computer skills they need to know in
order to be successful in college (Sun, n.d.).

Running head: CURRENT ISSUES

Running head: CURRENT ISSUES

Bowles, M. D. (2010). Computers in Society. Introduction to Computer Literacy. Retrieved from
Koch, J. (2012). TEACH [VitalSource Bookshelf version].
Retrieved from
Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2010, July 20). Top ten issues shaping today's technology
uses in

education. Retrieved from



Sun, J.C.Y. (n.d.). The Digital Divide and Its Impact on Academic Performance. Retrieved from
STATES. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie (Journal Of Economic & Social
Geography), 104(1), 1-17. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9663.2012.00720.x

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