Hour Log - Sheet1-2

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Senior Seminar

10/29/2014 Meeting with Marti-Researched new articles specifically about ELL Parents. More
specifically on how the parents background influences their
expectations for their child's education. The article caught me a little
off guard because I've always was led to believe that a parent
wouldn't normally interact due to their child's language learning.
Turns out that ELL parents have postive effects on that aspect, but
need more help in the support apsect. I've read part of the article so
far, but the other parts are going to give specific examples of two
different families and answer the three questions asked in the
11/12/2014 beginning.
Meeting with Marti: we discussed about my senior project outline.
We tried to figure out how to make the paper flow between the
different topics and find other resources to use. In addition, Marti
helped me think through the paper. I had ideas on the outline, but as
I spoke, the ideas became more clear. Marti also gave me an idea of
12/19/2014 speaking with a reading specialist which I will look into.
Phonecall with Courtney: Courtney is a teacher/board member of
the school CIty Year. She works alongside low-income students in
Providence. We talked about her position in the school and how the
school works with engaging parents. There are different groups in
the school that work with both the community and parents in
engaging with the school. This group comes together every week
and have parent nights or potluck once a month. According to
Courtney, despite their efforts, not many parents show up to the
meetings. Beside the parent nights, the school has parents
volunteering within the school daily. Each teacher tries to
communicate with the teachers differently so its difficult to say which
methods are working. The most parents come in are when there are
giveaways... the committee uses incentives to get the parents
involved. In terms of non-english speaking parents, City Year has a
bilingual learning program, but once children are fluent in english,
they are no longer part of the bilingual program. Remind Courtney to
12/29/2014 give me the contact info of the members of the committees.
Began writing the background for research paper. Got at least a
page done but stiil need to search for a better way to write it and
1/9/2015 include more statistics and information
Added statistics into the outline and explained the significance of
them in terms of thesis. Still need to find some statistics or
1/14/2015 information for some parts but I have a general idea.
I read a study about the difference between ELL and EL1 students
how much much their parents communicate and are involved with
the child's education. They used kindergarten children and tested
both their reading abilities and mathematic abilities and tried to form
a connection between involvement and the results of the test.
Parents from both ELL and EL1 have around the same highest
education level. The results of this study showed that ELL parents
do communicate less with their child's teacher but are just as
involved with the child's education as the EL1 parents. In addition,
there is no significant difference between both reading and
mathematics test scores of the children from both groups. This study
suggests that involvement is more significant than communication.
Despite these conditions, there is an important sentence in this
study that says involvement is a SHARED responsibility meaning
that the parents and teachers must work together in order to help
the children. They need to communicate in order to reach
1/12/2015 understanding and a concensus.
Emailed Gipsys, a family outreach ambassador, and scheduled a
meeting with her for Thursday at 5pm. Need to discuss the location
1/20/2015 of the meeting.
Outlined section 3 and continued to write section one. Still need to
finish one subsection for section one and need to start writing
1/21/2015 section three.
























Did more research for subsection 2 of section 1 and for section 3.

Read a couple articles for both and took some notes. I also saved
additional ones that I can read over the weekend. ... The articles
were about how to reach out to parents, particularly those who cant
speak english, and how to communicate more effectively. Also,
there is one thesis I found that talks about low-income families and
how financial strains can contribute to less involvement. I began
writing my introduction since I thought of an idea-- parents wanting
to be superheros.. they want to do everything for their child and want
to give them the best... but sometimes they cant... Something
among those lines I feel would be a great way to reel in the
Finished my proposal and handed it to Doc to check grammar
before handing it in to Marti
Emailed Caitlin from Providence Talks about possible volunteer
work and simple gaining contact to learn more about the
organization as a whole.
Met with Gipsys and discussed mostly about what she does as a
Family Reach Ambassador. She teaches parents about how to they
can help their child through the "Mind in the Making" curriculum. In
addition, she organizes parent events and as a result, parents feel
comfortable speaking to her about anything.

2/4/2015 Corrected proposal and handed it to Marti to look over for feedback.
Worked on ideas for counter arguments, continued writing
introduction, but I'm not sure whether I should talk about my own
personal experience... I feel like it could add perspective, but I don't
think it would be a good idea... I'll talk to Christina since she'll have a
good feedback on it. Took notes on some articles and organized a
2/4/2015 new binder for my research and project.
Research more articles for counter arguments... Still need to find
more... There are some holes for certain sections and researched
it... Created the outline for the counter arguements with facts to
refute the claim/statistic.. Wrote it more like I would write it for my
2/5/2015 research paper so I can simply plug back in..
Researching for counterarguments. Read a couple articles about
parent perspectives, but some that were more specifically focused
on that is only on J store that I have to pay for... I wrote my
introduction and finished section 1. I included graphs to better
demonstrate the correlation between certain factors and children
2/6/2015 success
Continued writing section 2. It seemed a little off to me, but I just
wrote everything that came to mind at first just so that my ideas
were down on physical paper. I tried to start writing my counter
arguement paragraphs, but my arguments don't seem that great... I
feel like I could make a better stance and refute them, but I can't find
articles to support the claims I tried making. Everything I found
2/8/2015 seemed opinionated and it didn't help me at all.
Finished writing section two. It sounds a lot better compared to a few
days ago. I continued with trying to find research for my counter
arguments since I hardly have anything. I spoke with Stacy about
possible idea for counter arguments and went from there. I began
writing those sections. Right now, they seem good enough for my
first draft but afterwards, I can get feedback and more ideas on how
I can possibly fix it. Didn't realize I hadn't finished the background
and took initiative to write something down. WHY IS IT SO HARD
Met with marti about my proposal. Signed off, but she gave me
some input about how I should be careful of what I say in stating
information. Since I have no credibility as an adult or a parent, I
should be careful on how to say a parents needs to be involved. I
2/11/2015 cant demand parents to do certain things. I need to encourage them.
Finished writing section three. I reread through everything I had so
far and began taking of weird sentences and tried to explain my
statistics and facts better. Some parts I explained were a little
confusing so I tried to fix that to the best of my abilities. It's due
2/11/2015 friday and I want it to be a good draft
This day was dedicated to making sure my paper was fine. I finished
writing my introduction and conclusion, and I looked over my paper
again and again. I forgot to put some sources in my works cited so I
put those there. In my paper, I forgot some in-text citations. In one of
my counter arguments I completely forgot one point and I tried to
squeeze it in. And I constantly just reread my paper over for
mistakes, and kept rewriting explanations.. I was panicking about
2/12/2015 how my draft ended up.



























Emailing back and forth with Denis Debarros from the Central Falls
3/2/2015 School District about my project and meeting
I met with Denise about how the Central Falls School District is
trying to engage parents in their child's education. One of the
coolest things they added in each school was a parent lounge.
Inside this lounge are couches, computers, white boards, bulletin
board with after school activities, a copy machine and a volunteer
log in sheet. Now, these schools are constantly encouraging parents
to at least come by the parent lounge as a resource they can use to
learn themselves. Not only does it help them learn, but it
encourages parents to create a relationship with the school depsite
how scary it may seem. In addition to the parent lounge, the schools
hold all kinds of activities open to parents and their families. For
example, on Wednesdays starting next week, there will be weekly
yoga classes for parents and their children. Also, there are ESL
classes, computer classes and so much more. It is just so awesome
3/4/2015 to see how the schools changed from when I was there.
Edited the first three pages of my research paper. Mainly I did the
grammatically corrections Marti put first. I tried to fix some of the in3/5/2015 text citations and the works cited since I did most of them wrong.
Edited another portion of my paper. I rewrote my thesis in order to
inlude certain ideas onto my paper, but I am still a little iffy about it. I
still need to make pretty big corrections and more research in order
3/11/2015 to have my counter arguments.
Researched some parent-child literacy activities for my senior
project. I started an informative brochure.. Just started on the layout
3/18/2015 first and then will decide what I will insert into it.
Corrected small grammar mistakes found throughout my paper.
Began researching more ideas for my counter arguments using the
3/19/2012 links and articles marti provided to me.
Went to Dorcas Institute for a volunteer orientation. Got a position
for a volunteer for the Toyota Family Literacy event. I start on
3/19/2015 Monday from 3:30 to 5:30 every monday.
Researched more articles for my counter arguments. Marti
mentioned that I could switch my arguments and mention more facts
and/or ideas to strengthen that section. I found more indepth
information about how parents feel about the school. There is one
parent that mentioned they feel uncomfortable talking with the
school because teachers mainly want to speak with parents to
discuss how their children are troubled both academically and
attitude wise. In addition, some agree that because they cannot
speak English and did not finish their schooling, helping their child
with homework is difficult. I decided to put that information in my
3/20/2015 counter argument.
Began rewriting my counterarguments. Included the ideas that I
researched and extended my argument to be stronger and more
3/22/2015 convincing.
Went to Dorcas Institute for my Volunteer position. There were some
confusion on where it would take place (two campuses) and I
couldn't make it to the first one. I emailed my supervidor Yomely to
talk about the confusion. She said to call and to be ready for next
3/23/2015 monday to volunteer.
Emailed different schools asking if I could create the Literacy
Leaders program at the school. Schools I emailed were ICS next
3/24/2015 door and Ella Risk in Central Falls.
Began researching different parent activities to use as part of the
club and for the possible parent night with the students. Found
different (and creative) activities, but I need to be able to find
different activities for different grade levels. Not sure what can
appeal to children in 1st and 2nd grade.... I discussed with my sister
about which activities and she decided to give me some ideas about
different activities too.... I pasted the links onto a different doc with
3/25/2015 the actvities.
Briefly met with Marti to disuss my paper and project. Got my paper
3/26/2015 signed off!! :)




































HELLLLPPP MEEEEEEE~~~~~ :D She said that she is willing to
help me with my project and starting it up as an after school program
at the school. She is only available on Wednesdays after school.
She said after school programs usually run until 4:30 at Veterans so
maybe we can work until then. In addition, she told me to talk with
the Director Mrs Lynch about starting the program. There might be
an application that i need to start, but I'll know the specifics after I
meet with her. Until then, Mrs Alix wants me to create a flyer for
children to take home that lets parents give the child permission to
go Literacy Leaders. Also include basic information on the flyer.
Began working on possible lesson plans and created some
questions about how transportation and volunteers would work. I
plan on talking with Diego during my free about when I could have
the days and who could possibly take us to Vets and back to school
for Pawtucket students.
Went to Dorcas Institute for Toyota Family Literacy Program. It
wasn't focusing only on literacy, but at different aspects of their lives.
First couple weeks are about Health and the parents are learning
about the food groups and how to eat healthy. The lady who was
teaching these topics to the parents then gave them reference
worksheets (but they weren't in english...) and gave them cool
brush/vegetable peeler thing.... Next week, I am in charge of
completing their survey for each family.
Interviewed my sister about the activities she has done when she
began learning to read and comprehend. She brainstormed with me
ideas of possible fun activities I can do in order to make reading
seem entertaining for the younger children.
I tried to create some lesson plans with the information my sister
gave me and the ideas that I already had... It was pretty hard trying
to come up with something since I don't know what the teacher is
really asking for. I have ideas of what projects to do... but I don't
know how to format it or what specific book I would like to use for
this project... I'm pretty stuck at this point in terms of lesson plans....
Met with Mrs. Alix about my project again. We simply just talked
about what it would consist of and how the lessons should be
planned. I had a lot of trouble with this part because I kept
overthinking it, but after this conversation, my head cleared up. It
seemed easier trying to talk the ideas out with someone who would
actually faciltate the project.
Worked on the minor edits on the sections Christina corrected. I
have a habit of awkwardly wording sentences or phrases. At least
she catches onto that so that I can fix them.
Christina gave me harder corrections to do this time. There aren't as
many either, but some are slightly vague. I'm trying me best to
correct them to my abilities but its slightly complicated. I'll ask what
she means tomorrow..... I also worked on completing the flyers and
finding information to put on the brochure, I feel like its too abstract
and too many things are happening at once... I don't know... I feel
like it should probably be simpler and whatnot... I'll see if I can fix
Worked on and completed Flyers to send home to the parents. Just
need to translate it into Spanish and have Christina check it since
my spanish writing skills are horrible..... Started organizing the
information Mrs. Alix gave me into the brochure... Trying to figure
out the sections and word it so that I don't offend the parents

4/5/2015 Made minor corrections to my section 2, section 3 and conclusion

Translated the parent fyler into spanish. Will have Christina look it
4/6/2015 over....
volunteered at Dorcas... The theme I am noticing so far for this
program is health. the parents are learning more about
understanding healthier options and learning what they can do not
only to make healthier choices but also to saving money. It's useful
for them because it helps them better provide for their children. I
think it's important that these parents become more concious about
the decisions they make at home. The food they make can easily
run out at the end of the month if they don't use the steps that the
speaker presented. They all recieved notebooks too for the use of
making grocery lists... But these parents ended up taking notes
4/6/2015 during the whole class so that they will remember important points.
Research some common core standards for the lesson plans. There
are only a couple that I feel would connect rather well with all of my
classes since we will be focusing on a lot of the same things... I feel
that Projects to come up with are harder because it should connect
to the book in some way. I think it will be interesting to see what the
4/7/2015 club will come up with.





































Gathered a few books from Marti's room to decided to see which

books would be good ones to start the lesson plans with. I started
two days worth of lesson plans already. In each of the lesson plans,
I decided to use the template Stacy posted for us. It helped me get a
better perspective of what I wanted to do and how to how to possibly
present it. I created these lessons as a back up just in case the
lessons aren't completed by the time they should be. I assigned one
2-day lesson to Jazlyn so that she can better understand what I'm
asking for, but also learning how to set up a lesson and creating a
project like she may possibly do next year.
Began creating a powerpoint to present to the members of the
literacy leaders club about how the club will be run and what I
expect from them and also address any additional questions they
may have concerning the project... I finished the reading portions of
the lesson plans, now I need to decide how I will gather materials for
my senior project.
Finished completely the English version of the flyer.. still waiting on
Christina to translate. Emailed Mrs.Alix and she looked over
everything and that it was fine. I'm going to see if I can leave early
during my free block tomorrow just to go to each classroom to pass
out the permission slips and to meet with Ms. Lynch about the
project since she wanted me to but I've just ben so busy
Christina checked over my translation of the flyer and I've made the
corrections that she told me. I worked on the presentation that I
wanted to do for the first day. Added slides about how I expected
them to behave and the layout of the lesson plan they will work
together to create.
Went to Veterans for my brief meeting with Ms. Lynch. Turns out
every Wednesday, there is a mandatory meeting for the faculty
between 2:30 and 3:30. If children needed to stay between those
times then there needs to be someone who can look over the
children for that one hour before the club starts. I offered Ms. Lynch
the possibility of me staying between that time, but it means having
to miss long advisory until school is over for me basically. I am going
to talk to Kyleen in the morning and call Ms Lynch so that I can
finally send out the permission slips. I think I will give the parents the
option of bringing their child in between 2:30 and 3:30 for homework
help or just dropping them off at 3:30. I have to talk to Ms. Lynch
about that too.
Finished an additional 4 slides for the basic powerpoint for the first
meeting. Talked about the ligistics of the club (time/days) and about
what we will do. I also set up some tips on how to get the children to
behave so that they don't feel overwhelmed with them.
Volunteered at Dorcas once again :D.. The parents are still taking
classes about Health, specifically about the food groups. I am still in
charge of gathering all the students for their independent surveys to
get a better idea of their socialeconomic status in addition to their
family background. The number of parents tend to decrease as we
are progressing into the spring/summer time. Only 2-4 students
come out of about 12. Since these parents get a certificate from
completing the program, my supervisor has stressed the importance
of attendance so we'll see how it will translate to next class.
Met with Stacy about some of the corrections on my paper. She
explained each throughly and I was able to understand most of what
they meant after we spoke about it. Some comments were very
straightforward but others were difficult to understand.
LITERACY LEADERS. WOOOO! In our first meeting, I just covered
the basics of the club for that whole time. It was a little difficult to
speak with everyone because they don't really see me as a serious
leader since I'm close to their age. Whenever I would speak, they
had the tendency to have side conversations which I explained I
didn't want. I also spoke to them about the first lesson I had planned
for the class. They all seemed to enjoy the idea of having these
projects and we will still need to choose which one of the two we
would use. For the first meeting, I feel that it went pretty well.
Since there were bigger chunks of explanations that I had to make
on my paper, I spent quite some time trying to elaborate about the
programs I list in my section two. I had trouble because the
comments were to use my voice/ include my ideas, but I didn't
exactly understand how to do it so it took my a while.































Meeting with Marti about the progress about my project. I explained

to her how I've been sending emails to both the principal and the
teacher I've been working with. I've called them before, but I had the
secretary send them a message and I've been waiting for a
response ever since. My plan was to go physically to the school to
talk with either both of them or just one of them.... specifically the
Since there was an event at the school and haven't been able to
reach Ms. Lynch, I decided to just show up to speak to her at the
end of the event. She was surprised to see me waiting the whole
event just to speak with her about my project. I wanted to prove to
her that I desperately wanted to start my program and work with the
kids. We scheduled an appointment to speak tomorrow around 9 in
the morning so that we can put the permission slips into the
children's hands before break.
Met with Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Alix early in the morning! We talked
through the logistics of the program and were able to print out the
permission slips and give them to the kids before they went off to
Completed some edits on my paper. It was some basic edits like
grammar and rewording sentences. I also conducted some research
for the areas where Stacy asked for more.
Since Marti told me beforehand about volunteering, I made sure that
I wouldn't forget to go this time. I went early to the Books Are Wings
office (the first one there too) and created a nice relationship with a
worker. I stayed there sorting as many books as I can into different
reading levels. It was a little difficult because I didn't know whether a
book was going to be a good match to a certain category. I always
asked her whenever I had confusion. When I mentioned my senior
project to her, she said that I was free to come back and choose
books to take to the children so that they can keep.
I continued working on the edits that Stacy gave me. I added all the
research that I did into my edits and elaborated more in the areas
where Stacy asked me to. I have this habit of elborating in more
sentences than I should. Regardless, I feel like my paper moves
smoother compared to how it was last time...I explain everything
more in my own words rather than relying on the statistic to speak
for itself.
I know that I procrastinated and I acknowledge that I took a long
time with corrections, But I FINALLY was able to finish Stacy's first
round of edits and I feel awesome about that.
First Literacy Leaders Class! :D We had about 12 children
participating in the class and all of them attended the first day! It was
exciting. They all had so much energy, but most of them were able
to finish their homework during the homework help time. Many of
them were from the same class so it was easy for them to get along
Finished the lesson plans for the next two Literacy Leaders Classes.
I chose books and projects for the children and just need to gather
the materials I need in order to start setting up the projects.
We began working on service learning projects for the parents of the
program, they are currently brainstorming ideas. One parent was to
create a planting project aimed to teach everyone how planting can
be a great money-saver as well as reusing materials such as empty
coffee cans and using them pots. Another parent wants to create a
workshop on teen pregnancy and how to inform teenagers about
prevention and the different options.
Started working on the second round of edits with Stacy. :D I felt so
motivated when she told me that I could get signed off by the end of
this week. I already finished 3 or 4 of her new edits already and will
continue to work on them throughout the week with her.
We had a meeting reminding everyone about the liguistics of the
class. It is important that everyone knows what they must do in order
to be able to go with me. This week, Jazlyn was in charge of
creating the lesson plan and project based on the book I gave her.
She had a really strong idea about what she wanted to do and we
over such in the meeting. Everyone liked the idea she proposed and
now it was up to everyone to bring objects and materials for her
I continued to work hard with the edits Stacy gave me. I finally
wrapped up all the edits I needed to do to go onto my third round of
edits. The camping trip was this week and I didn't want to worry
about working on my paper over the weekend. All I need to do is
wait for Stacy to look over my paper again to make sure I did what
she wanted me to do.



































In the morning, Jazlyn had just shared with me the worksheet for her
project. I don't mean to sound rude, but you can tell that she literally
made it in the morning. It was completely confusing and I had to
make the worksheet myself. It was frustrating to see that she didn't
take MY senior project seriously. I mean I let her be part of the
project because she needed a Service Learning Project, but I gave
her responsibilities. It's going to hurt her a lot next year.... Besides
that problem in the morning, we went as always to do the homework
help of the program. Everyone else came in a little later. Then we
read "Just a Little Bit" by Ann Thompert and completed a scale
project with objects. The idea was to predict which objects were
heavier by appearance and then to see which are heavier in
comparison. In addition to the project, I tried out discussion
questions with the children to see how they handled them, which
was actually pretty well for the most part.
This week we are finally starting projects! It is amazing to see the
effort all these parents are making to complete their projects! I
LEARNED HOW TO PLANT TODAY and I got to take home a cute
reused flower pot. It was a nice to see her know so much about her
topic. She put so much enthusiasm behind it and even created a
poster that went along with the presentation.
We went over last week's project and now this week's. The children
weren't able to finish both the discussion questions and project so
they just finished the discussion questions. I went over the plan for
next week's project and briefly over the parent night. Everyone took
part in preparing for the project again and had their responsibilities
after the meeting was over as well. I am confident that they willl
come with what I've asked of them.
Homework Help time is always my favorite time because the
children pay attention the most during that time. It is nice to see
them be attentive even though it only lasts about 40 minutes or so.
This week we completed last week's project! whoo! There was extra
time and all the children really wanted to finish their homework that
way they had free time when they got home. I agreed with them and
let them get an extra 10 minutes to do their homework. They all left
without homework and were very content with that. next week I'll just
do the book and project.
I finished the parent notice that Mrs.Alex wanted for the next class. I
had Christina look over the spanish part of the form. I fixed any
mistakes I had on that part and shared it with the teacher. I also
began working on the brochure that I wanted to give to the parents. I
asked Stefany to help me with the spanish translation as I began
planning for the Parent Night.
Another meeting where we went over and prepared for the project.
Since we are reading "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" we wil have the
children create their own pigs. We have been cutting our different
accessories and pig heads and bodies to go on as paper bag
puppets. This meeting was completely about cutting out paper. BUT
we cut out several different accessories so the children can
customize their pig to their liking.
THIS PROJECT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! We forgot some of the pig
heads but we improvised and just made copies of the pig head and
let them make whatever colored pig they wanted. Each child took a
long time to choose whatever accesories they wanted. Since they all
used too much glue, we had to hold onto the pigs until next week
because it was basically drowned with glue. They all wanted to add
more into their pigs, but I just kept them so that they could finish it
with their parents on the Parent Night.
I began planning how I wanted to have the folders to hand out to the
parents. I didn't want to overwhelm them with information so I want
to include some activities, a reading log to make sure their child
keeps up with their reading over the summer and some tips for year.
I started working on making the sheets Mrs. Alix a little more
appealing for the parents and neutral for both languages. I bought
folders and now I need to plan out which activities to go over.
Originally, I wanted to have a panel to teach parents how to
communicate with teachers and to just create a relationship with the
We started organizing the folders and had 2-3 activities. Not a lot so
It wouldn't overwhelm the parents. I got the books from Books Are
Wings and organized them into a bag which I will take tomorrow.



















Only one parent showed up because of confusion in the office.

Despite that disappointment, the children still enjoyed their timew
with us. When I announced the free books, ALL and I mean ALL the
children were really excited about choosing which they wanted. I
was so happy to see that they all wanted the books and were
excited to keep them. I am certainly going to miss all of these kids....
Oh, and I casually spoke with all the parents when they picked up
the children and told them about the folder and the books that their
5/27/2015 child got to keep.


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