Spy Team Number 5

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Spy Team

A Maze of Problems
Emilys hair was all frizzy. Because of the texture of her
hair, the sun makes it frizz up. Emilys real dad is African
American. You could barely tell by looking at Emily,
though. She was up all Friday night reading about the
Labyrinth. The Labyrinth was said to be an underground
maze/prison constructed by Daedalus for the Minotaur by
order of King Minos of Crete. The Minotaur is a monster in
Greek Mythology half man and half bull.
Before Emily and her mom moved in with the McHenlys
Emily wasnt really into Percy Jackson or mythology. She
was a Harry Potter sort of girl. Emily learned that Tara
hated reading really fast. But when she saw her reading
Percy Jackson one day, she was shocked. She didnt
know there could be a book that good to convince her to
read. Emily saw that Tara left her book Percy Jackson and
the Olympians: The Lightning Thief lying on the table one
day. She started reading a little bit, and BAM, she was
Emily read when she was mad or stressed out, but right
now she was furious. It was 10:00pm and Tara still hadnt
come back from after school help (spy mission). Emily was
so upset that Steve didnt like her, but her sister! I mean,
come on class act.
Emily continued reading as she thought about Steve
liking Tara. Daedalus worked in hard labor to build the
maze...it was one of his best accomplishments, Emily
read, Every corner has a surprise worse than the one

before..., Emilys head slammed on the desk and she

didnt say a word.

Emily woke up and had a headache. She must have

fallen asleep reading. It must have been morning. Emily
put her head up and froze. She was in a room with walls
made of stone and she was sitting up in a nice bed. Emily
could tell that the sheets were made of silk.
Emily didnt know where she was, or how she got there.
She stepped out of the bed and looked down at her
clothing. She was wearing a chiton (kiton). A chiton was an
ancient greece type of clothing. It was very loose flowing
and was strapped on one shoulder. Emily was also
wearing a himation. It was like a sash that was also worn
in ancient Greece. Even Emilys complexion was different.
She looked so pale.
Emily heard a knock on the wooden door. A young,
girl with really dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a
fashionable chiton came in. Jasmine?, Emily asked the
familiar girl.
My name is Ana. Im just one of King Minos of Crete
servants., the girl said in a mannerable tone, Your father
wanted me to tell you that the prisoners are sailing over
today, Princess Ariadne.
Emily was confused. King Minos of Crete, Princess
Wait, you mean like Greek mythology King Minos?,
Emily asked confused, And Im his daughter Ariadne.

Myth., Ana said uncomfortably, No. We are in Greece,

but I do not understand this ancient meaning.
Emily thought. She must have actually been in the
ancient Greece time period.
I must be dreaming, Emily said.
A dream from the gods? Was it Athena, Poseidon? Do
you me to take you to the Oracle, Delphic?, Ana asked
Wow, what an awkward dream., said Emily.
Ok. I am going to bring you a glass of something cool.
Stay here while the prisoners get off the ship.
Emily did what she was told for a while. She knew the
story of King Minos of Crete. And in the end, she didnt
want to get stranded on an island and marry a god.
Emily decided to look around the castle. She opened the
door to her room and walked down the hall.
The castle was gigantic and beautiful. With the prettiest
of pottery, and the fanciest of paintings. There were
servants all around the castle, and when Emily passed by
them, they all stared in confusion, but bowed politely.
Emily found herself walking on the beach of the island
Crete. Emily looked from a far and saw the prisoners that
would be offered to the Minotaur. She tried not to look at
any of them because she knew one of them would be
In ancient Greek Myths, Princess Ariadne falls in love
with Prince Theseus and helps him destroy the Minotaur.
But she couldnt help looking away when she spotted a
boy with blonde hair, brown eyes, and he looked muscular.
Steve., Emily said to herself.

She started running toward the prisoners, she tried to

think about the story with the Minotaur and the Labyrinth,
but it was too late.
Theseus., Emily said as she ran toward the boy that
looked like Steve.
Princess Ariadne., the boy bowed. But it seemed more
like a forced bow.
It is an honor to be in your presence., Emily said
touching his hand. She directed him to come with her.
Emily brought Steve to the lowest floor in the castle,
besides the Labyrinth. Emily could have done three things.
Number one: Let the story go as planned and help
Theseus (Steve) kill the Minotaur and agree to take her
away to Athens. Number two: Simply instruct him not to kill
the Minotaur. Emilys always felt bad for the Minotaur. She
knew he wasnt a bad guy/ bull. He was just
misunderstood by some. Option number three: she could
kiss Steve. Shes always wanted to do that, plus Emily
was sure that it was only a dream. Emily decided to kind of
do all of them.
Emily stared deeply into Steves eyes. She wanted to
kiss him so badly, but even know it was a dream it just
didn't feel right. Listen Theseus of Athens, I will help guide
you through the Labyrinth with some golden string from
Daedalus. I will have to sneak it. But I will only do this if
you capture the Minotaur. Bring him to me and I will let the
gods decide his fate. If you kill him, Emily was
surprised at what she did next. She picked up a sharp rock
from the basement floor. She slid the sharp end down the
middle of Theseus body starting from the chest. I will tell

my dad to prepare an army and attack Athens, and I will

kill you with this rock in my bare hands., Emily said. She
could be mean if she wanted to. Steve gulped. He didnt
look scared, but he didnt look not scared either.
Yes my princess., Steve said bowing to Emily. But this
time he seemed like he didnt mind bowing. Emily
whispered for Theseus to go back with the other prisoners
and meet her in her with the Minotaur late at night.
Emily had walked around the castle for two hours trying
to find Daedalus workshop. It made sense that Emily
found it in the basement. Emily opened a door that said
Enter at Your Own Risk.
Daedalus had papers scattered all across the room, halffinished projects, and in one corner what looked like metal
wings. Emily didnt spot Daedalus in his messy workshop,
but she saw a golden ball of thread on his desk. Emily
pocketed (Put it in her sandal) the string and headed for
the door.
What are you doing in here?. Emily almost had a heart
attack. A Hispanic boy with really dark brown hair, brown
eyes, and chiton was staring at Emily. He looked old like
he had been worked very hard. But Emily thought he
looked familiar, like Enrique!
Um well that is no way to talk to a princess., Emily
said hoping that would change the topic.
Listen Ms. Princess. I do not like it here. I might as well
be prisoner. Ive had a really hard life, and now you want
to tell me that is no way to talk to you when you are in my
workshop., replied Enrique.
Wait, Enrique, youre Daedalus?, Emily asked.

Only one of those was my name., Enrique said in a

bitter tone. Emily guessed Enrique was Daedalus in the
Look, Daedalus. You want to escape to where none
could find you, right?, Emily asked walking closer to
Ok, I took this from you., Emily said taking the golden
string off the bottom of her sandal.
Give me that!, Daedalus said snatching the golden
string from Emily's hands.
I need it.
For what?
A plan that includes you being free. But before I tell you,
you have to agree to it no matter what it is.
Daedalus looked like he was thinking. Ok. I have
nothing to lose., Daedalus said.
Ok. I need to give one of the prisoners the string to go
find the Minotaur. The prisoner will bring him-, Daedalus
cleared his throat.
What?, Emily asked.
Have you ever seen the minotaur, princess?
Ok, then you're in for a surprise. But you may continue.
Emily stared at the ground for a while, then continued.
Ok. After the Minotaur is hidden we will not need to keep
our prisoners in the Labyrinth because the beast will not
need sacrifices anymore. You will go in the Labyrinth and
spend the rest of your life there. The maze opens into

many different places so you will not be trapped., Emily

I dont know, Daedalus said scratching his beard (yes,
Enrique grew a beard).
Come on. You know the Labyrinth inside and out. I
mean, for crying out loud you did create the maze.
Daedalus thought of a list of pros and cons. Pro, I will
be hidden and never messed with again. Con, If I
am found I will pay an even worse price than
working for King Minos. Pro, maybe that goddess
will leave me alone, Daedalus thought.
Ok, Ill do it., Enrique said handing Emily the string,
But this better work.
Emily said thank you as she ran out the door.
Emily (Princess Ariadne) was waiting in her room to
hear a knock on the door. She gave Steve the string, and
gave him a good luck hug. Theseus (Steve) seemed to like
the hug. That made Emily happy until she remembered
that this whole thing was a dream.
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, Emily heard on her bedroom
door. Ariadne hurried to the wooden door and opened it.
When Emily opened the door she saw Theseus, but no
Where is the minotaur?, Emily asked disappointed.
I think you will be surprised by the beauty I found. Shes
gorgeous., Steve said with a sparkle in his eyes.
Emily felt a very familiar feeling. Jealousy. Theseus liked
the Minotaur, and he thinks it is a she?
She?, Emily repeated.

Yes. Daedalus did not tell you the minotaur was a she?,
Theseus asked Princess Ariadne surprised.
But the Minotaurs name means half man, half bull.
And a bull is a male. If the minotaur is a she, then why
does it have horns?, Emily questioned.
I do not know. But I am sure that the minotaur is a girl.,
Theseus walked outside the door, and came back in
carrying a familiar girl in his hands.
Emily realized the girl was Tara. Her black hair was
longer, and tiny horns poked out of her head. And she had
a brown cows tail. She looked like she was sleeping.
It is a girl. But how did you capture her?, Emily asked.
I hit her with a club and followed the golden string to find
my way out of the Labyrinth., Theseus explained.
Emily didnt say anything. She was shocked. She
realized that the dream wasnt about the story of the
Minotaur and the Labyrinth, how the monster died, what
happened to Theseus father, or how Princess Ariadne was
left stranded on an island. The dream was corresponding
to her life.
I think Ive fallen in love with the minotaur., Steve said.
Making Emily feel very upset.
The Minotaur opened its eyes. Where am I!?!, the
minotaur (or Tara) said in a very angry voice.
Now, now, my dear friend. I am Princess Ariadne. This
is Prince Theseus. He was going to kill you, but I spared
your life., Emily said with all the might she had. Tara was
really scaring her.

Steve gave Emily a glare full of hate. Minotaur, may I

ask you what you are wearing?, Steve asked trying to
change the topic.
Emily noticed that Tara was wearing a t-shirt that said
Beast at Heart and jeans. She was dressed modern
instead of wearing something that would have been worn
in ancient Greece.
The Minotaurs eyes glowed an evil red. Emily realized
that Tara also had hoofs. Tara rubbed her foot against the
ground and charged at Theseus. Emily found a sword near
her bed and she grabbed it.
Do not hurt him or else I will kill you., Emily said with
the sword drawn.
The Minotaur walked away from Theseus. Why did you
attempt to kill me?, Tara said with a little anger in her
Because the people of Athens were tired of sacrificing
their own people., Theseus replied.
That was your debt for it being your father that caused
the death of King Minos son, Androgens., Tara stated.
Emily felt the room getting tense. Maybe the sword
wouldnt save Theseus this time if the Minotaur decided to
charge again.
The point is that you are safe., Emily interrupted.
Tara grunted.
Forget it. But before this young Prince knocked me out,
he said something. What was it, Theseus?, the minotaur
I said that you were a beautiful creature that did not
deserve to be murdered. I apologize for my past plans of
killing you., Steve said with a bright smile.

Tara didnt know what to say.

Finally she said, I will never forgive you for trying to kill
me. But right now, I want to rip out that constructors heart
out. Daedalus, the one that built that prison maze., Tara
said making a noise that sounded like a mix between a
growl and a moo.
No!, Theseus cried, Kill King Minos. He instructed
Daedalus to build the Labyrinth as a prison for you.
Um yeah hello? King Minos daughter standing
right here., Emily said pointing to herself, I forbid you to
hurt my father in any way., Emily said. Even know she
didnt even know who her father was.
The Minotaur stormed out of the room. All Emily could
hear was hoofs steps on the stone floor.
I made a promise to my father, King Aegeus that if I
completed my mission I would hang a white sail on the
ship back. Since I cannot kill the Minotaur, I will bring her
back to my home.
Emily clenched her sword. Im with you., she said as
she winked at him.
Theseus and Ariadne made it to the throne room
where her dad was supposed to be.
Emily was shocked to see who was playing her dad in
the dream. It was her dad. Not Mr.McHenly, but her blood
related dad.
Emily stared at her father. He was from California. He
was African American with black hair that was frizzy. He
had a frizzy beard on his chin to match his hair. He was
chubby and tall. He sat in his throne wearing a chiton that
looked like it was made for well, a king.

Hello Ariadne., King Minos (Leonard is Emilys dads

real name) said with a warm smile toward his daughter. He
didnt seem to notice Theseus.
Have you seen Daedalus?, Minos asked curiously.
Yes, he is in the Labyrinth., Emily replied calmly.
King Minos stood out of his chair and seemed to notice
With the minotaur in there. He will die for certain. I will
call the guards. And why is there a prisoner in here. He
should be in the minotaurs stomach., King Minos said
Theseus saw the Minotaur. It crept right behind the king
holding its club. Steve pointed that out to Emily.
My king, Theseus said bowing, which also reminded
Emily to bow, The beast is right behind you. She wants to
harm you., Theseus said in a normal tone.
Emily advanced. Tara was about to behead the King
when Emily jumped in front of the stab and took it herself.
It hit her in the chest.
As Ariadne was dying, she heard Theseus say: No!.
She heard the king say: My daughter! I will kill the
minotaur with my bare hands. And she heard the
Minotaur say: Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Wake up!, Tara said shaking Emilys shoulders. Emily

opened her eyes.

Where is Theseus, my father King Minos of Crete, and...

, Emily looked at Tara, You dont have horns, or a tail!,
Emily exclaimed.
Tara backed away. Whoa what kind of dream did you
It was crazy. You were the Minotaur, and Steve who was
Theseus liked you. We broke you out of-, Tara interrupted
Wait, did you have a dream about the story of the
Minotaur and the Labyrinth from Greek Mythology? And
did you say that Steve who was in the place of Theseus
liked me? Wow, thats one crazy dream., Tara rushed.
Emily shifted uncomfortably. Emily hoped Tara didnt like
Steve, because if she did and she found out that he liked
her than Emily would have a new enemy. Her sister!
Yeah, crazy dream. But I bet none of that could ever
happen, Emily giggled uncomfortably.
Emily tried to change the subject.
So where were you so late at night?, Emily crossed her
arms over her chest.
With Enriq I mean at school!, Tara said quickly.
You stayed at after school help until 11:00pm on a
Friday?, Emily questioned.
Yeah, sure, lets go with that. P.S. when the Mayors
speech comes on the news, dont watch it., Tara said and
then quickly changed the subject, How was Larrys
birthday party?
Emily hesitated. All she did was embarrass herself in
front of Steve and found out that he liked Tara.
It was good., Emily lied.

I wanted it to be a surprise. Did Steve tell you?, Tara

asked excitedly.
Emily had an outburst, You know that Steve likes you!?
Taras mouth was wide open. If she didnt close it soon
then flies would think its an All Invited party. Steve
likes me? I mean did he tell you that he broke up with
Stefany? So now you would have a chance., Tara
Emily realized the mistake she made. Sorry, I was
thinking about my dream. But Steve told me, super
psyched., Emily said wiping sweat of her forehead.
Tara seemed to sigh in relief. Um ok. Lets finish this
conversation in the morning. Im tired., Tara lied.

Emily was passed out in her bottom bunk. She

Must have had a long day, Tara thought. Tara lied to
Emily so she could write in her journal (I think its a diary)
about her mission with Enrique. If Emily knew Tara had a
journal (I still think its a diary) than Emily wouldnt see
Tara as a tough girl who just goes with the flow. Tara has
trouble with a lot of subjects in school. But besides her
being amazing in technology, shes never told anyone that
she has a gift when it comes to writing.

Saturday, 12:24 A.M.

I just got back from a deadly mission with Russian
spies. It would have been terrible if Enrique wasnt
there. He saved me from almost being knocked out
by a 5-inch heel. For my own good luck, I kissed
Enrique on the cheek. Hes really cool and I like
him, but he probably still likes Emily like every
other boy.
After defeating Godiva and her little minions
(hate that girl) Enrique and I were so tired. Enrique
asked me if I wanted to go with him to get
something to eat. Of course I said heck ya! Nothing
better than eating free food with the guy you like.
We walked into Wendys and everyone looked at
us. We were both wearing suits, and they probably
saw me on the new saving the Mayors life.
None bothered us. It was just both of us eating
hamburgers. The scariest part of the whole day
wasnt the Russian spies. It was when Lily stormed
into Wendys wearing a tattered Indian suit. An
Indian suit is like a Sari except its formal. Lily
walked into the store mumbling in Hindi. Then she
took her shoe off the bottom of her foot and
smacked me in the head with it.
What was that for?, Tara asked confused.
Are you stupid?, Lily spoke with an Indian accent,
Why would you let the cameras catch you? I am
saying so many bad things in Hindi. Just be lucky
youre not bilingual., Lily said looking at me like
she wanted to hit me with her shoe again.

Before I could respond Enrique covered for me,

Godiva left us no choice. She got on stage front
and center. We didnt know what to do other than
catch the fugitive and save the mayors life.,
Enrique exaggerated. I know he probably likes
Emily, but I can see that he cares about me, also.
You got lucky, punks., Lily said in a dramatic way
and then walked back out of Wendys saying things
in Hindi that didnt sound like they should be in a
rated PG movie.
Weirdest thing about my day: Emily said that
Steve liked me, but she said it was just in her
dream. I was relieved because Steve is
straightforward when he likes someone and I
already like Enrique. Im not sure if Emily really
meant that or not, but hopefully it was just a part
of her deranged dream.
Well thats all for Today/ Yesterdays events. Agent
McHenly from International Spy Team, Chicago,
signing out.

The End! (Theme music plays)

This story was dedicated to the Percy Jackson & the
Olympians book series.
Spy Team made it to its 5th episode! *Celebrate Good

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