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Alyssa Larsen

W.C, Enlightenment D.B.Q

Main Ideas of Enlightenment
We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable; that all men are equal creation, they derive
rights inherent and inalienable, among which are the preservation of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness. (www.brainyquote) One of the most important lines of the Declaration of Independence,
which stressed the importance of equality in government, religion, economy, and gender equality, main
ideas that were present during the Enlightenment period. In the same way, enlightenment meaning logic,
reasoning, and philosophes meaning thinkers, or philosophers. Pursuing this further, the main ideas of the
logic, and reasoning behind these thinkers were all revolving around equality. During the late 17th and
18th centuries, called the Enlightenment, or Age of Reason marked a period of many changes. Thinkers
called philosophes, or philosophers hoped to discover new ways to understand and improve their
society.(Background essay) Isaac Newton, brought about new observations, of other physicists before
him, causing a paradigm shift, or a fresh new way for people to understand something about themselves
or their planet.
To begin, John Locke believed that everyone is equal amongst one another, and are entitled to
the same rights. He believed that if people could come together as one, then the government would be
strong. John Locke states that There is nothing more evident, than the creature of the same species and
rankshould be equal one amongst another without subordination, or subjection. (Document, A)
According to Locke, The people are at liberty to provide for themselves, by erecting a new legislative.
(Document, A) Furthermore, Locke appears to recommend a Settled legislative, and a fair and impartial
execution of laws made by it. (Document, A) John Locke makes it clear that there should be equality in
In addition to Lockes ideas, another philosophe, Voltaire had a strong idea of equality in the
churches. According to Voltaire, it is good to have a Multitude of religions, because people will not rebel
amongst another, and people lived Happily and in peace. At the Royal exchange in London, the
representatives of all nations met for the benefit of mankind. (Document B) Furthermore, John Lockes
idea of equality in the government is similar to Voltaires main idea of equality in religion.
To continue, another philosophe, Adam Smith supports an economic system based on individual
decision making because, Every man is left perfectly free to pursue his own interest in his own way.
(Document C) Adam Smith believes when people pursue their own economic gain, it Promotes that of
the society more effectively than when it really intends to promote it. (Document C) Smiths main idea
about trade and economic decision making is that individual decision making will promote a more wealthy
government, since people will feel more equal, and free.
The last philosophe is Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary believes women get less education, and rights
than men do, and she recommends the only methods to reach her conclusion in making women equal to

men is to free them to participate in the inherent rights of mankind. (Document D) Along with Locke,
Smith, and Voltaire, Wollstonecrafts ideas support equality, but in gender.
In the final analysis, the main ideas of enlightenment were, Lockes idea of equality and
government, Voltaires idea of equality in religion, Smiths idea of equality in economy, and
Wollstonecrafts idea of gender equality.

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