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How drunk driving affects

Jason Pennington

Physical effects
NHTSA reports 8,175 young drivers in the U.S. ages 15-20 were involved in fatal crashes in 1999, resulting in the
deaths of 5,329 youths in that age group (of which 3,561 were the drivers themselves). In total, 6,374 fifteen- to 20year-olds were killed in auto accidents that year, and alcohol use was cited in 2,238 of these fatalities, the highest
level since 1996.
The percentage of teens in high school who drink and drive has
decreased by more than half since 1991.
1 in 10
One in 10 teens in high school drinks and drives.*
Young drivers (ages 16-20) are 17 times more likely to die in a
crash when they have a blood alcohol concentration of .08%
than when they have not been drinking.

mental effects
14% of teens have been intoxicated at least once in the past year. Nearly 8% of
teens who drink say they drink at least five or more alcoholic drinks in a row
(binge drink).
the rate of alcoholrelated traffic crashes is greater for drivers ages 16 to 20
than for drivers age 21 and older (4). Adolescents also are vulnerable to
alcoholinduced brain damage, which could contribute to poor performance at
school or work. In addition, youthful drinking is associated with an increased
likelihood of developing alcohol abuse or dependence later in life. Early
intervention is essential to prevent the development of serious alcohol problems
among youth between the ages of 12 and 20. This Alcohol Alert describes
some of the most harmful consequences of underage drinking as well as
prevention and treatment approaches that can be applied successfully to meet
the unique needs of this age group.

Emotional effects
The relaxed feeling you can get when you have that first drink is due to the chemical changes alcohol
has caused in your brain. For many of us, a drink can help us feel more confident and less anxious.
Thats because its starting to depress the part of the brain we associate with inhibition.
The cumulative effects of chronic alcoholism result in brain cells that are destroyed, synapses broken,
circuits that no longer fire or do so in wrong sequences. A person who drinks heavily over a long
period of time may suffer brain deficits that persist long after he or she achieves sobriety. Heavy
drinking may have extensive and far-reaching results, ranging from simple memory slips to
permanently debilitating conditions that require long-term custodial care .


social effects of alcohol

Although most people abuse alcohol because it makes them feel better about themselves, the truth is
that over-use of alcohol tends to negatively impact the abusers personality. Increased irritability, poor
judgment and reasoning are just a couple of ways that alcohol damages the human personality and
relationships by extension. One study suggested that abuse of alcohol is behind as much as 40
percent of instances of serious domestic violence. Alcoholism is attributable to verbal and physical
abuse of the spouse and the children and carries a great responsibility for the break up of marriages.
Children living in the home with an alcoholic have lower grades, higher rates of depression and
frequently feel socially isolated.

Teens should not be under the influence an
drive. More teens are killed in car crashes
then anything else.

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