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8 Millennium Goals:

Cambodia vs. Cote DIvoire

A Comparison by Caitlyn Coon & Shayli Larsen

Definition of the 8 Millennium Goals:

The eight Millennium Development Goals are international development
goals that were established in 2000 with a target end date of 2015.The
main purpose of these goals are to give people of a developing country
a better life, by increasing eight areas. These eight goals, or areas of
improvement, are poverty and hunger, education, gender equality, child
mortality, maternal health, combat diseases, environmental sustainability,
and global partnership for development.

The Goals: Target by 2015

Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger:
Reduce by half the proportion of people living
on less than a dollar a day.
Reduce by half the proportion of people who
suffer from hunger.

Improve Maternal Health:

Reduce the maternal mortality ratio by three

Achieve Universal Primary Education:

Ensure that all children complete a full course of
primary schooling.

Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria

and other major diseases.

Promote Gender Equality & Empower Women:

Eliminate gender disparity at all levels of education
by 2015 and empower women.
Reduce Child Mortality:
To reduce child mortality by two-thirds, from 93
children of every 1,000 dying before age five in 1990
to 31 of every 1,000 in 2015.

Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, & Other Diseases:

Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Ensure Environmental Sustainability:

Reduce by half the proportion of people without
access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
Global Partnership for Development:
Deal comprehensively with developing countries
debt problems.
Address the least developed countries special

All of this information was gathered from the website, www.

Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger:


Low Birth Rate - 11.2%

Underweight moderate to
severe - 28.3%
Population below international
poverty line - 18.6%

Cote DIvoire:
- Low Birth Rate - 17%

Underweight moderate to
sever - 14.9%
Population below international
poverty line - 23.8%

Comparing the poverty and hunger statistics of Cambodia to Cote DIvoire,
we learned that Cote D'Ivoire is well behind Cambodia in these specific areas of
development. We dont believe that Cambodia or Cote D'Ivoire poverty and
hunger will be achieved by the specific date.

Achieve Universal Primary Education:


Children arent finishing school in

They have language barriers
Attendance in early childhood education
is 29.9%
Only 3.6% of children have learning
materials at home
Adult support for learning is 62.4%
Total adult literacy rate is 73.9%

Cote D'Ivoire:
- Children arent finishing school in Cote

Attendance in early childhood education

is 4.5%
Only 4.8% of children have learning
materials at home
Adult support for learning is 50.4%
Total adult literacy rate is

Both Cambodia and Cote D'Ivoire are low in the goal of universal primary education, which is
demonstrated by the low rates of attendance and available learning materials in the home. We
believe that if the people of these two countries had more supplies and learning material available,
then the literacy rates would increase, which will affect the country's progression towards
primary education, but not soon enough to be accomplished for the 2015 year.

Promote Gender Equality & Empower Women:


Adult literacy rate: females as

a percent of males is 79.7%
Justification of wife-beating is
Enrolment ratios: females as a
percent of males is 94.7%

Cote DIvoire:

Adult literacy rate: females as

a percent of males is 72.5%
Justification of wife beating is
Enrollment ratios: females as a
percent of males is 83.3%

While comparing Cambodia and Cote D'Ivoire, we specifically learned that the
gender equality is higher in Cambodia, especially when it comes to the topic of
justification of wife beating. We think that Cambodia is moving forwards to
accomplishing this goal more effectively than Cote D'Ivoire.

Reduce Child Mortality:


Under-5 mortality rate 40

Annual rate of reduction (%)
Under-5 mortality rate, 20002012 -8.5%
Children left in inadequate care
- 31.4%

Cote DIvoire:

Under-5 mortality rate - 108

Annual rate of reduction (%)
under-5 mortality rate, 20002012 - 2.5%
Children left in inadequate care
- 58.8%

Comparing to Cambodia and Cote DIvoire, we learned that Cote D'Ivoire's mortality
rate is lower than Cambodia. We think that both of these countries have some area of
improvement. This work could be done by ensuring that children are left in adequate
care, which will help decrease the annual rate of mortality.

Improve Maternal Health:


Skilled attendant at birth - 71%

Delivery Care, C-section is 3.2%
Maternal mortality rate is 1/150

Cote DIvoire:

Skilled attendant at birth - 59.4%

Delivery Care, C-Section is 2.7%
Maternal mortality rate is 1/53

While comparing the maternal health between Cambodia and Cote DIvoire, we learned
that Cambodia is successfully improving the maternal health for their country. On the
other hand, Cote DIvoire will not accomplish this specific goal within the time frame set.

Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, & Other Diseases:


Adult HIV prevalence - .8%

People of all ages living with
HIV - 76,000
HIV/AIDS and Malaria are well
under control but there are
issues in TB control

Cote DIvoire:

Adult HIV prevalence - 3.2%

People of all ages living with HIV
- 450,000
Malaria, 2008-2012, Children
sleeping under ITNs - 37.2%

The comparison between Cambodia and Cote DIvoire with the people of all ages
living with HIV is remarkable. We think that Cambodia is improving this goal, and could
possibly be accomplished by the end of 2015. However, Cote DIvoire isnt quite there
yet, and still needs improvement.

Ensure Environmental Sustainability:


Average annual growth rate of

urban population - 3.4%
- Urbanized population 20.1%
- Use of improved sanitation
facilities (urban) - 76.4%
- Use of improved sanitation
facilities (rural) 22.3%

Cote DIvoire:

Average annual growth rate of

urban population - 3.5%
Urbanized population - 52%
Use of improved sanitation
facilities (urban) - 35.8%
Use of improved sanitation
facilities (rural) - 11.4%

When discussing about environmental sustainability in the concept of improved

sanitation, whether it be urban or rural, Cambodia is successfully moving toward
accomplishing the goal of sustainability. Cote DIvoire on the other hand, still has room
for improvement.

Global Partnership for Development:


China is an important partner to

Non-governmental organization partners
have contributed about 12% mainly for
work in the provinces.

Cote DIvoire:

Official development assistance is now at

its highest level, reversing the decline of the
previous two years.
- The United States Government works in
close partnership with the Government of
Cote DIvoire to support their goal of
becoming an emerging country by 2020.

Comparing Cambodia and Cote DIvoire, both of these countries are
achieving the goal of global partnership for development, which is seen by
China being a partner to Cambodia, and the United States helping Cote DIvoire.

8 Millennium Goals: Cambodia & Cote DIvoire:

In closing, we both learned that our adopted countries, Cambodia
and Cote DIvoire have come a long way since 2000 in working on
the developmental goals, and still continue to do so. Cambodia and
Cote DIvoire are in different areas of completing the goals, which
is due to their level of developing. We gathered all of our
information about the goals and specific countries from www.,

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