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Code of Conduct

Anthony Paddon Elementary is committed to providing a safe, caring, and inclusive

learning and working environment by promoting respect, responsible citizenship,
and academic excellence. A positive school climate exists when all members of the
school community feel safe, comfortable, and accepted.
The standards of behaviour outlined apply to all members of the school community,
including students, parents and guardians, school staff, volunteers, and visitors
On school property;
Travelling on a school bus;
Participating in extra-curricular activities;
Participating in off-site school-sponsored activities; or
Engaging in an activity which will have an impact on the school climate.
A) Standards of Behaviour
An Anthony Paddon student is one who follows our Paddon RESPECT program by
knowing and showing the following behaviours:
R Recognizing Respect

Respect means showing consideration, courtesy, and care for someone or

something. Showing respect to someone means you act in a way that shows
you care about their feelings and well-being. I treat people the way I want
them to treat me!

Examples of what respect is:

-You admire (respect) a historical figure that stood up for what they believed
in, even when it was hard.
-You are quiet in a library to show that you care about (respect) others' need
to read without interruption.

-You follow your parents' rules to show them you care about (respect) how
they feel towards the situation.
-You dress, speak, and act in a way that shows you care about what you know
is right and safe, because you care about (respect) yourself and your wellbeing.
-You don't call people names because you care about (respect) their feelings.
-You don't hit or otherwise hurt people because you care about (respect) their
-You don't interfere with other people's right to look, think, or act differently
than you because you care about (respect) their feelings and well-being.
E Equipment

Uses school equipment appropriately and according to teacher expectations

in all of the following settings: classrooms, Resource Centre, Technology Lab,
Gymnasium, Art Room, Music Room, Lunch Room, Canteen for Cooking Club,
and playground area
Uses technology in a positive and productive manner
Takes care of the textbooks and learning materials provided for student use

S Self

Demonstrates honesty and strives to do ones personal best academically

and socially
Takes pride in all accomplishments and celebrates ones personal successes
Dresses in a manner appropriate for school and school-sponsored activities
Takes ownership and accepts necessary disciplinary measures

P Peers & Others

Understands that each person is unique and treats them kindly and
respectfully regardless of economic status, national or ethnic origin, religion,
culture, body image, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or
Understands and respects the importance of personal space and belongings
Is cooperative, courteous, and respectful in dealings with administrators,
teachers, school staff, bus drivers, other students, and volunteers
Takes the initiative to seek help for others
Avoids physically or verbally aggressive behaviour in person or online

E Environment

Disposes of waste and recyclables in appropriate containers during the school

Keeps lockers, textbooks, washroom walls, desks, etc. free from markings and

Keeps a clean and organized locker/desk

Walks in all school areas
Refrains from bringing allergens into the school (i.e. food, scents, etc.)

C Citizenship

Acts as a responsible citizen to help those in need by contributing to local,

provincial, and global causes such as food drives, Terry Fox Walk, Walk For
Breakfast, Janeway Day, Cakes For Change in support of Relay For Life, Shave
for the Brave, etc.
Feels comfortable in suggesting new ways to help those in need
Supports positive school spirit

T Teaching & Learning

Attends school on a regular basis and is on time for class

Is prepared for class with all required materials (i.e. pencils, textbooks,
binders, etc.)
Follows classroom rules and responsibilities such as listening to instruction,
raising hand, refraining from blurting, and participating in class activities
Completes and submits all required work on time
Utilizes electronic devices for educational purposes

B) Inappropriate Behaviors
In abiding by Anthony Paddon Elementary Standards of Behavior, all members of
the school community are expected to refrain from:
Minors (Level 1)
These behaviours are
handled by the classroom
teacher or the attending

Middles (Level 2)
These behaviours are
handled initially by the
attending adult, but are

Majors (Level 3)
These behaviours are
immediately referred to
the administration.


Teasing/name calling

referred to the
administration if

Inappropriate hallway,
stairwell, and
cafeteria behaviour


Physical aggression




teasing/name calling

threat/intimidation of

teachers personal


Theft (serious)

Disrespecting other
students personal


Inappropriate Internet
sites and/or print

Inappropriate use of
Social Media

representation of
school (field trips,
performances, etc.)

Chronic middle

Using language that is

violent, profane, or

Using technology to
intentionally abuse or
bully another person

Non-compliance of
classroom Code of

Incomplete school

Talking out of

Disrespecting other
students and/or
school environment


Inappropriate use of
electronic devices

Assembly behaviour

Inappropriate use of
personal equipment

language choice

Unprepared for class

disrupting the
teaching and learning

Chronic minor

Any violent or bullying


Making derogatory or
hateful comments
towards others


*All behaviours that are given in this code are meant to serve as examples and are
not exclusive. There are circumstances that occur outside of the school that may
have an impact on student learning and will be addressed at the school level. Any
activity that violates a local, provincial, or federal law is prohibited.

C) Proactive Strategies

Expected behaviors as identified in Anthony Paddon Elementary

Standards of Behavior will be encouraged and supported through the
school-wide practices listed below.
Behavioral expectations are discussed with all members of the school
community during scheduled meetings.
Standards of Behavior for students are reviewed, practiced, and
discussed on a regularly scheduled basis and as needed.
Standards of Behavior are applied consistently by all staff.
Students are presented with a choice of behaviors and related
consequences to enable them to make an informed choice before
Appropriate behaviors are modelled by school staff.
Appropriate student behaviors are acknowledged by staff.
Teachers contact parents/guardians to provide feedback on student
behavior and accomplishments.
Curricular and extra-curricular programs that promote social skill
development are available. For example, an alternate program, peer
mentoring, a Gay-Straight Alliance, Roots of Empathy, arts, and
Environmental and/or programming changes are considered.
Referral for assessment may be considered by the Service Delivery
The student may be referred for counselling.
Referral to District staff or outside agencies may be considered.
Teachers consistently document inappropriate student behavior.
Focused support is available for small groups and individual students.
D) Reactive Strategies
We expect an increase in personal responsibility, self-discipline, and acceptance of
diversity as students progress through the grades. Students need to be encouraged
to take ownership and responsibility for their actions. They need to know what rules
were broken, how to find a solution, and how to appropriately deal with the situation
in the future. They may have to make amends in some form or another (restorative
justice). When these are used in a fair and consistent manner, students will be able
to take more personal responsibility for their own behaviour as they progress
through school.
In response to inappropriate student behavior, teachers and
administrators of Anthony Paddon Elementary shall utilize a Reactive
Strategy, depending on:

The circumstances of the behavior;

o The other people involved (staff/students/etc.)
o The environment
o Precipitating factors
o Special circumstances
Past reactive strategies utilized for this student;

Frequency of the behavior;

the students exceptionality and/or Individual Education Plan.

The following is the range of consequences that may be used at Anthony Paddon
1. On-the-spot reminders, conference, reprimand
2. Model and/or re-teach expected behaviours
3. Follow-up meeting between the student and the staff member
4. Contact parent or guardian with a confirmed response
5. Restitution
6. Referral to counselling or administration.
7. Loss of privileges
8. Behaviour contract
9. Behaviour Management Plan
10.Persistent or serious indiscretions will be directed to assistant principal or
principal (in and out-of-school suspension)
11.Police involvement
This range of responses is not necessarily sequential. This means that the point at
which we begin our intervention will vary with the severity of the incident, and that
not all steps are necessary in all situations. For example, a teacher may simply
confer with a student or may refer the matter to counselling or
administration. Some issues, such as classroom misbehaviour, may result in
sequential elevation up the scale, depending on the student's response to teacher
intervention. On the other hand, major infractions such as verbal or physical
aggression will be immediately directed to administration.

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