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Feet and The Fi ns

By: Mateo

I m agine you'r e in the big deep extr aor dinar y ocean and you?r e a huge Gr eat W hite Shar k giving effor t
to hunt som e food. You?r e sw im m ing left to r ight until you sense som ething w ith your am azing sense of
sm ell. Your sm ell can sense pr ey fr om 1 m ile aw ay or m or e. How ever, you have to sw im as fast as you
can befor e your pr ey out sw im s you and you can?t sense them anym or e. Gr eat w hite shar ks can
m easur e 10 m eter s long! Inter ested? Well it's not over yet, w e have m or e aw esom e infor m ation to
com e! Don't m iss out!

How do you hunt Mr Shark?

Don't under estimate sharks!

N or m ally, Gr eat W hite Shar ks love to eat seals and m istakenly som etim es

A s you r ead ear lier in the ar ticle you saw that r ar ely shar ks m ight

hum ans. Seals ar e their num ber one pr ey on their list, since they contain
so m uch fat and m eat inside their floppy bodies. Som etim es they attack
innocent sur fer s because they look like seals since they have sur fboar ds,
w hich m ay seem like the a belly of a seal. Cur ious like Cur ious Geor ge,
their techniques and str ategies ar e beyond the br illiant m inds of us hum an
beings. You w onder w hy? I?ll show you w hy. So this is how it begins: Fir st
of all, they have to locate a seal near by by follow ing the sense of sm ell w ith
their big nose. Although it m ight take a w hile, som etim es... They can spot
their supper w ith their am azing eyesight and appr oach slow ly to their
pr ey. This pr ocess includes a lot of patients. Tick , Tock , Tick , Tock ... So
w hen the seal ain't m oving? ?Relax, w hat could go w r ong?? thinks the
seal... CHOM P!!!!! The shar k jum ps at seal and snatches the seal like a
gr ape. Supper is ser ved and another successful hunt!

attack hum ans. Her e ar e 5 r eliable and aw esom e w ays to be safe

ar ound shar ks:
1. Don?t sw im w hen the w ater is not visible, because if you can?t
see, som ething m ight jum p out of now her e! M aybe a shar k?
2. Don?t sw im w her e ther e ar e seals, you r em em ber how I said
seals ar e their top pr ey on their list? Well that's w hy?
3. Don?t sw im w her e ther e have been spotting of shar ks in the ar ea,
because it is danger ous to be near to shar ks.
4. Tr y not to sw im on your ow n because it w ould be m or e
danger ous by your self, especially if you'r e a kid.
5. Tr y to stay near to shor e, I think m ost of you know w hy, because
shar ks ar e w aiting for a victim fur ther aw ay in the ocean.
6. Don't panic! Or else it is m or e likely the shar k w ill get m or e
cur ious.

Did you know that a fem ale

shar k is bigger than a m ale
shar k .

Fin cutting and soup

H ave you ever hear d that people ar e cutting off fins fr om shar ks for a soup? Now m ost of you
ar e pr obably thinking, "They'r e doing it because they w ant food and w ho car es about shar ks"
and also because they they can seem danger ous. Well think again? w e should car e about
shar ks since they also have lives like us and they deser ve the sam e am ount of r ights as us
hum ans. We ar e anim als too! Secondly, shar ks ar e becom ing endanger ed and one day they w ill
be extinct. For exam ple the old species of shar k called the M egalodon, w hich w as even bigger
than the Gr eat W hite Shar k but now they do not exist. The Gr eat W hite shar k m ight have a
chance. People ar e killing and cutting fins for food. The sad par t is that they ar e just cutting off
the fin of the shar k and just let the shar k bleed to death. In my per sonal opinion that is ver y
cr uel. Just im agine if w er e the shar k and im agining that type of cr uelty happening to you, you
pr obably w ould not like it! If w e could cast a spell on ever yone to never eat shar k fin soup,
Then the gr eat w hite shar k w ill live for a long tim e.

Conclusion to the stor y

Ok now for the conclusion, Shar ks ar e huge, shar ks ar e
deadly, shar ks ar e supposed to eat them all. Shar ks ar e
not supposed to be sw im m ing aw ay fr om pr edator s, they
should hunt their pr ey! Shar ks ar e geniuses. It is
sur pr ising how a sea anim al can do all of these things on
their ow n. The jaw s? ar e unbelievably and
extr aor dinar y str ong. Those beasts can bite thr ough
bones in seconds? That m akes the The Gr eat W hite
shar k is unbelievably the best sea pr edator in the w or ld.
If you w ant to stop shar ks fr om dying the fir st step is to
think about the food your eating and ask your self do you
need to eat this? Does my body need this to sur vive? In
the case of shar k fin, w e can live w ithout eating it.

http:/ / search?text=sharks

M am m al or fish?
M any m ay not know, but have you ever
w onder ed if a shar k is a m am m al or a fish?
Even I did not know that w hen I w as still
planning this ar ticle. Take your guesses now.
Dr um Roll people!!!!!! If you have pr obably
guessed it. A shar k is not a m am m al. So now
m ost of you m ight be thinking, "w hy w ould a
shar k be a m am m al, its a fish duh, w hy w ould
you think that!" Let m e explain. Shar ks ar e not
m am m als because they ar e equipped w ith a
skeleton w hich is tougher than a hum ans
skeleton and also because they have scales. No
w onder w hy shar ks ar e unbelievably str onger
than us. It does not m ean you have to for ce
your self to star ting w or king out. They w ill
alw ays be str onger than us. If the shar k w as a
m am m al they w ould be like w hales and
dolphins annoyingly having to br eathe above
w ater ever y now and then. For shar ks that
w ould be r eally har d w hen they ar e hunting
because they have to stay under w ater to keep
tr ack of their pr ey. Unlike us w ho ar e
w ar m blooded m am m als, shar ks ar e nor m ally
cold blooded and that m eans that they ar e
used to the extr em ely cold w ater in the ocean
and don't catch hypother m ia.

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