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Max. Marks: 70(Grading) / 100(Non-Grading)

Times: 2:00 hrs

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: -

Each question carries equal marks.

Q.1 (a) Define CIM. Describe the basic elements of CIM system.
(b) Discuss CIM hardware and software. State the advantages and
Limitation of CIM.
(a) Explain modern manufacturing system. State the role of computer in
Modern manufacturing.
(b) Write about CAD and its application in engineering.
Q.2 (a) Briefly explain various coordinate systems required for display of
Geometric system In Computer graphics.
(b) Name and explain different types of data models used in graphical data
Base structure.
(a) Explain the term product data management. Why is it needed? Gives
scope of PDF System.
(b) Name and explain various transformations of geometric information in
two Dimensional coordinate system.
Q. 3(a) What is rapid prototyping? Give its advantages, limitations and
(b) Explain the basic process of rapid prototyping.
(a) Name and discuss various types of geometric models and their
applications? What do you understand by CSG tree? Give its uses.
(b) Describe the method of defining Hermite cubic spline curve, why its use
is limited?
Q.4 (a) Define CNC machine, discuss the basic component of CNC system with
Block diagram.
(b) Differentiate between NC, CNC & DNC.
(a) What is PLC? State the advantages derived by using PLC instead of
conventional relay etc.
(b) What is part programming? Explain in brief the method of part

Q.5 Writes short notes on any four of the following:

(a) CAPP
(b) Robot Configuration
(c) Production flow analysis
(d) Automated guided vehicle system
(e) Group Technology
(f) Flexible Manufacturing system

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