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June 02, 2015

Dear cole LaVrendrye Families,

Over the last week Shelley Crosby, Program Manager, LaV Care Programs, consulted
with families to determine if there was a need to expand the current childcare
programs to the new Sir William Osler site for September 2015. After reviewing this
feedback and examining the costs associated with operating an additional site, the LaV
Care Program Committee has decided to expand our current operations to the Sir
William Osler site for September 2015.
By offering childcare at both locations, our families will have some flexibility in
choosing what works best for their individual situations. There are 24 new KinderCare
spaces and 50 new Before and After spaces at Sir William Osler. We are hoping that
these options will help to alleviate some of the stress for families. Below is a table
outlining the childcare that will be available at each site:
cole LaVrendrye
Child Care

Spaces Available


16 (am and pm) = 32


As many as requested by
150 (for N-6. The N-1s
would be bussed back and
forth to SWO as needed).

8:30-12:30 pm or 11-3 pm - $12.50

per day
$23 per month (includes milk)

Before and
After Care

Slot 1, 7:30-8:30 am - $3 per day

Slot 2, 3-5 pm - $5 per day
Slot 3, 5-6 pm - $3 per day

Sir William Osler

Child Care

Spaces Available


16 (am and pm) = 32


As many as requested by
50 (for N-1 only)

8:30-12:30 pm or 11-3 pm - $12.50

per day
No fee staffed by Educational
Slot 1, 7:30-8:30 am - $3 per day
Slot 2, 3-5 pm - $5 per day
Slot 3, 5-6 pm - $3 per day

Before and
After Care

If you are currently registered in child care for September 2015, and would like to
change sites or if you would like to register for childcare, please contact Shelley Crosby
at or 204-474-2134 as soon as possible. If you are
currently registered in childcare but have no changes, you do not need to email
The Program Committee will now work with Shelley and other staff to ensure that both
sites are fully equipped to provide high quality and safe care to your children. Over the
next few weeks we will be determining staffing needs to support operations at both
sites. Thank you for your patience while we work through the many details involved in

this expansion. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact Shelley at
Trina Larsen,
Chair, LaV Care Program Committee

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