Marvin K Mooney

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Tatyana Cobbin

Marvin K. Mooney
In the book Marvin K. Mooney, there are many characteristics and
situations that are comparable to Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon was the 37th
President of the United States. His name is mostly familiarized with the Watergate
scandal. The Watergate scandal was the investigation surrounding the break in of
the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate Building. This
then later led to his resignation. Marvin K. Mooney was not liked at all. Hes not
wanted and the big furry hand wants him to leave but hes waiting on something to
kick him out. Nixon went through a similar situation and his resignation was the
result of his possible impeachment. His name being involved in this scandal
enabled him to want to give up his President position. When the scandal escalated,
he lost most of his political support. Dr. Seuss was very political and in favor of
communism while Nixon was anti-communist and built his platform around that.
Dr. Seuss believed Nixon should have step down from office and this was very
clear in this book by him saying he can go by anyway. You can go by foot., You
can go by cow, You go by skates., You can go on skis, You can go in a hat
and etc. At the end of the story it said, The time has come so Richard went. This
strongly compares to Nixon and him stepping down. Nixon was going through a
hard time and he knew the result would not be pretty. His possible impeachment
was the something he was waiting for to kick him out. He knew that he just had
to resign. Even though Nixon was similar to Marvin with his situation, Nixon
wasnt a total pest, as Marvin was described, in most peoples eyes. Nixon
enforced desegregation of Southern schools and established the Environmental
Protection Agency. He made a big difference and just got caught up in a horrible
scandal. Dr. Seusss political position and dislike for Nixon strongly shows in this
book and is very hard to steer away from. Nixon was a mirror image of how Dr.
Seuss felt about Nixon. Some would say it basically should have been called
Richard M. Nixon but Dr. Seuss did a good job of turning his political position
and feelings about Nixon into a very interesting relatable story.

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