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10 February 2010

Today’s Tabbloid

ROGUE FEED solid yet not.

Dwimmermount, Session 30 Once again trusting in Tyche, Brother Candor passed within the
FEB 09, 2010 08:20A.M. hemisphere, followed by his companions, and found himself in a room
made entirely of some peculiar metal. Vladimir licked some of the
The party continued its explorations of Dwimmermount, fully mapping surfaces to get a good taste of it and stated that it was some type of
— or so they believe, at any rate — the entirety of the catacombs beneath adamantine but “with a spicy kick.” There were no obvious exits and the
the temple to the Iron God. This left them with two options: return to walls were covered with all manner of blinking lights and whirring
Muntburg or Adamas or look for something they might have missed machines. In the center of the room was a raised table that bore some
previously. Brother Candor suggested they consider looking more closely resemblance to the one that propelled them into the gray misty realm but
at a “mechanical table” they’d seen earlier. The table was festooned with much more finely made. Indeed, many of the devices in the room bore
gears, knobs, and dials, and was placed at the center of a series of tracks some passing resemblance to things they’d seen in Dwimmermount but,
that led away in various directions. He assumed that, properly used, it again, more finely made, as if those in the dungeon were crude copies of
might lead to areas of the catacombs as yet undiscovered. more perfect types.

A wandering monster encounter with an ochre jelly briefly interrupted Resting on the raised table was a man-shaped being in a suit of black
their experimentation with the table. Once the ooze was dispatched, armor. He bore some resemblance to a statue they’d seen in the temple
Vladimir suggested helpfully that no amount of mere experimentation of the Iron God, leading the characters immediately to think that
would yield any results unless someone lay on top of the table. This was, perhaps this was the Iron God. The figure was clearly breathing but he
after all, the purpose for which it was clearly built. This insight led to did not move and seemed otherwise to be in a kind of stasis.
some momentary worry that it was a dissection or embalming table and Dordagdonar boldly attempted to examine the table on which the figure
that laying on it would result in death. However, there was no evidence rested and then heard a disembodied voice in his head speak: “Greetings,
of blood or gore stains on the table nor were there any runnels along its traveler. What brings you to this place?” After some effort, all of the
edge to suggest that such liquids were drained away when used. characters present were able to participate in this telepathic conversation
with the figure on the table. He informed them that his name was
After further discussion, Brother Candor decided to trust in the Lady and Xaranes and that he had come “into the sphere” in order to find and
get on the table, while Dordagdonar operated its controls. After some destroy “the shard” that had passed within it. He claimed to be “just a
fiddling, he found a setting that caused the table to turn to face a wall man, no different than yourselves” and “a servant of the Makers.”
after which it seemed to lurch forward without even moving and Brother
Candor disappeared. Startled by this, the party then discussed what to do These revelations led to more intense questioning. Xaranes seemed to
next. Iriadessa emphatically stated that she would stay behind in have difficulty expressing his thoughts in words the characters could
Dwimmermount, while Dordagdonar, Vladimir, and Gaztea all took easily understand and so his answers were often cryptic. As best the
turns getting on the table and vanishing just as did the cleric of Tyche. characters could ascertain, he was from “outside” and was wounded in
Those left behind were all henchmen and hirelings, who indicated they’d his original quest. Convalescing here, he sought out a way to heal himself
stay only for a short time before returning to Muntburg to await their and it was in this effort that he contacted “other men” to whom he taught
masters. They were, after all, not paid enough to wait in the dungeon the secrets of “energy conversion” for this purpose. The characters
indefinitely, especially when it’s possible their employers had been assume that these “other men” were the priests of the Iron God, whose
forever lost. machines were made according to the instructions of Xaranes, albeit
crudely and according to the materials available to them. “The shard,”
Fortunately for the PCs, they were not forever lost, though they had they suspect, is the Eater of the Dead, which Xaranes noted was “but a
arrived — at varying intervals and out of temporal sequence — in a piece” of a larger entity whose “kin” have more influence “within the
featureless, foggy place. This place included solid ground beneath their sphere” than the Makers wished they had.
feet but little else. The characters noticed a light ahead and they walked
toward it, eventually seeing a translucent hemisphere inside of which As the characters puzzled this out, Xaranes noted that he had hoped to
they could vaguely make out what appeared to a funeral bier upon which have been fully healed by now but that the flow of energy had long since
lay the body of a man. As they got closer, the light become more intense ceased. He wondered why that was. It was then that Dordagdonar
and the shapes within the hemisphere became more indistinct. Touching explained that the men he had once contacted were long dead, killed by
the hemisphere, they found it cool to the touch but also permeable — another group of men whose own beliefs were very different. When

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 10 February 2010

Xaranes asked for an explanation, Dordagdonar said that they did not
know all the beliefs of these other men (i.e. the Termaxians) but that
some at least did not believe in an existence after this one and so deemed
the priests of the Iron God fools. Xaranes laughed at this, asking “Who
could be so blind as to not see the plan the Great Maker has laid out for
us? Who could doubt that this existence is but an antechamber to a
greater mansion beyond?” Dordagdonar made a feeble attempt at
explaining the Termaxians might think so, but did not press the issue.

Xaranes then asked the PCs to help him regain his strength so that he
might remove the shard from within the sphere and complete his
purpose. To do this, he would need someone to organize the effort.
Brother Candor volunteered and Xaranes then transferred into his mind
the means by which he could do this. It was then that Brother Candor
realized that the worship of the Iron God was the means by which energy
was generated and healed Xaranes. To heal him fully, he would need to
re-establish such worship. How he would do this — and what the high
priestess of Tyche would think about it — were the things he was left to
ponder as Xaranes returned them all to Dwimmermount.

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